geodebright-fr · 4 years
*i have not read any breed lore except something about Gaurdians are super protective of treasure and the sizes are hilariously rediculous so this does not include that
Rules for myself: Doing 3 breeds a post and sharing my top fave 3 from my lair. This is on no particular order of favorit breeds.
Last starter breed and ancients, why not lol
So to start with the last of the four starters is the Tundra. I wanna love these fluff balls, I really do. They’re perfect for an ice lair like mine and I like their little ears, thier horn shape, those MANES and omg how squishy thier faces are but... they are naked around the belly. It makes no sense and ruins them completely. They’re supposed to be made for cold, but thier vital tummy organs would freeze right the fuck off. Having thinner fur would make sense cause that’s how it goes but none? None??? Sorry tundies, I can’t collect you cause I can’t get over that. Plus the male pose completely hides the tail and I really like the glow tail tert. I still have one girl I love to pieces tho, when I draw art of her in the future she’s going to have all her fur. So she gets her own spotlight at the least. Below is she: Frosted Spring, she swims and lights the spring that feeds into the lake Charcoal lives in.
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So first ancient has to be Goaler. I can’t believe I didn’t like them at all at first. Might have been the awkward female pose but I def have fallen for these ice giants now. Thier genes absolutly fascinate me, I only wish they had my fave tert Glimmer too. I don’t have beef with the female pose but I def have collected way more males because of my preference. Plus, they got paw pads! Look at those wing paw pads! Below is MagicStarfall the leader of my ancients, sweet little baby FrostMane, and Xanderfall of the ancient fallen.
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And for the only other ancient out rights now are the Banscales. In this case, highly prefer the female pose over the male. The ferocity and fluid motion of them is awe inspiring and terrifying like I’m sure was intended, they’re the wyverns of the dragon world but carry so much dragon-punch to them they really aren’t at all. They’ve got some crazy terts and not all of them I like but they went OFF on the wraith like wow, had to get it for my boy ASAP to make up for his lackluster pose lol. Unfortunate I don’t have three yet but thier next nest I’m gonna be keeping a bab from so maybe later I’ll update this. Shown are: Legacy the hunter and Shadowbane the protectorate.
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Reblog this with some of your faves of these breeds and maybe I’ll get around to what I think of yours! Heck, maybe you can change my mind about Tunds lol
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