milagrosen · 6 years
You've probably be asked this a thousand times, but why do you like Knock Out and Bumble Bee together so much. What makes them an OTP for you?
Alright let your captain tell ya! Now i’ve probably forgotten some points here,for some reason i’ve never written this down maybe i should. Also i’m not a good writer, my wording might be bit clanky but i’ve written these down straight from my mind, uncut thoughtsFirst of all, they’re adorable like no question. They’re both adorable individually and together they just double the trouble. But here’s deeper reasons
- Because they're so similar yet they’re so different at the same time.They’re both fun-loving, sassy, smart, charismatic, very multitalented, down-to-earth and collected and lovable dorks, bit awkward but in a cute way.But they’re so different, KO is more flamboyant and can be little eccentric at times. Where’s Bee is more calm and keeps his cool and emotions well in almost any situation. Not that KO is a exploding mess, not at all, but he does express his thoughts, positive or negative more than Bee does.Bee is the sweetest, kindest and chivalrous guy but he has low self esteem when it comes to his person. Knock Out on the other hand has great self esteem but is bit closed off and selfish. They could learn a lot form each other as in to grow. Their differences are perfectly imperfect and their similarities are so complimentary.- They've many same interests. They both love racing and spending their free time at night, they both love Earth and its things like movies. They like keeping themselves looking presentable, like dancing, music and they kinda have the same sense of humour. They just have good time together, never run out fun things to do. But they’d also be perfectly content just being in the same room doing their own things.- Bee'd be such a good friend form the start for KO. He loves all of his friends and he’s not "after anything". He just wants to support and cheer up his friends. And i think thats’ really gonna hit KO hard, someone so genuinely kind and caring. I don't think it’s something Knock Out really has seen or experienced and it’d be something that he’d perhaps admire and then ultimately fall for. And since Bee is always so nice and helpful, KO’d feel comfortable around him and seek Bee’s company when he can before anyone else’s- They’d be positive influence to each other and help each other to grow as a person. With Bee, KO’d learn to be part of a close team, make friends who are kind and happy to hang with him. Also Bee’s braveness and sense to stand up what’s right are something KO’d start to pick up on and eventually he’d grow to not be afraid to stand his ground. And for Bee, KO would bring this sense of freedom just to be. It’s different to hang with KO, like BB's status and reputation drop and he’s just a young, energic bot who likes to have fun. KO doesn’t expect BB to be or do something magnificent every single moment, even tho he knows what a hero BB really is. Bee'd get that feeling of ”normality”, when with KO that the war didn’t really let him have. And KO is such fun company and interesting, different in a good way. I think Bee likes the him that he is when KO is around because he gets to be nothing but himself at the same time.- The fact that Bee knew who Knock Out was when no other Autobot did, like it already gives off the idea that there’s already some history. Especially on Bee’s part, like what if he has seen or even met Knock Out before. Maybe when he still had his voice, did KO meet Bumble with a voice? Maybe he shadowed KO for a job! It could literally be anything and story just waiting to be told
Now i know this is long already and people don’t like too long posts soi’m gonna put everything else under this read more. KOBB continues
- When you kinda think about it, Bee and KO’s relationship was one of the few that developed a lot for the better. Yeah they never hated each other but they were rivals. But then went to associates to team mates to friends to true friends. Such good friends that they stuck together and KO stood by Bee and rest of bots against the corrupted council. I’m sure KO is happy that he did made the right choice and got to know Bee- Both of them think the other is out of their league. Knock Out knows Bee is Cybertron’s biggest hero, he’s brave, righteous, so kind and everyone loves him, why would he pay special attention to him? And Bee knows this amazing and brilliant doctor who is also a good fighter and great racer, he’s gorgeous and funny like why would he be interested in him? So they think the other is incredible, so incredible in fact that they can’t be in the same league when actually they’re both very much equal.- The med-bay would become a place for them. Yes cause BB tends to get dented often but also because it’s such a quiet calm place, which i bet Bee’dstart to appreciate. KO would get to do is thing, BB wouldn’t bother him but he’d give KO his undivided attention when a conversation starts. KO would love that and i think they’re those who can just talk for hours non stop.- Bumblebee and Knock Out are both tragic characters. Yes Bee on a scale is a lot more tragic but they’ve both been through a lot. Their loses, their physical pains they’ve been through, it’s a lot for bots so young. I don’t think either of them sleep well at night. Which though does create them moments to bond together when finding each other in the night. And  Bee is one of the best people you’d ever tell and share your doubts and insecurities. He’s a bot who keeps his promises and doesn’t backstab you. Knock Out’d notice.- Maybe there’s something in that they were more or less "made for each other” Like i think in the Art of Prime the main idea was to make Knock Out fast, an equal to Bumblebee, to be his like counterpart so i suppose that already gave base and made me interested. Also they both stand out in the franchise overall so they have that star, power couple material- They look really good together. Like aesthetically they go so well together. And in RiD15, look at Bee and you’ll see there’s Knock Out in him. And KO even got that Bee cyan blue on him. I don’t know, it feels like they’re that pair that spend so much time together that they started to look like each other- Think about Bumblebee, the metaphorical son of Prime, Cybertron’s greatest hero and the bravest warrior out there. And Knock Out his formal rival who chose to save him and take the side of good and kinda became a role model to those who want to do the same. It’s not hard to think them as this poster couple of new era, everyone living in peace again, working together and spreading the idea that after the war, they're able to move on all together.Suppose there’s always going to be a leader and his medic
Yeah i might be forgetting some points here but overallWho doesn’t love a story of two young souls who realise they’re two of a kind, love all the same things and get along so well but the war kept their worlds from colliding. But they're able to leave it all to the past and start a brand new beginning together. Growing and becoming each other’s best friends and anchor person, being great as individual but amazing as a team. Eventually becoming os close that no matter what comes between them they’re able to overcome it and find each other again. There’s a lot of potential
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