ssunspotted · 4 days
Meat im buried in meat instead of .in it
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doctor-fructose · 5 months
Mm. Looking for company? Seems like something to celebrate. -Jet
I am definitely up for company. I've got one good arm and the gift of mobility. Let's get smashed!
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blu-screen · 8 months
⋆ mean, most folks just do a taste test
⋆ but for you? the low low price of one (1) burger
⋆ seems like a fair price to me
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amnoxiousfox · 7 months
@turbotime2crew honestly, I don't want to know what year it is anymore
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stardustedwanderer · 7 months
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Oh it's fine, I got better. Now I'm a somewhat humanoid astral being so..
I'm fairly sure I fall outside such social conventions at this point. Lucky me~
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rainofchains · 5 months
@turbotime2crew You should get that checked out.
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subjectivemortality · 5 months
@turbotime2crew why thank you, I made it myself
I never got around to asking, where does the term 'user's name' come from?
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d-d-disgusting · 3 years
[A white coffee mug with a colorful drawing on the side of a piranha plant popping up out of a green pipe against a minimalist blue sky background arrives at Vincent's door. Carefully boxed, wrapped in a red and gold-trimmed bow, and (autographed) signed by a certain Turbo, as if it wasn't obvious enough. How did it get here? Don't worry about that, it's just here now and it matches your actual piranha plant, so congrats buddy]
Leave Vincent a trinket or gift of some sort in my inbox, and he’ll repay you/your muse with plant funfacts/infodumping!
Instantly recognizable, who this is from, from the wrapping alone.
Vincent very excitedly pulls his gift inside, climbing and hunkering into the center of his blanket nest before using his claws to tear through the wrapping. That signature alone is preserved, lovingly so, admired with a smile then kept to the side as the mug is pulled out.
HER! There she is!! There she is!! Printed right on the side of a mug, the shape that his little girl is going to be once she grows a bit further! The grin that this puts on his face couldn't be any wider, and he wishes dearly that he had a safe cabinet to keep glassware.
It's so much more delicate than plastic, he hardly wants to use this!
The moment he's able to take Lenny's old laptop somewhere it can connect again, Reboot won't hear the end of his excitement, and another thing..
unsure how it isiit works in there but here didyou know ! here they sense gravity! it isnt only light the shoots growtoward and that the roots grow a way from!
have statocyytes. some thing in the tip of the roots to tell which direction gravity is pulling. nd they use that as compass to keep their roots growing toward it and the shoots against it!
the reason a plant germinated in the dark doesnt grow roots upward (^:>
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@turbotime2crew said:  #I look at Patches' face...#and I remember the time I ate a cookie with one of my eyes#Without fail#every time
Good. More people should use their unsettling eye mouths for fun party tricks. :)
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enigmalady · 4 years
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I would like to thank @turbotime2crew Reboot for my new best friend.
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re-stitch · 4 years
@turbotime2crew I see you lurking.
Now I know why you were tryin’ to get me to come to your arcade.
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ssunspotted · 7 months
💋💋 One from me and one from Heartworm. I mean he doesn't have lips but he does his best.
Is a kiss any less just be cause its chelicerae and jaw ? yyou should bet that we have similar thoughts on the topic , Ill take them both, give them back all the same ,lips or not!!
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doctor-fructose · 3 years
November 24th 2021
Dr Galactose sincerely wished she was anywhere else as she strode down the now familiar hallway. The past year had been a really turbulent period and she had responded by burying herself in her work. Privately, she hoped this meeting would provide some answers if only to allow her closure.
Which she acknowledged was a futile hope. Her ex-husband's disappearance had been under investigation for an entire year to the date and the last development was six months ago. Since then: no news, no leads, no more body parts. The accumulated pile of remains they found was impressive but not enough to declare him legally dead.
The new chief surgeon of Sugar Rush pushed open the office door to an eclectic assembly of now familiar faces. The fact that Fructose had so many people invested in his fate was both a surprise and a comfort. Galactose gave a brief nod to the group and quietly took the last unoccupied chair.
The other spaces were taken by Chrome, Eyeball, E. Honda, and Bertram (royal guard of Sugar Rush and representative of the Candy family). Due to time zones, Jet would be unable to attend but Eyeball would doubtless give him the details once the meeting was over.
They were assembled in the office of a police detective named Lucky. Fructose had always referred to him as "that guy with all the shoes" but had never once explained why. Which, when Galactose thought about it, really was typical of her ex. Lucky had agreed to look into matters and managed to produce some results once Chrome's tracking had run into a dead end.
With all of them now assembled, Lucky flipped open the manilla folder in front on him and began his report. "Good afternoon," he said. "I'll come to the point right away. I have still not being able to locate Dr Fructose. With the amount of him that has been found as well as the other evidence, statistically, he's more than likely deceased. However, there have been several recent developments I think you will all be interested to hear."
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blu-screen · 7 months
⋆ @turbotime2crew
⋆ same reason 've been puttin' chili oil and molasses in there for.. 'bout a year now? ⋆ gotta try some way to spice things up. heh..
⋆ 'sides what's the worst it can do? kill me?
⋆ think we all know that don't take by now.
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avangelical-moved · 4 years
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spiiderwiick · 3 years
@turbotime2crew said:  Sometimes I forget I have one
better than the alternative!
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