#turns out being mindful and conscious of ur thoughts and breathing and leaving the fairy lights on all night works a bit???
willowfey · 11 months
this is the third morning in a row i’ve woken up from NO NIGHTMARES and WITHOUT being nauseous from anxiety after multiple weeks of nothing but that…
feeling hashtag blessed and a little bit less stressed
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doyouevenshipbr0 · 4 years
gruvia drabble:
author’s note: so! this is based on a theory from @bbygirljuvi !!! it’s essentially predicting what would happen in chap 58 of 100 yq! so if u dont read 100 yq and have no idea what im talking ab, give chap 57 a read lmaooo. remember when i JUST said i didnt like writing fics of me predicting what would happen in canon in the future? well, fuck it ig!!!
ALSO i wanna point out that i LOVEEEE ur guys’ feedback and love sooossososo much!!! the only reason i dont reply to comments is bc this isnt my main blog so if i reply it will only reply from my main that i dont even use anymore:/ so i dont want u guys to think im ignoring u!!!:) just know that i do read ur comments and i love ur support! if u message me or leave me an ask i will 100% respond!:) thank u ALL ilysm!!! enjoy!:)
“She’s my power to live.”
Everything after that was just white. All she could see, all she could hear. The world around her completely stopped at that point in time.
Words like these were the exact words Juvia had dreamt of hearing for what felt like an eternity at that point. She knew her face was beaming red, and her mouth was agape.
After the short period of nothingness, the words repeated in her head over and over again. Did she hear him right? Did she mix up the words in her head? No. No, she was sure that she didn’t. “She’s my power to live.” played on loop. The more the words swirled in her head, the more she felt her heart burn. It was all too much for her, but in the best possible way. She completely forgot where she even was for a moment— that she was in the middle of a battle, having the life drained from by the second.
Juvia’s body shook as her head bobbed up and down, trying to catch her breath in that moment. Her skin was so hot she thought she might melt. She was his power to live. She knew that meant a lot, because that was exactly how she felt about Gray. All the emotions in her were rising to a boil, and it wasn’t until she heard her darling call her name that she was finally being pulled back to reality.
“Calm down, Juvia!” She heard his voice call to her. She then remembered just where she was and what she was doing.
“Gah!” Metro called out in sheer pain. “So hot!”
As Juvia reached her arms out to run and embrace her beloved, her arms didn’t listen. They were stuck to the tree. However, the grip did waiver. Juvia’s hot water was causing him to slip. Then, in that moment, her annoyance took priority above all her other emotions, and she let it out where she knew it would be useful.
“Let Juvia go!” Her voice was brash, and her body began to boil even more, doubling the steam that was already coming off of her and Metro.
“Stop it! Ah!” Metro’s body thrashed with discomfort, but Juvia wasn’t letting up— not until she was in Gray’s arms.
“Ergh!” Juvia practically growled. She mustered up all that emotion and got ready for one final blow of hot water.
Metro let out a scream of pain before losing consciousness and collapsing to the ground into a pile of steaming wood. Gray stood in awe as he watched it all happen, and once he realized Metro was about to go down, he took started to lunge forward to catch Juvia who would fall. Before he could get there, Juvia fell to the ground and stuck the landing. Gray didn’t even have a chance to ask if Juvia was ok before she herself lunged at him.
“Gray-sama!~” She sang as she threw herself onto Gray, wrapping around his torso.
“Whoa!” Gray grunted on impact. His eyes were still wide as he was still attempting to process everything that just happened.
“Oh, Gray-sama! Did you really mean what you said?!” She nuzzled her giddy face into his chest.
Gray was still dumbfounded at the pile of defeated wood that laid in front of him. He couldn’t process what Juvia was even saying. Just a second ago she was struggling to stay conscious, stuck on the enemy, and now she was completely fine and safe with Gray.
“Uh— What exactly— just happened?” Gray stammered. He finally began to reciprocate the hug by resting a hand on the top of Juvia’s back as his other hand ruffled through his hair.
“Hm?” Juvia pulled herself out of Gray’s chest and rose a curious eyebrow. She noticed he still had his eyes locked onto what used to be the great and powerful Metro and turned her head to match his gaze, and then quickly turned back to Gray. “Oh! That! Juvia can get pretty—erm—- crazy when her emotions get a little out of control.” She chuckled nervously, realizing that what she did was a bit much.
“Yeah... you don’t say.” Gray huffed.
“But Juvia couldn’t help it!” She threw herself right back onto him. “Gray-sama just said the best and most romantic words ever! Juvia had to give you a great big hug as soon as possible!” She giggled and snuggled back up all over again.
Gray snorted. “Wow.” He wiped his hair out of his eyes. It all happened so fast. Gray’s mind was running a mile of minute just a second ago thinking how he would rescue Juvia, but she went and rescued herself.
“You are... You’re incredible, you know that?” His breath was still stolen, but gave a chuckle at the end.
“Me?!” Juvia pulled away with wide eyes.
“Yes, you!” He finally looked down at her.
“Here I was so worried about protecting you and keeping you safe, but... you don’t really need me to do that, do you?”
“Well, of course Juvia wants Gray-sama to protect her! That is music to Juvia’s ears!” She swooned for a moment. “But don’t forget, Juvia is a Fairy Tail wizard. I know how to hold my own.” She smiled surely.
There he had it. Gray just got that closure he’d been searching for all this time, but Juvia took his closure and flipped it upside down. She gave him closure, but even better, she proved to him that he didn’t need to keep waiting to be “strong enough” or “confident enough”. He was confident enough and felt so strongly, that he didn’t need any of the validation that he thought he needed. All he needed was her, and he didn’t have to keep pushing off his feelings anymore.
Tears rushed to his eyes as he swfitly brought Juvia back into his embrace. “Thank you.” He said softly, tightening his arms.
“Thank you, Gray-sama.” Juvia wrapped her arms further.
They stood there for a while, just in each other’s hold.
After some time, Juvia’s legs began to wobble a bit as she felt light headed, and her stance struggled, causing her to take a step to the side and lose her grip.
“Juvia!” Gray exclaimed, concerned. “Are you alright?” He pulled her away.
“Well,” She chuckled. “Juvia did just exert a lot of magic energy back there, and while I can take care if myself, Juvia’s not invincible either.”
Gray matched Juvia’s grin. “Alright, let’s get you somewhere to rest. Can you walk?”
“Yes.” Juvia nodded. She took a few steps forward perfectly fine, and then she paused. A light bulb went off in her head.
“Well-“ Her voice pitch rose. “Actually, Juvia is feeling sooo weak! Juvia doesn’t think she can walk! Gray-sama will have to carry her!” She dramatically wailed, but as usual, Gray saw right through her antics.
“Yeah, nice try.” He scoffed.
“Aww...” Juvia’s shoulders sunk. It was worth a shot.
Gray smirked and rolled his eyes. “Here, just in case, wrap your arm around me.”
Juvia lit up all over again. “Ok! That’ll work.” Gray squatted a bit so Juvia could wrap her arm around his shoulders. Gray’s one hand held onto Juvia’s while the other wrapped around her waist for stability.
“Oh, and by the way,” Gray blushed. “I did mean what I said.”
Juvia was a bit confused, and she raised a brow.
Gray grumbled. “Ya’ know, about you being my power to live, or whatever.” He looked down, embarrassed. “I really did mean it.” He looked back at Juvia who had the same expression she had on her face the first time he said it. He quickly averted his gaze again.
“And, actually, you’re not just my power to live. You’re a whole bunch of other stuff too. You’re—well— my world, honestly.” He finally finished, and he felt a huge weight lifted from his shoulders when he finally said it.
Juvia gasped with delight, and she tilted her head into Gray. She giggled as they continued walking, and she tightened her grip on Gray’s hand.
“Well, that makes Juvia very happy. Juvia feels the exact same.”
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An Ephemeral Eternity in Seven Parts - Steve Rogers x Reader.
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MASTERLIST Warnings: Gifs aren’t mine. My English. Word Count~ 3.3k.
Part I Part II Part III Part IV
How ephemeral life was? How was it that its fleeting beauty meant more as her life came to an end? Why hadn't she stopped to look around her before? Why had she been troubled with thoughts of suicide? Why did people come to value their lives just before they die? She felt so small in such a huge universe, she never liked being a pone to someone's game. But there she was; she would be their downfall. He had expected her to flee - he had planned everything so no one could ever leave. For the first time, she thought of herself as stupid enough not to have seen through. She hadn't question herself, she hadn't used her powers, she had listened to her mind and it turned out to be the stupidest of things. Never again, she thought but chuckled lightly. It wasn't going to be a next time. She wasn't worried she was going to die - maybe the opposite, really. She was worried about them. She knew they would all come, she knew what he wanted to see - an empire fall, he had said. All the years with Madam B. and HYDRA seemed to offer nothing now. She had already given up. If there was one thing she could wish for, that would be for her father not to over-react when he would found out. But she knew that it was just wishful thinking.  " If it's any comfort, they died in their sleep. Did you really think I wanted more of you?" Zemo's cold voice pierced through the speaker and her entire body tried to stop the chills. They were here already. They didn't realize it was a trap, she thought.  "What the hell?" Bucky said confused but she tried to get his attention with a muffled scream. He turned his head towards the direction but saw nothing. It was too dark.  "I'm grateful to them, though. They brought you here... Well, she plays a huge part too" his arrogant voice informed them while he appeared in the control room and illuminated one of the capsules with her inside, tied and muffled. Three pair of eyes were staring at her in terror. Steve hurled his shield to Zemo but it flied back. Tony tried to blast the capsule but it remained perfectly untouched.  "Please, Captain. The Soviets built this chamber to withstand the launch blast of UR-100 rockets" he remarked, making her blood boil and little by little regaining fragments of her powers. She needed time to recover from whatever he had injected her with. "I'm betting I could beat that" Tony said without taking his eyes off of his daughter. "Oh, I'm sure you could, Mr. Stark. Given time. But then you'd never know why you came" he went on, stalling them on purpose. She had to break free before he played the damn video. Concentrating every bit of her power to one sole thing - she had to break the capsule if she wanted to help them. She heard the video playing and she realized it would be now or never. For better or for worse, it was now. They heard the explosion and saw a purple color piercing through the room. The moment she got out, it was already too late. Tony lunged towards Bucky but Steve stopped him. She run towards them hoping she could help, but she just made it worst.  "Dad, stop" she tried to calm him down. He seemed happy she was okay but he was too lost in his own little world. He looked at Steve, with tears glistening in his eyes.  "Did you know?" he simply asked. How was she gonna tell him she knew too? "I didn't know it was him" Steve tried to smooth things over but he wasn't having it. Steve moved towards her, something that aggravated Tony even more.   "Don't bullshit me, Rogers! Did you know?" he demanded again. She whispered a no but she wasn't heard.  "Yes" Steve answered truthfully with remorse in his eyes. Tony stepped back, his chin was jutting upwards twitchy. He reengaged the Iron Man helmet and punched Steve to the floor while deflecting gunfire from Bucky, disarming him. He grabbed Bucky and flied him across the chamber. "Tony stop, stop. He wasn't himself" she was screaming but her words meant nothing. An angry answer came back to hunt her. "You are not my daughter" he said coldly as he slammed Bucky onto the floor and proceed to jump on his arms. Steve's shield hit him and she used her powers to put some space between him and Bucky by pushing him away. A blast from Tony sent her flying across the room, hitting her head and causing her to remain down.  
Steve barged him backwards, Tony shouldered him to the floor and shackled his ankles. Bucky punched Tony, who just lifted him and slammed him against a machine. Tony raised a fist but Bucky twisted it. She got up, trying to regain her strength and decided to wait, just a moment. She had hoped that they would behave like grown up men, not like children, but no one was stopping. She didn't know if someone was to blame, but Tony wasn't making things easier. Neither was Steve. Bucky pushed them both from the walkway,  while Steve jumped into them to deflect their fall. Bucky landed on a platform while Tony and Steve landed on the concrete floor besides an opening in the wall where snow drifted in from outside. She followed them, using her powers to mild the fall.  "This isn't gonna change what happened" a bloody and messy Steve offered for the last time.  "I don't care. He killed my mom" Tony answered as if he was ten.  "What about my mom, huh? And what about my dad, Tony? What about me?" she asked him, out of the blue, distracting all of them with her wounded appearance but fierce eyes and jolts of power rushing through her veins, creating lightings in her fingertips. Steve looked at her as if she was God. One look like that could ruin or rescue, depending on which fairy tales they read, but she had never believed in them. Eyes like those could never lie, he thought, so when he looked at her, he saw all the devastation he would cause in her name, and all the inevitability of their demise, and all the people who chose peace over passion. To hell with peace. She felt like a hurricane or a lightning strike. Love should leave no survivors. He made a silent promise to her. If they got out of there alive, if they ever saw each other again, he wouldn't let her go. She saw that in a single glance.  "You chose your side when you slept with him" he simply barked at her and she felt all the anger in the world building up in her.  "You don't get to talk to her like that" Steve threatened him. They traded punches but Tony ended up pinning Steve down. Bucky picked up the shield and leaped down to help while he told her to get out. Tony managed to zap Steve who was thrown back into the wall and blow away Bucky's metal arm. Tony raised his left palm ready to fire but Bucky grabbed his leg and Tony spun, kicking him in the face. Steve grabbed Tony  and lifted him over his head, throwing him down, punching him and bashed his mask off with his shield before striking down hard on the suit's core. Tony looked horrified and glowered fearfully at Steve who panted for breath. Both had blood spattered across their faces.  She couldn't stand it anymore. Every time she tried to push them apart, a blast sent her down. She took a deep breath and let out a cry of anger and agony, releasing every bit of her powers as Steve was sent flying away from Tony, with the concrete walls cracking from her powers. They looked at her in terror and awe. Steve's shield was stuck in the center of the Iron Man Suit. Looking at her, as if he was asking permission, Steve took hold of the shield, gripping the edge and pulling it free. She stepped closer to Bucky who was there, bloodied but conscious. She mouthed an apology but he was just looking at her, never wanting an apology from her. There was nothing she could do about it anymore. She knew things wouldn't be the same. But she had things to say before each took their separate ways. 
"You are all children, punching and throwing down one another because you cannot use your minds. How mature and heroic you guys are... Guess what Tony...  you're not the only who lost a mother but you don't see us running around looking for revenge now do you? I am sick of this. You have disappointed me and let me down with your stupid decisions. You were right, I am not your daughter, Tony. And Steve, I am not your girl. You had to fight for that, not fight my father. And Bucky, I am sorry" she poured her final thoughts and left them trying to understand how was it that she had become the wiser of them all. 
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With nothing but an idea, she walked away, never even daring to look back to what she might have lost. Her mind was empty but her heart was squeezing in a painful way that made her want to get rid of it all together. But she knew that they needed time and she was wiling to remove herself form the game if that meant they would come to terms with the past. She also knew, deep down, that they didn't have the time they needed but she chose not to say anything. Her powers were sensing a greater threat but her mind was always trying to help the situation already before her. She had to be the one to step back because no one else would. And it was too much watching her family fight one another. She felt the desperation sinking in. The darkness and the cold taking over. No one would tell her fairytale. Of how girls can be dangerous and still win. This world, she thought, is only capable of digesting the stories where girls are sweet and kind and reject all sin. Maybe it was terrifying, a tale about a woman who knew exactly what she was doing when she invited the wild in, a story of a powerful individual knowing when to retreat and when to attack. She smiled at the thought of Steve promising her a future just with his eyes. But the universe never promised her this would be easy. She knew it because she was the hero of her story. And heroes were meant to be forged golden from the blaze. She would rise again from the shards her family left of her. She would take on her demons and kill them. She would break all the chains that had been brutally placed on her. And she would do show while showing everyone else that she was the person they thought she would never be. She wouldn't  give up on herself, ever again. She was made out of steel. 
It had been months. She hadn't received any calls from Tony, not that she expected to. She kind of hoped that Steve would reach out but it hadn't happened. It was easy for her to hide in plain sight and nothing was quite new. Last month a weird looking guy had offered her to help her tame her powers. Ironically enough his name was Strange. She had nothing to lose and so she had agreed. It wasn't that bad, he was so tense all the time but other than, she didn't mind. He provided her with anything she needed and she was free most of the time to go outside Sanctum Sanctorum. She had to be honest; having the time-stone keeper to teach her how to master her powers had been helpful, showing her there were more to it than she believed. She had understood the origins of the powers, found out that she was just a host to them but somehow those ancient forces of nature liked her enough to let her use them. She understood Wanda's powers as well. 
She was strolling around the streets with a beer in her hand, trying not to think about them; it was just before midnight and the night was cold but she didn't really care. Why was it that difficult not to think of him? Why were his eyes constantly messing up her mind?  "Damn you, Rogers" she whispered to herself, but destiny had another plan. "You're right" a soft but ragged voice came behind, making her forget everything she ever learnt. She just froze, believing she would never hear that voice again. She didn't turn. "I am so sorry. Please, come back" his voice was softer and more broken this time as she finally turned to face him. It might have been dark but she would find his eyes even without her sight. He was different. It had cost him a lot.  "I like the beard" she commented shortly after. He offered her a small smile but his eyes were burning with one question while taking her figure in. She had changed to. She nodded to him to follow her as she disappeared into an abandoned building, one that she had found out it existed when she was looking for any relatives from  her mother’s side. He did, without asking why.  It was an old, aristocratic mansion, with elegant and delicate furniture. Everything seemed to be in place, like nothing had been moved in ages. She saw his puzzled eyes and smiled. How easy was to fall for him again? She climbed the huge, marble staircase to the attic. They didn't talk, not even a word but his eyes hadn't left her. He felt like they were invading, something she noticed.  "Don't worry, no one is gonna come here. You can sit wherever you like" she offered as she plopped down the bed. He carefully sat down too, so close to her, he could smell her perfume.  "We are not supposed to be here, are we?" he asked while he was still taking in his surroundings. Everything felt as if the owners were about to return from a walk in the park. She looked deep in his eyes. He was her Steve. She took a sip from her beer, offering the bottle to him. He gladly drunk.  "Well, the grandmother died a while ago, the mother was murdered and the daughter is right in front of you. So technically, I am exactly where I am supposed to be" she honestly told him, tired of hiding herself from the one person she wanted to talk to for hours. He was left looking at her in complete amazement. She chuckled at his perplexed expression and before she could think about it too much, she reach out and caressed his beard with her slender fingers. It was the luck of breath and the electricity that caused her heart to beat a bit too loud and his eyes to travel to her lips before settling on her eyes.  "Walking away was one of the hardest things I have ever done, Steve. How can I ever come back?" she finally told him, her hand still cupping his cheek. He glanced at her and all it took was one god-damn look for them to feel even more desperate the burning need. He gave in - her eyes were too intense for him, too honest.  "In my dreams, I am kissing you and you're whispering 'where have you been?' and if I try to answer you disappear. I know that it will be hard for you to come back. I know that what I am asking is selfish and by asking you to come back with me you would be against Tony. I never got the chance to apologize for the overwhelming amount of pressure I placed upon your arms which caused you to act like you did when Bucky found you. I am sorry for every scar I have caused" he rambled on and on. She knew he was stressed and she also knew that it wasn't his fault. They were so close, his breath falling hot upon her face, his new, darker look made her weak at the knees, all the time she spent trying to get over him meant absolutely nothing now that he was in front of her. He let down the bottle and played with strand of her hair. It was longer. "You know that I nearly missed every word you said?" she whispered, leaning in just a bit. She wasn't doing anything on purpose. His breath became deeper.  "And why is that?" he questioned, already knowing the answer, as he too leaned towards her. She knew it probably was stupid but she didn't really control herself that moment.  "I was wondering if it has change" she faintly said, out of breath with her heart hammering in her chest, loud enough for him to hear. His eyes were roaming her face, trying to carve every detail in his mind. She was still the person he first fell in love with, only stronger. Her eyes held secrets he knew that hurt her. He couldn't muster the strength to ask her 'what', he just mouthed it. His hand was already wrapped around her waist, bringer closer to him, heat and power radiating from her body.  "The way you kiss me" she replied before their lips collided into a battle of agony and lust. It had changed, she thought. They were more desperate, more needy, more angry, more passionate, more fierce. There was a burning anticipation in his tongue that slipped through hers and went right to her heart. They craved each other more than before and it took her by surprise how gentle but strong he was. To hell with peace, she thought.  His hands roamed her body, slowly undressing her - before he removed every piece of clothing, he looked at her for permission. It had been a long time since that night. He didn't want to rush things, he wanted to treat her exactly as she deserved but she wasn't having it. There was a burning need to feel him, to be with him, to hold him and love him. Her bones craved him.��He hadn't planned it; he wasn't even sure she would talk to him. Seeing her for the first time in months was too much. She wore darkness and gold and she looked like the Goddess of the Underworld, like Persephone, with roses in her hair and magic in her veins. She was nor a God, neither a monster; she had indeed told him the truth that day, she was a monstrous God. With every kiss and every bite, every scratch that left behind a map to their bodies, the night gave its place to another morning, which for a while at least, was peaceful. Right before they fell asleep, she whispered five small words that would never leave his heart. Ever. And he said four in return but she was already asleep. "I think I love you". "I know I do".
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Taglist: @accio-rogers @coffee-with-orion @moli1497 @stydia-4-ever @smilexcaptainx
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bangtan-spells · 7 years
Hoseok Scenario: Make You Believe.
Request: Can I have Jhope scenario where he is ur boss n u guys like each other for a long time but u turned him down coz he's just out of ur league n thought he just playing with u. One day an intern kept on insisting to get together w/u n made u feel uncomfortable. Jhope noticed that n got jealous n protective, so he helped u out by pretending to b ur BF but later found out ur true feeling toward him n he let u know his true intentions. happy ending plz ❤️❤️❤️  thank you
Genre: Romance. CEO AU.
Scrolling down your phone you tried to keep your eyes to yourself and just focus on the instagram updates the screen showed you, but that was proving to be hard after your boss entered the room.
You were taking a coffee and munching on a cupcake in the break room completely alone when you heard someone coming, you only lifted your gaze due to curiosity as you didn’t really want to talk to anyone in your break, you wanted to be calm and relax a little before getting back to work, but as you saw it was him coming in your mind and heart decided calm wasn’t exactly something possible. 
Hoseok was a handsome man, oh yes he was, tall and lean, with the exact mix of soft and sharp features in him, sometimes his eyes smiled even though his mouth didn’t, sometimes he was so serious and focused he seemed to transform. You had been watching him closely for a bit too long, even though you knew a man like that was out of your reach.
-Hello Y/N- he greeted first making you bow a bit ashamed of not reacting earlier. 
-Hello Mr Jung-
You deviated your eyes from him to your coffee feeling a bit self conscious, it was mid afternoon and you had been working all day so odds were you looked a bit crazy. You took a sip and fought yourself to keep it together and not run away like a scaredy cat, if you ignored him then it’d be alright. But you felt his eyes on you, he was looking your way and it was nerve wrecking.
You wondered why he kept looking at you, if it was because you indeed looked crazy or because of other reason. You couldn’t help to think about it, even less now after what happened just two months ago. 
Two months ago he had actually invited you out, at the end of the day when you were going out of the building he had approached you and actually asked you on a date. You had been stunned, first because your secret crush, your boss of all people, was asking you out, and second because he actually seemed interested. It seemed too good to be true, what were the odds of a guy like him liking you? So you had done the only thing that could salvage yourself from later embarrassment, you had rejected him.
Now you were staring at each other from the corner of your eyes whenever you thought the other wasn’t looking. Before he asked you out you used to talk, not too much, but little small talks in the break room or when you met in the hallways or in the elevator. Now you didn’t do so as much, as every time he was present you felt the foolish need to leave, your heart beating way too fast for it to not betray how his presence made you feel.
-Is everything alright?- he asked startling you a little. 
You nodded. -Yes, and you? I mean is everything alright for you?- you bit your lip and looked down at you already running cold coffee. You had to get out of there before you made a fool of yourself.
-Good, good, I’ve seen you around but we… I haven’t had the chance to talk to you-
You stared at him, Hoseok and his part in the middle but sort of tousled brown hair, his dress down but still classy clothes, women would kill for a man like that. 
-Talk to me about what?-
Hoseok stepped to your direction and you held your breath, but as he was opening his mouth the door opened and a group of people from accountant department busted in.
-It was nice seeing you Mr Jung- you replied bowing and practically running away from him.
He tried to talk to you in the following days but you always found an excuse to slip out of it, you felt like a fool for it. Talking with him didn’t mean anything, it shouldn’t made you so nervous, and the fact that he was nice to you didn’t mean he was interested in you, or did it? You huffed as you turned off your computer after finishing your day at work, you were way too clumsy in anything related about love affairs. Is this could even be called love affairs.
Hoseok couldn’t be more intrigued by you. He knew he was being pretty insistent and he wondered if he was stepping on the annoying line, he really hoped that wasn’t the case because truth was he really liked you. At first he was sure you liked him back, by the way your face lit up when talking to him, just like he felt himself getting extra bright whenever your small talks would extend, but then when he had found the guts to ask you out you had said no. But it wasn’t just that, but the way it happened was just too weird, at first your eyes shone and you opened your mouth in surprise and Hoseok had to obligated himself to not hug you right there because that would scare you off, but then you had looked offended and rejected him in a really odd way. You were blushing madly, as you said you were aware of his true intentions and that you wouldn’t be falling for it.
Now Hoseok wanted to talk to you about it, he was really confused and your words had been on his mind ever since, why would you say that? What kind of intention you thought he had? He wanted to make things right, but until the day he hadn’t found an opportunity to explain himself to you. Because he really hoped that he still had a chance with you, it wasn’t like there weren’t more girls around him, but he had set eyes on you, the beautiful girl from the design team, who was cute and a bit clumsy and that got Hoseok smiling every single time.
Hoseok knew he had to be careful with this kind of relationships in work, even if he was the CEO and his own boss, he had to be careful and watch out for his interests, but he still thought he could at least try something with you. Even if it was just to explain himself to asure you didn’t have the wrong idea of him and then if you still weren’t interested then he’d just leave you alone. The possibility made his stomach fall but he knew it was the right thing to do for everyone.
The people from the accountancy was going to stay a little late today so Hoseok said his goodbyes and went for the elevator, the building had a bakery and other food establishments on the floor level, he was going to buy some bread, thinking if he should go to the gym or just skip and head home when he heard your voice.
Your tone alarmed him and he immediately pressed his pace to go to the direction where he heard you, you were arguing with someone, but he couldn’t hear the other voice properly, he only noticed it was a guy when he was closer. 
-Come on, you know you want to come- he said and Hoseok rushed, going past the bakery until the very entrance of the building where you were standing and he was really close to you, at first he felt the jealousy coming to him almost blinding him, thinking he was confused and you were just there fooling around with one of the interns by the looks of it. But then the guy grabbed your wrist and you tried to retrieve it, stepping further from him.
-Get off me, I already said I don’t want to go anywhere with you-
It made Hoseok frown and exhale with anger, how stupid he was, he had definitely to like you way too much to pass from jealousy to what he was feeling now that fast.
-Are you sure? You are always smiling, I think we would have a great time-
-Let me go- you insisted struggling to get your arm free.
-Hey Y/N- he said as he strode to your side as fast as he could. Hoseok glared at the guy, a few years younger than him by what he could remember, he’d get fired first thing in the morning. -Let go of my girlfriend, now- he demanded getting in between you.
The guy let you go but looked confused. -Mr. Jung…I was just asking her out, I didn’t know she was your girlfriend-
-Well now you know- he snapped as the anger settled more in him. -If a girl says no, it’s no, even if she doesn’t have a boyfriend-
-But I thought…-
-Get out of my sight- Hoseok cut him not standing the guy anymore, he didn’t want to get too angry in front of you and this guy wasn’t making it easy. -Now- the guy bowed mumbling apologies as he left, Hoseok sighed and groaned as he looked at you, now feeling a bit embarrassed, maybe saying he was your boyfriend was unnecessary, he had screwed everything up. Why he had to act so impulsively, he just had to help you, but he had to say that as well. A fool that was what he was.
-Thank you- you said holding the wrist the guy had been grabbing close to your chest. 
-I just… I couldn’t stand that guy doing that kind of thing, even less to you- 
You didn’t know what to say, Hoseok was there standing in front of you, like a knight in those those fairy tales you so loved he had helped you. You always were asking and craving for a gentleman and when you had one in front of your eyes you didn’t know what to do with him.
-I’m sorry I said I was your boyfriend- he said and you noticed how his cheeks were a light shade of pink. -I… it slipped honestly, I didn’t mean to you know, to make you feel more uncomfortable-
You were speechless for a few seconds before you swallowed and pushed yourself to talk, this was your chance of doing things right instead of just assuming things because of appearances. 
-It’s ok, I mean… I don’t feel uncomfortable when I’m with you-
He closed his eyes and breathed and you wondered what that meant but then he smiled and put a hand over it to hide it from you.
-What?- you asked a bit unsurely.
-You- he answered shaking his head. -I’ve been wanting to talk to you, but… it seems like you don’t want to do that? If it is like that I understand but I…-
-No!- you interrupted and now it was you covering your mouth because you had raised your voice so suddenly. But Hoseok only chuckled and nodded for you to continue speaking. -I do want to talk to you but… I just, I’m just very shy?- you turned your face as you felt yourself getting blushed and flustered. -I’m sorry, I’m kind of… socially awkward, or awkward in general-
Hoseok disregarded your words with a shake of his head. -I don’t think so, maybe shy- he chuckled again. -But it’s pretty, you are pretty Y/N-
You lowered your head and adjusted your purse to then look at him again. -Don’t say things like that-
-But I mean it, and last time, two months ago, when I asked you to go for dinner, I meant that too, I didn’t say it because of nothing… I actually wanted to…- he shook his head. -Anyway, what I want you to know is that I want to get to know you, but if you don’t want that is ok, I don’t want to be that guy- he said looking the way the intern had gone away.
-No- you said again. -You are nothing like him, you are…- you inhaled taking courage to keep talking, you couldn’t just let Hoseok think you didn’t want him close, because you wanted to, nothing would make you happier than talking to him, but really talking, or dining with him, or seeing him smile. -I want to get to know you, I thought you were just joking the other time- you bit your lip. -It seemed a bit weird you asking me out like that-
-Weird why?- Hoseok smiled as he sighed. -Y/N you are really something, you got my head spinning-
You shook your head and disregarded that but he just chuckled and you had to laugh a little too. -You say such things-
-I mean such things- he added making you smile even more. -Would you want to dine with me? Just nice food and a good talk, I’d really like to know more about you Y/N-
You looked down again, a habit you had when you didn’t know what to say, then at him and then at his hopeful smile. You knew what was the only possible answer. -Yes, I… I’d like that, Mr. Jung-
Hoseok laughed again, bright and beautiful and it made you smile in return.
-Please call me Hoseok-
You licked your lips nodding. -Alright, Hoseok-
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