pirapopnoticias · 1 year
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gossipgirrl · 1 year
Os cincos componentes eleitos exercerão um mandato de quatro anos; confira Concursos › Notícias › Nordeste EDITAL DE ABERTURA N°02/2023 PROVAS RELACIONADAS PCI Concursos
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bennettcook · 1 year
Os cincos componentes eleitos exercerão um mandato de quatro anos; confira Concursos › Notícias › Sul EDITAL DE ABERTURA N° 10/2023 PROVAS RELACIONADAS PCI Concursos
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aloe-vera-7 · 4 months
All of my OCs
The Choreographer (scugsona)
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The Choreographer is a creative, optimistic, and reasonable slugcat that was adopted by an iterator named Four Stacked Voices (FSV) after their family lost them inside FSV's superstructure when they were just a pup. They found an interest in music when FSV introduced them to hymns. Over the cycles, they have been studying music composition and even composed a few pieces. They collect blank data pearls to write music on, often getting those pearls from the local scavenger colony they're allied with near FSV's superstructure. One time, after gifting a few pearls to the local scavenger colony, Choreographer received a “peace treaty” (let’s be honest, it was just a gift), a jacket with a glyph on the back that symbolizes their alliance with the colony.
Lore: How Choreographer got their scar
The Locator
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Locator lived in a colony as a gatherer during expeditions, but after the expedition group had gotten to a scavenger toll without enough resources to pass, they were forced to scavenge for more resources, in which they found a bomb.
They carefully made their way back to the scavenger toll. But unfortunately, they tripped, and the bomb went off in their paw, injuring their entire right arm and blinding them permanently.
The colony successfully helped treat their wounds, but it was too late for their eyes. Now having to live in darkness forever, Locator adapts by gaining greater spatial awareness and more sensitive hearing.
Lore: How Locator lost their sight
The Tamer
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A wild slugcat from a distant colony that has an expertise in taming creatures, whether it be lizards, squidcadas, or even vultures, when they tamed an entire yellow lizard pack, their colony wasn’t happy at the amount of lizards, and they got kicked out, leaving them homeless.
After their lizard pack dissolved, they were able to tame a red lizard by saving its babies from a white lizard. The slugcat and the red lizard became acquaintances and they took care of the red lizard babies together.
Unfortunately, many cycles later, the babies died due to a shelter failure while they were away hunting for food, and now they wander the land together, without a purpose.
Lore: How Tamer met Scarlette the red lizard
The Gatherer / Brute
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Past: Witness's younger sibling, being abandoned by their parents before they could even remember, thus, never knowing they had parents in the first place. They were raised in a colony with Witness, and looks up to them and striving to be just like them. They were optimistic and cheery, but childish and cowardice. They loved hanging out with people and making friends, so they quickly gained a good reputation in the colony. They have a lucky spear, which is a sharpened rod of rebar with a green cloth tied on the end. The spear they never lost, the spear that helped them kill a green lizard, the spear that's kept them safe when Witness couldn't. They believed this spear was magical (it isn't, they were just lucky). Although they weren't as familiar with Hauler and Warrior like Witness was, they were ecstatic when they were finally invited to participate in their first expedition, with them. But a while in, they found that one particular region proved to be too much for them, after being warned it was very dangerous and unexplored.
Future: The cycle had taken a toll on their mental state, their realization that their life was just death and rebirth forever had ruined their optimistic take on life. Gatherer had grown to hate the colony, they despised the name the colony had given them, so they changed their name to "The Brute". They no longer believed their "lucky spear" was lucky at all, but they still kept the green cloth because it still held a sentiment to them. They were desperate at this point. Eventually, they finally escaped, almost being impaled by a King Vulture harpoon that grazed their right cheek. They had grown up, their fur had dulled from the dirt and grim from the region (also because of age).
Lore: Chapter 1
The Witness
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Past: Acting as Gatherer's guardian after their parents abandoned them, they've become overprotective of Gatherer, as they're the only thing the have left. After wandering into a colony, they were happily accepted and raised there. On their first expedition, Gatherer gifted them their favourite blanket (washed, of course) to remember them by if they ever miss their younger sibling. Wearing it as a bandana ever since. They are best friends with Hauler, but they have a bad reputation of Warrior, often bickering and arguing for petty reasons, such as Warrior's bad taunts at both them and Gatherer. They usually take the role of a scout during expeditions, due to their higher agility and focus.
Future: Now a parent of an energetic green slugpup, their fur dulled from age and their bandana worn-out. Having to live without their younger sibling for many cycles, they relinquished on getting Gatherer back in exchange for raising their child.
The Hauler
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A caring and determined slugcat, likes to indulge in simpler aspects of life when they aren't helping the colony out, resulting in a pudgy build, but don't underestimate their strength. They often joke around, but can be serious and supportive when needed. They hate Witness's and Warrior's bickering, they often try to help the two resolve their conflict, but most of the time, to no avail.
The Warrior
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A hotheaded but laidback slugcat with an affinity for expeditions, they love action and often take the role as a fighter during them. Hauler's best friend, but rival of Witness, often bickering due to petty things. They HATE being made fun of, but unfortunately, their height makes them an easy target. They usually scruff their hair to hide their cowlick, being insecure about it. They make a ton of jokes, and uses dark humor a lot, not taking dire situations seriously, to the point where it may ruin their friendships.
The Scrapper
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An often quiet and reserved slugcat that likes blacksmithing, although not liking interactions all that much, they help out the colony quite a bit by supplying them with spears and what not.
The Tutelar
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A devoted leader of the colony, organizes most colony expeditions, but is growing old and weary. Many have suggested they retire soon, including their own child, Scrapper, but Tutelar is adamant on keeping their role, even if it kills them.
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vanbasten · 1 year
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articolo completo
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sootyships · 3 months
s/i, formerly human, now a mer: knock me up uwu
s/i: ...
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attimi-sfuggenti · 5 months
"Vivi più tu nelle mie consuetudini, di quanto io mi conservi dentro me stessa."
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negreabsolut · 1 year
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Lamassu, per Saeed Jalabi. [font]
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portalnaynneto · 1 year
Serra Talhada realiza eleição dos novos conselheiros tutelares
Neste domingo (01), a cidade de Serra Talhada, no Sertão Pernambucano, realizou a eleição para o Conselho Tutelar, responsável por zelar pelos direitos das crianças e adolescentes. Com a apuração de todas as 41 urnas, os resultados finais estão agora disponíveis. Aqui estão os candidatos e seus respectivos resultados: Maria Vanessa de Souza Bezerra – 764 votos Ericélia Leite da Silva Bezerra –…
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Por outro lado, não será incomum que os profissionais tendam a escudar-se numa postura mais rígida, i.e., mais pautada por uma dimensão securitária, que pode resvalar numa vertente mais punitiva da Justiça Tutelar Educativa ao invés de promover a reabilitação e educação para o Direito dos jovens.
xmen p.47
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primepaginequotidiani · 17 hours
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PRIMA PAGINA Giornale Di Sicilia di Oggi domenica, 22 settembre 2024
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pirapopnoticias · 1 year
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rodininetto · 17 days
Piraquara divulga processo seletivo para Conselheiro Tutelar, inscrições vão até o dia 13
O Conselho Municipal dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente de Piraquara abriu um novo edital para um Processo Seletivo destinado à contratação de um Conselheiro Tutelar Titular e cinco suplentes para o mandato de 2024 a 2027. Requisitos para o cargo de Conselheiro Tutelar Os candidatos devem atender a alguns requisitos essenciais para se candidatar às vagas. É necessário ter ensino médio…
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jbnoticias · 8 months
Conselheiros Tutelares eleitos tomam posse em Garanhuns
Foi realizada na noite desta quarta-feira (10), a cerimônia de posse dos Conselheiros Tutelares, titulares e suplentes, eleitos para exercer a função no quadriênio 2024/2028. Na ocasião, também foi realizada a entrega de moções de aplausos às pessoas que contribuíram com o processo de escolha e a entrega de certificados da formação realizada pela Secretaria de Assistência Social e Direitos…
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nosbastidoresdopier · 8 months
Empossados novos conselheiros tutelares em Barra Velha
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ocombatenterondonia · 9 months
Conselheiros tutelares eleitos em 2023 tomam posse em Porto Velho
São 25 conselheiros eleitos divididos em 5 Conselhos A noite da terça-feira (9) foi marcada pela cerimônia de posse dos conselheiros tutelares eleitos em 2023 em Porto Velho. A solenidade foi presidida pelo Conselho Municipal dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente de Porto Velho (CMDCA), que organiza o processo de escolha unificado, e aconteceu no anfiteatro da Faculdade Fimca. Foram 25…
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