missdardarlene · 5 months
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Mort el chico
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scetileaf · 6 months
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El pendejo preparandose pa otro dia de chamba en la guerra civil (sigue verde)
Hasta que tv saque video/strimee la octoexpansion, voy a ir haciendo dibujitos y pinturas de Neon Lucero Viridis (nombre provisional), el agente 4 que Tv nauta jugó en sus directos de splat 2! Esto va a estar chistoso
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0-yeni-0 · 6 months
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lonywu · 2 years
TV EN TWT?????!!!??
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eyelessjoey · 2 years
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tv nauta
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fakeprophetaxolotl · 2 years
This Iceberg has people in it
Nobody knew where they came from.
Sure,the news spead like wildfire, at least in the small circle of those interested in the topic at hand, nothinng new to those who don't find giant ice mountains floating in the southern polar ring interesting, but to those whose fascination with the misteries surrounding them, they had a field day with it.
What striked everyone as odd was how it was discovered in the first place, the news reported two "local" fishermen who, while doing their job stumbled into the iceberg by mere accident, said it appeared out of nowhere, from the colorless fog of the artic it came, a monumental figure that was not in the registry, didnt know they had names up until now.
and alongside that information came the news about an auction for it, a whole community dedicated to "investigating them" as i heard, not exactly common, but gaining popularity overtime.
In no time i was hired, or rather, i hired myself, "Mr. Sabre", as he was refered by his assistant, asked for help within the community, many jumped into the boat withour hesistation, a workforce of at least 20 so called experts... and nearly a thousand labor hands.
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The cold was expected, those guys were not, covered in fur lined clothes, varying depending on the role they played, they all stood at the orders of Sabre's group, setting camps, preparing meals, making maps, they were a beige tide in every surface of the camps we settled in the iceberg, it was the most curios sight i saw when i arrived by boat on the lower entrance of the iceberg.
That at least until i reached the interior tunnels, they looked too perfect, and im not an expert about how these things form, but im sure they dont have a network of tunnels like an ants nest inside, mush less with those... things, so perfectly encapsuled behind a thin wall of perfectly transparent ice.
it was like watching moment frozen in time, like seeing a bug trapped inside resin, a bubble to a now lost time and place, how did they got there? someone had to carve those tunnels, someone had to place these objects inside the ice, somehow, but how they managed to do so is beyond me.
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cold lanterns were settleled by the beige workers, some sporting miner helmets, dug their way deeper and deeper, and with each new branch added to the ice more secrets we uncovered, pieces of anacronistic origin, cases, folders perfectly preserved books and materials not famous for their resistance to harsh weather, it was driving me insane, these men moved like a living organism, spreading around us, and they never answered any questions, and worse yet, it seemed that I was the only one who had them, the resources did not came from Sabre, he recruied only the 20 investigators, each now assigned to the many levels the iceberg was sectioned, like layers of a cake, a cake filled with metal, eldrich influence and mute soldiers, carving ice and serving meals, without ever asking questions, in the deepest part of the southern hemisphere.
Everyone perfectly equiped with survival tools, respirators, helmets, electrical generators and safety gear of all kind, the more i think about it the less it makes, nobody seemed faced by them nor they had any information about their origin.
I swear i once saw one with a ridiculous bell boy hat and bowtie serving hot beverages to the team on the surface.
And While i never saw him i heard form a second... more like seventh hand source, they never directed word at me, barely spoke with the map makers, but when i was aboiut to inquire with Mr Sabre himself about the current situation, as we were about to reach the last level of the iceberg, i heard from a friend that he heard from another one who heard from another 3 or 4 researches that a "Major General" solicited the precence of Sabre alone in the last tunnel.
He described as a Green claded worker, much like their bretheren, sporting a cavalry helmet and a military dress coat with a fur lined cape of dark charcoal color with gold embroidery details.
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No matter how much i inquired later and after the event i never saw them the last day of the expedition, we just woke up in a parade of giant boats making out way into the souther coasts of Chile, the iceberg was no longer there, the team seemes satisfied and there were no traces of the workers, the nearly thousand upon thousands of labor hands or their elusive leader
Sabre didnt hired them ad far as i can teall form what the others tell me, they just are there, they exist, im sure of it, but other than that they just seems to sprout form the snow every time an event such as this happens.
Now there is notice of another auction, another iceberg like this has been found, and it seems to be bigger, Sabre jumped into the boat once more, but this time, with a different team gathered and me standing once more in a raft to sneak my way into it i cannnot help but feel uneasy.
Punto Cero. as Sabre decided to call the first iceberg, left questions, and i think this second volume will only bring disaster, for i cannot shake the feeling of being ovserved.
Even if i want to see those workers once more and the possibility to research more into who they are, i really hope they skip this one, for their sake and ours.
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huemulin · 10 days
#tvnauta fue un programa de #tv emitido por #ucvtv de #valparaiso con varias temporadas. En él se orientaba el manejo #computacional a nivel usuario de la naciente irrupción digital en los hogares chilenos
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chiiyubb · 9 months
SPTO x JSR real?????
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I can't believe this took me AN ENTIRE DAY to do, enjoy I suppose
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hornlessdemon · 4 months
i made a whiteboard with my friends and obviously almost everything i drew was cotl related (ft. a little "TvNauta" that slipped in the screenshot)
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leshy what the fuck
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carpedzem · 9 months
if we are talking about cc recomendations who are positive or havent Say anything neg about dream i have some:
Tvnauta his videos are in spanish but i think some have English subs. He makes videos talking about horror internet series and he's very funny and You can get very good recomendations and also help in undertanding the timeline of some of this series and hasnt Say or make an indirect about dream at all.
Danna alquiati youtuber that makes movie resumes and critics and it's very funny and nice. She also never ackwonledges the existence of myct so she's safe and her videos have English subs
Vivinos She's a Animator who has amazing animations with amazing stories that she has been working on with her team in studio Lico and She's totally outside of myct so she's safe too
:o maybe i should start watching them for my spanish
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missdardarlene · 5 months
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Something About Rabies and Flowers.
Inspired by El Ultimo TV Nauta´s last video RABIA
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scetileaf · 8 months
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Estas verde! No saben cuanto agradezco haber visto al tv jugando splatoon y que tenga un video al respecto! Es un combo que no pensé ver XDDD, fanartsito para el agente 4 latamero 3ermundista que lo mandan a una guerra civil
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y0ur-val3ntine · 1 year
Dreamt el ultimo tvnauta (tv head character) taught me how to paint a sunflower and then kissed me
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usahanna · 1 month
we los tumblrinas amarían al tvnauta
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purpleglitch · 2 months
Estoy llorando amé las voces del doblaje 😭 la de dream me recordó a la voz del tvnauta y la de sapnap a la de nolan JAHSHSHFJFJ
Y los comentarios de los vídeos son todos lindos ☹️🫶🫶 gente no voy a superar el hecho que es doblaje oficial, esas voces son canon,,,,,,
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ajodreja · 2 years
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