#tw intoxiaction
voidselfshipp · 7 months
Space Sisters
Cw: injury,alcohol, intoxication/being drunk, hints at sexist families. Mentions of decapiation
Summary: Nastya and Jerico realize just how deep their sisterhood lies.
->started Writing this during Nationals womens day, im happy to celebrate my sister Nastya (Whom I think cannonically is a trans woman). And show my love for this character ive empathized so much with.
->only mutuals allowed to reblog.
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--Really?--Asked Nastya with the tone of a concerned sister as she wraps up a bandage around her sisters bicep-- Third time already
Jer huffed,Rolling her eyes-- well what do you want me to do? Let some dude just hack up my Man?
--Its not like hes going to die-- She ties off the ends of the bandages in a small bow-- survived getting his head chopped
Merchant smirked-- true
--You just really like being the center of his attention-- The engieneer added with a chuckle-- I'd rather you dont get hurt though
--but im inmortal too?
--Yeah but i do not like seeing you hurt,dumbass-- Nastya concluded,putting away all the supplies of the first aid kit.
Jeri laughed,nodding along to her words-- fair,fair. --She took her sisters hands and smiled-- thanks
The other woman gave her friend a nodd of acknowledgement and said-- Anythin for you,sister. Now, do you want to get something to eat and drink?
--Sounds wonderfull-- she said as her companion helps her up from the crate she was sitting on.
Both walk to the kitchen in quiet smalltalk, their steps on the metal grated floor echo across the Hall. The coppery wall glimmers with the array of cold and warm lights above on the ceiling,theres the whirring of machinery and pipes.
When they reach the kitchen,the crew is there relaxing after a mission. Jhonny smiles as his eyes settle on his lover, he has a beer in his hand and says--There you are,ladies. Happy international womens day -- he hands a beer to his girl and Ashes hands Nastya a cocktail.
Jer feels her boyfriend wrapping his arm around her shoulders-- For our lovely women, leaders,Queens,warriors, important part of our crew. Cheers!
--Cheers!--The crew parroted,raising their drinks up and mingling amongst themselves and laughing,dancing and making merry.
Nastya is dancing with her sister, smiling and laughing.
--Do you think you'd marry Jhonny?-- She asked with a warm smile,spinning her dance partner.
--Hopefully,dunno if he wants to-- jer answered with a shy grin-- Ah, honestly, id love to.
--Seems good husband material,Da?--She asked, dancing along to the lively music.
Jeri laughed-- Yes, he does.
Meanwhile, Jhonny watches his lover dance and gossip with her friend. His eyes are warm with love and adoration, his heart skips a beat when their gazes meet and she smiles at him.
He bows at her,making a soft hand gesture, and then winks at her. He can see her blush and Giggle.
--Whens the wedding-- Teased Gunpowder Tim,leaning Next to his friend.
--As soon as I get a proper,good,ring. Something that shows how much I love her,a ring she deserves
His friend chuckles-- We'll have to make a stop on one of those richie planets...
--Will she get mad if I steal it?
--If you make it part of your proposal? Prolly not
--For once,youre full of wisdom-- Jhonny teased-- might have to Keep you drunk then
Tim rolled his eyes-- Wanker
--Love you too, Tim.
When the party ends, Jhonny leans on his lover as they walk towards his room. Hes pretty tipsy and is happy to flirt with his girlfriend with a grin.
Jer is mildly drunk too, but she rolls her eyes and simply shuffles away with her hand around her boyfriends waist.
Once in their room, She collapses on the bed with a loud yawn. Her boyfriend lays on her, nuzzling her neck with the tip of his nose, kissing her skin.
--'m growing out my hair,ive decided-- He slurred with a grin.
--Neat-- she answered,stroking his shaven side of the head down to the nape of his neck. He almost purrs under her touch with a content smile.-- Sweet dreams,love
--Nighty night,hun
To no-ones surprise,the crew wakes up with a horrible hang over. Jer has a mild headache but she takes one painkiller and leaves the bottle and a glass of water by the nightstand.
She finds herself in the kitchen afterwards, humming under her breath,tapping her foot along.
Aside from the whirring of machinery, she can hear the mild rattle of pipes, metal sounds distant. This was her home,and shes all the more happy for it.
Jer feels a set of slender arms hug her from behind, a chin setting ontop of her head.-- Доброе утро,сестра -- Greeted Nastya with her raspy morning voice.
--Buenos dias,Tya. -- She answered-- Howd you slept?
--it was....fine?--her sister replied a bit of a hangover still aflicting her, pressing a kiss to her hair and going to Grab a few mugs--Making breakfast for Jhonny?
--And you-- She confirmed.
Nastya smiled as her chest warms up-- Youre so sweet. Thanks -- she grabs the pot and starts making some coffee. -- Tea or hot chocolate?
--Choccy-- the other woman answered.
--Alright-- The engieneer goes to Grab the ingredients to make some hot chocolate for her sweet sister. They talk softly about last nights party, about how Jhonny almost breaks a few cups and how Tim ended up passing out in the armory rather than in his room.
Soon the sizzling of oil and food on a pan fills the room, the coffee and hot chocolate are quickly whipped up and Jerico sets down a Plate with some pancakes for jhonny,theyre fluffy and soft when eaten.
Jhonny would wake up to a good breakfast in a few minutes,but until then the sisters cleaned up and went to what could be considered a Garden of sorts with a large windowpane to the dark expanse all around them.
Nastya settles on the mossy floor that is an array of deep ceruelan blues to olive greens, a Plate of cottage cheese pancakes and a cup of coffee on her lap. Her sister sits beside her with her breakfast and both look on to the void.
--This is really good-- the engieneer said,eating one of the pancakes-- thanks
Jeri smiled-- Always,im glad you like em-- she pats her knee, to then take a long sip of her drink.--I got you something for National womens day
Her sister looks at her,eyes softening-- ah,you didnt have to...
--Still,youre my sister,let me spoil you-- She pulls out from her pouch a small square velvety box.
The engieneer takes the box,inspecting it-- whats in there? -- then a brief pause-- right, its a surprise -- she hears her sister Snicker.
Within the gift there is a dainty gold necklace, in the shape of a cog, it glimmers with a thousand small diamonds like stars.
--I- this...wow. -- she mutters,looking at the pendant-- how much did it cost -- jer snorted-- wait...you stole it? Damn-- she breathes out,surprised-- jhonny is leaving a Mark on you,huh?
Jeri laughed, nodding along-- they dont call me merchant for nothing
--I absolutely adore the gift, thank you-- Nastya answered softly-- help me put it on?
Her sister grabs the necklace,fastening it around her neck and fixing it so it sits neatly on her clothes.
--Yknow, after everything that happened with my family-- Says Nastya, taking a sip from jer coffee to get her thoughts straight-- I havent grown accostumed to our...sisterhood, we're- We're equals, and its...a breath of fresh air
Jer chuckles-- Well, when you grow up in a house where men have all the good things in life and youre merely a tool, left behind. having peers is a nice feeling. Especially fellow women -- she looks at her and her big grin.
The engieneer sniffs a little, tracing over the small striped heart in her sleeping shirt. Blue,Pink and white horizontal stripes run across said patch-- We're family-- she concludes, voice firm-- youre my sister, and im yours...and we'll be together always
Merchant nodded along,feeling her best friend and sister lay her head on her shoulder. She does the same and under the quiet starlit black expanse, they eat breakfast.
--Now that I remember,I Also got you something--Nastya added,rummaging the pockets of her pijama pants.
Jer remains quiet, biting down the small mocking she thought of. She thought it was hilarious that Nastya said she didnt need to get her a gift when she had done the same thing
But she understood,she wasnt used to normal,heartfelt and genuine gifts,so the joke dies on her throat.
--Here-- says the engieneer, handing her companion a medium sized pouch of a beautiful deep forest green.
Curiously,Merchant opens the pouch to find a choker, the black stripe of black leather was decorated with beautiful gold chains,dainty with hanging gems that refracted light like the Windows of a cathedral.
--I know you love sun catchers,so I got you that one on our last stop-- her sister explains with a mildly shy smile.
--Well, I absolutely adore it-- jer answered,aware she parroted her sisters words--  thank you
As it is tradition now, Nastya helps her put on the choker. Admiring how it glimmers against her Friends skin.
Both sit there Reveling in eachothers company as they eat their breakfast. Talking in hushed tones about their duties of the day.
Theres one thought in their minds at that very moment.
"Sisters,no matter what, always"
Jhonny would walk in on this moment a few minutes later,his words die on his tongue as he realizes this moment is not his to presence. He closes the door to the garden to give them privacy, and leaves with warmth in his chest and the certainty that as far as anyone was concerned...
Nastya and Jerico were sisters,and always have been.
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
The Real Story
Cw: DC cannon violence, mentions of sexism. cassandra is a teen and she gets a gun at some point but its just a quick scene. Lmk if I missed anything
Summary: I rewrite birds of prey to fit my s/I. This is an idea that my friend tex gave me.
->Only mutuals allowed to reblog.
♡lovely taglist: @sugar-and-pearls @malewifehenrycooldown @mercuryships
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Now, we've all heard my story in my own movie (yay!) But im a little bummed out that the writers skipped a big person in my story
i mean seriously! She was right there with me, how didnt they realize there was someone they forgot?!
anyway. After I blew up that chemical factory, I got the wonderfull news that my friend Rick Flag was alive! So I did what anyone would do and took a taxi to his house
it was more colorful than I remember, now the garden had flowers and a few fruit trees
the mailbox had sunflowers painted all over it, and on the side it read "Flag & Sunblaze". Weird...
_i knocked on the door and Rick opened it. I was overjoyed!_
--Rick!-- Harley exclaimed hugging her friend tight, still under the effects of the alcohol.
--Harley! Good to see you-- Rick replied with a smile, pulling away from the hug a little-- come in, there's Someone I'd like you to meet
She steps inside and looks around-- I remember this place being a little emptier than it is now...-- her eyes scan over a particular mural.
Now. I wasnt expecting the sheer size of the painting! It covered the whole wall! I could tell one of the people in it was Rick...but the other...?
--Harley, This is jerico-- Rick said snapping her out of her trance-- my girlfriend
Harley Turned around to face her friend and his companion.
girlfriend?! Since when does he have a girlfriend? I knew things with Dr.Moone didnt work out but WOW!
and she was Real beautiful, mind you. She had Brown hair that was loose, very short, reaching maybe three inches under her earlobe, bobcut and longer towards the front. Big green eyes, and thin lips curled into a smile
--,Oh my! Pleasure to meet you! Im Harleen!-- she shakes the other woman's hand-- oh youre beautiful!
Her cheeks get Pink and Rick has to squash the tiniest bit of jealousy, Rolling his eyes.-- why,thank you!. Nice to meet you Harleen!
--oh, but you can call me Harley! How did you two meet? How are you alive! Oh theres so much to catch up to! -- she exclaimed.
--Rick, dear why dont you update Harley, ill go make some tea
--Alright, Darlin'-- he hugs his partner's waist and kisses her briefly, her hands on his chest.
Both look at eachother for a moment with half lidded lovesick eyes, to then part.
Rick followed jerico with his eyes, smiling fondly.
--I can already tell you two are such a healthy couple! Now tell me everything!-- Harley exclaimed taking his Friends hand and manhandling Him to the couch.
_Ricky told me everythin'! How Jerico nursed Him back to health, how they fell in love and moved in here. Such a love story!_
_i told him I blew up the chemical factory, and in true Rick Flag fashion,he was...concerned to be the least_
--Harley...-- Rick said sternly-- you realize what you just done?
--Nope!-- Harley exclaimed-- I mean yes, I let everyone know that I broke up with Mr.J
--Exactly! Youre in danger! People could come up after you!-- he added.
--Ah ill be fine Ricky!-- Harley dismissed.
--I dont think you Will...-- suddenly he grips his chest and winces.
--are you okay?!-- jeri exclaimed examining Him.
--'m alright, sweetpea. Just a ghost pain...-- he explained, putting a hand on her cheek, caressing it Gently.
_I wish I had a relationshipp like theirs. There was something so pure about the way that Rick held jerico's cheek, and the way she looked at him with worry in her eyes. As if he was her whole world_
--Go to the doctor tomorrow-- she pleaded.
--I Will, dont worry-- he reassured, to then turn to Harley-- I dont think its a good idea you stay by yourself..., jerico go with her
--I- what?! Im not gonna leave you alone!-- she said loudly-- what if something happends? What if you need help and im not here?
--I survived worse
--That doesnt help
Rick chuckled, holding her cheeks, caressing them with his thumbs-- Darlin' Harley is a good friend of mine and I cant Keep her safe...so please Keep her safe for me
--If anything...and I mean anything happends...
--Ill call you, dont worry-- he kissed her again, gently.
Harley could only stare at the situation infront of her, she wanted to coo but that would ruin the moment.
She watched jerico kiss back and say-- ill go pack some things up
--Well I'm more than okay with her coming along!-- the other woman said-- we'll have a girls night and you can tell me all the details that your Man might have skipped
Rick looked at jerico like "dont tell her anything..." and jerico looked at him like "im gonna tell her EVERYTHING"
--im startin' to think this was a bad idea-- he teased.
--Suck it up, flag-- jeri replied going upstairs to pack some things.
Once she leaves, harleen smiles and adds-- you got yourself a big catch
--dunno how I did it-- Rick admitted-- I love her
--She looks like she loves you too-- she said.
Soon after jerico was all ready. She said goodbye to her boyfriend with a long kiss and a hug-- eat your breakfast, take it easy, go to the doctor, thats an order, Colonel
--yes ma'am-- Rick replied.
and so she drove me back home in her cool sports motorcycle
we chatted for a little while, before I pass out on the couch, I let her take the bed because im a good host!
next morning I went to get a Cheese Sandwich from sal! And you know what happens, people chase me and I run for my life!
after rescuing that kid Cassandra and robbing a grocery store we returned home!
--Ah cassandra! Mean Jerico shes the girlfriend of a good friend of mine!
--Nice to meet you, Cassandra, uhm why is this kid here?-- Jerico asked
--,She Ate that diamond I told you about, now we are here and we brought food!
--You stole it-- jeri clarified.
--buy, stole, same thing!--The other woman exclaimed.
_we ate some cereal while we watched cartoons, Jerico kept lookin' at her phone so I had to ask_
--Did Ricky go to the doctor?, you Keep checking his messages?
--Yeah he did...just a ghost pain but I worry...he overdos it and im worried-- she explained, retuning to her home screen, the background is a photo of Rick and her on the coltomaltes beach with the golden hour at full Bloom.
--Nice picture-- Harley complimented-- where'd ya take it?
--Coltomatese, before we left...-- she replied fondly.
--You two look happy
--We are
Harleen pats her Friends back-- relax! I bet Rick is having a jolly ol time. Hes probably eating breakfast and watching those awful military movies he likes so much!
Jerico laughed-- he probably is!
after doc had betrayed us I was decided to turn over Cassandra to Sion. Jerico was not on board which led to a mini argument. Our first friend argument! This is exciting!
--Doc is right..bussiness is bussiness-- Harley said decidedly.
--Wait! Youre not gonna turn her over right?! Harley Sion Will kill her...-- jerico said taking her shoulder.
--I lost everything! My house! My hyena is lost somewhere in this city! -- the other woman yelled with tears in her eyes-- you have a home and a boyfriend! You dont know what its like to loose everything!
Jeri sighed inwardly-- that doesnt justify handing her over!
--I dont care! Dont get in my way jerico!, dont wanna hurtcha...
Jerico looked at Harley, face serious and her stance getting low-- Harley...I warn you
Suddenly, jeri's phone rings, she sighs and looks at the contact. Rick-- dont move!-- she warns and picks up the phone-- darling?
--hey babe, I was wonderin' if you would come over for dinner? Bring Harley along?-- Rick asked Gently, easing her adrenaline, slowly melting at her boyfriend's voice.
--We are a bit of a shitstorm...Everyone is looking for her and the kid I told you about when you were at the hospital...-- she Turned around and Harley started to run with cassandra.
--Jerico! Help!-- the kid shouted.
--Motherf- babe I gotta go...Harley Will give the kid to sion and-
--Its alright baby, you go. Ill be waitin' for you-- he reassured.
--love you too!-- jeri said before ending the call and running after Harley.
Meanwhile, Rick sighed as he looked at the half made dinner and the small black Velvet box on the kitchen counter. -- goddamnit, Harley!
Jerico chased after harleen and the kid on her motorcycle, sunny had given her the location.
Amusement mile, Booby trap.
She had teamed up with Renee, and both entered the hideout And charged towards Harley.
now not gonna lie, jerico knew how to fight. She kicked my ass, guess Ricky teached her how to tango
and yeah she might have lost it when I threw the cop outta the Window...
--Harley what the fuck?!-- Jerico yelled.
--You want some of this ?-- Harley asked.
--Youre crazy
--But you love it!
Jerico looked torn between the kid and rene, but ultimately, knowing back up was on the way, she went after rene,jumping from the Window and catching the other woman mid air, floating as she flies-- you okay?
--Yes-- renee said-- thanks
She settled her on the ceiling of a nearby building-- no worries...
Honestly its good Jerico is the sensible one here, when all us where reunited after killin' that bastard Sas, things were a bit of a mess
--Alright everyone. Calm down...-- jerico said, putting her hands infront of her, signaling to everyone to put down their weapons.
--And who the fuck are you?-- Dinah asked turning to a woman with a crossbow.
--Go get the kid-- Renee ordered.
--yeah, ill go get the kid -- dinah agreed going to unite Cassandra.
now cass had picked up a gun and things were getting Real
--No I dont think so...-- jericó said, and sunny came in flying, snatching the gun away from cassandra.
and guess what! Sionis decided to bring a whole army! And so off we went to kick ass and save the kid
honestly I dont know what Ricky has been teaching Jerico but Man can she kick some serious ass!
i swear If Ricky doesnt Marry this chick...
i of course had to record her ass kicking, Rick Will love this!
--Youll touch the kid over my dead body!-- jerico yelled, hitting a bad guy with her bo staff, first in the stomach,to then hook the end of the staff behind the guys knee and making him fall.
As the final blow, she hits the side of his head, knocking Him out.
--If Rick saw ya now he would be all hot'n' bothered!-- Harley yelled from behind her.
--Ha! He would! -- she agreed-- suns alive! you fuckers couldnt get uglier masks?!
i see what Rick saw in her, shes Smart, witty, funny,beautiful...
her eyes filled with anger and a heart full of courage, she took down guy after guy swiftly
--yeah youre all big tough scary men going after us sionis YOU SEXIST ASSHOLE!--She yelled hitting a bad guy Straight in his privates to then hit his forehead with the staff, knocking him out.
with jerico close behind me we chase after the car that has Cass, her hair swaying with the extent of her power
--Rick is waiting for me with dinner, he said to invite you over...id hate to leave him stood up-- jerico said.
--If we survive this ill go! Ricks Food is very good!--Harley exclaimed-- sorry for all of this...
--lets handle this first and then you can apologize
--Yes ma'am!
when we had finally rescued the kid, sionis was laying on the docks, backing away as a very angry jerico conjured something. The ball of light in her right pam. twirled as she moved her hands, her power arched around her like electricity in a Tesla Coil and the surface of the sun with wide arches around her neck and shoulders
--youre a disgusting, sexist, gross criminal...youre the worst of the worst...and as such you only deserve the worst--jerico growled-- this is a little something an ex of mine taught me...
and then she started to chant somethin'
--Suns alive, burning in the dark
Open the deepest pits
Let the beast feast.
May his soul burn in eternal Agony
With pain and suffering
He inflicted upon the living
Open the pits
Beast, feast upon this wretched being-- she crouches and puts the orb against sionis chest, who writhes and screams in pain as he slowly becomes charred charcoal.
Once he was dead and gone, she stands up, cleaning her hands, before kicking the charcoal head in-- thanks for teaching me that one, John
Harley noticed jeri play with some sort of ring thats dangling from a chain around her neck-- is the kid alright?
--she is-- Harley confirmed-- where did you learn that
--Oh a lovely ex of mine!, John Constantine, what a softie-- she reminisced-- lets get outta here..
and we went toget tacos afterwards! The kid finally got the diamond out of her and after making fun of her for a bit we resumed to what we were doing!
--Dont wanna say anything but I think Rick wants to propose to me!-- Jerico exclaimed.
--No way! Thats great-- dinah said-- about time he put a ring on it, youre one badass woman
--Very pretty too-- huntress added.
--I second that!-- Harley agreed.
and just when we were about to leave, jerico stops me, I look at her and she gives me one of her sunshine filled smiles
--Harls,wait-- jeri said gently-- you did things right by the kid, and me, we're good
--Thats good, Ill go change...I know we have that dinner with Ricky and I wanna look presentable..-- Harley sounded...sad and upset.
Jeri cups her cheek and smiles-- hey now, theres a reason he invited you
--You should be with Rick-- Harley whined, taking the hand on her cheek.
--Maybe I want you too, ever thought of that?
--Why would you?
--Because youre unhinged, and chaotic, funny, you made an effort to change...why wouldnt I be with you?
Harley smiled and leaned closer-- youre sure he wont mind?
--Ah as if he didnt saw this one coming
Jerico kisses Harley, hugging her neck, and Harley hugs her waist.
They press their foreheads toghether and smile.
--See you at dinner
--See you at dinner
Ya had to see Rick's face when the whole team of girls showed up, he was prepared of course and made dinner for all of us! But his face was priceless
he was dressed nice, for once. And his jaw dropped when he saw Jerico
a beautiful flowy yellow dress fell right above her ankles, her sun earrings and her short hair swaying in the night breeze, lips glossy and shiny. Honestly I dont get how he didnt pop the question right then and there
we all sat to eat and catched Rick up with everything that happend, he was flabbergasted and kept looking at jerico like "you allowed this to happen?!"
--Ah look at your girl kicking ass-- Harley said showing him the video she took of jerico kicking ass in the booby trap house.
Something in Rick had changed, a switch flipped.
He cleared his throat, looking at the empty plates of food eaten.
--Well, I guess that does it-- he stands up and kneels infront of jerico.
The people present gasp, jeri looks in awe and out of her depth.
--Jerico, darlin' since I met you I felt this connection to you, and after movin' in and spendin' more time with you I realized...youre the woman I wanna spend my whole life with
Youre my lucky star and my sun in the darkness... I love you
And I promise ill be with you when you need me, always. Just like when you were for me .
Jerico. Will you Marry me?
Jerico nodded, covering her mouth with her right hand as Rick slipped the beautiful ring on her ring finger.
He hugged her, holding her by the biceps And pressing their bodies together, he kept muttering "I love you, I love you so much" and in reply he would get a "I love you too. I love you so much too"
The other women clap and cheer, and after jerico and Rick share a quick but passionate kiss, music invades the house.
Jeri danced with Harley laughing and smiling, Rick sits back looking at his partner.
--Shes one hell of a woman-- Dinah said.
--She is-- Rick agreed.
--You better treat her right
-- I try to do that every single Day of my life
--go dance with her Man!-- as Dinah says this he pushes him towards her and her voice powers give him an extra boost.
Harley lets go and he stumbles on jerico, who holds him with worry on her face before he smiles reassuringly and dances with her.
The other women leave to the front garden and peak through one of the Windows.
--I love you-- Rick mutters with pure adoration in his voice, pulling her to his chest after twirling her.
--I love you too-- jeri replied pressing her forehead against his.
They both danced alone for a little while before everyone came back in.
Thar same night, whime Rick was sleeping, Harley and Jerico sit in the roof, as the later explains what and who she is.
--So you were born from one of those?-- harleen asked.
--And you travel through dimentions?
--Cool-- she concluded-- hey ive been meanin' to ask you, whose rings that?
--Thats Jhons, my previous partner,he was a sorcerer but everyone dies in the end, I carry a piece of his soul with me here-- jerico taps the ring.
--Flag knows?
--Hes fine with it, are you?
--Im fine. I think thats a very cute thing to do for your ex hubby. Was he handsome?
--Was he nice?
--To me? Yes. To the rest? Nope
Harley chuckles and hugs her, giving her a soft gentle kiss, the other woman kissed back and caressed her girlfriend's cheek.
and thats the actual story. We're living happily ever after, and yes. Im still commiting crime much to Rick's dismay and jeri's amusement
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