sadiees-stuff · 1 year
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decadent-hag · 2 months
TW MORRISEY but I get “please please please let me get what I want” vibes from your blog (in a good way!)
ok this is so fucking real !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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"it wasn’t your fault." (From August)
for @diabolicaltendencies​ in reference to this painful thing
She couldn’t bring herself to nod. She couldn’t bring herself to move. The weight of her thoughts were more than she could bare. her glassy eyes stared into the numb distance, unfocused and still wet with tears that had dried salt streaks down her cheeks. She might cry still, although there was no moisture left. It wasn’t her fault, not logically. There was nothing Alex could have done to change this outcome. It was the cost of war, or their lives, or the career they loved more than they wanted to say.
But she had been so close to happiness and it had to be pulled away at the last second. Starting again with Will, building a home where she never had to feel undermined or invisible, falling in love every morning with him more and more... Logically she should be thankful to have known him at all. It was easy enough, if she closed hr eyes, to pretend this wasn’t real. That at any moment, he could walk into the room and she could punch him for the sick and twisted joke that had been played. 
As August pulled her close, Alex felt the ghost of the person she wanted to hold her.  Not that she wasn’t grateful. She had pushed everyone else in her life away in an attempt to start again. No one else even knew the hell she was going through.
Her bottom lip shook, it was still too fresh to find words to wade through the pain. The ring felt heavy on her finger, the humidity of base clouding her mind. It was her fault. It was her fault she could feel, that she had let someone close enough to break her all over again.
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el3venthcommandment · 2 years
help my friend and i started reading the m*rrissey autobiography because we’re bored, wish us luck
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Remember another time Mrs May, when the British Prime Minister clasped hands with a fascist? Less than a year after "Peace for our time" encounter, Neville Chamberlain had to utter those terrible words "...as a consequence this country is now at war with Germany" Those words heralded the casting of a dark shadow that blanketed the whole world. It was a war with one of the worst atrocities humanity ever witnessed, the murder of over 6 million people. Our tiny minds can't even process such devastation. You know I am totally aware of the pain the United Kingdom has inflicted on so many people worldwide throughout history. However I feel in the 20th century we had our moments. We certainly could have acted quicker but I feel like most brits, myself included, feel proud of our nation's efforts to halt the march of facism across Europe in WW2. And postwar saw the birth of the welfare state which again many brits have great national pride for. But after May's supposed apathy towards Trump's executive order banning Muslims from certain countries entering the states, I have never felt so disgusted with my country. I cannot believe that our government is cool with inviting this facsists for tea in Buckingham palace. As a major world power (although I know how much of a joke we are after the Brexit result) It's our responsibility to challenge Trump and put pressure on him to.oppose his harmful policies. If May continues with this sycophantic behaviour, where will lead this the UK to? I'm terrified thay we will be remembered as a nation that did nothing in the face of evil. To everyone who is affected by all the horrible things Trump has done, I feel I can only say how sorry I am for the disgraceful actions of my nation. I can assure you that many of the people I know are against Trump and we stand in solidarity with all those who suffer
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mvrcielago · 2 years
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❝𝐈𝐓 𝐃𝐎𝐄𝐒𝐍’𝐓 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐏 𝐁𝐄𝐂𝐀𝐔𝐒𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔’𝐕𝐄 𝐁𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐂𝐔𝐄𝐃❞  ╱ 𝐍𝐎𝐖 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆: inara morrisey / maya. 20+ años. estados unidos. estudiante de psicología. | 𝐟𝐜: anya taylor-joy | 𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐠𝐨𝐫í𝐚: canon | 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐞: 📚 the butterfly garden | 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬: abierto | 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐬: 01. verse canon (tw: sobreviviente de secuestro & abuso sexual).
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interlagosed · 2 years
i am only very new I am keen to hear why you don’t like them!! // Ha, okay, is three-fold. 1) Morrissey. He is a tw*t of the highest order (scuse the word, usually I don't use it but it's sort of synonymous with him here in the UK) 2) die-hard Smiths fans are the most pretentious soul-sucking music snobs to walk the earth & 3) I went to boarding school & shared a dorm with a girl who was obsessed. Nothing like hours of Girlfriend in a Coma on repeat to make you wish you were in coma yourself 😭
I definitely know Morrisey is a tw*t which makes my liking the smiths depressing UGH everything else ALSO MAKES SENSE and is absolutely valid it just. they scratch the cranberries itch in my head. weep. u r in the right anon, i am the fool here alas
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bratush · 7 years
Hey. I Iike the smiths, but I have no clue about Morrisey's personality, can you tell me about it?
sorry but if you think i’m going to stop studying to educate you on why morrissey’s a wanker then you’re absolutely right because i hate studying and i hate morrissey, thanks for the ask, readmore link for accessibility 
if the html on this doesnt work i’ll genuinely piss myself because i’ve just spent an hour on this
because morrissey was effectively the sadboy pioneer, he’s got quite an outspoken, pretentious and unbearable personality. he likes himself a little too much and everyone else not enough
i’ve been a morrissey disciple for quite a long time, saw him three times, would probably see him again if he came to liverpool because his tunes are, occasionally, second to none, but despite all this, here are the non-justifiable faults i can dig up:
SPECIAL MENTIONS:- to his vegetarianism and peta work; i can’t really fault this because i sort of agree, even when he whips out videos of slaughterhouses (TW ANIMAL ABUSE) during his gigs i find myself nodding along. so he campaigns for a good cause, but he just does it in the worst possible ways.
- to his margaret thatcher hatefuck anthem, because margaret thatcher was pure evil and i, too, wished she would die. 
- to his royal family hatefuck anthem and album, because the royal family are parasites (morrissey’s politics are funny things because he’s definitely outspoken about them but if you disagree then you’re probably worse than morrissey)
- to national front disco, because it was misinterpreted badly and i sympathise
- in which he clearly finds nigel farage sexually attractive- in which reggae is vile and racist to white people- in which mr vegetables strikes again- in which his merch guy is a fucking idiot- in which he hatefucks robert smith repeatedly (a paraphrased version here)- in which mr sociable strikes again
however, morrissey has done some good stuff. just some.
anyway, thanks for your message, hope this enlightens you on why mr carrotsticks is annoying. dont let this make you feel bad in any way for liking the smiths, because there’s always an alternative x
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❝   can i help you not to hurt anymore?   ❞
for @iamhamishwatsonholmes 
There was a lot that was going to come up on a visit to her dad’s house. She had been nervous, and on edge the whole drive here but the last thing she had expected to see a picture of Will in that shoebox.
Due to his life, Sebastian never kept any keepsakes out on display. They were hidden away tightly. Alex hadn’t actually seen it before. It was before they were dating, or anything really. the two of them being picked up from leave, just messing around like idiots. They looked so young in those uniforms, so naive.
It had caught her off guard, and she needed some air. Of course Hamish had followed her.
She sat curled up in the sand, her eyes moving from the tide to him as she broke her silence.
  “ No. I don’t think it’ll ever stop hurting.” 
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Hamish. He could make her heart beat a thousand miles an hour, and yet now he was more calming than the ebb and flow of the waves.
    “ There’s a piece of you that stays with that person, never really moving on. I loved him and I watched him go. It’s hard to explain that no matter how much you grieve or you don’t, how much you love someone else- it’s not...”
It was always going to be impossible to explain, how deep and how painful this felt. He had known about Will very early on, much earlier than she would have liked given how much she gave away in her sleep. Alex waited for him to take a seat next to her, leaning in close out of habit. He was her safe place now.
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He should know. He’d loved someone, it hadn’t ended well. Alex didn’t know all the specifics. Nor would she ask, or push whatever boundary he had for now but that meant he might understand.
    “ I know we both had lives before this. When that was cut short, I had all this misplaced love that just had no where to go. We never fell out of it. He wasn’t perfect, but he was important to me.”
Will was flawed, and human. For Alex though, Will was the first person who would listen to her for hours. He showed her how soft life could be. Those lessons had brought her here, whether this was part of some bigger design or just a stroke of luck.
    “ There will be a joke on TV or a song that comes on and I want to text him, or tell him what he’s missing. In that moment it hurts all over again. And then it reminds me how lucky I am to be able to have you to share things like that with. I just... I wasn’t prepared to see that.”
She sat there in silence, entangled in him. On some level she was processing a grief she had been putting off for years. The hot tears rolled down her cheeks even with her eyes closed, forehead pressed to his. The wind whipped around them, the sun sinking lower in the sky.
    “ I should go back. Dad will be worried.”
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