axoxtxhxh · 2 years
Kissing Kageyama Pt. 2
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Well this was never supposed to happen. Someone had mentioned to me about a month ago that they wanted a part two of this story and while I didn’t have plans for it, I couldn’t get it out of my head. So here is part two to Please Me: Kissing Kageyama. Thanks @millenialfanfictionaddiction​ for beta reading :)
Kissing Kageyama Pt. 2 WC: 8.7K ; 29-minute read ; Fem Reader Warnings: Minors do not interact. See tags for any specific triggers
The backs of your legs hit Kageyama’s bed and you nearly fell backwards had he not wrapped his arm around your waist, holding you up. He smiled against your lips before returning to what you were previously doing.
Kissing Kageyama this time around felt familiar and yet very different. He still worked wonders with that tongue and it had you arching your back before anything had really even happened between you two. The other familiar part was his hesitancy with everything else he did, his unsure movements leaving you guessing as he’d rest his hand on your hip only to quickly pull it away and set it on your waist or your cheek. It definitely made you wonder how you let this happen again, how you let yourself get charmed into another night with the setter when the last time was underwhelming at best.
After finding out Kageyama was the famous setter from Team Japan, you gave him a call. There was never any intention of ever using the phone number he had left in your phone, but one-night-stands become slightly less one-nighty when you learn that you had slept with a famous olympian.
With the decision to meet up again the night of that first phone call, you thought that there might be something between the two of you. Not that you wanted anything between the two of you. You were very content being alone, but having someone that wanted the occasional hanky panky and nothing else, while simultaneously looking like Kageyama, was a rare find. How he managed to convince you to meet him again when the last meeting fell short of your expectations was beyond you. You tried to blame it on his endless charm, but honestly, his charm was nonexistent. You could really only blame yourself.
Either way, the meeting that night didn’t happen. There was no hanky panky for you that night or the night after or the night after that. There was always something coming up. Whether it was practice or a game or your period. There was always something. When he finally asked to meet up again three weeks later, you thought it was a joke as you were beginning to believe he didn’t actually want whatever it was that he wanted your phone number for. It turned out that being an olympian kept you busy and Kageyama just sucked at communication. Big surprise.
That’s what brought you to his apartment building. His expensive, very large, and slightly intimidating apartment building where he opened the door with a smile.
Kageyama pulled you inside and immediately brought his lips to yours in a fiery kiss that drew your breath from your lungs. You certainly didn’t remember that happening last time. The rest of his apartment was a blur as he brought you to his bedroom and lowered you to his bed. The cold sheets hit the backs of your arms and forced a chill to run over you. It crossed your mind for a second whether these cold sheets were clean or not, but you could smell the fresh detergent as soon as you were able to get a breath in when Kageyama moved his lips down your jaw.
“H–how have you been?” You asked, quietly.
“What?” He pulled back to look at you.
Honestly, what? Why were you trying to have small talk right now??
“Have you been doing well?” You repeated, trying to sound confident. Somehow confidence made everything okay, though you weren’t sure how confident you actually sounded or if confidence would have helped this situation at all.
“Yeah, yeah,” he breathed, nodding, “I’ve been good.”
“Yeah.” He forced a swallow. “H–have you been good?”
“Yes.” You nodded. “Very good.”
“That’s good.” He awkwardly nodded with you.
God, you really messed this up.
Kageyama watched you for a second before speaking.
“I’m gonna kiss you now.” He smiled and you only let yourself nod, worried you might say something stupid.
Honestly, small talk? At this point? You had no idea what you were thinking. The mood was good and definitely didn’t need small talk. Not to mention, you really didn’t care about how he was doing.
That’s not entirely true. You weren’t heartless, but based on how he looked, everything was in working order and that was good enough for you.
With unnecessary small talk out of the way, you pulled at the hem of his shirt, lifting it up until he tugged it over his head and tossed it aside. Okay, the talking you didn’t miss, but that body? Hell yes, you definitely missed that. Every single inch of him was amazing. You ran your finger across the humps and ridges of his ab muscles and it didn’t matter to you that you knew he was purposely flexing. You liked it either way.
After he deemed it enough time to enjoy his body, he leaned back over you and attached his lips to your neck as he worked on your top. He slowly undid each button, his mouth following the exposed skin as it grew until he was at your navel and he sat back to help you pull off the shirt. Those lips. You never wanted them to leave your skin.
He seemed to like the lime-green bralette you wore last time and you were stupid enough to pay attention to that so this time you wore a bright yellow, demi-cup balconnete bra and he definitely took notice. You waited, watching his mouth hanging open until it started to get weird and you propped yourself up on your elbows.
“Are you going to just sit there or are you going to take it off?” You laughed and he blinked quickly, looking up at your face and the corner of his mouth quirked up.
“Right.” He nodded and leaned forward again. In his defense, your bra was entirely see-through so he had a lot more to see than last time. His lips were pressed uncomfortably against yours as you propped yourself up and he tried to do the same, having no balance as he worked to unclasp your bra. “Almost got it.”
“Are you sure? It doesn’t feel–”
“Got it!” He sat back, a proud and satisfied look on his face, while he most certainly did not get it. Your bra was entirely still on. In fact, it felt like he might have unclasped it and reclasped it on a tighter clip. “Damn it.”
That’s what it was. That was his charm. That was what had you continuing the disaster of a night last time and what made you agree to have another one tonight. Kageyama was adorably pitiful sometimes and you couldn’t help but smile. Something about seeing a complete disaster in another human was actually endearing. You were sure most of his life he had things together, but this, sex, intimacy, he was completely out of his element and these were the things you couldn’t resist.
“Let me help.” You sat up and gently pushed on his shoulder so he would lay down on the bed. Kageyama’s eyes stayed on you. He hated that he couldn’t do things. It didn’t matter how many times he’d done it before, he couldn’t get himself not to fumble around. He wasn’t this person. He wasn’t the person that didn’t know how to do things. He was reliable and skilled, everyone else saw it. But for some reason, with you, he wasn’t. You didn’t look at him in the way others did and it only made him want to try harder.
Your bra slipped from your shoulders and down your arms before you tossed it to the side and looked down at him with a smile. He wasn’t smiling. He just stared, his eyes on yours before they slowly moved down your body. His staring might have been a lot, but you honestly liked it. He had a way of making you feel like he just wanted to eat you up and you kind of liked that. It was definitely a compliment to be stared at in that way and he was very good at it.
“I don’t remember you looking this good last time,” he said quietly and you wondered if maybe you spoke too soon. Not the worst thing to say, but certainly not the best compliment.
“No, I just mean that you weren’t as pretty.” His eyes widened and you were sure he felt the insult before you did. “Fuck. No.”
He hit his palm against his forehead and sat up, hoping to somehow undig the hole he was digging. Maybe he could eat you up with his eyes, but the man couldn’t use words to save his life.
“Are you trying to insult me?”
“Of course not. God damn it.” He laid back on the bed and covered his face. Every time he opened his mouth, stupid came out. It was like he couldn’t even control it. Yeah, he wasn’t the best with words, but damn, even he knew how to call someone beautiful.
“It’s fine, Kags.” You leaned over him and laid your cheek against his chest. He was warm. Warm and soft and honestly just big. Compliment, insult or whatever he was doing, it wasn’t going to ruin your night. “You’re lucky I’m not bothered by those things.”
You sat up and unbuckled his pants, sliding them down his legs before he uncovered his face to look at you. Keeping your eyes on his, you slowly undid your own pants and let them fall to the floor. You watched as Kageyama sat up, swallowing hard as his eyes followed your pants down your legs before shooting back up to your underwear.
Yes, you were wearing a matching set. It didn’t happen very often and you did buy this particular set for this particular night, but he didn’t need to know that. Honestly, you didn’t think he would have even cared about the set at all but seeing him look at you when you had on the bra and seeing the way he looked at you now, he made it feel worth the effort.
“You look… great,” he mumbled, each word seeming as if it strained him to get them out.
“Thank you.” You stepped closer to the bed and he walked himself to the edge until he could pull you into a kiss and pick you up.
The tiniest reminder of what happened last time flew through your mind and you tightly gripped his shoulders, but Kageyama just set you down on the bed gently before deepening the kiss, allowing his tongue to overtake yours in a way that made your eyes roll back.
With things moving along swiftly, you figured it was a good time to get the party rolling and you reached down in between the two of you and into your underwear. Kageyama could feel your hand as it made its way down and watched your movements. At first, he was just looking while he continued kissing you. A little awkward, a little uncomfortable, but you thought he was doing it just to turn himself on. Soon, he pulled away from the kiss completely, pulling back so he could get a clear view.
“Let me do that.” He didn’t ask, he didn’t demand. He just sort of said it and honestly you were a bit stunned. You couldn’t figure out if you were surprised or nervous. From what you remembered last time, the guy had no idea what he was doing, nor did he show any interest in really learning. Still, he softly grabbed your wrist and moved your hand aside, replacing the fingers in your panties with his own.
Now, you would be the first to admit, when someone knew what they were doing, having them do it felt infinitely better than doing it yourself. The important part was, they had to know what they were doing. It was very important and honestly, most often not the case. You laid there, half expecting Kageyama to fumble around a bit as he watched your face for all the signs of mind-blowing pleasure so he could feel good about himself. He seemed like that type and you might have been willing to give him that.
As it turned out, he wasn’t that type because instead of staring at you, he laid down, half on you and half on the bed, and propped himself up on his free arm before lowering himself until he could comfortably kiss your neck.
He wasn’t even going to watch you? You momentarily questioned everything until his lips found that wonderful spot on your neck and your mind went blank, your head relaxing against the pillow under you.
Relaxed was good. Relaxed meant that you could wait for him to get bored with touching you and you could pick up where you left off before and get the show on the road. That was the plan.
Well, that was your plan. Kageyama had a different plan and the moment he actually started touching you, he sighed quietly. It was definitely quiet, but because he was right next to your ear, it was anything but quiet and entirely beautiful. If you weren’t already wet, you were definitely wet now. His fingers slipped through your folds and gathered your warm wetness, bringing it all to rest gently as he slowly circled your clit.
His plan was so much better than your plan.
Holy fuck. Your eyes shot open as he sped up his hand and you could feel the building of warmth in the core of your body. Wait a second. This felt… good. This felt so good. Where was this last time? Your head fell back into the pillow and you bit your lip through a moan. His fingers didn’t miss a beat. You would be the first to admit, it might have been a while since you’d been with someone. And you weren’t just talking the last three weeks. Even before that, it had been a while. So when you couldn’t control the level of hip bucking that was going on, you were attributing it to that.
It might have been fast, but it didn’t even matter. Your entire body was trembling. It had only been a short while and you were covered in sweat, your hips twitching, head shaking, all while you had a death grip on Kageyama’s shoulder. It didn’t matter, the man’s fingers continued to work their magic while he buried his face into your neck. Occasionally he would moan softly and it only had you moaning in return. Not as softly.
Finally, your body couldn’t take it anymore. It was like you felt the release just before it hit, like a bucket filling with water and that moment just before it starts spilling over the edge, the anticipation had your vision went white and your entire body tensed and you lifted your hips from the bed in a weird glute bridge, but oh god did it feel amazing. You gasped quietly, unable to breathe while your body stiffened and shook with pleasure.
The ugliest groan escaped from you as Kageyama’s fingers somehow prolonged an already horrendous orgasm. It was torture and at the same time breath-taking. Literally. You had never felt anything like it and if you weren’t experiencing the greatest orgasm in all of history, you might have felt embarrassed.
And still. Kageyama never missed a beat.
Finally, you could breathe again and you gasped for air, chest heaving quickly and you lowered your hips to the bed. You were numb. You’d had great orgasms before, spectacular orgasms, but never to the point of feeling completely numb. Your hand trembled slightly as you rested it on Kageyama’s shoulder.
“Kags?” Your voice was quiet and you leaned away to try and look at him, but all you could see was his ear. His mouth was working over your collarbone and you certainly didn’t want to interrupt that.
“Was it okay?” He asked. “Do you want more?”
“First of all, I am always going to want more.” You managed to joke and he chuckled against your neck and leaned back, looking down at your legs, shaking slightly. Holy fuck, he did that. He did. “Can I ask what that was?”
“What do you mean?”
“Why are you… like…” You couldn’t think of the right words because you didn’t want it to sound insulting.
“Why are you, like, good… now?” You now realized how stupid he must have felt when he was trying to compliment you earlier. He smiled and rested his chin on his arm. “Seriously, you were… I mean, you were really awful last time.”
“I was nervous.” He laughed.
“ That nervous?”
“Yes.” He shrugged and looked down at your shoulder, gently brushing his thumb over the soft skin. “You’re pretty and funny and I don’t know. You were so good so I just let you do everything.”
“I do tend to have control issues.” You’d like to say you were working on it, but you weren’t. It was a bad habit, but one that you had developed after being left disappointed by so many people.
“I don’t mind it.” He looked at you and watched your reaction as his fingers slowly trailed their way down from your shoulder to lightly brush over your nipple and you quickly inhaled. You knew he was that type.
“So in the spirit of telling you what to do,” you started, “how tired is your arm right now?”
“Have you forgotten that I’m an athlete?” He laughed and you realized you had yet to see his full smile before. It was odd. Not the smile itself, but like it was something he didn’t do very often.
“Get to it then.” You laid back down, getting comfortable as you waited for him.
“Can you maybe take those off for me?” He nudged his nose in the direction of your underwear and you reached down and pulled them off faster than you had ever taken anything off.
His lips moved to yours quickly while his hand pushed your legs apart and you waited for the wonderful feeling of his finger circling your clit to take over your body. It didn’t though. He seemed to focus his attention on just a general rubbing of everything and you had a brief moment where you thought maybe he had beginner's luck the first time. It was very brief though because soon after he pushed two fingers inside of you, searching for that special spot and your head was back to digging into the pillow under you.
To your surprise, he found the spot almost immediately and you were nearly back to doing a glute bridge on the bed. Waves of heat ran over you and your body was covered in sweat again. Could you really come this fast the second time? Every part of him touching you was building up a boiling heat in your stomach. It didn’t help that not only was he rubbing relentlessly over that sensitive spot inside of you, his thumb was gently massaging your clit. You could barely keep it together. You wanted to come. You could feel it right there. It was so close you could just let it go and release, but this time around, Kageyama’s moaning was uncontrollable. You remembered he was loud, but that’s when he was inside of you. At this point, he still had his underwear on as he grinded against your thigh. Seeing him lose it was half the fun last time.
“Kageyama.” You leaned back from the kiss, but he just brought his lips to your jaw, moaning against your skin. “Kags, stop.”
“What?” He leaned back, eyes half-lidded. “What’s wrong?”
“Lay down.”
“You’re not finished.”
“Just lay down.” You sat up and he fell to the bed. His fingers slipped out of you and you were really regretting this decision, but, if you remembered things correctly, it was about to feel infinitely better.
The front of his underwear had a little wet spot on it and it only made you that much more excited when you pulled them down his legs. You thought he was slightly out of it, but he moved so fast that he had a condom on before you even fully got his underwear off. It was honestly the small things that you found endearing.
You paused, contemplating saying the joke that was on the tip of your lips, but decided against it and instead sat down on his lap, slowly pushing him inside of you.
“Oh my god, you feel amazing.” Kageyama’s eyes closed and he gripped your hips, forcing them back and forth over him. “Holy fuck.”
Somehow, this man, who you’ve admitted on several occasions was very good-looking, just became even more attractive. The little thrust of his hips, his abs tensing and relaxing as he breathed, the muscles in his chest and arms pulsing as he tried to move your body, his neck veins, the sweat that was dripping from his temples and jaw, and the way his mouth hung open as quiet whines and moans pushed out past his lips, all of it sent goosebumps across your skin and a burning heat in your body.
You ground your hips down and he moaned loudly, his head digging into the pillow under him. You remembered that. You definitely liked that part. His loud moans echoing in his bedroom were much better than the love motel. Without the potential threat of getting kicked out because of a noise complaint, you wanted to see just how loud he could get.
Each and every time you ground down onto Kageyama, he felt like his body would explode. He would be the first to admit that he wasn’t that difficult to please. Sex for him lasted only as long as it took his partner to come because he was always shortly after that. With you though, it seemed different. He wanted things to take a bit longer, things to move a bit slower, he wanted to have more time with you. But he knew that if you kept grinding down on him the way you were, he wasn’t going to last much longer at all.
“Fuck, it’s too good,” he wheezed out, his voice strained from the moans. He opened his eyes and looked at you. You were smiling, looking down at him as your body bounced quickly and he bit back a groan. There was no way he would last much longer. He brought his thumb to your clit and started rubbing over it, first slowly, then quickly.
“Oh Ka–” Your head fell back with a heavy moan and you ground down even harder than you were before. “Faster.”
“Shit.” He moved his thumb even faster, his head falling back as your body sped up. He forced himself deeper, thrusting upwards each time you pushed down. Both of you were moaning loudly, the sounds bouncing around the room as he brought you nearer to your orgasm. “You’re so amazing.”
“Don’t stop,” you begged, but the second you spoke the words, your body fell back as your orgasm took over. He could feel your muscles tightening, your body shaking above him and he did his best to hold you there while he thrusted further into you. The tightening of your walls and the fresh warmth of fluid that fell all over his cock had him crying out as he orgasmed.
“God…” He gripped your hips tightly, driving his hips into yours with several heavy grunts until his entire body trembled under you and he fell to the bed. He was left gulping for air, his throat dry from overuse that you could almost hear him wheezing. You watched his body slowly calm itself down with his eyes closed. His chest rising and falling quickly, his ab muscles flexing, his shoulders still shaking and his hair soaked in the front, strands glued to his forehead, and again, somehow he managed to look even more handsome. “Geez.”
He rubbed his face and you took that as your cue to get up and you slowly pulled off of him, dreading the empty feeling as your bodies separated. You had always hated that feeling, but something about it now made it feel extra bad. If memory served you, Kageyama was a good two seconds from falling asleep and this was the perfect chance to step away.
As soon as your feet hit the floor, you felt his hand firmly grip your wrist and you turned to look at him. He was awake. Wide awake with his eyes staring clearly at you.
“Don’t go.” He sat up quickly. “Don’t leave so soon.”
“I’m just going to the bathroom.”
“You’re not leaving?” His eyebrows came together.
“No.” You chuckled and tugged your wrist until he let go. “Give me a second.”
He nodded and you made your way to his bathroom. Thankfully, it wasn’t that difficult to find since it connected to his bedroom. Blindly feeling around for the light switch, you felt the raised plastic and clicked it, light filling the room and you gently closed the door behind you.
Your original mission was to pee, but now that you were in there, you were interested in how he liked to keep things. Snooping was something you were good at. You had a feeling he was an organized person, but this was a whole different level. Everything had a place and was somehow made to look like decoration. Even his razor had a stand that looked like some sort of art sculpture.
Each drawer was perfectly organized with towels, cotton pads, cotton swabs, and toilet paper. There was one drawer at the top filled with lotions and expensive soaps. You didn’t know the brand, but you could tell it was expensive by the packaging.
The bottom drawer nearest the toilet was the least organized, you noticed. Random feminine products were stuffed in little trays. He had everything from tampons to pantyliners to makeup wipes to tweezers. He even had a facial massager in there which made you wonder if he had any idea what he was buying or if he just randomly went through aisles and put stuff in his cart. He also had a menstrual cup. Just one, which confused you for a second. Either way, the thought was appreciated and you made a mental note to remember it before you quickly peed and went back to the bedroom.
“Are you done going through all my drawers?” Kageyama’s voice came from the darkness. After turning out the light, it took your eyes some time to adjust.
“You heard that?” You cringed lightly.
“You were kind of slamming them.” He laughed quietly as you tiptoed to the bed, sitting on the edge. Your eyes adjusted and you saw him sitting up, his back against the headboard, watching you as you looked around his room. “You look pretty like that.”
“Like what?”
“Just sitting there.” He shrugged and leaned in a little. “What are you thinking about?”
What were you thinking? You certainly weren’t letting the comment get to your head. You weren’t thinking about how, for someone who stumbled over everything he was trying to say earlier in the night, he managed to switch it around and continued giving you the best compliments anyone else ever had. You certainly weren’t thinking about how you feel a little less alone when you are with him or about the fact that you didn’t actually like being alone even though you told everyone that you did. You definitely weren’t thinking those things.
Except you were. You were thinking of every single one of those things, but you couldn’t tell him any of it.
“Just thinking about how clean your bathroom is,” you lied and Kageyama laughed. It was that laugh that seemed almost wrong on his face, like it didn’t belong or didn’t know how to be there, but god did it look good. “I really like when you smile.”
Fuck. Why did you say that? Why did you say that?! It might have been true, but read the room, this was not the time for comments that sounded romantic. You just had sex. Couples say stuff like this afterwards. You and Kageyama are not a couple. You panicked slightly, trying to find a way to change the subject or at least fix it so it didn’t sound so cheesy, but you heard Kageyama laugh and you looked up to see him smiling.
“Thanks. Not many people tell me that.”
“Really?” You were sure he got tons of compliments from all his fans.
“I guess I seem too serious most of the time.” He shrugged.
“I find that hard to believe.”
“You don’t think I’m serious?”
“No, I mean, I don’t know. I’ve been around you a total of, like, eight minutes.”
“Well maybe if you wouldn’t leave so quickly afterwards, you’d know.”
“Fair point.”
“Every time I’ve opened my mouth tonight, I’ve managed to insult you.” He had a point and you laughed at his little eye roll. “Because of that, I just stay quiet. People mistake that for being serious.”
“I do agree that your compliments need work. But they’re not terrible .”
“They’re not?”
“I distinctly remember you calling me pretty earlier.” You pointed out and watched him think about it before you could see he remembered. “I also remember you saying I was amazing and so good .”
He laughed at your overly dramatic reminder of his compliments and you felt a fluttering in your chest at the sound. Kageyama was cute. So fucking cute. He had some weird quirks about him, but who didn’t? He was sweet, good in bed which was an incredible turn of events, and he was easy to talk to. These were all surprisingly difficult qualities to find. Most of all, he seemed to like you which was another quality that was difficult to find. Nearly impossible, actually. It really made you wonder why he didn’t already have someone. How could a guy this good, that could get anyone, be alone?
“Why didn’t you want me to leave?” It was a bit forward, you had to admit. It was forward and kind of a weird time to even ask it, but it had been weighing on your mind a bit. It wasn’t even that he didn’t want you to leave, it was that he seemed worried that you would. There was a definite difference between the two and you were curious about his thoughts.
“I don’t know.” He shrugged. “You make me feel less alone.”
“You know, any woman, or man, can do that for you too.” You smiled, leaning towards him and he shook his head with a smile.
“I can assure you, that’s not true.” He sat up, moving close enough to you to grab your arm and pull you to lay back in bed. You followed, letting him cover you with his blankets and he propped his head up on his elbow and stared at you. “Your company is different.”
“What is so different about me?” You rolled onto your stomach and looked at him, resting your chin on your palm.
“You’re just different.”
“How?” You were prying. This was definitely prying and you could tell that Kageyama struggled a little, but it seemed less like he didn’t want to tell you and more like he wasn’t sure how to explain it.
“I feel like when we’re together, I can just be me. It’s like I can forget that I’m a pro athlete for a while.” He seemed satisfied with his answer, but when he looked at you, he could tell you were still confused. “It’s like you not caring that I’m an athlete, gives me a chance to forget it too.”
You stared at him, your eyebrows together as you thought about it. It made sense, but also didn’t make sense.
“God, I suck with words.” He covered his face with his hands and groaned.
“No, no. I get it.” Well you sort of got it. “But it’s not like you’re wearing your uniform. It’s easy to forget.”
“You’d be surprised. I’m never just Tobio Kageyama with anyone.”
“Who else would you be?” Now you were confused again.
“Pro athlete, famous setter, olympian, rich guy with an expensive apartment–”
“In defense of that, you do have a really expensive apartment.”
“Did you steal anything from any of my drawers?”
“No!” You sat up, appalled that he would even think that.
“Did you tell anyone that you were with a pro volleyball player?"
“Just the friend that was with me when I found out.”
“Have you tried getting into any of the games using my name?”
“No, but–”
“Have you asked me for anything like getting into clubs or expensive jewelry or anything?”
“You know I haven’t. Who would ask–”
“Exactly. Who would ask for that? But people do.” He shook his head. “All the time.”
You knew people could be shitty, but this was a whole other level of surprising. You worked in a bar and have come across some terrible people that treated you like garbage, but that was your job and you could walk away from it. Kageyema didn’t seem to have that luxury at all.
“Well, Tobio Kageyama, you do not have to worry.” You patted his arm and leaned closer. “I don’t even like volleyball.”
He almost snorted at that, shaking his head with a smile before staring at the wall for a short while and then bringing his attention to you.
“You know, I liked that you didn’t know who I was before, but I think I like it more knowing that you know.”
“Me too, “ you agreed. It was almost sad how something as simple as friendship or kindness or love could be so difficult for Kageyama to find. You were sure being a pro athlete had its perks, but given the opportunity, you weren’t sure you would give up your anonymity to the world or give up the comfort of knowing someone wanted to be with you because of you and not your money or fame.
While you were thinking, he had moved closer to you, resting a hand under your chin before leaning in and kissing you. You had been so caught up in talking that you’d almost forgotten that you both had just fucked. He opened his mouth, dipping his tongue out to taste your lips and you inhaled sharply. What was it about guys being vulnerable that had you getting so hot? You pulled back to look at him, wanting more and fairly certain he wanted more too.
Kageyama noticed something in your eyes. You were thinking of something and before he could ask you what, you smiled. A big, bright, wide smile that had his breath catching in his chest. What were you thinking?
“What?” He questioned hesitantly. You considered responding, but decided against it as you leaned in and kissed him again. Kageyama immediately pulled your body closer to him and deepened the kiss further. It almost felt strange though. It was a new feeling for you. He was naked and you were naked, but it felt different. It was almost more intimate, like cuddling without the cuddling part. Your hands ran all over his bare skin before they found themselves squeezing his ass. Somehow your hands always found themselves there.
“Yes,” he moaned into your mouth which made you smile and you couldn’t resist lightly biting his bottom lip which elicited another moan. God, he was easy. You loved how easy he was. He was also hard as a rock and you pulled yourself away from his lips, wiggling your way under the covers until you were between his legs.
Still just as beautiful. You hated that. Men shouldn’t be allowed to have pretty dicks. They should all be ugly, but that just wasn’t the case with him.
While you were down there, you happened to notice something you didn’t see last time. You were so sure he was one of those guys who had no interest in maintaining his pubic hair and just got lucky with a minimal, perfectly-shaped amount. But, just above his pubic bone where the hair seemed to magically stop, there was a little bit of regrowth. You didn’t see it last time because you weren’t this close, but this man actually took care of himself.
Your little celebration of hope for women everywhere ended abruptly as Kageyama shifted his feet back and forth, anticipating your touch. He gently lifted the blankets up and peeked down at you and you used the opportunity to hold eye contact with him as you slowly and lightly licked up the side of his cock.
“Oh fuck.” His head dropped back onto the pillows and his hips thrusted forward involuntarily. It was a really light lick, you could imagine how frustrating it must have been, yet he still ate it up and it only made you want him that much more. So, you picked up the pace a bit, your lips surrounding the smooth head before pulling off and slowly dropping deeper until you felt like you might gag. It had definitely been a while for you, so you decided taking your time was best.
The deeper you went, the louder Kageyama got. The faster you went, the more he begged for more. You didn’t know him that well outside of the bedroom, but his shy demeanor the first time you met, anxious or not, couldn’t possibly match how vocal he was now.
“Yes, baby! Harder!” He cried out and you were slightly confused by what harder meant, but he seemed happy as long as you continued so you just kept up with it. “God, baby… fuck .”
You were also a little confused because he definitely knew your name now, yet he still insisted on calling you ‘baby’. Either way, it was hot as hell hearing him moan like that, so you weren’t about to complain.
As you continued, you were sure he was close to climax when suddenly he quickly yanked the covers up and looked at you. You nearly jumped back, not because of him looking, though it was jarring having you suddenly exposed while having a full dick in your mouth, but what had you jumping was how surprised you were at the sudden movement.
“Get your ass up here.” He choked, his voice raw. You paused for a moment, almost confused because it sounded like you were being scolded? Maybe he wanted to role play. You sat up and wiggled your way back up to him and he shook his head. “No, no. Your ass.”
“Your ass… Your butt. Bring your butt up here.”
“My ass and my butt are the same thing, Kags.” You honestly were confused because his voice was quiet and raspier than it normally was and what he was asking for didn’t make sense.
In the most dominant gesture you had ever seen from him, he sat up, rolling his eyes at you, and grabbed your hips while twisting your body so you sat on his face, keeping your face at his groin.
If you could have laughed, you would have. He meant your literal ass. Bring your literal ass up here. If it weren’t for how incredibly sexy it was that he lifted you so easily, the fact that the man was trying to sixty-nine by saying ‘ get your ass up here ’ would have set you into a fit of laughter. You weren’t laughing though because man was this guy it.
You leaned forward again, wrapping your lips around the tip of his erection and sucking lightly before you felt the most heavenly movement in between your legs and instantly pulled off of him.
“Holy shit.” Your hips naturally lifted and he grabbed them, pulling them back down. “Kags…”
That tongue. You knew that tongue would be trouble. You didn’t know when the trouble would present itself or how, but you knew that eventually it would. And now was when it finally did. If his fingers over your clit felt amazing, you didn’t have words for his tongue. God, and he was moaning. Hewas moaning as he pushed his face deeper in your folds.
“God…” You dropped your head to rest on his hip as you did your best not to grind down on him. You were turned on, definitely turned on, but this had you crying and clawing against his thighs. His tongue swirled and flicked and rubbed while he was sucking and kissing and still somehow moaning against your body. Those moans were going to be the death of you and it didn’t matter what you wanted to do, you body was no longer in your control because as long as he continued what he was doing, you couldn’t stop yourself from thrusting your hips forward and holy fuck–
You whimpered. It wasn’t even whimpering. Whimpering might have been sexy. You bleated. You bleated like some sort of fucking goat and it didn’t even matter because immediately your head flew back as your body contorted trying to arch your back in an impossible way. You couldn’t care though. You couldn’t care what you were doing, what your body was doing, or the fact that you were making animal sounds because Kageyama kept licking and sucking and your brain felt fireworks inside. Like the grand finale where it felt like it would never end, bigger and bigger sparks kept blasting through your mind and shooting through your body like electricity, tensing your muscles and forcing your nails to dig into his thighs. You felt sorry, so terribly sorry, and yet you couldn’t do anything but sob until the involuntary convulsing stopped and you quickly lifted your hips from his face, hearing him gasp for air.
He was at least breathing. That was a good sign. His chest rose and dropped quickly, each time hitting your stomach and you willed yourself to sit up and look at him, but you literally couldn’t move, your body exhausted. After a couple deep breaths, you were able to lift your head and realized you had drooled all over his perfect pubic hair. The chances of him not feeling it were slim and you cringed.
Your breathing slowed, returning to normal and you realized his did as well. A light warmth grew along the skin on your hip and you realized Kageyama was gently rubbing your body.
“You okay?” He asked quietly.
“What the fuck was that?” You did your best to turn your head to look at him and he looked confused.
“How could you not tell me you were that good at oral?”
“I forgot.” He shrugged.
“You forgot.” You shook your head. “What the fuck.”
Finally, maybe it was annoyance at his nonchalance towards his skill that you had no idea he possessed, but you were able to sit yourself up and turn around, low crawling over to his groin and sitting yourself down. You lined yourself up, ready to sink down.
“Wait, wait.” Kageyama turned to his night stand and quickly pulled a condom out and put it on. God damn it, this guy literally ate you out to the point of you having no idea what you were doing that you nearly raw dogged it. “Why don’t you lay down.”
He sat up and leaned you over until you were under him and he slid himself in. This whole time you were thinking he was the easy one when maybe it was you. He thrusted gently before bringing his lips to yours and it was in that moment that you became more aware of what was happening, bringing your arms around him and wrapping your legs around his back. He thrusted faster and you realized that maybe it wasn’t the kiss that woke you up. How did this already feel so good?
“Holy shit. Already?” You mumbled, pulling away from the kiss and dropping your head back with a moan.
“Do you want me to wait?” He slowed down briefly.
“I don’t think you’ll need to.” You shook your head. He sped up again and almost immediately, you felt the building of heat in your stomach. “Faster. Faster.”
As he sped up, Kageyama’s moans became groans as he worked harder and you could see the sweat bubble up on his upper lip. All you wanted was to taste him and you reached up, bringing your lips to his. Even with him focused on driving himself into you, he still managed to melt against your lips.
Salty sweat and the little bit of you that was left on his lips had you deepening the kiss, pulling him against you. He lifted your hips up, trying to make it easier to thrust while kissing you, but instead just groaned against your mouth.
“I can’t wait,” he breathed.
“It’s okay.”
“You feel so good,” he whined, somehow moving faster. His eyes pinched shut and you could feel his rhythm faltering, his thrusts becoming deeper. As his mouth dropped open, it occurred to you that this entire time, you had never seen this man’s orgasm face. If his volume was any indication, you felt like you were in for a treat. Though, he did sort of have a resting bitch face, so maybe he just looked angry.
His fingers dug into your hip and you watched him clench his jaw, breathing through his teeth as he drove into you roughly. Again, his mouth opened and he grunted. It was an ugly grunt and you felt less bad about your previous goat bleating. Another grunt, another deep thrust and his face turned a dark red. Uncomfortably dark and you realized he wasn’t breathing, the veins in his neck bulging. Small whimper. Awkward thrust since he didn’t really pull out before he pushed in further. A gentle but firm hip squeeze and you could feel his body shaking. One last quiet moan.
Then he smiled. You pulled your head back a little to look. He actually smiled. There was no way that was it. No way was his orgasm face a smile. He exhaled heavily and took a deep breath, his face starting to return to its normal color.
“What the fuck?” You grumbled.
“What?” His eyes were still closed and you could tell he was still in a daze.
“What in the actual fuck. That’s not fair.”
“What’s not fair?”
It didn’t matter, but god damn it, it wasn’t fair. Tobio Kageyama, you asshole. You grabbed his cheeks and pulled him down to kiss you, which he did. So fucking well. His arms wrapped around you and you tightened your legs around his waist. Kissing him before sex, during sex, after sex, it didn’t even matter. It always felt good. You imagined how kissing him at a cafe would feel. Or maybe in some alleyway when you sneak away from the crowds of people to get a moment to yourselves. You thought of kissing him in a movie theater, the way his arm would wrap around your waist and pull you into him. And kissing him in your apartment as you pushed your cat away just to get closer to each other.
With the worry that maybe you had taken it too far, thought too deeply into this, you pulled away from his lips. He looked at you and you were sure you probably had a look of worry on your face, but his own expression didn’t reflect that at all. He looked at you and smiled before gently kissing your lips and leaning back to look at you again. Were his eyes always this pretty?
“I should pee.” You spoke almost robotically. Trying to get away quickly, you rolled yourself to the edge of the bed, Kageyama’s barely flacid penis nearly being yanked out. “Fuck, sorry.”
You jumped from the bed and ran to the bathroom. This wasn’t good. Obviously you were attracted to him. You had known that from the first night you saw him. Somehow though, this kind of attraction felt different. It felt like something else. It felt like something more. Honestly, it felt like you had feelings for him.
“God damn it. It was that fucking pillow talk,” you whispered to yourself.
This wasn’t terrible. It was definitely not good, but it wasn’t awful. You liked being single and it really seemed like Kageyama was too busy for anything anyway. That was a good thing. At the same time though, it kind of hurt. Maybe things changed for him too. Maybe after the magical pillow talk, he felt differently.
Fuck, no, he had no reason to feel differently. You were the one that was impressed this time. He didn’t get anything different than the first time around other than a new bra color. Shit, you were the one reaching to his level now. He was hot, successful, funny, and good at sex? You had nothing. Nothing .
No. No . You’re overthinking this. You needed sleep. What time was it? You looked next to the sink and saw a clock. Of course he had a clock in here. Damn it.
You leaned over the sink and splashed cold water over your face. No overthinking. No expectations. Stop worrying. Just go out there and sit. That’s all you have to do. Just sit.
After peeing and a couple deep breaths, you opened the bathroom door. You had expected the cover of darkness in the bedroom to give you a couple more seconds to yourself, but when you opened the bathroom door, Kageyama had turned on the bedroom lights and you stood in the doorway. Not just stood, but stood completely naked.
Quickly ducking back into the bathroom, you looked for anything to cover with. There was a robe next to the shower and you grabbed it, throwing it on and moving back to the doorway. He smiled at seeing you in his robe and that was definitely not what you needed.
“Is there any way I can interest you in spending the night?” He asked, the boyish grin still on his face and he leaned forward.
“What would make you think I wouldn’t want to?” Maybe he didn’t take you running off to the bathroom as anxious, but more as ready to leave. This was good.
“You told me. In your text.” He held the phone up and it clearly said ‘do not expect me to spend the night’
“Oh, right.”
You hesitated. The thing was that being around Kageyama wasn’t actually that bad. The minimal texting you did over the last few weeks was kind of nice. He wasn’t clingy or overbearing, he listened, like actually listened to you, and compared to the first time around, the sex was pretty amazing. Scratch that. Even if you didn’t compare it, the sex was bomb. It was surprisingly difficult finding a man who looked good, smelled good, communicated clearly, and gave you orgasms. The communication on his part was shaky, but you had a feeling he was a quick learner.
You looked up at him as he waited for you to answer and you thought to add patience to that list. His hair was ruffled up on the side as if he had just woken up from one of those really deep naps that have you questioning what day it was. His cheeks were pink and his lips a little bit swollen, while his eyes looked exactly the same. The same heavy, narrow-eyed gaze. Except there was something sweet and hopeful behind it.
Maybe it was that you were recognizing the small changes in his face or maybe those small changes were because of you. Either way, seeing him look at you with that look in his eyes reminded you that being single wasn’t as great as you had been telling yourself it was. Being single was easy, but maybe easy wasn’t worth it anymore. Maybe the reason you had been convincing yourself it was great at all was because no one had shown you anything better. Maybe, though you were fairly certain, Kageyama had already shown you how good it could be.
“Okay.” You nodded. “I’ll stay.”
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