#tw.pregnancy mentions
woahjo · 7 months
best friend tendou is so odd. he's so odd. and he's so obsessed with you and he won't say anything. he's really been there for you through everything. pregnancy scares, black outs, breakups, birthdays, all of it, ever since the beginning of college. it's wrong to want you like this, but he does and he's so fucking obsessed with you he could die. he can't help it. and he sort of gets off on how wrong it feels... well, that and to the thought of you fantasizing about him, hand covering your slick center.
thinks all the time about what it would be like if you came onto him. if you crawled on all fours across the bedspread until your face was just in front of his and whispered that you know he thinks about you when he touches himself. tendou thinks constantly about what your eyes look like when you want to fuck someone, when you want to make them feel like a pervert for thinking exactly what you want them to. he can't stop.
he's seen you play with men like toys, teasing and taunting, and all he can thing about is being the next toy you play with. watching you with narrowed eyes and a slick smile while you go on and on and on about the most recent guy you're fucking. meanwhile, he's thinking about what it would be like if you leaned over and asked him if he wanted to be next.
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bokutoslittlebird · 3 years
I’m Sorry
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Alpha!Ushijima x Beta!f!reader x Alpha!Oikawa
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Warnings: THIS IS A SEQUEL to Regrets, intention of suicide, suicidal thoughts and actions [overdose, cutting, falling], mentions of self harm [overdose and cutting], angst, pregnancy, bonding mention, I did not look up Argentina resident rules
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The rain was heavy today.
You felt as if it was the universe’s way of saying it was sorry for you. The ride back to school would be in the pouring rain that matched the gloominess of your heart, only to enter a campus where nobody wanted anything to do with you. His scent was all over you; despite being a Beta, you could feel it. You had been claimed and nobody would dare try and claim Ushijima Wakatoshi’s mate, despite the fact you’re not his mate.
Sobbing did little to ease the ache in your chest, eyes blotched from the constant tears and your nose sniffling as you tried to wipe away snot with your sleeves. Your sleeves, not his sleeves of a jacket you stole. Reading stories of how an Alpha would bestow their mate clothing would always warm your heart, but sitting on a dirty busstop with nobody but the rain beside you, your heart felt cold.
“What are you doing?” Someone asked. Your head snapped up to see a brunet looking down at you, his attire telling you he was dressed to run. Running? In pouring rain? What an idiot. He was gorgeous, though, hair collecting silver droplets that seemed to only accentuate his features. Your eyes trail down to the black collar adorning his neck, hidden beneath the white and blue jacket he wore. He quirked an eyebrow, giving off a small chuckle. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost,”
“More like an idiot running in rain. What’s up with that?” You sniffle, rubbing at your raw nose and cursing the timing. An Alpha coming on a claimed Beta alone — words don’t need to be spoken for the other man to know why you’re crying. But instead of running off, he sits next to you. “You’re gonna get me wet, weirdo,”
“Well if I sit too close, I’d get snot on me, so maybe I’d be better keeping my distance, anyways,” he shoots back, barely batting an eye. You just scoff, rolling your eyes.
“Someone seems to have a problem with me. I don’t even know who you are, stranger,” you give off a grin, trying to keep up the light tone.
“Well, you’re wearing a Shiratorizawa jacket and you stink like Ushiwaka, so can you blame me for being a bit of an ass?” He says, grinning. Though you were keeping a light tone, his words quickly reminded you of the position you’re in. Gloomy day, pouring rain, busstop. Looking back to the ground, you sigh heavily.
“Well, at least it’s the most interaction I’ve had all day. Ushijima’s got a stick up his ass and no funny bone in his body, so I suppose if this is my last interaction, it’s better than him,” you off handedly say. The man beside you quirks his eyebrow once more, your words settling into his brain before he’s leaning closer to you. His shadow moves towards you, making you jump back. “What are you doing?”
“You’re pregnant,” he flat out says. Before you can shoot anything back, his eyes get sad as he pulls himself back some more. “You’re going to kill yourself because he abandoned you?”
“How-” you sputter, tears springing to your eyes once more, “how did you-”
“You know if he’s abandoned you, another Alpha can take claim, right? You’re not worthless,”
“Easy for you to say. I’m a Beta with an Alpha’s bond mark. An Alpha that doesn’t even want to talk to me. My family and friends have turned their backs on me because it’s my fault. I wouldn’t expect an Alpha to understand the other party’s feelings,” you say, wiping away the tears. Despite trying to appear strong, your eyes are wet and there’s snot running down your face. “No Alpha wants Ushijima Wakatoshi’s leftovers. Don’t make me laugh,”
“Well, a cute little Beta would look better with a genuine smile then tears in their eyes, wouldn’t you agree?” He smiles, rubbing your cheek, but you slap away his hand.
“Stop patronizing me. You sound like a creepy old man. Who even are you?”
“Oh, I didn’t think I had to introduce myself. I’m Oikawa Tōru,” he smiles once more, a genuine smile, as he holds out his hand. “And if there’s someone who hates Ushiwaka more than you, it’s me,”
“[Y/N]. You’re from Seijoh, right?” You shake his hand, although it’s brisk. His nod confirms your suspicions. The captain of the team that never beat Ushijima’s team, but always aimed for the top. Ushijima also mentioned how talented Seijoh’s setter was, but you never expected to be sitting on a busstop next to the man himself. “Well, you’ve gotten my life story and told me you hate Ushijima, so I guess it’s time for you to go back to running in the rain,”
“Nah, I can’t,” he shrugs, but you look at him confused, waiting for him to continue. Eventually, you ask him why. “Well, I can’t leave someone in need alone. If I leave, you’ll still kill yourself. You’re hurting and I can’t just abandon you. I’m not like other Alphas, you know.” You know his reference is to only Ushijima, but it warms your stomach nonetheless, seeing someone actually be there for you.
“I’m sorry you had to meet me then. If you hadn’t stopped, we’d both be blissfully unaware of each other’s presence,” you say, letting a sob wrack your body before covering it with a cough. “Guess I’m the weirdo getting sick,”
“Still thinking there’s no other option, huh?”
“Well what do you expect? You’re the only person who hasn’t told me to face my consequences on my own and turned your back on me. There really is no reason for me to stay here, especially if I have to raise a child without a support system. I’m still in high school, what the fuck,” you huff, running your hand through your hair, looking up at the sky, noticing how the rain has eased up and the sky is brighter. “I’ll be out when it comes, but the fact of the matter is I’ll graduate pregnant, who wants to go through that? I’m basically a cheap slut in everybody’s eyes. I just wanted to feel needed by someone I admire and this is what it results in? The more I think about it the more I want to down a bottle of painkillers and never wake up.”
“If nobody is sticking up for you, then maybe they’re not your real friends. Fair weather friends, only there for good tea and sunny days. If there’s nobody there for you, reach out for help,”
“I don’t want to be a burden,”
“People who will help you willingly won’t see it that way. Me sitting here with you isn’t burdening me, and I haven’t turned from you. I know we just met, but I want to help you. There’s a lot to live for and one setback doesn’t deserve to sever that line before you’ve even gotten to the good part. Good people exist, you just need to find them,”
“‘Find them’? I thought I had, so what’s the point in trying to find more, only to be disappointed?”
“[Y/N], was it? I’m right here, you know,” he puts a hand on his chest, a smile on his lips and shining in his eyes. “I’ve seen you at your lowest and I’m still here. Find someone like me,”
“That’s sweet, but I doubt there are multiple Oikawas running around in the rain,” you sigh, looking back up. It’s almost time for the bus, but you have a feeling that if he’s still here, then he won’t let you leave. “Are you gonna sit there until my opinion changes?”
“They don’t change that easily, trust me,” he chuckles, but it lacks the merry behind it. Glancing at him, his eyes are downcast as he runs a thumb over his knee. “But I don’t want to see someone die over one thing. There’s a lot to live for, a lot to strive for, that’s why I keep moving even after all my failures. If someone kills themselves for one thing, something I don’t see as a reason to end, I wonder if it was deeper than what it was on the surface. Was it a quick way to feel numb for a while? Was it an easy solution? Sometimes the easiest path isn’t the right one. Surviving an attempt makes you realize things can change, but what if you didn’t survive? If you regret putting the blade to your skin or stepping off the ledge seconds after you do it or seconds before death? You can’t change it once it’s in motion.”
“I never.. I never thought about it like that,” you mutter, your hands holding each other, fingers twiddling. A brief meeting with a handsome Alpha suddenly put things in perspective. A laugh breaks you from your trance, his mouth behind his hand.
“If I see an opportunity to help, I’ll be there, but the fact is I can’t change your mind. I would like to put things in perspective and give you options, but that’s all I can do. If the reason you’re planning to end it all is because you have no friends, I can help with that. I’ll be your friend when nobody else gives you a chance.”
You mull it over, thinking of your options. In the end, the worst that could happen is you end up back on the bench, in the rain, ready to match to your death. “You know, I was told that if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is,” you mutter, but rifle through your jacket pockets for your phone. “Don’t make me regret second guessing myself, Oikawa Tōru. If you want to be my friend, I’ll take the hand extended to me,”
“Wonderful! And just in the nick of time, the bus is here,” he takes out his own phone, ready to swap numbers. As the bus pulls up to a stop, Oikawa waves at you as he pockets his phone, your contact information all piled inside. You really hope you don’t regret this decision, too.
In the few days that pass, you find yourself wondering how you could have possibly thought bad of Oikawa. He was sweet to you, introducing you to his friends (who knew about your predicament prior), with their promise they’d never turn their back. Iwaizumi was also an Alpha, but the other two were Betas. You did think it to be odd about how they seemed to willingly to help you, stay beside you, despite having no reason to. Their only reason was a promise to you. To Oikawa? Maybe, but you never asked him about it; if you did, he’d just shrug and give you a vague answer.
He promised to show you the light on a dark and gloomy evening, and he kept that promise. As your friends turned their backs on you, scoffing about how your decision will affect you for the rest of your life, Oikawa was there when you needed him the most. He was on standby all hours of the day and night, his phone always on and beside him. When your family turned you away, calling you out on your sudden friendship with another Alpha while carrying a child, they kicked you out and you had nowhere else to go, Oikawa was there. When you felt your world crumbling around you, feeling hopeless and desperate, picking up a secret stash of painkillers, Oikawa was there to talk to you. He didn’t actively take away the pills, but he sat on the other side of the door and talked to you, listened to you. Even his mom was there for you when your family and friends had left you, but Oikawa stood beside you through it all.
Then your world crumbled again.
“I’m planning on moving to Argentina,” he had said. You were looking into colleges to further your education when he had knocked on your door, his old sister’s room, sitting on the bed.
“You’re.. leaving?” You wanted to add to that sentence, but you didn’t want to seem clingy. He’s been with you for so much, you’re not entirely sure you can be independent without him.
“It’s been almost 6 months since you met me. I actually went on that run to decide if I wanted to study abroad in Argentina, but after meeting you, I decided to wait. I’ve been studying the language and keeping up with local volleyball communities, but my dream is over there,” he explains. You click your pen and set it down, ready to ask if you should leave his house, but he continues. “I wanted to know if you’d come with me.”
“Wh- What?”
“I’ve been putting in extra time so we can both move together, get a fresh start,” his face tints as he speaks, hand rubbing the back of his neck. “It seems a bit forward, now that I’m actually talking aloud about it. Sorry ‘bout that,” he chuckles, before clearing his throat.
“You want me.. to come with you?” You ask, unsure if you’re hearing correctly. He’s asking you to move to a new country with him, which is exciting! But, the baby.. “He is due soon, you know,”
“5 weeks, if I remember correctly,” he smiles, looking down at the large bump. You run a hand over it, solemnly nodding. “He’d be born in Argentina, our new home, if you come with me,”
“But Ushijima—”
“He’s abandoned you, officially. Your bond, it’s hardly noticeable anymore. The scent, I mean,” he corrects himself. “He’s basically just a sperm donor at this point,”
“This is.. very sudden, you know,”
“I know. And it’s also a very grand way of asking to court you, while also essentially marrying you, but I will say that if you choose to stay here, Iwa-chan will take care of you. He’s going to study in California for some amount of time, but that’s not for another few months. There is Mattsun and Makki, but I’m not too sure-”
“Okay, don’t stress yourself,” you giggle, getting him to stop. “I’ll go with you, but you gotta teach me the language,”
“I’ve been told I’m a great tutor, actually,”
“I believe it. Will the bond go away, or is it just the scent that’s gone?” He raises his brows at that.
“Ah, I guess you never took those classes. The bond is permanent, but another Alpha can lay claim on a mate that has been abandoned. I’d be honored to replace his bond with mine, but I’m sure you’ll need-”
“I’m ready,” you interrupt him. He sputters as he processes the words, but then smirks.
“Are you sure? I don’t plan on making mistakes, so you’ll be stuck with me, you know?”
“Tōru, I’ve been ready for a while now. Hope you don’t mind bonding me while I’m pregnant,” your hand once more rubs the large bump, settling on the top.
“It just means I’ll have to wait until it’s my turn to try,” he licks his lips, moving towards the door. The locking sound seals your fate, keeping others from interrupting your moment.
- Years Later
“Koichi, come back here!” you shout, weaving in between the crowds. Aiko is somehow still asleep on your shoulder as you chase your son through the crowd. He’s been dying to meet his favorite uncle for quite some time, so see as he’s the trainer for the Nationals team of Japan, Koichi ran once the match ended. A brief Q&A with the members of the team would happen exactly right after they left the stadium, which he knew because of his father’s position.
You finally come to a stop, grabbing Koichi’s collar as he struggles to get through the crowd. “I told you to not leave me, and what did you do? Uncle Iwa isn’t going to suddenly disappear. He’s been waiting for this day, too, you know?”
“But mama! I told him I’d be the first one!”
“That’s impossible. The paparazzi gets to him first, that’s how it works in Hollywood movies,” you joke, but you pick him up. You’re no professional athlete, but you do stay in shape to take care of two children. As soon as you pick him up, he’s shouting as he sees Iwaizumi, trying to talk to the reporters. He catches Koichi’s waving hand and decides to take a break, going towards where you are as the crowd parts.
“How is the Oikawa family doing? I see Koichi is energetic,” he laughs, taking the boy from your arms.
“Ugh, as always. Don’t know where he gets it from, it’s not like his sister is bursting with energy all day,” you gesture to the child sleeping, despite the loud crowd.
“Well, definitely Oikawa’s kid. He sleeps through anything and so does she, jeez,” he sighs, but you just laugh. A few members of his team come over, excited by the new people.
“Iwa-chan, what’s this? Wife? Your kids?? You have kids???” A man with white and black hair says, giving Koichi a high five.
“Uh, no. They’re actually Oikawa’s wife and kids. I’m the favorite uncle, of course,���
“I wanna be the uncle! ‘Samu is never gonna get married, I need to be an amazing uncle somehow,” a man with platinum blond hair says, but he’s quickly pushed aside as a familiar face comes into view.
A face you didn’t want to see.
“[Y/N], I didn’t expect to see you here,” Ushijima says, tone as flat as ever. Iwaizumi takes on a forced smile as yours drops, a frown etched on.
“Didn’t expect to see you here either. Actually, ever again,”
“Oh?” The owlish man says, eyebrows quirked up as his eyes glance between the two of you.
“I see you moved on. I’m glad to see that,”
“No thanks to you,” the venom in your voice has Koichi turning to him, looking at the larger man with large eyes. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see the resemblance. He’s got the same hair color and eyes as the man in front of you, taking hardly any features from you. Not to mention, Koichi is showing signs of presenting as an Alpha.
“Darling, that’s where you were!” Oikawa shouts from over the crowd, them parting so he can mingle with the group around you. “I was wondering where my personal cheerleaders went to,” he smiles, pressing a kiss to your forehead. His eyes meet Ushijima’s and despite being unable to smell the tension, you can feel it. Reporters and guests alike back away as the overwhelming tension of two Alphas clash.
“Oikawa,” Ushijima says. Oikawa just tilts his head, looking over his opponent.
“I thought you’d look more defeated after I wiped the court with your ass, but I’m more disappointed in that. Emotionless as ever, aren’t you, Ushiwaka?”
“No, I wouldn’t say that,” he says, then looks to you. “I’ve been meaning to say something to you, [Y/N],”
“Trust me, I don’t want to hear it. You’re too late, Wakatoshi. You’re much too late,” you say, before nodding at Iwaizumi. “I’m leaving,”
Despite turning to leave, Oikawa taking Koichi away from his uncle and new “uncles”, despite being in the middle of a loud crowd, you can hear him. It’s quiet, almost as if he knows the words are weightless, holding nothing after years of his abandonment. Despite Oikawa’s bond pulsing, your heart still yearns for the other man, what he could have given you and what he did to you. Despite all this, you’ve fantasized about hearing those words, yet they do nothing.
“I’m sorry.”
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Author’s Note: I’m sorry this took forever to publish but I hope it was worth the wait! I didn’t keep track of time while writing this, so if something seems wrong just ignore it. I might come back and fix it later but probably not lol ; Argentina residency rules and citizenship requirements were not consulted for this, seeing as it only took up like one sentence, but I might change it if I look more into it of course.
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woahjo · 4 months
Babe have you ever been so down bad for a fictional man that you want to get him pregnant ?
i am a gojo and an armin lover... what do YOU think the answer to that is???
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woahjo · 4 months
I’m so far gone bro I just saw a gojo x elsa meme where he got her pregnant and it made me jealous. it’s over for me…
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bokutoslittlebird · 4 years
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Alpha!Ushijima x Beta!Reader
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Author’s Note : This took longer to get done than I expected I’m so sorry ; do be warned, this is angst. It ends angsty. Do not read if you cannot handle angst (like me) ; in most of my Omegaverse stories, the bonding mark is considered to be permanent once it has been placed and there is a lingering scent of the Alpha that placed it, which never goes away ; I listened to My R and thus, the ending was born ; yes I like teeth how did you know
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Warnings: rut cycle, reader’s at Shiratorizawa, best friends to lovers (kind of), teeth, biting/marking, cunnilingus, somnophilia (kinda), breeding, pregnancy, unrequited love, angst, ruined friendship, suicide (via roof), mentions of loneliness, alcohol
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When you woke up to your phone buzzing beside you, you didn’t expect Ushijima to be calling you with such a desperate tone in his voice.
“I need your help,” his voice crackled over the phone. Blinking the sleep from your eyes, you glance at the clock on your phone. You did have a break from school around this time, but you thought you could sleep in.
“Um, sure, what do you need, Wakatoshi?”
“I’m,” his hesitation scares you. “I’m experiencing my first rut,”
The ride to his house was filled with anxiety. An Alpha going through a rut meant he needed to be taken care of. Some Alphas were fine just having them without help, but Ushijima’s mother had him on strong suppressants from a young age. Ushijima probably didn’t even know what a rut was until he began to experience symptoms, and that worries you. Alphas go through their first ruts at a younger age, able to learn about their body and understand it. A grown Alpha, however? They would need someone to relieve the stress and tension from their first rut, which is where you come in.
Apparently, his coach had told him to go home and take a break to wait out his rut, but Ushijima has never had one. So, the coach advised him to call his girlfriend to help him, or even a friend, which is why he contacted you first. His other friends were male Alphas and Betas, all of whom would probably be horrified if he called them. When he woke up, his rut had begun and he could barely think straight, able to only focus on the overwhelming desire to breed an Omega. Although not an Omega, you were able to simulate the same scenario, being a female Beta and all.
“The fuck is this?” your murmur is lost to the wind, footsteps stopping in front of Ushijima’s house. It was large, fancy, and you could probably get lost in it. The fact that Ushijima lives alone on the property stuns you. Despite your hesitation, your desire to help your friend has you going up to the door and ringing the doorbell. Ushijima doesn’t answer, so you decide to knock. Without another answer, you decide to call him. When the phone rings thrice, you begin to panic. Twisting the doorknob, you find it’s unlocked for your convenience. Gently pushing into the house, you glance around and try to locate the large male. Since you’re not an Omega or Alpha, you can’t smell his rut, but you can hear the pained groans from upstairs.
The floorboards creak under your weight, you slowly and carefully going up the stairs. You know an Alpha in a rut can go absolutely feral, but you don’t know if Ushijima will attack you. The noises get louder as you creep to what you think is Ushijima’s bedroom, the door cracked open a sliver to reveal part of what is inside. Indeed, there is Ushijima, his large back rippling with muscles as he hunches over something. A growl comes from him, head snapping to the door where you’re standing. You find your feet frozen as his olive eyes set on yours. A beat passes with no noises, only the wind from outside brushing against the windows and the walls.
In a flash, the door is banging against the wall as it’s ripped open and your back is shoved to the floor, Ushijima’s naked body looming over you. His face is against your neck and your pulse is rapid, adrenaline high from the sudden movement. Hesitant hands go to his sides, a calming movement of you patting his skin to let him know you’re here. Despite the intense stare, the force of getting to you, he doesn’t move anymore. Inhaling and exhaling against your skin, you’re suddenly at a loss of what to do. His tongue flicks out and runs along your neck, going up to your ear before he gently bites on the lobe. A simple action that has you yelping, back slightly arching. His growl from your slight movement has you whining, feeling his hard cock against your leg.
Due to the circumstances, your attire consisted of a skirt for easy access, which you’re grateful for when your legs are pushed up and spread. Strong hands keep you pinned, the position suddenly new and giving you a feeling of lightheadedness as Ushijima puts hi face closer to your clothed cunt. Hot breath fans over the slightly damp material, his movements and noises sending you into a state of arousal.
There’s no words spoken, his body giving into his instincts as he uses his teeth to remove the cotton material and access the glistening mine underneath. His tongue flicks out once more, thick and flattened against your slick skin as he collects the droplets of nectar that dribble out. With eyes lidded, they occasionally glance to see your head twisting and turning, moans and heavy pants leaving your mouth as his tongue laps at your folds and everything it can reach. The feeling of his lips closing around your clit has an automatic response of clenching your legs, but his hands keep you in one position as he sucks and licks on the sensitive bud.
The feeling is intense, the sudden hurling over the edge as your muscles tense, head lifting from the floor as your eyes roll and Ushijima groans right into your cunt. The slurping noise that accompanies his grunts and groans is obscene, something you wouldn’t think him to be capable of. Yet, when his head moves from between your legs, the shimmer of your excess juices is being swiped up with his thumb, pink tongue darting out to drink it all. Eyes find yours once more and the same feeling overwhelms you, the feeling of your blood turning to ice and a feeling prickling at your skin. Unmoving, Ushijima decides to take it upon himself to spread your legs once more, his hard cock pressing against your thighs.
He doesn’t move.
Your confusion is evident in your face, you think, as Ushijima clears his throat, words straining as he gets them out. “Am I..” He takes a deep breath, restarting. “Am I allowed?”
“I wouldn’t be here if you weren’t, Toshi,” your kind smile and eyes full of love has him pushing into you, your eyes soon screwed shut as your back arches. Even if you could have prepared for this moment, nothing would have compared to the feeling of his cock slipping into your walls. Squelching noises come from where he’s entered you, hips rolling as he rocks himself deeper into your heat. The feeling of being split in two finds to be true as he continues to push in further, cock twitching as it forces your walls apart to take it all in.
Ushijima forces your legs into the same position from before, a scream coming from you as he somehow reaches your sweetest spot from the change. He moves your legs to go over his shoulders, planting his fists beside your head as his arms bend. You’re allowed only a moment to prepare, his hips moving only to slam against your skin that has your breath being ripped from your lungs. Nails grasp at his shoulders, red lines forming on the tanned and sweaty skin as you hold on, body jostling with each thrust. As he continues to ram his cock into you, you find your mind filling with pleasure as your second orgasm rises. The release comes quicker than anticipated, cunt clenching and sucking him in. Ushijima growls, loud and feral, in your ear as you do, that has your walls creaming around him once more. The creamy fluid drips down your ass and to the base of his cock, the squelching and squishing noises becoming louder and more obscene as his pace picks up.
Your muscles tighten once more, cunt squeezing tightly as Ushijima forces his knot inside of you. The feeling of his cock pushing past your walls could not compare to the force of which his knot slipped into you, plugging your cunt up as his cum fills you. With his seed gushing into you, the hot sensation of it painting your walls that has you sucking him in deeper, milking him for all his worth. But he’s not satisfied, rutting his hips against yours as he grunts and growls, keeping you close to his chest with his head in the crook of your neck. His lips press against your feverish skin, hot and sweaty from the activity. Your mind is hazy and your vision is blurry, feeling overly sensitive from the short hair brushing against your clit. Another orgasm comes from his continuous rubbing, walls constricting around him as your visions dots to black.
The last thing you feel is a sharp pain in your neck.
The week continues to go by, similar sessions which concludes of Ushijima forcing you to have your legs pinned to your chest or over his shoulders. Each time his seed spills into your cunt, you question if he’s gotten you pregnant. Every time you wake up, you’re on a different surface than what you passed out on with Ushijima looming over you. Once your eyes meet his, he’s either diving his head between your legs or he’s pushing his thick cock into your swollen pussy. It isn’t until the last day do the remnants of your friend come shining through, his libido much less than it had been at the beginning of the week. Together, with momentary breaks for him to fuck you, you both clean up around the house from his first rut. Jokingly, you take pictures to remember your adventure of being split open on his dick.
When the rut is over, you feel well rested as you prepare breakfast for Ushijima. He’s back to sleeping in his own bed, alone, so you slept downstairs on the couch. The floor creaks under the weight of the man himself, seemingly also well rested after his feral and instinct leading week. “How are you feeling?”
“Much better. Thank you for your help,” he bows, then sits at the table. You set down a plate of steamed rice and tamagoyaki in front of him. “And thank you for breakfast,”
“Well, I’m your best friend, doesn’t that mean I should be there for you?” You giggle, setting down a plate for yourself. Upon sitting across from him, you feel Ushijima’s gaze on you. “Do you need anything else?”
“I feel like I need to apologize if I put any rifts in your relationship,” his words easily come out, making you cough as you inhale some rice. After drinking water to help it down, you ask him to clarify. “Your mark. You’ve bonded to someone else, have you not?”
“Um, oh, no! This is from you, I think,” you say, unsure of when it happened. The week went by in a blur and most of your time was focused on how good you felt. “Don’t know who else it could be,”
“Then I am sorry for that. Bonding marks are supposed to be between lovers who plan to stay together for life,” he moves to bow once more, but you stop him.
“Please, don’t worry! We could always, um..” you trail off, unsure of how to confess to him. Even though he’s railed you all over his house, that was because of a necessity. This was much different.
“I should have told you before, but I called you because I didn’t want to scare away my fiancée,” he says, going back to his food as you feel your heart, your entire world, shatter with that one word. “She is an Omega, the daughter of my mother’s friend. It was arranged for us to marry shortly after graduation, but she has been busy with her family business. I was worried she’d be scared away if I asked her to take care of my rut. I am sorry if,” he pauses, looking at you with regret in his eyes. “I am sorry if I lead you on, by any chance,”
“No, that’s fine! It’s just.. marks are permanent. I won’t be able to be with anyone, because I’ve been claimed,” you can feel the tears as your words come out. Ushijima doesn’t do anything. “Wakatoshi, this is a big deal. With this, maybe your fiancée would understand?”
“I cannot cancel the marriage for a girl I accidentally bonded to. With this new development, maybe it would be better if our friendship ended here,”
“No! We can be friends!” Your lack of hesitation seems to startle him, your outburst startling yourself, even. Clearing your throat, you continue. “My friendship with you is more important,”
“I’m glad you feel that way,” he smiles, then goes back to his breakfast. You smile, sitting back down in your seat, yet your appetite is gone.
Another week goes by, but it feels much longer and slower than the past week each day you feel worse and worse, remembering Ushijima and his words. It isn’t until you have physical symptoms that do you go to the internet to see if a broken heart can do such things. When pregnancy is recommended, you panic and look further into pregnancy and symptoms. Then, you’re running to the store to buy three of them to make sure or to prove you wrong. They determine your fate.
When each test reads positive, you tell Ushijima. Instead of a response, you get nothing. He’s read your message, but it hasn’t been answered. No apology, no responsibility, no yelling, no phone call. It just makes you feel worse, knowing not only did he bond to you, but he laid his claim to your body with his seed. Nobody wants someone who’s been used up, never mind that his scent permanently lingers on you from the bond. When it gets harder to hide your symptoms, you confess to your close friend about what you did. Instead of being on your side, they turn their nose up at you.
“You should have been prepared for this. You willing accepted to help him during his rut. Take responsibility for your own actions, he has better things to do than deal with a child he never wanted,” they say. It doesn’t help your mental state at all, finding all your friends who you expected to take your side turning away.
With the society, abortions are unavailable. An Alpha’s child is as important as an Omega’s child, while Betas are forced to conform to the rules. Every doctor you go to tells you that unless there is a serious health risk, you will carry the child to term. Even with that rule, your family tells you that you should have thought it through. The feeling of being alone in the world breaks your sanity, obsessing over what could have been with the friend you’ve been in love with.
On the roof of your school, you listen to the match playing. The Schweiden Adlers versus the Black Jackals, a common rivalry in the Division 1 league. The stadium isn’t far from where your school is located, easy to find on the roof. The night air of Miyagi fills your lungs, but the stinging in your eyes isn’t from the wind. As Ushijima goes to serve, his team only needing one more point to secure the win, the commenters mention some trivia about the player.
“I believe Ushijima is expecting to be a father in- what was it?” One of them begins, looking to his colleague to continue.
“A father, yes! I believe his mate is currently one month pregnant, conceiving right after their official marriage,” he says.
The roaring of the crowd can be faintly heard through the earbuds, lying on the concrete roof. Your phone continues to play the match, live, as it sits beside your shoes. Yet, you aren’t wearing them. Looking out across the rooftop, you find where the stadium is through blurry eyes, tears streaming down your face. Holding onto the railing, you climb over it and situate yourself on the edge, staying on your tiptoes as you take in a deep breath.
With the wind, the stars, and the moon as your witnesses, you confess to the man who stole your heart. “I love you, Wakatoshi.”
The last thing you feel isn’t the coldness of the air, it isn’t the burning of your throat and eyes, it isn’t even the sting in your lungs from crying so hard.
It’s the feeling of being free as you fall against the night air.
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