degenrcy · 3 years
traitor (chapter 1); shigaraki tomura/f!reader
my online friends aren’t bad people! they just want to destroy hero society!
word count: 2.7k
warnings (for this chapter): underage (first year reader), grooming, minor use of jp honorifics, ik some people don’t like that too much, uhh i cant think of anything else lmk if anything needs to be added!
hi! this is my first time posting my works on tumblr and im unfamiliar with formatting hehe ^^ originally posted on ao3 but this version will be edited! also, this chapter doesn’t have any super explicit nasty stuff, so if that’s what you’re looking for stay tuned! any feedback is greatly welcomed and appreciated, i hope you enjoy!
it was the weekend, finally managing to finish all your work for school before it got too late to feel bad for not having anything done. that meant you could freely stay up late playing games, and maybe even spend sunday training.
you booted up your computer, instantly faced with the gray interface of discord. a few notifications from servers and the private messages with your friends. you first checked class 1-a’s personal chat.
deku: does anyone want to go on call? denki: yeah what r we playing deku: not for games, for studying! denki: wtf is wrong with you deku: sorry (*μ_μ)
you smiled at the messages between your friends, seeing that deku, uraraka, and momo were all in a call together, appropriately titled ‘study stream!!’. you debated in popping in to say hi, but you were positive they were deep into work. 
denki, kirishima, and jiro were all playing minecraft. you would join but it wasn’t a minecraft type of night, some fps action was much needed. you eyed the pm waiting to be read at the top of the screen, knowing exactly who it was from.
ten: hey u wanna play today : whenever ur off school i mean
you grinned, eyes lighting up and fingers instantly typing away.
y/n: ofc ten-kun!!!! is apex fine? i’m feeling very grind to diamond tn
before you could even click out of the tab to open up the actual game, ten was already typing back. a simple ‘yeah’, his status changing from blank to apex.
grabbing your headphones with a working mic, you placed them over your ears and plugged it into the jack, starting up the game and joining the call your friend started. as always, he was quiet, only the sound of shuffling around and the wire of (what you presumed) his own headphones hitting against something.
“hiii, ten-kun!” you said softly, close to the mic.
“hi, you.” his voice wasn’t ear-rumbling deep or anything, but it definitely gave away that he was older than you. however, he had that signature gravelly and groggy tone that assured you he wasn’t twice your age. for as long as you’ve known him, he hasn’t indulged you in much personal information.
you always wondered what he looked like.
“jeez ten-kun, are you seriously rich or something?” you gasped at the new skin he had equipped, it was just released in a bundle that was not so affordable, to say the least. on top of that, he always bought you skins and cosmetics as well- you weren’t mooching off him though- it was just fun to play with ten, he’s really good at the games he plays. 
“it’s called a job, when are you going to get one?” he teased.
“i’m still in high school! plus, we’re going to some big training place, so maybe heroes will come observe or something, then i’ll get one.”
mentioning that you were still young and in school never put ten off, at first being a sort of warning to the stranger you met online that you were potentially underage. now it was clear that he didn’t care if you were 16, he didn’t have any bad intentions. he just liked playing with you, you were ‘surprisingly good’, that’s all it was.
“really? where to this time?” ten asked, spamming voice lines.
“why don’t we drop hot spot?”
“no, i meant where are you going, with the school? idiot.” he sighed, dropping hot spot anyway.
“oh,” you giggled. “some place called usj or something? usg? i’m not really sure, i didn’t pay attention.”
ten tapped at his keyboard, satisfying smooth clicks of each cap, but his character wasn’t moving. you ran up to him in-game and punched him, sending him off the small cliff he stood on.
“why the hell did you do that? i can’t climb back up.” he groaned, and you only laughed as you looked down at him. the two of you continued to play for a couple hours, racking up competitive points and leveling up.
“-and then aizawa literally embarrassed me in front of the class, it was so fucked up.” you were telling ten about the situation you were in yesterday in class, where aizawa basically exposed your failing assignment for the class to see.
“i would hate to have him as a teacher,” (so he is a student? maybe a senior?) “is he coming on your little field trip too?”
“hey! not some little field trip, and yes. all might too, which i’m admittedly kinda excited for.” ten hummed, and you pictured him nodding. you wondered who his favorite hero was, he always avoided the question. you wondered a lot of things about your mysterious duo-queue partner. 
more typing without anything happening onscreen, you noticed that it’s been happening a few times.
“ten-kun, is your keyboard broken?”
he was silent for a while, all noises halted. “yeah. sometimes it just stops working so i have to spam.”
“you buy me all these things but can’t buy a new keyboard?” you teased, and he laughed sarcastically.
when the day to go to the training area came, you were excitedly texting your friend on the bus ride there.
i’m really excited!! hope it goes well, we can talk with the others maybe after!
ten: ofc. lowkey wish i could see u, but i’m stuck at home today
you did want to see him, to see exactly who the funny cool guy was behind the screen. it was cheesy, but you really did want to meet him- all your online friends, many who were mutuals of ten’s. you all met through another game you all played, teamed up together after one random match and all became regular playing buddies, they were fun and understanding and you trusted them. sure, there were occasions where some creep would say weird things to you or some of the other girls, but the boys were always there to fight them off.
so when villains attacked that day, you confided in ten the next time you were online, which was too many days too long.
“i-i’m sorry... i shouldn’t really talk about it much but... i’m sure you’ve seen it on the news.”
“yeah,” ten sighed, you imagined a faceless male running his hands through his hair. it would be longer, down to his ears, remembering a time where ten said he needed a haircut. “i did, are you alright? did you get hurt?”
“just a few scrapes and bruises... my teacher got seriously hurt though, but i was luckier than some of my other classmates.”
“if i was there, i would’ve protected you... and your friends.”
you sniffed, smiling and curled up in your blanket tighter. “thank you, ten-kun. i bet you would, with your mysterious quirk.”
he chuckled. “sure would. ahh, it sucks that we really can’t meet up now, wish i could take you somewhere nice to get your mind off things.”
“that’s really nice of you,” you couldn’t stop the smile stretching across your face. “i really wanna meet you and the others. even a video chat would be cool, maybe, i don’t know.” you felt a bit guilty always prying ten for his appearance, but a few of your other mutuals have already dropped their personal instagrams and even sent pictures of themselves. all except ten.
“aren’t you on like- probation now? especially being in ua?”
you pouted, even though he couldn’t see. he avoided your question again. “yeah. for a while, just to be safe.”
“figured that much, be careful, y/n. i don’t want you getting hurt or anything.”
“okay, ten-kun...” you whispered softly, eyes fluttering closed to the sound of his voice. the occasional typing and soft whirr of a fan in the background was strangely comforting, his occasional sniff or even soft curse at the game he was playing.
it was soothing, just hearing him be there with you. so calming you fell asleep on call with him.
ten-kun the anticipation is killing me!! send us a picture of your new outfit!!! rokiroki: yeah ten-kun~~~ ten: kill yourself ten: not u y/n
your smile lit up at the mirror picture that was suddenly sent to the group chat, gasping and instantly clicking on the attachment to inspect closer. an all black outfit, camera angled down so his face didn’t show up. ten-kun seemed pretty lanky, bony pale hands and shoes that looked huge on him because of his thin ankles.
the picture in your mind became a bit clear.
the sports festival was going to be held soon, a bit too soon after recent events. you wanted to do your best, show off your skills, make a name for yourself! 
“you want me to come watch you, is that it, y/n?” ten gave a quick laugh through his nose. you were surprised how quick he was able to catch on to you.
“i mean, if you want, you know... free to the public, and we can finally meet! bring your friends too!”
“that’s a terrible idea. bunch of neets coming to a high school to watch teenagers? i think we’d get arrested just for being near the school.” ten sighed, his chair creaking, so you assumed he was leaning back in his seat to stretch.
so maybe he wasn’t quite your age.
“did you ever do a festival?”
“nah. i’m sure you’ll do good though, win for me, y/n.”
and with that in mind, you didn’t exactly drop out of the festival, nor did you rank super high, you didn’t end up doing weekend training after all. but ten had all sorts of questions and general comments about the event.
ten: seems unheroic to me to chain the winner of the festival like that you think? he does kinda have some anger issues >.> ten: they dont have any deescalation techniques? ahh idk, guess not. ten: pretty fucked for a hero school : anyway, i saw that move you did last round. u really nailed that kid in the face lmao
you tucked your phone away when all might started to hand out medals, looking up at bakugo worriedly as he stood up there to be probably ridiculed, the crowd continuing to cheer. you didn’t know the full story as to why he was acting like that, but it had to be for a reason.
“t-there has to be a reason, why the fuck would this happen?!” you paced around your dorm, panicking to your best-online-friend about bakugo being kidnapped.
“calm down y/n.”
“dude, he was just here yesterday, and now he’s been taken by some fucking villains or some shit-“
“don’t cry, y/n. it’ll be alright. the heroes will find him, surely. he’s a strong kid.” ten was more hushed and quiet than usual, he wasn’t on his computer, that much you could tell. you sniffled on your line anyway.
“i think i’m gonna join my friends on the rescue mission, that’s doing what’s right, right?”
“right, ten-kun?”
“don’t come.” there was some ruckus in the background, his mic occasionally going on mute and back on.
“don’t risk your life just because they want to do something stupid.” a knock at his door and a distant ‘yeah yeah, i’ll be right there’. “anyway. i have to go- don’t do anything stupid, y/n. i don’t want you to get hurt.”
“o-okay, ten...” your lip quivered and heart sank when he ended the call, wishing he was able to stay on the phone longer to comfort you. your classmate was just kidnapped, you really needed his reassurance! well, you also had your very concerned real-life friends but... ten was different, you knew he was. he always had good advice and stories and opinions on things- not the company-approved 'the heroes will take care of it!' talk your friends always gave you. 
bakugo returned home safe and quickly, back at school like nothing happened. you didn’t want to bother him further by sharing your relief he was alright, more concerned with the current issue at hand. ten had been inactive for what felt like forever, but he was suddenly back, in the server like nothing happened. like he hadn't been offline for weeks on end and no activity, no messages to you.
ten: new season came out lets queue y/n: where have u been!!!!!!!!! :0000 ten: oh lol ten: doing big boy things you wouldnt understand little girl rokiroki: lul OFAxAFO: dont be mean to little y/n-chyannnn!! <333
even though ten was playing a game you didn’t own with his friends, you joined the call anyway, voice overshadowed by the shouting of the other three people in the call, arguing about which skin was hotter or which character was nerfed this season. you became quiet and just played with them, waiting for the next opportunity to talk to ten patiently.
and so that chance came when ten pretended to get off the game just to put you and him in a private call.
“i missed you, ten-kun! where have you been? we were without a dps for so long.” you cuddled up in your bed, hugging the spare pillow close to your chest. ten chuckled, he had a whole new demeanor to him.
“missed me? what do you mean, missed me?” you knew he was teasing you, but his voice lacked the playful tone, he wasn’t doing his breathy little laughs.
“you know... just missed playing with you and stuff. w-without you i actually got my work done at school, haha.” your small laugh fell short, it was true. you used to spend so much time talking with him that you missed out on schoolwork, but now it felt weird. you didn’t want it to be weird. you wanted ten to miss you as much as you missed him.
“you sure that’s it? didn’t miss me in any other way?” there was a hum to his words now, his teasing was taking a different route entirely. 
your breath hitched, finger stopped scrolling through your phone, and that unmistakable feeling in the pit of your stomach.
“h-how can i miss you like that if i’ve never seen you in person, or know your name...”
“you tell me.”
“i just missed your voice,” there was no point trying to hide it. “like talking with you, and stuff. it’s not the same being with everyone else without you.”
“it was pretty boring not talking to you while i was out. my coworkers just aren’t like you.”
you smiled, burying your face into the pillow. you two continued to talk, catching up, throwing around jokes and making new ones. he mentioned how roki’s recent conquest of meeting a girl online and hooking up with her was completely fake, he would know, he spent the weekend with him.
“speaking of that, a-about what the guys were talking about earlier, the stuff about sending pictures?”
“what about it?”
“h-have you ever done stuff like that?”
“nah,” ten answered smoothly. he huffed, like he just fell back onto a bed. “don’t have any girls in my phone to do that.”
“you have me.”
“what?” ten bursted out laughing, and you felt all the shame and embarrassment rise up to your face. you were stupid for saying that, for thinking that was appropriate to say to some random dude you met online that’s probably was older than you and not interested in high schoolers.
“have you ever done that?” ten was calmed down now, breathing a bit heavier as he waited your response.
“no... not really interested in the people from my class.”
“from your class? are you interested in anyone else?”
“t-ten-kun... that’s...” your face felt like a million degrees. his voice was shooting straight to your stomach, making your thighs rub against each other.
“cmon y/n, you can tell me.” you closed your eyes and imagined that he was whispering directly into your ear, holding you against the wall, that pale hand was gripping your shoulder and working its way up-
“i think i like you, ten-kun,” you finally spilled. “and even though we’ve never met or anything like that- just this past year of knowing you and playing with you all the time... i think i got some stupid crush on you...”
ten was silent, and you wanted to fall into the floor after your confession. the earlier rush of excitement was quickly fleeting and once again being replaced by shame. he probably thought you were weird or gross, and he’s never going to-
“me too, i think.”
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degenrcy · 3 years
traitor (chapter 2)
tenko, what a nice name. did you like the pictures i sent?
warnings: same tags as last time! sending nudes, (bad) dirty talk, gaslighting, unhealthy/toxic relationships, mentions of stalking, it starts getting dark here, (plz lmk if anything needs to be added in either tags!)
words: 1.5k
“are you sure tenko?”
“yes i’m sure. come on, don’t leave me like this.”
your face burned at what tenko was talking about. you had been on the phone for a few hours, and he had... gotten excited. you stared at the attachment in your messages, tenko sitting in his chair, pants pulled down to mid-thigh. you've never seen it in real life, a guy's boner tenting his boxers. he was hard because of you, and you were solely responsible for satisfying him.
it was another foreign feeling weighing in your stomach- but it must be a good one. he made you feel good all the time, complimenting the pictures you took in the school bathroom, telling only you his name, defending you when the other server members would start teasing you. 
"w-what do you want me to say?" but you had never done something like this.
"you don't have to say anything," tenko was breathing heavily, blowing against the mic occasionally. the faint slicking noise made you nervous, even though you usually feel so safe and relaxed around him. "i really want to be to touch you, i wanna feel your t-tits through your little school shirt, lift up your skirt and... fuck, what do you have on?"
"ah," you pulled up the waistband of your sweatpants, you knew what he meant by that. "blue, y-your favorite color, right? they're soft and-"
"i want to pound your tight little pussy so fucking hard."
your lips pressed into a thin line, heart catching in your throat and voice falling silent, only the male's heavy breathing and fast fapping noises being heard. every swallow of spit to try and moisten your dry mouth made you think of kissing tenko, made you think how his friends make fun of him for being inexperienced and how they said that you would 'help out' with that problem that one time as a 'joke'. you didn't like being the butt of the joke, and this wasn't a good feeling anymore. it made you feel dirty, like tenko was trying to use you for one thing only.
y/n: tenko sometimes i feel like u just want something out of me... ten: what?? wtf are u talking about : dont get mad please. its just when u talk to me like that at night time it makes me feel like u want something from me like to do stuff to me idk im just being stupid and anxious about this whole thing if its a thing we have... tenko? im sorry i didnt mean to make you mad or anything ten: its fine im not mad if my girl doesnt want to do something i wont do it
you and tenko talked for every possible waking hour you could, from when you wake up to when your eyes finally shut and 3 am to open back up bright and early at 7 am. 4 hours of sleep isn't bad, you still manage to wake up for school, your friends don't need to be so worried all the time. mina was starting to piss you off, tracking how long you spend on your computer, saying that even if you turn your activity off she can always tell. iida constantly was telling you to be weary of people online, his speeches straight out of a cliche school assembly to scare you about the internet and 50 year old predators. tenko wasn't a fucking predator, he's your boyfriend!
nearby classmates turned their heads to slowly look at you, judging eyes beating you down worse than any punch or kick to your body. bakugo eyed you wildly, lip curling up his face until his gums showed.
"are you some kinda fuckin' idiot or something? do you know what this dude looks like, met him? i hope to god you didn't meet up with him-"
"what the fuck is it to you, bakugo?" the words were spilling out quicker than you intended, saying hurtful things you didn't really mean. the girls looked at each other- at you- worriedly. aizawa told you to leave class, not that you wanted to sit and be interrogated by a class of people who thought they knew everything about you. they were so worried about their own ideals, they didn't know how the real world worked, and the reality of the situation was that just because you met tenko online didn't make the feelings you shared any less real!
if he wanted to do something bad to you, he surely would've done it already.
if tenko wanted the relationship to be private because he 'didn't want the others making stupid jokes and not taking us seriously', you'd comply. if tenko wanted you to send cute pictures- which were always followed with a 'how about a picture of what's underneath?'- you'd comply, giggling cutely at his misspellings in his rushed compliments. he’d go silent for a few minutes, followed with a gross picture of what was under his pants. if tenko claimed to see you at your favorite fast food place-
"i never told you my favorite fast food place." your fingers stopped moving against the keyboard, anxiously running your nail against the grooves of the wheel of the mouse. it was the same model tenko had, but pink. he bought it for you, of course you would use it.
"what? yes you did, how else would i have known where it is?" tenko laughed, very awkwardly. he didn't laugh much, and definitely not like that. 
"but i seriously don't remember telling you-"
"yes you fucking did. what are you trying to say?" he snapped at you, speaking through his teeth all through voice chat, all in front of the others. 
"she's trying to say you're a fuckin' stalker." roki- who wanted you to call him nii-chan all the time for some reason- spoke through chews of whatever he was eating. there were other people playing with you, and tenko just embarrassed you in front of them. who were you to hold your tongue after being yelled at by some dude, boyfriend or not? it was time to give tenko a piece of your mind, you were frankly tired of him acting so childish all the time.
y/n: can you please stop being so mean to me all the time :( ten: idk u accused me of something really fucked up earlier. im trying to be cool around everyone else, but u keep making it obvious 
you blinked a few times to make sure you were truly seeing what you were seeing. you didn't even accuse him of anything, it was his stupid fucking friend. but if you went and called roki nii-chan in front of him, it would be wrong, right? maybe that's exactly what you'd start doing, just to piss him off a little and give him a taste of his own medicine.
ten: stop fucking calling roki nii chan ur playing right into his game : guess u saying ur uncomfortable around him was a lie, u probably like him too lol : when ur done acting like a bitch u can talk to me
you shut off your phone for the night. the only night you finally had a chance to get some real sleep, yet you still were up late. you knew tenko was still up too, he always was. the incriminating 'playing Leage of Legends for 6 hours' tab on his profile mocked you. maybe if you just apologized, calmed him down, everything would go back to normal. 
this time, roki said he saw you outside somewhere. before you could even try to pester him with questions if he was sure, he listed off the things you were wearing, how your hair was up, how you looked so different in civilian clothes, you were cuter in person.
you asked if tenko was with him.
he told you to call him brother again, maybe then he would tell you if tenko was with him.
he wasn't.
you didn't know what to think anymore. maybe your friends were right all along, maybe your relationship wasn't real. or maybe they were just stuck-up wannabe heroes with a savior complex. if they really cared, if they really gave a fuck, they would help right? tenko was always full of advice and intelligent takes on things, he sent you articles from unofficial websites along with obscure youtube videos with 42 views that were always criticizing hero society, calling out the faults of the top heroes or the discrimination against people with mutated and dangerous quirks or who look 'non-human'. it was enlightening, it was more than you would ever possibly learn at school.
he was better than everyone else, your heart hurt when you weren’t with him, you wanted to be able to talk to him again. a few paragraphs apologizing for how you behaved, how you missed him, followed with a ‘please talk to me again. i don’t know what i’d do without you, i have no one else.’ you waited nearly a day for a response, pillow sheets damp and a seemingly permanent dip in your bed from how long you laid in it that day.
when he finally read it, he called you, only saying one thing. 
"do you want to come see me?"
"of course, tenko."
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degenrcy · 3 years
traitor (final chapter)
a lovely first date with tenko! <3
sorry it took so long to come onto tumblr :p
same tw as before, snuff, rape, drugging, abuse/violence, psuedo-incest, threesome, all the lovely stuff... please let me know if more tags need to be properly added!
you caught the train to head to the address tenko sent, a quick google search revealed that it was a hotel. the anxiety and unease started to seep in again, looking up at the tall building that shadowed an alleyway. you couldn't help but jump at any sound you heard, the chatter of people walking on the sidewalks and stray animals digging in dumpsters. this wasn't a place for a high-school girl, by herself waiting in front of a sketchy hotel.
you gathered up all the bravery you could muster, pushing open the door and entering the lobby. there was a receptionist, two blonde buns perched on top of her head, her golden eyes latching onto you as soon as you entered. the couches were to the left, a man wearing a black windbreaker up to his nose with sunglasses on sitting alone, taking up the whole area by spreading his long legs out as much as possible. there seemed to be no one else, the hotel itself seemed barren as well- no decorations, plain furniture, boring walls. it was truly a shitty hotel.
tenko couldn't take you somewhere nicer? what happened to him being loaded?
the entrance door creaked open, craning your head around to see another guy walk in. he had a black face mask, slightly slouched over enough that his baby blue hair covered his eyes. he picked his head up, bangs separating enough to show crimson eyes staring right into yours. you tried not to visibly cringe, but he looked pretty creepy... until he called your name in that oh so familiar raspy voice you fell in love with.
"t-tenko?" now that you were looking closer, that lanky build did seem familiar. he stuffed his phone in his hoodie pockets, stiffly opening his arms out to you as he neared closer. you hugged him just as awkwardly, weary smile wobbling onto your lips. there was an overwhelming smell of cheap cologne, similar to what the boys in class used. it didn’t seem like his kind of thing at all, but you weren't sure what you were expecting, he spent nearly all day everyday in his room playing games.
“of course tenko, what do you have planned?” you reached for his hand, only for him to pull back quickly. he must’ve saw the concern in your face, to which he slowly held out his hand again.
his hand was clammy yet freezing cold, his fingers were much longer than yours as they interlocked together. his thumb jutted out as you walked down the halls, hand in hand, ever so slightly rocking back and forth with your steps. all that was missing was a child between you two, red eyes and with your hair color. or maybe the reverse, maybe your quirks could form together, whatever his quirk even was. whatever it was, it was surely a perfect match for yours.
as you passed by the receptionist, she tossed a pair of keys to tenko wordlessly, wiggling her fingers in a wave as you two headed for the elevator. the man from the couches followed suit, leaning against the handrail with his arms crossed. you could see his eyes through the tinted lenses, and they were staring directly at you. narrowed and thin, looking you up and down, not even pretending to be embarrassed when you locked gazes.
you tugged tenko closer to your body, wrapping an arm around his. that's right, you were with tenko. he would protect you, he's the only one you should be focused on.
“so, what were you saying we were doing today?”
“w-well... i know the hotel wasn’t ideal but it’s close by to all the places i want to go; internet cafe, a food joint, stuff like that. i know you don’t have a lot of time.” tenko was referring to the curfew placed upon all UA students, but who would care if you came back a little later than usual? the teachers sure wouldn't, they stop caring once the dismissal bell rings.
the hooded man snorted, failing to cover it up with a cough. tenko glared at him, squeezing your hand tighter as you all left the elevator.
you debated on telling some of your closest friends your location just in case. you keep telling yourself just in case, just in case the date goes terrible and you need an excuse, just in case that creepy man tries something with the two of you, just in case tenko-
no. tenko would never hurt you, he said it himself. plus, all those 'close friends' were internet friends, not much they could do in an emergency.
he let go of your hand to open the room door, jutting his arm out again to usher you inside. you let out a sigh of relief, setting your bag down on a chair and sitting on the bed. you smoothed out the wrinkles of the comforter, tapping your shoes together as you looked around the room. the curtains of the only window of the room seemed to be black-out curtains, parted enough for you to see the building across the street. there also seemed to be some kind of protecter attached to the outside, you instantly thought how much of a fire hazard that could be.
“i can’t wait for today, tenko! i’m so happy we finally were able to meet.” you bounced on the bed, giddy and excited as he started to take off his big coat, revealing that signature plain black hoodie- it was in all of his pictures. he took off the face mask and tossed it to the floor with his jacket, stretching out his arm out after digging through his pockets.
in his hand was a can, you thought it was soda at first, but as you squinted your eyes to read the label- "is that alcohol?"
"yeah, didn't you say you wanted to try some?" tenko scoffed, cracking it open and taking a quick sip himself. "see? it's fine."
"maybe for you, and i was planning on waiting four more years, you know." you sighed, leaning back on your hands as tenko sat down next to you. he shrugged, switching on the tv, wanting to watch a movie to pass some time until the arcade cleared out the 'normies' for the night. you were more focused on the way his throat bobbed whenever he took a sip, how the tip of his tongue would licked up any lingering droplets, how he lightly bit his bottom lip before going in for another swig.
he made it look good. really good.
you tugged on his sleeve, looking to him with a smile. he raised his eyebrow, the corner of his mouth twitching. "i've got your favorite drink, if you want that instead." he offered, and you shook your head. he bit his lip again as his knuckle brushed under your chin, tilting your head up. all tenko's features were up close and magnified, that pretty mole under his lip, the cool mirrored scars slashed across his mouth and eye. the layered scars and scratches were worse on his neck and looked freshly opened, but you didn't care. tenko was handsome, beautiful even.
“give me a kiss first.” nothing mattered anymore except tenko, the smile on his face made your heart stop beating yet felt like it was going to shoot straight out your ribs. it made you want to throw up. being in a dirty hotel with an- essentially- random man that you have been e-dating for a few months, about to give him your first kiss made your stomach twist and turn. you remembered tenko telling you that the dropping feeling you got in your stomach around him was one of two things, horny or happy-anxiety. you assumed it was the latter.
without another word, your eyes fluttered closed and puckered your lips. it was silly to compare real life to movies, but you secretly hoped that sparks would fly as you shared a passionate kiss with your online boyfriend for the first time. your grip on your skirt tightened until your nails dug into your palm through the fabric, the passing seconds were agony as you waited for the moment you longed for for months now.
it started off slow, a few awkward pecks and having to brush his hair out of his face. then tenko's lips started to linger longer, press deeper, pull you closer. until three fingers dug into your jaw, squishing your cheeks together and forcibly parting your mouth open. you felt tenko’s hot breath fan over your face as he leaned in, open mouthed and nearly all tongue. you winced, hand on his chest and trying to push him away. spit clung to your mouth and slid down your throat, his lips wrapping around your tongue and sucking grossly.
you tugged at tenko's hoodie for support when he finally let go with a loud pop, both of you panting for breath. he pushed the rim of the beer to your lips, the metal tapping your teeth awkwardly a few times before liquid pooled into your mouth. it was more disgusting than you anticipated, you didn't know how anyone was able to drink that. or maybe your underdeveloped taste buds were no match for tenko's grown up ones? that sounded right.
only after a few minutes you were starting to feel woozy. you tried to hold onto your boyfriend for stability, but your fingers just couldn't seem to grab onto him.
"i got you baby, you gettin' drunk off one sip of beer?" he cooed, pulling your body against his, holding you by the back of your head into his chest. you inhaled his scent, and all of a sudden cheap teenage boy cologne didn't smell all that bad; instead basking in the feeling of his fingers playing with your hair, slowly sliding down your back just to stop at hem of your shirt, fingertips barely grazing the skin of your lower back. they soon cupped the curve of your ass, slipping underneath and playing with the lace accents of your panties- the ones he bought for you and even discreetly packaged so you wouldn't get in trouble.
"t-tenko, i feel a little..." that nagging voice in the back of your head kept telling you that even though you never drank before, getting drunk off one little sip wasn't enough to get you like this. but his long fingers, smoothing over your covered slit, squeezing the flesh of your ass and- "ah! wait, please!"
"i just wanna make you feel better, promise." tenko's voice was shaky, breathing heavily through his nose. he guided your head to the side so you could see his hand disappear under the front of your skirt. a shiver ran up your spine when his much larger hand slid into your panties, his middle and ring finger pressed against your heat, his remaining fingers pushing against your thighs. you could feel one of them trying to push into you, making your knees lock together and bury a whimper in tenko's neck.
the choked gasp you made was muffled into tenko's skin, his fingertip managing to wiggle past your opening. feeling the blunt of his nail dig into the soft flesh, getting past the first knuckle. his digits were longer and thicker than yours, rougher and jagged, gross grown man fingers inside of you.
you gripped his wrist, thighs bouncing up when he tried to go deeper, knuckles brushing against your clit. it felt entirely different when someone else was touching you, more weird and embarrassing, electrifying and definitely not good like he promised. tenko planted quick kisses to the side of your head, your jaw, and almost down to your neck before you managed to get him to stop. "please tenko- we can k-kiss and stuff, i just don't wanna do this. right now." your cheeks were burning, trying not to seem too relieved when his arm started to raise.
"that's fine i guess," tenko sighed, fixing your panties and wiping off his fingers on his pants. you noticed he finally put his phone down, "hey, you don't mind if my friend comes up, right?"
"w-what? right now? were you on the phone the whole time?"
"it's alright, you know him."
your mind raced with the countless people you've met online, narrowing down only six from your mutuals with tenko. but only 4 of them you actively played with, and only 2 of them tenko actually liked, but they both lived way too far away to ever come and meet either of you. what grown man would wanna meet with a high schooler and her boyfriend anyway?
you groaned when tenko let go suddenly, letting you fall face first into the mattress. it smelled gross, like unwashed sheets covered with some air freshener. you pushed yourself up, attention going to the door when it opened. it was the hooded man from before casually walking in, hands in his pockets. even if he told you it was alright, a wave of unease and dread washed over you, worsening when he walked over to you.
"what's up?" he took off his glasses and tossed them to the dresser, quickly working off his jacket.
"r-roki?" it sounded different in real life, but you could recognize his voice anywhere. he liked to drag out his words, his voice sounded like a purr.
"you havin' fun up here with your little boyfriend?" he chuckled, rubbing the top of your head. "and you know you don't gotta call me that. dabi is fine, or you could use-"
"that's enough." tenko quickly shut him down. the two males then started to talk, turned away from you and lowering their voices.
dabi, that name was definitely familiar. his face looked half burnt, staple like pieces holding his skin together. deep bruised-colored patches were under his eyes and covered his lower jaw, black spiky hair, scars seemingly everywhere. it reminded you of someone, some villain description aizawa told the class about after some attack at some training camp you weren't allowed to go to because you failed exams. you didn't study because nothing was more important than tenko.
tenko's deep red eyes, wavy blue hair, spindly limbs- you glanced down to his feet- red shoes... they reminded you of deku's.
"is tenko treating you good, girly?" dabi's boots were loud against the floor as he took a few steps forward, slapping tenko's back. he already looked agitated, pushing him away with his shoulder. "y'know, if he's not you can always tell me, i'd be happy to step in."
"i-i'm fine, really." you tried to smile, but it was increasingly getting harder to try and act normal right after tenko tried to finger you. the two males stood still in front of you, watching you. doing nothing at all, dabi stopped talking, and tenko kept glancing to the clock on the wall.
"go ahead." tenko spoke after what felt like forever. dabi stood up straight, adjusting his shirt and giving a final glance to his friend.
the grin split across his face was predatory, blazing blue eyes scanning over your form as he closed in on you. you thought no one except him was supposed to touch you, that your body was only for him to use and touch and look at. why did he just give you up so easily? you started to wiggle away, planting your hands firmly against the bed, knees wobbling when you tried to ground yourself. everything felt like jelly, everything was starting to spin, everything suddenly was scarier than before.
dabi jumped on top of you, grabbing and holding your arms together against your sides. your heart was hammering out your chest, preparing to scream as you felt his hands getting hotter and hotter, the dig of the silver metal into your skin. you couldn't bare to look at him- crazed eyes and bared teeth, looking down at you like prey. the scream didn't come out.
you racked your brain for what your teachers taught you in case of an abduction or an assault. nothing was coming up in time, thrashing in dabi's grasp pathetically.
“you gotta let her know if she fights back you’ll kill her, it’ll be unneeded efforts.” tenko finally spoke, digging through contents of your bag. probably to eliminate any communications or something. too bad all you had was a phone and the handheld console you brought to play with him.
“that’s right. burning to death isn’t too pretty, y’know.” dabi leaned into your ear, snickering when you slowly let your shoulders relax. he held your wrists together in one hand with your elbows pressed against each other. he reached his arm out behind him, tenko placing zip ties in his open palm.
dabi playfully smacked your cheek when he finished tying your wrists together, cocking an eyebrow as his gaze trailed over your exposed legs. you shifted to the side, bringing your knees up to cover up for prying eyes. you looked to tenko- your boyfriend, your lover, the one who was responsible for you. your eyes were silently pleading, gnawing at the inside of your lip. you were beyond terrified.
"tenko what's going on? why are you-"
he held up a phone to your face, the flash blinding you briefly. it was unnaturally bright, making your head pound and eyes sting.
"i'm not the person you thought i was," he aimed the phone down before grabbing the cute shirt he picked out himself, fiddling with the collar before it suddenly disintegrated. the dust slid down your skin, piling on your lap and folds of your skirt, spilling onto the bed sheets. your eyes were watery- if it was because of the bright light or the way your stomach dropped so hard you were feeling the bile rising up your throat, you weren't sure.
"tenko what are you-" the tears were already falling as you pretended not to notice both men grabbing at their belts. you knew what they were going to do, it's what everyone had been warning you about the whole time. your hands were starting to feel tingly and the bed was becoming more and more softer.
"i'm not tenko. that was a fake name."
"so everything was a lie, the things we talked about, none of it was real!?" the danger in front of you was paralyzing. babbling would surely get you to live longer.
dabi laughed again, louder than before and just as unashamed. he glanced at his partner after he calmed himself down, clearly trying to bite back the wide shit-eating grin on his face. you looked between the two- tenko looked annoyed and embarrassed, was this embarrassing for him? the world shattered around you as they started bickering back and forth. you were currently bound by the arms, in front of two highly dangerous people- villains?- that tried to kill you and basically everyone at your school, and they were acting as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening.
you called out his name one more time. "you know that's not who i am."
you grimaced, letting out the sob you've been holding back. "t-then who are you?" he said it with a sick grin, that dreadful name that's sure to send a chill down anyones spine who hears. he rubbed it in, and to add insult to injury, was pushing the camera in front of your face.
"look up at me," you shook your head, and he tapped the underside of your chin with his knuckle again. your bottom lip trembled, sniffing as more tears slipped past your eyes. "tell the camera that you fell in love with shigaraki tomura."
"i-i fell in love-"
"full name."
another sob, followed by your full name. "-am in love with shigaraki t-tomura."
"yeah, say that you're in love with a villain, a stupid little girl who met a villain online."
"i-i'm a stupid little girl who met a villain online!"
he listed off demands, mostly unreasonable requests you knew UA or any other hero facility would never comply to. he told you to say lies about how you wanted to join the villains, to expose top heroes, among many other things. you were suffocating under his commands, but your body was starting to feel lighter and lighter by the second and harder and harder to resist.
a harsh smack was enough to bring you somewhat back in focus, suddenly no longer looking up at the phone but instead looking at the window. that's right, it's blocked off. no one could see you nor could you jump off, you'd probably die anyway from the height. you didn't have a chance since the beginning.
"listen closely, baby," how could you ignore shigaraki when he called you that? you nodded, focusing hard to be able to repeat anything he tells you.
"i'm a dumb little hero slut-" you said slowly, looking up to confirm if what you were saying so far was okay. he nodded, encouraging you to continue. "-who loves villain c-cock. m-my virginity is gonna' get taken by villains."
dabi was by your side for a while, hand caressing the side of your face surprisingly gently the whole time shigaraki recorded you. was it a livestream, or maybe he was gonna edit the video? you felt sick again thinking about the possibilities, lingering thoughts pushed away by something literally pushing at your lips.
"you got all your grown-up teeth, little one?" dabi asked you, bunching your hair up in one hand. you nodded, and he smiled warmly. he seemed like he was nice, if it wasn't for his dick rubbing against your cheek. "that's good. you wanna keep them, right?" you nodded again.
"good. if you bite me, i'll punch all your fuckin' teeth out, got it?"
you nodded again, quickly and clearly so he knew that you understood, "i'll be good!" you cried out, and dabi only chuckled, steadying your head with the hold he had on your hair. the tip of his cock pushed past your lips, and you slowly opened your mouth wider and wider as he slid in. it wasn't so bad at first, tasted really bad and it was challenging to make sure your teeth didn't touch him, since you've never given a blowjob before. you thought someone else would be your first.
dabi let out a long groan as he filled your mouth, beginning to slide down your throat. "keep gagging, just like that fuck. you got a good one, boss. she's a natural."
shigaraki didn't say anything, nothing at all. you were beginning to think you'd die by heartbreak before they did anything to you. dabi wiped your tears away as they fell, feigning sympathy as his hips slapped against your face. "c'mon boss, you're making your little girlfriend cry!"
again, shigaraki said nothing.
"it's alright doll, your big brother will take care of you," dabi yanked your hair hard, nose pressing your nose against his navel and holding you still. your eyes rolled into the back of your head and pooled out tears, gagging uncontrollably and fighting the urge to puke everywhere. you didn't think that would end too well. "hey, why don't you say it? remember what i taught you?"
your nails dug into dabi's thighs, trying to restrain from punching him in fear of getting hurt yourself. he praised you for being able to take him so well, finally letting you go up for air after he had his fill of your convulsing throat around him. he told you to 'say it'.
"n-nii-san!" you sputtered, drool and spit bubbles spilling down your chin. "i love my big brother!"
if you were paying attention, you would've noticed the angry glare shigaraki shot at dabi. how his eyebrows creased and his teeth dug into his lips.
"keep going," dabi held your head still again, fisting his cock and moving his hand quickly. you were in a daze, stupid and dumb and only able to call him your brother over and over again. you flinched when goopy white stuff- "stick out your tongue and don't waste a single drop of my cum."- shot onto your face. it tasted just as weird in your mouth, you didn't know how all those porn girls did it, whenever tenko showed them to you they looked like it was the best thing to ever grace their mouths.
dabi grabbed the phone from shigaraki's hands, holding your jaw open and talking to the pretend audience. was there an audience? you still didn't know if it was live. you hoped none of your classmates were watching, or even the teachers- well, you didn't want anyone watching.
"let's get this shit over with," shigaraki grumbled, shoving back dabi and laying you down on the bed. he flipped up your skirt, a smirk playing on his lips as he held your legs up. "put your arms over your head."
arms over your head, that was easy.
"tenko." you whimpered, making the man above you sigh. another smack to your face and fingers digging in your jaw again. he shoved your head down into the mattress roughly, eyebrows furrowed deeply in anger.
"get it through your thick skull, you stupid bitch. do you know what's gonna happen to you?"
you shook your head, grimacing. you knew fully well what he was planning to do, you just didn't want to accept it. your sweet, loving tenko, he would never do this to you. not after everything he's done, everything he's promised-
a pathetic whine sounded from your throat as he slipped your panties to the side, pushing your legs up a little higher and running a few of his fingers up your bare stomach. your body was numb at this point, you couldn't move properly but you could still feel his fingertips against your skin. the whine soon turned into a gasp when he unzipped his pants and pulled them down his thighs. that wasn't going to fit.
"oh it'll fit," shigaraki smirked, rubbing your hips. you shook your head over and over, tears blurring your vision. "i'll just force it in then."
you retched as he pushed into you, burning and stretching only the bare entrance of your virgin cunt. when you tried to squeeze your eyes shut, he only pried them apart. dabi pressed a gentle hand to the back of your head, pushing you up to watch the violation happening to you, camera steadily aimed to capture the scene and your every reaction.
you cried and sobbed and screamed but it only seemed to fuel the two men even more, the once competitive tension and jealousy diminishing, replaced with shared chuckles and encouraging the depraved act.
“y-you stupid, stupid fucking bitch.” shigaraki laughed, a spindly hand wrapping around your throat. you were nearly relieved, maybe it finally would come to an end. dreadfully, one finger was lifted and you weren’t disintegrating away into the dirty bed sheets. “i’m gonna fucking kill you.”
they laughed in unison at your alerted expression, eyes wide yet drugged body lax. your arms flopped to the side pathetically, knees falling back and legs spreading apart disgustingly. comments about that didn’t go unsaid either; “you spreading your legs for me again, you dirty slut?”
dabi pointed at your twitching thighs and how your stomach kept sucking in and out. shigaraki gave him a confused look as his hips slapped against your body.
“fuckin’ virgin, little doll is gonna cum.”
no. no, no, no no no.
“shut the fuck up,” shigaraki shoved his vile fingers into your mouth. “gonna cum from getting raped by a villain?” shigaraki grinned widely, corners of his lips curling, opening up the cracks and splits.
dabi’s hand slithered down your chest, tracing a finger down the center of your ribs, and finally thumbing over your clit.
“as if she’s gonna cum from your pathetic hip slamming. i’ll take care of you,” dabi cooed into your ear almost lovingly. “my dear little sister.”
your insides felt like mush, body buzzing like static, and now dabi’s fingers were rubbing your clit much better than your own. much better than how shigaraki ever told you to do it, better than how the girls in those videos did it, so much better.
shigaraki’s cock plunged in and out of you for what felt like hours- but suddenly, oh so suddenly, brushed against a spot inside you that actually felt good.
it felt good. it felt good. it-
“...feeelsh goooood!” your broken voice gurgled from behind shigaraki’s deathly fingers. the men looked down at you, absolutely enamored. dabi angled the camera onto you again, whispering things in your ear to repeat. shigaraki’s fingers popped out of your throat.
“it feelsh good! to be r-raped! m jus’ a toy for the l-league of villains!!” dabi’s fingers went faster and faster, encouraging you and praising you. he handed the camera over to his boss to suck on your chest.
“don’t save me, i love it too much! i love older men using my holes! i-i’ll die for it!”
shigaraki’s breathing got heavier, if possible. his thrusts became more calculated, he may have been inexperienced, but he was very observant. the way your little teen tits jiggled, how your fingers twitched ever so slightly when he did this.
“i-imma hero-slut snuff shtar!” you babbled the words dabi told you to say. “i want shigaraki tomura to kill me!! n’ f-fuck mah dead body!!”
shigaraki shuddered a groan, pressing his body against yours and his dick to the hilt inside your much smaller body. you let out a hollow scream as his body against yours pushed all the air out of your lungs, dabi backing up and grabbing the camera.
“heard that heroes?” he talked to the camera, zooming into your “creamed pussy, full with villain cum”, your bruised throat, drooling mouth, rose-reddened lips, showing off your limp limbs.
your mind was in a daze, clouded over with unknown feelings and feelings of the unknown. what now?
“heh, squeeze out more of my cum.” shigaraki panted as he lifted himself up and out of you. you lay there, slack and unresponsive.
“fucked the brains out of her, boss.”
“nah. she’s just a playing dead. come on y/n!”
shigaraki planted a hard punch to your abdomen, pushing your soul back into your body by force and sputtering out a wheeze. dabi threw his head back in laughter, pushing his boss back for a turn of his own.
dabi punched you twice as hard, cackling at your defenselessness. “cant take a punch? what a pathetic excuse for a hero!”
you only could groan, trying to move your arms or roll over to throw up.
dabi smirked, side eyeing shigaraki again. “i think we can still have some more fun with her, what do you say boss, still got some in you?”
four hands all over you. blazing hot and freezing cold. they littered your skin with bruises and cuts, carving words and names into your flesh and showing off each second of it, recording your screams down in video.
the drugs wore off after a few hours, feeling every excruciating burn of every pain sensor in your body. your mind was gone, screams dying down to hollow, lifeless exertions that just so happened to come out of your mouth.
“oh look, UA put out an emergency broadcast!” shigaraki held a screen to your face. you could barely process the sounds-
“we are aware of the situation. we advise everyone to display common decency to not try to seek out the broadcast or anything regarding this, we are tracking down the villains as we speak and anyone who is watching. we will capture everyone involved, including any curious civilians, and bring back y/n to safety.”
“isn’t that nice!”
shigaraki sat you on his lap, brushing your hair out your face and making you pretty. he wiped your tears and the dirt and blood off your face, kissing the back of your bloodied head.
“after everything, my y/n,” shigaraki said softly, lifting up your chin. you stared at the ceiling. “i really do love you.”
your heart twinged. the last remaining spark in your brain ignited. a weak smile spread across your face, the blood from your nose leaking onto your tongue and the gap from dabi punching out your tooth showed. you were hideous.
a knife dug into your throat, face freezing in shock at the once-again betrayal. you felt shigaraki’s cock enter you once more, blood dripping down the front of your battered body. he grunted, slicing across your neck and ultimately, killing you.
shigaraki tomura had snuffed you, continuing to fuck into your growing cold body as dabi recorded for the population to watch. all of this- just to prove they could do anything they wanted.
and of course dabi had to have a last turn as well. maybe even calling up the rest of the league. you wouldn’t know. <3
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degenrcy · 3 years
hey! im from ao3 after finishing your groomer shigaraki fic,and iv been waiting for chapter 3 that i havent bothered to read the tags again the snuff thing really caught me off guard LMAO,it was so good though there is not much underage reader content :( m thankful u wrote the fic you are doing god's work,nd i came here to share that dabi LOVES molesting school girls, school girls r his everything he is such a creep to them, also shig molests school girls in public transport he is into chikan fr
LOVE YOU ANON IM GLAD YOU ENJOYED!!!!! but yes shig n dabi are partners in crime in my eyes, i love characterizing them how i do and making them only come together to terrorize naive young girls ^^
(also ur right i should probably put in the chapter summary theres sudden snuff but uhhh i’m lazy)
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