#twas not a good day when i wrote this like 2 weeks ago
emerald-amidst-gold · 3 years
About me
So, you wish to know about the face behind the muse, do you? Well, I’m not as edgy or ferocious, but I do all right! 
Thank you for the tag @noire-pandora! <3
1: Why did you choose your url?
The url that you see now was actually not my first url. I’m first one was lotus-dreamcatcher something something. (I forget what the numbers were lol). It was just a random thought since one: I love, love, looooove dreamcatchers, and two: I think lotus flowers are such pretty flowers! So, I combined best of both worlds and slapped two or three numbers on the end! XD
The reason I switched it was because I wanted to have a more personal connection with my blog. When I started writing my fic, I was like, ‘Let’s just go the whole nine yards! No one else has it!’ and voila! Will I change it if my hyperfixation vanishes? No. I’m stuck in hell, remember? *smiles*
2: Any side blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
I have no side blogs because I would be terrible trying to micromanage them. My obsessions tend to ebb and flow, and this blog is the first time I’ve latched onto something for so long. I’ve had fixations with Dragon Age before (I’ve had the game for years, of course), but it always fizzled out and I latched onto something else (Fire Emblem, Skyrim, etc.). So, whatever fandom takes me by the horns, ya’ll have to witness it here! *cackles*
3: How long have you been on tumblr?
Hmm..I think for about...2 years? I made this blog a while back, posted a fic I had written for the first time, and then disappeared. I didn’t come back until just under a year ago when I wrote my first version of Emerald Eyes Amidst Golden Vows. But truthfully, I’m not sure. I know I haven’t been here long, though! XD
4: Do you have a queue tag?
Nope! I just scan the tags I like, home page, and those I follow’s dashboard and reblog/like what I find interesting, funny, or what pertains to what I’m currently fixated on. I might go ham and post a lot, or I just slap one or two things on while I’m on break at work. It’s casual for me. :D
5: Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I was curious, to put it simply. I’ve always been into art/writing, and all the art I used to see elsewhere always looped back to here. I actually spent a lot of my time, once upon a time, on DeviantArt (The days when I had a tablet and had the time to draw~). Once I got into writing, however, I decided this might be a better place to share that. Not to mention, I saw the community for Dragon Age and I was like, ‘I want to be a part of this! I don’t have many people I can talk about Dragon Age with or simp mutually about characters! And they all seem so nice! Let’s try!’ And here I am. It’s paid off. All the waiting, slight dejectedness, and quiet posts have PAID OFF. 
So, if you’re a starting blog and you feel kind of put off, just keep at it. It’ll gain traction. Trust me. :3
6: Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
Why not? It’s my BOY in his original, first play through form! (the play through I accidentally deleted, but you know *is still made about that*) 
I chose it mainly because it was my best screenshot of Fane, and I was like, “I am true Dragon Age blog now. :3″, but really, it’s just because it was pretty. I’m a simplistic creature with simplistic tastes. 
7: Why did you choose your header?
Again, it’s my BOY, and well, it was also pretty with the colors and his eyes and everything. I love my dragon son. What else can I say? *shrugs*
8: What’s your post with the most notes?
The post that issued by entrance in Solavellan Hell. 
It continuously spiraled for WEEKS until it finally went dormant, and I was like, ‘Well, damn. That was a wild ride.’ We all fall prey to the wolf at some point. Even I, who was so sure I adored Cullen. ‘Twas not to be. I like elves. Sorry, Commander. XD
9: How many mutuals do you have?
26! Which is about a quarter of who follows me, actually. Huh!
10: How many followers do you have?
You know, I just checked it the other day and my eyes went wide because I broke a 100 and I was like, ‘Am I really that relatable or likable!? Awwww! *cries*’ I’m currently at 107, but in all honesty, I don’t pay attention to the numbers. Some may be inactive, too, but it’s nice to see people enjoy and relate!
11: How many people do you follow?
85! I don’t like to clog up my dash too much because it’s easy to miss things I’m actually looking forward to seeing (art, fic updates, etc.) I could filter, obviously, but I is lazy. However, if I see a blog I really think is cool and enjoyable and is right up my alley, then of course I’ll follow! :3 I also try to follow back if someone follows me, but I forget to sometimes. I’m a bit scatterbrained if you haven’t noticed from my writing. XD
12: Have you ever made a shitpost?
I think I made like...two? They got a good bit of notes, but mainly because they were relatable more than funny, I think. If you want to know one thing about me it’s that if I adore a specific character, I either RAG on them until the cows come home, or I cry about them hysterically. With Solas, I am both, so I throw swings at him while in the next minute running over and saying I’m sorry. And I vocalize that with random memes. XD
13: How often do you use tumblr each day?
I get on in the morning after I wake up a bit to check around, stay on until I have to go to work at like 2, and I’ll pop on a few times throughout the day during my breaks or lunch, and once more before I call it quits for the day. I have a bad habit of keeping a tab up while I write and hopping back and forth. No wonder my writing flow gets lost in transit. XD 
I also tend to fall asleep with my computer on, soooo yeah. X’D
14: Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
Nope. I’m twenty-five. I left the drama bullshit back in high school when I graduated. I’m here to enjoy things that mean something to me, interact with people who share those interests, and just witness how creative everyone is and learn from them. Will I debate with someone civilly? Of course, I love debating concepts and interpretations of characters as much as I love analyzing those ideas. However, the moment those debates turn into ‘I’m right. You’re wrong.’ arguments, I walk away and ignore. I’ve been a part of internet discourse before when I ran a RP chat, I don’t need that again. Feel free to chat with me, but the minute it becomes a belligerent free for all, either expect a quick block or utter silence. 
15: How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
I try to reblog things from content creators because that’s how they get the exposure they need, and I wholeheartedly support those people because I want people to be able to pursue and live a life where they can do what they enjoy and make ends meet rather than be stuck at a 9-5 job where they’re talents are wasted and miserable because of berating circumstances. 
However, if someone explicitly says, ‘you need to reblog this because of some obscure reason’, I won’t do that. Be humble. That’s all. I understand the need for validation, painfully so, but there’s a line that needs to be drawn on some posts like that.
16: Do you like tag games?
You bet your ass I do! I love how interesting they are and that people are eager to involve me in them! Like this one! :D
17: Do you like ask games?
*looks at all the asks I’ve done for Fane* I adore them. Let me talk about my son until the end of time, even if I repeat things because he’s still GROWING.
18.Do you have a crush on a mutual?
Not romantically, but do I think everyone is worthy of love and hugs and yelling, complimenting words that make your insides all fuzzy and warm? YES. LET ME YELL AT YOU AND HUG YOU. <3
Tagging (if you want to of course!): @little-lightning-lavellan @oxygenforthewicked @aymayzing @dreadfutures @whataboutbugs and anyone else who’d like to! 
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phillipcole · 6 years
Post-AGT Appearance 943: Kathie Lee and Hoda August 14
Kathie Lee would be serious about getting me on the show to clarify thoughts, but my agent would want the interview controlled.  The AT Top 40 website now requires an app to get past 10th place and I can’t get caught listening to that show, so I have to guess which songs are rising and falling around the middle of the list.  The boost for the video would be short-lived and Her name is Avonelle would fall to 19th then 22nd last weekend.  My agent would decide that it would be best to reveal my sad, sensitive side in this visit.  Kathie Lee was a singer until Regis redirected her career, so they would have her sing Amazing Grace with me to the tune of House of the rising Sun with Cole’s rap insertion, followed by a discussion of why that affects me so.  Then we would go to a more open second segment.  Since this would require preparation Hoda would open the show alone with headlines, then introduce us in segment 2.
Kotb: Welcome back to the show.  Well, the reason Kathie Lee was not beside me during the opening is: she’s getting ready to sing.  Here she is, doing a duet with our first guest today, entertainer Phil Cole, doing a very different presentation of an old favorite: Amazing Grace.
Gifford: Amazing Grace, how sweet is the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now I am found,
Was blind but now I see.
PBC: ‘Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears relieved.
How gracious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed.
Cole: I really thought it was the end for me,
When that whale pulled me out into the sea,
And the captain threw his spear into my side-
Only way to save my mis’rable hide.
But now I’m saved by his amazing grace,
And I live every day his name to praise.
Gifford: Through many dangers, toils and snares I have already come.
‘Tis grace that brought me safe thus far, and grace will lead me home.
PBC and Gifford: When we’ve been there ten thousand years, bright shining as the Sun,
We’ve no fewer days to sing our God’s praise, than when we first begun.
PBC: Than when we first begunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.
Kotb: Wow, wow wow!  Give it up for Phil and Kathie Lee.  That was incredible Phil, and Kathie Lee, you’re still in fine voice.
Gifford: Thank you.  I was so afraid I’d mess up.
Kotb: Phil, why did you insert a rap lyric in the middle?
PBC: That was Cole’s idea.
Kotb: Phil has many personalities.  We’ve met most of them before on this show.
PBC: Don’t worry, we left Brad home this time ha ha.
Kotb: So...Cole, tell us about that rap line.
Cole: That’s a true story about the feller who wrote the sang.  He was a
Gifford: His name was John Newton.
Kotb: Not Wayne Newton.
Cole: Nah, about 250 years ago.  He was a whaler for awhile and got pulled overboard.  There was no way to get him back but to spear him and haul him in, so he got to know what a whale feels like.  He survived that and some other hard times, turned Christian and wrote that great song.
Kotb: One of the classics.  You also said fewer instead of less days in the last line.
PBC: That’s my idea, grammatically correct and it fits.
Kotb: And to the tune of House of the rising Sun-I understand there’s a reason for that too.
PBC: My uncle Paul passed away a year ago this coming Saturday.  That was his favorite song, in fact he told people, even me, that he wrote it.
Kotb: You believed that?
PBC: Well, when he told me, I was very young and didn’t know the song was a commercial hit.  I just thought he wrote a nice song.  It was about 7 years before I heard it.
Gifford: By the Animals.
PBC: No, of all things, it was on Austin City Limits, a PBS show I’d never seen before.  TV Guide said Linda Lewis was the featured performer.  I knew a Linda Lewis and she was a musician, so I turned it on expecting to see her.  It wasn’t her but I kept watching, and she sang the song.
Kotb: Ha ha ha then you knew?
PBC: Well, no! I still wasn’t sure.  That’s PBS.  The singer wasn’t famous.  That just told me the song was circulating further than I thought.  It took a while.
Gifford: Also you know last week was 3 years since I lost Frank, so when we decided to have Phil on to talk about some other matters we decided this would be a good way to introduce him.
Kotb: It sure was.  We have to take a break but we’ve got so much to talk about.  Please stay with us.
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