knightyoomyoui · 1 year
The Tale Of The Bloodline | TWICE MiSaMo (Mina, Sana & Momo) x Male Reader- CHAPTER 4: “The Bloodline’s Expectations”
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Previously on Chapter 3: “The Honorary Muse”...  "Guys, I feel like I'm putting a lot around in here and I just... not sure at all if I'm getting back the same level of respect that I deserve. We don't need to keep doing this, okay?" Sana started talking at at the twins with a hint of cluelessness in her tone of voice. "You all can just tell me the truth in here. What do you guys exactly think of me? I mean, what am I to you? Here's what I'm thinking, what if... I don't know... What if I join the Bloodline?" YN coughed up at that statement, Mina just looked at her. Sana noticed what that reaction meant. "No, it's fine. I know you guys are blood. I didn't mean it like that. It's like... what if I... what if I just become, I don't know? Honorary member?" Mina looked at Sana then you calmly. "Honorary member? Or should I say hmm... honorary muse of ours? Yeah, sure." she shrugged. YN just turned at her with a scrunched up face, in complete disbelief at his sister's decision to just add Sana like that plain and simple to their faction. Sana raised her fists in joy, hissing in the utmost adrenaline of pleasure cursing in her soul at that wonderful answer. "You... you guys are smart. That is a right choice. Whatever you guys need, anything. I'll be here. And if I need anything, well you know..."" Yeah, you don't have to say it now muse. We got you." Mina nodded with a small smile. YN just scoffed and entered the locker room again. "Catch you up later." "Yeah, you too Mina." Sana waved her hands goodbye at Mina who followed YN after. Sana tried to call YN too but she was only left ignored. She won't mind it that much for now. What matters for Sana the most is that tonight, she has now finally gained the respect and credibility that she's seeking to have by earning the trust of The Myouis, leaping onto one step away from the Empire Chief's own next.
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1 WEEK LATER | June 3, 2023
Amid The Myoui's segment prior, Kim Chaewon of LE SSERAFIM appeared to interrupt in which she issues a challenge using a rematch clause to attempt revenge and successfully win the titles this time.  YN and Mina only laughed at Chaewon as they reminded her that her partner Sakura is currently out of action and as of now at the hospital for her back injury recovery. The realization that Chaewon wants a fight without her own partner has what made them feel silly about it.
Not until in everyone's surprise and joyfulness, Chaewon made the twins take back their words when she introduces her replacement and temporary partner for this evening. It was none other than Jang Wonyoung who agreed for her request and joins Chaewon on her side to announce that the general manager Bang Sihyuk already booked the match to happen in the main event for tonight.  At the moment, Kim Chaewon and Jang Wonyoung is now battling the defending champions Myoui Mina and YN inside the ring. YN is gradually standing up to his feet near the steel steps after being tossed exterior while Wonyoung is now setting up an assault to the recuperating adversary.
Wonyoung rampages but YN ducks underneath, resulting Wonyoung's attempted knee strike to collide within the strong surface of the steel steps instead. It made the Queen Of Strong Style groan in the pain as she clutches her aching knee.  "Jang Wonyoung knee first onto the steps and now a double team by The Myouis." the commentator Knight Yoo states as Mina arrives on to the same ringside spot where her twin brother and Wonyoung are.
Mina bolted Wonyoung's head around her arm and stood her up. As she did, YN kicked the back of the affected knee once more to create Wonyoung scream in torment.  The referee started checking on Wonyoung who is now clearly harmed. Mina tried to approach Wonyoung once more but after the completion of the monitoring, the official signals for "injury" and tells Mina to back off repeatedly.
The medical personnel abruptly ran through the scene and joins the referee on helping Wonyoung. Whereas it was happening, YN and Mina grabbed the attention of everybody watching by urging them to acknowledge their bloodline through raising their fingers up to the air; creating a divided response from the crowd.  Wonyoung is now being guided by the rescue team on her cautious limping walks. The recently recouped Chaewon was in shock and dismay seeing Wonyoung who has now reach the ramp back into the stage, realizing that her partner is injured. "Wonyoung..." Chaewon mumbled as she gets close onto her partner and friend.
"I'm sorry." That was all Wonyoung had to say before she continues to be escorted out with the personnel while still wincing in pain. Chaewon just nodded understandably and returns her sight at the twins who are now occupying the ring together. YN and Mina began mocking the alone and helpless Chaewon. Mina pointed threatingly at her but that didn't appear to bother Chaewon as she just nodded and gritted her teeth; tunneling up the rage inside of her. "Y'all think I'm done?! I ain't giving up!" Chaewon yelled at them, propelled by retaliation not only what The Myouis did to Sakura but also what they did moreover with Wonyoung.
Chaewon starts to march, YN left the ring only to receive a direct elbow hit. She climbs up to the apron, Mina attacks but Chaewon counters; punching her to the side of the head.  "And now, Chaewon is taking a fight into the Tag Group Champions as she is now fed up with The Myouis' anarchy." commentator Lee Kwang-soo says as they all watched Chaewon enter the ring and blew countless strikes all over Mina's body. She pushes Mina to the ropes and charges at her with a clothesline, making her join YN to the outside.  "Come in here! Let's end this!" Chaewon shouted at the twins gazing at her unbelievably, knowing that they are getting dominated single-handedly at the same time by the same enemy.
YN and Mina won't let the disrespect and humiliation grew, they stood up and prepares theirselves as they traded signal to one another before simulteanously entering the ring again, both attacking Chaewon together who is also trying to do offense here.  A kick to the midsection downs Chaewon on her knees, taken after by steps to her collapsed body. Mina pulls her hair upwards and strengths her to stand back up. YN and Mina extends her arm as it were to catapult her to the turnbuckle in which Chaewon's back collided brutally there. Mina passes the work to YN as she goes to the ringside. Whereas Chaewon is persevering her pain, he prodded the poor fighter by taunting the same fighting pose that her partner Sakura always do to her matches. After doing so, he did their own "We The Ones" motion by lifting his finger up again to the sky; showing to everyone who is running this match and possibly the ones who will end up taking the win.
Only be blindsided by Chaewon with a running knee straight to his confront. "Sakura meant something to Chaewon's career and Oh! A running knee by the upset Chaewon." Knight exclaimed. Mina who saw that attack had her frightened and worried for her twin brother.  The crawling, desperate YN goes for Mina and tags her in. Mina climbs up to the rope in a plan to execute their finisher frog splash.. However, in her astonishment; Chaewon rises up fast and approaches Mina as she climbs to the top too where she began dropping punches and elbows to Mina's side profile.  She positioned her arms to lock Mina's head for a super Antifragile from the top rope until she got diverted when the undisputed World Champion and leader of The Bloodline Yuta Nakamoto's entrance theme suddenly played. All the crowd viewed the stage to wait for the emergence of the Empire Chief.
"Oh my God, super Antifragile by Chaewon to Mina!" Knight said as Chaewon immediately returns her focus back into the match and achievingly damaged Mina.
"...but she's not the legal competitor!"
They both crashed into the ring, Chaewon groaned at her impact of her back's landing to the ring; not even noticing YN who is now on the top rope and delivers a splash to Chaewon.
"YN made a tag, unbeknowst to Chaewon! A splash! Cover to Chaewon!"
The referee began to count as YN pins Chaewon. "1...2...3!"
"The Myouis retains the title!" Knight claimed as the bell rang to the official finish of the match. Most of the crowd were rankled and saddened at the failed opportunity by Chaewon because of the usual dirty strategy again by The Myouis. Clueless to everyone who is watching and attended the show live except for the rest who stayed in their homes, the camera switches to the audio and technical room where Minatozaki Sana became surprised not because of The Myouis' triumph, but to what she actually did.  "Oh my God... i-it worked! IT WORKED HAHAHAHAHA!" Sana cheerfully celebrates as she giggles while jumping and tugging the staff who is in charge of controlling the sounds of the show, sitting on his chair looking at Sana strangely
Sana rushes out of the backstage and greets The Myouis holding their title as they are heading out of the arena. "YOU GUYS DID IT! MY TRICK WORKED! I'M SO PROUD OF YOU TWO!" She hugged YN tightly who was stunned at the Honorary Muse's actions. As she lets go from him to continue teasing the defeated Chaewon from the separate, YN glances at Sana as he felt confusingly fluttered from the contact. Sana joined The Myouis from behind as they depart, only to become unaware at the infuriated Chaewon's attack as she ran straight through the trio, pushing them and switching to Sana who she started repeatedly hitting her head.
YN saw what Chaewon is doing and in an instant, he moved and took attention as both were now attacking each other. The referee came out to seperate both sides and break the brawl.
"Chaewon is ticked off and you can't blame her for that. The emotions are just pouring out of her body right now." Knight Yoo comments on what Chaewon has been going through these days.
This rivalry has been personal and important for her and she would definitely not letting it go that easily.
1 MONTH AND 2 DAYS LATER | August 5, 2023
Sana's service with The Bloodline briefly halted for a month as they both focused on their respective tasks to do. Yuta was introduced to his next challenger after Chaewon targeted him next, challenging him for a World Championship match.  The two fought and eventually, Nakamoto remained undefeated for the title as he beats Chaewon clean. As he urges the swarm to acknowledge his continous greatness along with his cousins YN and Mina, the entrance theme of one of his long-time rivals and previous challenger last March at the company's biggest pay-per-view event Battleground of Madness which their final feud together led to their match in August's scheduled event SuperSlam with the stipulation being a Last Man Standing match. Yuta retains the title which finally concluded their feud for good.
Meanwhile, Sana was added to the line-up of participants that will fight in an 8-person ladder match to determine the winner who will have a year-length opportunity to freely use his/her advantage on adding himself/herself to a match with one of the 3 individual titles in the company at stake. Unfortunately, she was one of the fighters who lost in the match.
After the August's annual SuperSlam PPV ended, they were now able cross roads together and get back on track. Sana didn't wasted any more time as she reaches the front of The Bloodline's locker room. Cautiously knocked, she was greeted by the serious-faced YN staring at her in the face which made Sana flinched. He was followed by Mina who greeted the Honorary Muse in contrast to YN's.
"Hi, sorry. I have a terrible reception in the building. I didn't know if you guys received my message or not. I forgot to bring my phone-"
"No. It's fine, muse. In fact, I was about to text you back." Mina assured Sana.
"Oh perfect timing." Sana exhaled, shoulder fell in relief. Mina smiled while YN rubbed his face ridiculously.
"Hey, we need a favor."
"Sure, what is it?"
"Usually, when the wiseman is here. He is the one who handles things. He's in the production truck, making sure the music's good, the graphic's good, the power's good, just to make Yuta's entrance perfect." Mina enumerates while pouncing her fist on her other open palm.
"Okay." “But you know what he went through, right?” Mina said, referring to Jinyoung’s fate last week at the hands of Yuta’s opponent when he got smashed into the announce table after he tried to interfere and be the root of Yuta’s challenger’s doom which ended up backfired, costing his ribs to become severly bruised. “Oh yeah, right. Wait, how is he?” Sana asked considerately. “He’s resting. We got someone in the hospital to watch over him.” Mina updated,  effectively making Sana diminished. "Well, back from what I said... can you do that for us tonight?"
Sana snorted. "Are you serious?"
"Yeah" Mina nodded, stating that she's honestly sincere with her request. YN on the other hand was staring deeply at Sana.
"B-but... that's not really my job?" Sana complained. YN's forehead crumpled and straightened his stance. Mina just chuckled at Sana's confusion.
"I mean I'm the Honorary Muse but..."
"Sana, hey." Mina patted Sana in the shoulder. "It will meant a lot to Yuta." She smiled.
Sana looked at Mina and gone silent for a moment before she sighed and shortly smiled at Mina. "Alright, okay. I will."
They both nodded at each other trustedly before Sana leaves, with The Myouis watching her walk away but still having complete opposite emotions visible in their face as Mina remained calm while YN is annoyed.
Few minutes later, Sana returns to the The Bloodline locker room as she knocked again and gets received by The Myouis a bit faster than earlier.
"Hey, okay. It's all taken care of. I went to the production truck. Graphics are set, pyros are great. I even almost had a fight with someone. It's the whole thing but this isn't important so... hey listen. I have to talk to Yuta now before he goes out there." Sana persuaded while she does hand gestures to emphasize her eagerness and rush.
However, Mina gave her an apologetic look. "Look, muse. That ain't gonna happen."
"Oh come on, are you kidding me?!" Sana began supressing her stress. "You guys just given me the runaround tonight. Am I really a part of this group?!"
"I just-" Mina tried to calm down Sana but the frustration building up inside Sana is what making her to be uncontrollable.
"Guys, am I not the Honorary Muse?"
Suddenly, Mina and Sana both were taken aback when YN triggeredly turns his head around to look at Sana angrily.
Sana was left speechless and intimidated by YN's aggressiveness and rant. He immediately left, followed by Mina who only clicked her tongue and tightlipped for the guilty woman.
1 WEEK LATER | August 12, 2023
After what happened last week, Sana tried to ease things off with The Myouis especially YN himself who became clearly mad at her antics for being too resistant at their orders.
She walks up to their locker room and hesitated for second to knock as she prepared herself one more before she actually did it. The door opened and just like last week, YN and Mina answered the call.
"Guys, guys. Hey, I've gone through a lot of thinking and... everything you guys said about last week, you were right."
Mina cupped her chin as she listened attentively while YN bowed his head and avoid Sana's look in guilt after remembering what he said last week, knowing that Sana is definitely pertruding mostly for him.
"You guys are right about-"
Sana got interrupted on her statement as the agitated Kim Jennie made a surprise appearance in the scene, tackling both Mina and YN aside.
Jennie grabbed Mina's collar and threw her to the wall. She then held YN's head and repeatedly dribbled it onto one of the extra tables around the hallway as Sana kept shouting for help and for Jennie to stop.
It was no effect for Jennie as she continued attacking YN, repeatedly punching and slapping him all around his face and head before she ended it with a push to the wall as what she did to Mina.
Sana ran away and watched the mess worriedly and terrified at the same time. Jennie crouches between the assualted bodies of YN and Mina on the floor.
"Every single week you two gets involved, I'M GOING TO BEAT YOUR ASSES YOU HEAR ME?!" Jennie grunted as she referred to what happened to her last week when she was confronting Yuta Nakamoto and The Myouis until a surprise attack unleashed to her by a returning fighter in the company who possesses dark persona named Bae Irene. She decided to include Irene on her next victims alongside The Bloodline.
"Oh, Sana... where are you~" Jennie abandons the suffering Myouis and proceeded to walk away while in hunt for Sana who already disappeared.
About 20 minutes has passed and Sana is still roaming the backstage while unobnoxiously monitoring the sight around in case Jennie is around and possibly caught her.
Walking around back and forth while still thinking concernly about the twins, it turned into a coincidence when right on the time The Myouis approached her with their titles.
"Thank God." Sana was about to check up on them but then Mina cuts her off looking sarcastically unimpressed.
"Damn, you're such a trackstar aren't you?" Mina scoffed.
"You slipped again." YN said as his lips twitched.
"Where did you run off to?" Mina asked her quizzically.
"No! I wasn't going anywhere, I wasn't trying to call the security-"
"I wasn trying to get him kicked out of the building-" As Sana proceeds to defend herself by all of her reasonings, YN impatiently crosstalked into them to interrogate Sana further.
"Enough with the excuses, Sana!" YN irritatedly remarked.
"Wait, hear me out-"
"I told you last week that if you don't step up, YOU'LL BE LEFT BEHIND!" YN barked. Sana went quiet as she takes another scolding from one half of the Tag Champs.
"MINA! Let's go call Jennie into the ring." YN commanded his twin before leaving, entirely done on arguing with Sana as she has a much important business to do tonight.
The Myouis were granted to strike back on Kim Jennie as they were placed by general manager Bang Sihyuk into a non-title tag team match to end the show's episode.
The assigned partner for Jennie got hooked by YN onto the barricade which led both crashing into the timekeepers area while Jennie and Mina were left in the ring.
Mina saw what happened to her sibling. She returns her attention back on Jennie who is slowly getting up on her feet, about to carry her in a shoulder drop but Jennie counters, rotating Mina around and deliver a headbutt to her forehead.
Mina stumbles to the ropes in dizzyness but quickly recovers as she aimed at Jennie face for a superkick. Jennie stepped backwards until she caught of the rope, using it to catapult herself to Mina who was about to charge on her. She bows down to avoid her hit and ran to another rope as she finally hit a deadly rocket kick to Mina.
The hyped crowd chants along to the referee's count as the unconscious Mina was pinned by Jennie to the victory. The announcer declared the win for Jennie and her partner.
Sana who was watching in the ringside to support the Myouis, disappointingly watched Jennie celebrate with the fans. As they eyes met, Jennie smirked and stared intently at Sana who seems to already understand what that look means.
She steps back and tries to calm down Jennie but was distracted by the sudden spin of her body from behind by YN who instead got caught by Jennie's fast instinct, hitting him with a underhook DDT.
While YN painfully clutches his head, Jennie performed a kip-up and went to the corner of the ring; feeding up the energy of the crowd cheering for her. She began counting down as they joined her.
She fires another rocket kick, but Jennie realizes that the person was not YN who got knocked down in the ring.
"Minatozaki Sana has took a bullet for the Bloodline! She pushed YN out of the way only for a rocket kick to be taken by the Honorary Muse herself!"
The Myouis exhaustedly reconciled with their titles on their shoulder as they viewed Jennie eyeing them down along with her partner in the ring.
"Tell your boss that Kim Jennie is coming for her. That's just the beginning." Jennie mutters and grinned at the sight of the badly beaten tag champs as the show comes to an end.
1 WEEK LATER | August 19, 2022
"You said you wanted to see me, Empire Chief."
The camera pans on Yuta Nakamoto who is peacefully sitting on his couch after he saw Sana open the door and greets him with addition of acknowledging him as usual.
"Yeah, take a seat." He touched the empty space beside him.
"Okay, alright. Thanks." Sana sat with him.
"How's everything going?" Yuta asked as he glanced at her.
"Good. The Bloodline has been very good as of late but well... it's not actually entirely true." Sana clenched her teeth, afraid that Yuta might not like her words of choosing but the latter was just listening at her deeply.
"If i'm being honest, it's complicated."
"How do you say so?" Yuta inquired.
"Well, these past few weeks I've been getting it with YN a lot." Sana explained, her face is showing clear confusion.
"Yeah. He's like... he's on me, Yuta." Sana pointed at herself. The Empire Chief is in deep thoughts as he kept listening while not paying a look on the troubled lady.
"A couple of weeks ago, he was really going to tell me. He always yells at me with these 'you have to keep up' thing blah blah blah. He's acting like as if I'm not carrying my weight around here which is pretty annoying when in fact, he was about to get rocket kicked by Jennie but I slid in and I pushed him away. I took a rocket kick in the face for him, for the Bloodline!" Her tone gets more intense and aggressive the longer she speaks.
"Did he ever gave me a call, a text? No. And I hate it. He's so ungrateful." Sana rolled her eyes while slapping her thighs in annoyance. She became tensed when she noticed that Yuta glanced and stared at her.
Yuta furrowed his eyebrows and pursed his lips. Sana gulped and rubbed her lips in anticipation for his response.
"You know what..."
Sana stared at him.
"You're right." His expression lightened.
He nodded. "I've been saying that a lot to him too, he doesn't appreciate."
"He doesn't appreciate anything!" Sana agreed. "Thank you!"
"He's my blood, okay. I love him." Yuta chuckled at Sana's relieved laugh. "Why are you talking to him then, by the way? You should talk to Mina instead. Not at me, okay?"
"O-okay, but I just wanted to tell this at you too."
"Uhh wait for a while here, Sana okay? Stay there." Yuta said as he excused himself for a while.
"Sure, take your time Yuta. I will be right here." Sana replied as she carressed the texture of the couch relaxingly while Yuta stood up and went to to the restroom first.
While she's waiting for Yuta to finish his break, Sana sensed an incoming phone call from Yuta's phone placed along with his World Title on a circular glass table.
She took a peek and saw YN's profile. "Uhh Yuta, your phone is ringing."
"Yeah." Sana said as she grabbed the phone.
"Who is it?"
"YN." She gritted her teeth in nervousness.
"Answer it for me, please." Yuta echoed his request.
"Uhh okay." Sana huffed in the air before swiping the screen at the green button to accept the call. Putting the phone in her ear, she greeted YN only to receive a typical grumpy welcome from him.
"Yes, just don't scream okay? I will tell him." Sana said as she slightly distances Yuta phone away from her ear. "If i'm being honest, now is not the good time."
She nodded after YN's response to what she told him. "I'll take care of it. Yeah, bye."
Just in time as she ended the call, Yuta exits from the restroom. "He is screaming I can't even understand what he's saying." Sana hilariously reacted.
"No, it's fine." Sana sweeps it off, assuring him.
"What did he say?"
"He was like, we're trouble at the border which I think they're implying that they're not gonna be here tonight."
Yuta sighed and lowered his head disapprovingly.
"But you know what? I'm here." Sana spreaded her arms, lending her invitation of willingness to be on duty to serve and protect the Empire Chief and The Bloodline like she has to do as always.
Yuta tilted his head at Sana then grinned. "Yeah... you are."
The Honorary Muse was delighted at his approval, recognizing her presence of assistance on their side.
"Well actually, I'm scheduled for a fatal five way contenders match for the Intercontinental Championship." Sana braggingly reported to Yuta as she remembered her main goal for tonight.
"But that won't be a problem, in case if you need me. I'll be there still." Sana assures.
Yuta impressively nodded and smiled at Sana's eagerness and wiseful deed.
"I see... a title huh." Yuta smirked at the vision formed in his mind. "You know, that would be a great addition for the Bloodline."
Sana gasped and beamed at Yuta's message of encouragement for her to take that title and help them include it in their collection of achievements.
"I guess you're the one to do it."
"I am the one!" Sana became pumped up and enthusiastic. "Okay, so what am I doing here?"
"Yeah, what are you still doing here?" Yuta joined Sana's flow, humorously asking her back.
"I'm gonna go out now, get warmed up and take care of this." Sana assuringly said, tapping Yuta's arm. "Hey, you know what? We should this do this often. This is great!"
Yuta looked away and reconsidered that idea, squinting his eyes.
"Okay, good talk! I'm heading out, Chief!" Sana bids goodbye as she stood from her seat and went to the door.
"Goodluck, Sana." Yuta wishes luck for Sana's upcoming match before she left The Bloodline locker room with his quest for the goal of winning the IC Title now boosted up thanks to the support and motivation coming from the Empire Chief himself. ------------------ Meanwhile at the same time from The Bloodline’s household, a mysterious person who is in charge of the confined Jinyoung is working out at the gym when she got notified of Mina’s phone call to her. Wiping off her sweat using a towel, she picks it up and placed it on her ear. “What?” “Yuta wants me to tell you something.” “Spill it out. I’m in the middle of my workout here.” She said as she drank a cold water in her tumbler. “Sorry to interrupt then. Well, I’ll be quick. I’m in the middle of the road too with YN.” Mina apologized. “Yuta wants me to inform you that he decided to bring you with us in September 3. He wants you to do him a favor.” “I suppose there’s a return I can get?” “Main roster debut. He already have it cleared.” Mina answered. “You ready for a war?” The woman cracked her neck and smickered. “We’re always taking it all, Mina. Ofcourse, I am... and tell Yuta that it’s settled.” The call ended as the woman faced the punching bag and started doing massive blows again, with the desire for annihilation in the main roster as she finally joins her family’s side clouding her mind.
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