nicepii-blog · 9 years
hey, idiot. happy birthday. don't get in too much trouble.
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“Haha, thanks Miyuki! I’ll try not to cause any problems for you!”
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8bithope · 9 years
Take me down at the ballgame || CA Event ; closed
Wow! This place sure was boring!
Walking--or rather skipping, with some glitching in between--down the street, she just swung her arms from side to side, humming an annoyingly off-tune song. It was just another nursery rhyme, as she was used to tormenting her dear sweet little friend with them in some way. Though to be honest, she wasn’t sure of the lyrics all the time!
Speaking of her dear sweet little friend--where was that annoying crying little thing! She couldn’t seem to find him! That was bothersome. Now turning her head every which way as she went, she kept a sharp eye for the white puff of hair--of course, at a lower level. Couldn’t be running into the larger one again now could she!
As distracted as she was, she didn’t notice the boy in front of her. Of course, she didn’t exactly notice until she’d gone through him either.
“Woopsie! A liiiiii̶͖̖͠i̷̱̮̤̳͞i҉̩̦̠̯i̡̧̥̳̻̩̭̥̼͖i̵̷̬̠̩̪̺̤̬i͏̮͍͇̻̻̖̜ͅi̳̞͇̙ͅt̜̖ṱ̸̞͇̬̥̩̘͉̣͞l̀́҉͇̩̭̘̰e͙͖̮̘̲̘̯͚̹͘ ̭̩͚̖̻͚e͕͙̳̞̹̩̘x̼̜̳̠̩͠t̶̩̱͖̮̻̭͓̭͞r̨̛̯a̫̥ ̷̴̭̭̰͍͚͔͕͉g̨͇͎l̞̟̖̠̠̹̘ͅͅị̵͍̳̮̟̳̬̬t҉̢̛̲̘̟̺͖͈̹ç̴̶̘͎̖͉̬̹̦hy today wouldn’t y01101111011101010010000001110011ay?”
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Turning around to face the boy, a smile as sweet as could be crossed her features. She didn’t recognize him. Not one bit. For all she knew, he could be from her side!
“Bṵ̪̹̻t̷̨͍̗͓̗͈͢ ̳̜̮͇̦͙h̴̡͇́e҉̺̗̣̩̟̝͚ḷ̩͞l̘̻̭͇̞̫͖͠o̢̹̼̤̭̝̩ ̛̲̩̲̙h̖̖͟ḛ͖͡l̢̢̪̪̳͎l̪͞ǫ̨̺͓͕̪̬̞͙̠̩͠ hello h011001010110110001101100011011110010000100100000010101110110100001100101re have you come from ań̟͉̠̖̖͢d̨҉̼ ̸̝̞͍̝͎̕ͅw͓̭̘̼h̴̢̠̣͉̼͍e̱͈̭̹̻̖̰r̟̺̞̰̻͘͞e̢̛̯͖̺͉̟͙͈ ̵͇͖̜̪̯ͅw̨̳̦̦į̼̘̜̰̠̤͖̫͕͢l̟̟̗̹ḻ̗͎ͅ ̴͉̣̹̼͕́͟y̱͇͙̼͕̗͝o͉̹͖ų̲͈̗͉̫͟͠ ̡͓̝͡g̸͍̩̜̞o?”
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capitalprince · 9 years
As if it wasn’t obvious enough, he didn’t want to be here. He didn’t want to do this, and if there was something he had so desperately been avoiding up until now, that was shouldering any more responsibility than he already had. Alas, lady luck had long since left his side, and thus the blond found himself involved in a ruckus he wouldn’t have ever dreamt about being part of. But he was there nonetheles. Because he wasn’t a coward.
On the other hand, having Miyuki on his side comforted him just as much as his presence seemed to become unnerving for him. Granted, it was a hundred times safer to explore the place together, yet at the same time he felt like it also fell under his duties to ensure the other’s well-being. No matter how he looked at it, Mei wasn’t going to feel comfortable about this whole ordeal, alone or not.
Metal bat pressed to his chest at the thought, it was a matter of seconds until his mind started to wander toward more troubling issues. The eerie similarities between this world and theirs sent chills down his spine, hardly helping him cool down as his thoughts dwelled on the fact that this city was sure to shelter monsters akin to those he had seen back home. Would determination alone be enough against these creatures? Would their weapons be enough to fight their way to victory? Would he be enough for this? Or would he just fall victim to his own emotions  — his own fear — and drown them both in the bitter taste of failure?
His train of thought was cut short the moment he bumped into the taller male’s back, his being lost in thought having made Mei completely unaware of his surroundings for an instant. Had they been ambushed while he was distracted, them going belly up was more than just a possibility, and it would have been mostly his fault. Off to a great start, really.
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With no apology on his part, he stopped in his tracks and took a quick look around. This part of the district they had landed on seemed to be devoid of people already, the occasional moments of utter silence befalling them only making him grow shakier. “Shouldn’t we find someplace to hide for now?” Because that would be the most cautious thing to do now, right?
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unspiker · 9 years
kings of sport (closed)
With the new sports facilities opening up at Citta Academy, it was hard for Daichi to contain his excitement as he went to check out the school and how everything was set up. After moving around without much to do, Daichi began to find himself restless until the Academy came along. Finally, something relatively normal. He signed up for classed, charted the soon-to-be Volleyball Club, and for the first time in weeks, felt a sense of relief and calm.
He wandered around the campus before arriving at the fitness center, entering in to see just how spacious it was. It had aspects of both a gym and fields for outdoor sports to play in. He watched as a baseball player on the other side of the facility trained on his own. Oh? There was a baseball club here? 
Daichi made his way over without trying to draw too much attention. 
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He watched as the other finished up, impressed by how radically different their sports were. When the other started to finish up and put things away, Daichi motioned closer and extended his hand.
“May I lend a hand?” 
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elitehotshot-blog · 9 years
i want the k :^)
12: Chest Kiss
He felt kinda bad that the kick to Miyuki’s chest had sent him over backward, but he was also concerned with how much attention his calves were getting right now. It was ridiculous really. Still though, he saw Miyuki grab his chest as if to say ‘that hurt, asshole’. He bent down, nervously unbuttoning Miyuki’s shirt and sliding it out of the way. Ouch, that might bruise. Scratch that,it will bruise. It was an occupational hazard for strong legs. Lips gently came in contact with several spots over the left side of Miyuki’s chest, kisses moving softly, grazing skin and leaving a soft slightly wet trail behind from all the kisses. He stood up, looking intensely at the wall next to Miyuki, anywhere but at Miyuki.
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“….I kissed it better.”
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yellowiskimoi · 9 years
i want the k ~
20. Any of the Above2. Cheek Kiss
Another one? This was annoying--he didn’t even know who these people were. He didn’t really want to get to know them either. Especially not through something like this. Making a face, he eventually grabbed the other’s chin, turning his head rather forcefully so his cheek was facing him. Leaning in, he didn’t bother with the normal routine of a kiss, instead just sticking out his tongue and licking it across the other’s cheek.
Pulling back, he let his tongue just hang out, looking at him with an unimpressed expression.
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“There. That is the e-qui-va-leeeeent.”
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juvilation-blog · 9 years
she wondered when it had become habit to carry an umbrella not for herself, but others who happened to catch the misfortune of being caught in her rain. she could not control her tears as they fell from the sky, not anymore, could not cure the ail or mend the ache or fill the hole that left her eyes (and the sky above) so stormy, but she could control how they were received.
it was with that resigned attitude that she spread the large black umbrella at waist level before hoisting it over the head of a drenched passerby.
☂ { juvia ... }
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☂ { juvia hopes this is some help to you. she is sorry for the rain. }
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capitalprince · 9 years
❧♒✧۵☹ (this is fine. casually drops.)
To: kazuya(๑•з•)From: ☆mei☆
❧ - Love/Confession text
[txt] ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥[txt] ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡[txt] (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)[txt] ♡。゚.(*♡´‿` 人´‿` ♡*)゚♡ °・ [txt] ( ˘ ³˘)♥[txt] (。◕ฺˇε ˇ◕ฺ。) im so mad ur not here rn to kiss me[txt] we should just move in together so you can kiss me good night everyday!!!![txt] and kiss me good morning too…
♒ - Drunk text
[txt] om g i jjust realied[txt] *rlealized[txt] i m’ amlost 1 yr oldrer than u???l ol[txt] so hw abotu u start callinf me snepai ;9
✧ - Sleepy text
[txt] practice was really tiring today (゚´Д`゚)゚[txt] i cant even sit up to take off my shoes..[txt] im texting u with just one eye open!!! please understand[txt] so i guess im just skipping next time☆ www
۵ - Angry text
[txt] i s2g do u ever listen to me or are your ears just for show????????[txt] u might think im an idiot but im not and i sure as hell dont appreciate my efforts going to waste[txt] it makes me wanna stop trying[txt] and im not blind okay, i know when ur hiding something[txt] w/e idk why i bother trying to help u if ur just gonna keep things from me anyway!!!!!![txt] call me when u stop thinking abt anything other than urself
☹ - Apology text
[txt] why arent u answering ur phone[txt] um i guess ur still mad so… im ssssssorry about your glasses[txt] I SWEAR ILL FIND THEM OKAY i just need to remember where i hid them!![txt] (|||❛◇❛.) 
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yellowiskimoi · 9 years
♒ wink
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“I’m not even jeaaaaaloooooous.”
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capitalprince · 9 years
Impatient. In a word, that’s what he was. Of course his character was way more complicated than that, but at times like this it was easy to describe the blond with just one word (and more often than not, it wasn’t a particularly positive one). Hopefully his companion knew that despite his usual childlike behavior, Mei wasn’t all loud complaining and selfish commanding. However, he might just have to deal with this side of his for the time being. 
It had been quite the stroke of luck to find the bespectacled boy in this still unfamiliar setting. It was an understatement to say he had been visibly enthusiastic about this encounter, just as much as it was safe to assume he wasn’t going to let the other turn into the lone wolf he had always seemed to be back in Tokyo. Miyuki was the only one in this place he really knew after all! Who else would be better to hand around with in here? That’s right: nobody.
The Green Sector was nice, quite the opposite to the one he had been assigned. A small pang of jealousy hit him after checking for himself how different –clean, normal– these surroundings looked from the smoke-filled neighbourhood he had the bad luck to have landed in, but admittedly, it had been a great idea to pick one of the parks to meet up again, maybe play for a while, maybe just catch up on things. Whatever they did, at least they could breathe, and honestly, at this point, that was enough for the prince.
Mei pivoted on his heels, blue hues steadily fixed on the catcher following suit after him (or at least, to the pitcher’s eyes, pretending he did). Meeting Miyuki here had felt a bit like home, but it wasn’t as if he was going to say that to his face. It probably wouldn’t be necessary anyway; the comfortable smiles his company brought to his lips should be enough proof of it. But... there wasn’t anything similar to a smile adorning the boy’s features at that moment. Instead, a pout sat on his mouth, openly displaying his annoyance.
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“Come ooooonnn, slowpoke! What’s taking you so long?!” Arms crossing over his chest, he gave the brunet a look that screamed ‘hurry up!’, as if his complaints hadn’t made it clear enough that he wanted to find a place for the two of them to relax as soon as possible.
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