#twistedfiles storytime stories
lushonacid · 2 years
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Twisted Files
Chapter 34// Switching Lanes
I made it to the Kemper’s Deli, I made my way inside to look for Kaylee. I see her pops and said “Hey Scott is Kay around?”. He dropped his things and realized who it was, “No.. I haven’t seen Kaylee for a week. Have you not seen her at school?” He says. I check the time on my phone to make sure I still have some time to get to school “yeah I took a week away from school. I didn’t take Trinity’s death too well” I said. He looks down as he gets busy again, “yeah I heard the news. I just want Kaylee to graduate and I’ll be picking up shop and taking her with me to Florida. I can’t keep her around here for too long..” Scott says. I completely understand where this thought Scott has for Kaylee, as a single father I can see he just wants what’s best for his little girl. “I’ll see you later Scott!” I said as I left and shut the door. As I get in my car, so did someone else, I look over and it was Megan. “Wtf do you think your doing” I asked. “Common I just want to talk! Friends have falling outs and then they talk!?” Megan says. “Yeah but we aren’t friends Megan. I want nothing to do with you.. so get out of my fucking car” I said. “I’m just wanting to talk” she demands. “This isn’t how you do that OK. Now don’t make me tell you again..” I say as she cuts me off. “I just got to ask. Why all of a sudden you care about Trinity?? Especially the shit we learned about Chase!” She mentions. “Trinity was the complete opposite!!” I shout. “She’s the female version of her brother with her fake persona thinking she’s the new Stella when it’s been Kaylee all along” Megan says. Okay I felt like Meg said all this all in some jealous way. “I’m not sure where this jealousy is coming from” I said. Megan gives me a hard stare. “You do know this bitch would give Zack head whenever he asked when Stella was gone right?? Zack told me she kept trying to hop on him every chance she got and he eventually gave in because he heard about the Stella and Chase rumors then.. I really thought it would have been Kaylee being the slut when it was Trin all along” Megan claims. “Alright get out” I demand. “Um.. you did hear what I said right?!” Megan asks. “Yeah.. and I’ve heard enough. Please leave” I say. “She fucked my brother the night she died” Megan blurts out. “Logan? How do you know it was the night she died? There was any hotel footage of her leaving ANYWHERE. So I highly doubt it was the same night” I state. “He did say she mentioned coming from the kings inn hotel.. and they fucked a few times and then she mentioned she had to leave, she didn’t even tell him where. I really thought she was trying to blow off my brother to run back and make up with Noah” she says. “Where did they meet up did he say?” I asked. “The lagoons, why?” She asks. I believed her once she said that because the lagoon forest isn’t too far from the abandoned motel I’ve found another dead body.. I put my foot on the gas and drive, “where the hell are you going” Megan asks as I speed off the deli drive way. “We are going to find Kaylee” I said to Megan as my eyes were focused on the road.. “I thought this year would have been different” I say. I start driving slowly down the road and took a look my right behind Megan.. “What?” As she looks over. It was the Taylor family at the graveyard, I was invited but they knew I had school so I may not attend. I seen my mom standing by Trin and Chase’s mom, she was torn. Just sobbing, as that was her second child dying. My phone rings out a notification. It was a message from some random number.. it read “Wanna lay next to them?” As they send a bunch of pictures of the first night Chase and I kissed, different angles some were close enough it looked like they were around us all along.. I had a concern/ worrying face that Megan took notice and grabbed my phone and seen it too. I’m honestly scared someone has these pictures and that they could have more and have been that close to me and I didn’t even notice.
To Be Continued!
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lushonacid · 4 years
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Twisted Files 
Chapter 3 The 4th of July 
Things still aren’t normalized... its only been 2 weeks since the whole murder began and the hunt for my little sister Stella’s body. One morning I decided to go into Stella’s room and just absorb her scent, the room still smelt like her my parents couldn’t clean it out as of right now due to the emotion state as of right now. I started browsing through her closet, clothes, jewelry, stuffed toys and the her books to her journals. Then i spotted out her laptop under the bed, opened it up nothing useful for clues that leads up to that night. I did manage to open up her messages through her (Brace Page) a website that is a combination of twitter and youtube... it’s kind of weird, I never had one personally but i know that was more on Stella’s ally. She loved being live in front of the camera, spoke whatever was on her mind, under ever post there would be likes and comments. most of her comments were her friends I recognized a few of them, and then i seen a profile that’s been commenting multiple times but the friends don’t even know him just Stella replying back to him. or maybe not sometimes. The whole profile seemed strange the name displayed was [Chase44] and this Myspace emo looking dude, not sure if its even him but he is friends with my sister online. Every post she made, he’d say things in the comments like: “Hey are you going to reply to me?”, “Why aren’t you answering?”, “LOOK BITCH we can discus this over dm”. And that was his last time ever interacting with her posts. Zachery never mention anything about this profile, judging by the attitude who really would? unless I dig in deeper to see if this Chase44 has anything to do with the murders. I go into her messages history and everything was cleared. COMPLETELY. At the crime scene the detectives mentioned her phone hasn’t been found, but the chip was found in her best friends throat the night in the motel. ALL her messages shes ever had on here are gone, someone cleared it?I can’t see her clearing them.. even her group chats she does on here... it’s just not adding up. I feel like there was something on here we could have found. it’s just weird how all of her conversations have been erased and Chase44 wanting her to reply back, it’s just strange. He forgot to delete the comments I guess. Something about Chase44 I didn’t understand. Was he a friend?, ex boyfriend?, school friend?, camp buddy?, or obsessed stalker that lives in our county. There are just 3 photos of this guy and lives in the area. I noticed he had snapchat and my stalker scense started coming out due to scary stories and movies, I created a fake profile for snap and used some chick that looked somewhat similar to my sister from tumblr, accept this girl has pink hair and my sister had blue. after that I realized it was 6 my family was running late to head over to Aria’s parents cottage for the 4th of July bbq dinner. And spend the night or 2 there depending on the weather this weekend. As soon as we reached to Aria’s house I added the profile and within 15 mins Chase44 accepted. I immediately searched for their location on the search and he was RIGHT where I was.
“WTF...” I said to myself softly. My dad comes by “Everything okay kido?”. “yeah don’t worry about it.” I said. My dad starts to pet the dog beside me. I look down at the phone and it was Chase44 sanpping at me, I didn’t want to open it in front of my dad, like there would be too much to explain. I opened the snap and it was a picture of me, my dad and the dog. all with our backs turned. I looked down through the woods immediately. And seen nothing. I was fucking scared, I thought I wasn’t right about this profile but this was starting to fit everything. I took a screenshot even thought i know it notifies the other person. I just wanted them to feel as scared as I was at the moment, but I knew he felt safe. Nobody knows who is Chase44.   
To be |Continued| S t a y T u n e D ! ~>
Follow & Keep U P Below
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lushonacid · 4 years
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Twisted Files
Chapter 8 // Shoot your shot.
Drove back to my house, get out my car and see Chase sitting on the hood of his car. “No shows to attend tonight?” I ask. “No I was actually waiting for you to get back, thought you’d might want to take a walk with me” he says. I took a walk with Chase, it wasn’t bad out tonight. The weather was comfortable and the neighborhood was dead silent, everyone is inside while the two of us are just walking on the road going who knows where. Chase sparks up a joint and takes a toke and says “so why’d you leave in a hurry there? Were you talking to Dylan?” He asks. “No I went to see Kaylee”. I say as I tell him what she told me. We are just sitting by this basket ball court and from across the street we Dylan on his motor cycle driving to this house Beside the Taylor’s house, I know Dylan lives with his older sister on Zackerys street so who lives there? Who was he visiting?. Chase and kept watching closely and trying not to seem obvious but I don’t think Dylan even seen us sitting there. Chase passes me the joint and says we should do this more often, get to know each other.. as cute Chase is I knew I had to stay focus, there are so many fucked up guys in this town I think wonna be alone and single for quiet some time. This town didn’t make me fear of dating.. I just want to be treated right once they have me. Chase says “come to my show tomorrow night, I want to get you away from all this. Just to get your mind off of things.” I kindly accepted. “Could Kaylee come too?” I ask. “Yeah of course!” He says. He leans in for a kiss.. I didn’t know this was a moment. But it was. We started making out and he grabs my hand and tells me we should go to his car for a little bit more privacy. We just get i front of our houses and Dylan comes out of the house beside Chase’s. “Hey man!” Dylan says to Chase, as he’s starting at me with no emotion on his face. I’m sensing I’m like the devil to Dylan and Zack. They fear because I know what they wanted me to never find out. “Hey..” Chase reply’s. Dylan hops on his bike and rides off. “Dylan’s acting strange lately. And I haven’t spoke to him since Zack took Stella out of the van, or if Zack isn’t around.” Chase says. We get in the car and my phone starts going off! Great perfect timing I thought. It’s Trinity calling, I pick up. Trinity is talking way too fast and uncalmly for me to understand her, I tell her to slow down and she takes a deep breath and tells me. After her volleyball team meeting they all were walking home and then she decided to split from them to talk to Kaylee at her dads butcher shop. Kaylee was there when I was there for her closing shift and there was nobody there when Trinity came by. It was 8:15pm, Trinity said she’d close by 8. But nobody was there to close, so she called Kaylee’s parents by using the shop phone. They are making their way right now as we speak, I tell Trinity I’m on my way, Chase hits the gas and we make our way to Kaylee’s Deli shop.
To be continued! S t a y T u n e D!
(Sorry for the crappy iPhone chapter// -> go on @lushonacid for m o r e stories!👻)
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lushonacid · 2 years
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Twisted Files
Chapter 33// Up In Flames.
It’s been a whole week since my meltdown, took a break from the drama with the circle of friends. And discovering the death of my friend’s |Trinity| body days after.. I really had to step away from this town. I feel accountable for not keeping a good eye on Trin, and felt emotional the past week crying and sobbing because I was a bad friend to Trinity after my sister passed. I woke up took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, did my makeup and done my hair. *knock knock* it was my mom, she popped in. “Zackery’s at the door..” she says in a confused voice and before she questioned any further I told her “I’ll get that”, I come running down already dressed for my day back and grabbed my school bag, phone and keys then took off. “What’s up with you Hunter?” Zack asks. I give him an annoyed reaction “What’s it matter to you?, besides don’t you guys live together shouldn’t you know?” I shouted, as I toss my things in the car. “Hunter.. left with Brandi, he doesn’t tell us anything..” he clarifies. I knew Hunter and I were over after discovering Brandi… Zack notices my expressions “I’m sorry for your melt down at school, I know there is a lot going on and me, Megan and Noah..” before he could finish his sentence I cut him off. “How is Noah?” I asked calmly. “He is off the rocker since Trinity has been gone, he feels responsible for dumping her the night she went missing. He didn’t think she’d go missing like the others.. all he does now is Molly and E” Zack says, I surprised Noah is taking such a spiral to this tragedy. “Thanks for checking up on me, I’ll be just fine” I said to Zack as I get in the car. I was going to start the engine and I thought “Check up on Noah and Meg for me” I said. “For sure, will you be going to Tulsa or Langston next year?” Zack asked, it is senior year isn’t it? I thought I’d leave this place with more friends then I started off with. The 4 years here have just been so depressing, I’m just ready to let go and move on. “I’m actually going to Arlington in Dallas, just on the other side of town.” I mentioned. I know Zack would find my choice weird since everyone who attends Bendale is going to Tulsa or Langston. “Want a lift since your still here…” I ask. “Sure why not” as he gets in the passenger seat. “Why’d you come to my house first thing Zack?” I ask, I seen him fidgeting with some pendant, I remember this pendant imp-reticular. Stella had a bunch of them with old school pro wrestling graphics and logos were on them and I guess she gave one to Zack. Those were her favorite to collect and she didn’t just give it away to anybody but I did wonder why she gave Zack her favorite one, it was one her favorite heartthrob back in the day |Jeff Hardy| she only was able to find one of those but I guess Zack was lucky enough to hold on to it. “I came here because you were upset… and I used to anyway” he said. I didn’t think of it like that.. I was just so annoyed how it was Megan here to come check up on me it was Zack. “Omg!” I stop the car. “What?! What happened?” Zack asked all concerned. “We need to find Kaylee..” I said. “I can’t be seen with Kay!!” Zack shouts. “I just don’t sense something right! And what does Megan have against Kaylee??” I asked actually not knowing why myself, as I pull up to Kaylee’s dads butcher shop it wasn’t even in service yet and nobody in it. We stood in front of the shack for a few minutes until a truck pulls up.
To be continued!
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lushonacid · 3 years
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Twisted Files
Chapter 32 // Ohio Route 75.
I was sent to the principals office and was told that I need to be picked up from my parents after that incident.. I didn’t say much in there, I just wanted to be left alone. I wanted everyone in that room to fuck right off, until I felt a light tap on my shoulder it was Aria.. “let’s go” she says. I walk out to the back of the school, Kaylee stops me “hey can we talk?” She said. “Can this wait?” I say really not in the mood after that. “What do you mean by we’ll be next?” She asks “and wtf is this?” Kaylee flashes the crumpled paper with the list of names. “I honestly have no fucking clue what it’s about but I’d watch your back if your gonna continue hanging with them” I look over at Dylan and her man Rem just in case she was wondering who I was talking about. I get in the car “you didn’t beat anyone up did you?” My brother asks. “Just blacked out..” I replied. “You’ve been having these black outs?” Aria asks. “It’s just been happening recently, when I get extremely overwhelmed.. it’s just especially this year I was hoping everything would get better. It like ever since Stella died everything has been falling apart” I say. My brother pulls over to the abandoned motel near the lagoon’s park. It’s finally been boarded up since the crime scene. “Don’t beat yourself about it too much kiddo, we all know what your going through.. you don’t have to go through it alone. Okay? Anyway mom and dad went to the cottage for the weekend. Did you want us to stay the night?” Shane says. “No it’s fine” I reply looking at the time on my phone. “You sure? Will you be getting Hunter to stay the night?” Shane asked. “No, I broke up with him.. he didn’t tell me he was gonna be a father or he didn’t know at the time.. either way it’s not my problem anymore” I said. I step out of the car for some fresh air.. and just walk over to the front shack up front. I noticed something snagged in between the broken glass through the window it was a piece of Trinity’s long sleeve she wore that night!, I mentioned Shane and Aria what I seen. Aria drops to the floor and can see Trinity’s lifeless body laying on the ground and screams, as she point over to the shattered window. I look slightly to right and can see Trin’s face. My brother calls the cops and dispatchers were on their way. After sleepless nights worrying about Trin had me all fucked up and now I know I’m being watched only time will tell.
To be continueD!!
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lushonacid · 3 years
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Twisted Files//Chapter 31 Turtle.
I woke up late for school, taking my time then usual trying to forget about what happened last night. It was insane and terrifying that, that was all real. I had such a bad trip I really thought it was all just a dream, I got down stairs to the kitchen and seen my brother Shane and Aria at the kitchen table talking to my mom. “Hey kiddo!” My brother said as he ran over to hug me, Aria does the same after he puts me down. I knew whenever my brother shows up my parents feel the need I need to be guarded by him after every bad event so I had a feeling on why he was here.. “I’m giving you a ride and picking you up so don’t feel the need to rush alright?” Shane said. I nodded and went along, my mom asked me if I was doing okay and by the look I gave her she knew I was still traumatized by the whole incident. “Have you heard from Trinity?! Is she okay??” I asked, still nothing has turned up from the cops or even her parents next door. I know the Taylor’s weren’t the happiest this year after all their oldest son died and Trinity is reported missing. After Shane and Aria dropped me off and drove off as I shyly wave goodbye. I start walking to the front doors and to my attention, I see Megan on the steps before the doorways. “Shay? Are we going to prom together?” She asks. What the fuck? I thought, she was a total bitch to me the other night not wanting anything to do with me and now all of sudden she comes to ask me this? “Okay first of all I’m not in the mood and second can’t you go with Zack and leave me alone” I said, trying to walk passed but she stops me “hey I didn’t sleep with Hunter that night if that’s what you think” she mentioned. “I really don’t know what to believe anymore, but if you see Alex anywhere you might want to inform him that Trin is fucking missing” I said. “He knows” she replies. “Well” I waited for her to continue. “He broke up with her that day and since she went all obsessed crazy over him since Dylan it really broke her heart, so keep it between me and you but in her mind she still claims that the two of them are dating and that Noah dumped Trinity for Brandi’s sister Brooke. So that sent Trinity over the deep end and we haven’t spoke to her since she destroyed Zack and Hunt’s cottage home, it was a whole chaotic mess” she says. “Well now she’s gone and he needs to do somethings! if he ever gave a shit about her??, I’m not fucking joking” I said. “Okay but Noah doesn’t need to DO anything.. he has no control of her actions after she stormed off like that I’m sorry” Megan said, after her being her pathetic self now I had no energy to continue arguing after that. I don’t care what happened this girl is missing and we all are just going to act like it’s some normal day. I got sick of it! I feel like I’m slow or something! Constantly feel like this could be my sister and all my friends murderer. I stormed inside the school, threw my bag on the floor. And punched my locker. The two teachers down stares were trying to calm me down and touch me but I was having non of it, all I did was get even more mad when they got closer to me. I just wanted everyone to GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!. I can see the Montgomery’s, Kaylee then Noah and Zack on the other side by Megan just staring at me throw a tantrum. I took a look over by Stella’s old locker beside Jolie’s and just snapped, I went over to their lockers and pointed. “These two here! Went missing. Just like Trinity and if we don’t do something now it will be too late. And we’ll all be next in line! So continue to act like the way you all are going about things until the next person dies”. I shouted before being finally taken down after getting those sentences out and then tossing the note with the list I found in the science class, as I was being escorted to the office, I noticed Megan picks up the note we witnessed together.
To be ContinueD!!
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lushonacid · 3 years
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Twisted Files // Chapter 30 Sour Candy.
After spending several hours getting drunk with Trin, she tells me she didn’t want to go home tonight.. I couldn’t blame her. After spending some time alone with Trinity was actually awesome, I wished we gotten closer a lot sooner to be honest. “Let’s grab a hotel” she bladders out. I respond saying “that sounds cool and all but I only have enough for use to get a room at the Cruz-inn motel”. She laughs “Chase gave me all his savings before he died, the band savings” she said laughing uncontrollably. “Does Remington know?” I said. “My brother created that band! REM can go suck it for all I care!” She shouted. I agreed with her about whatever Chase gave her was definitely hers now and that we’d share a 1 bedroom hotel, we got in stumbling in our 6th floor suit, “so why would Megan know anything about Kaylee? They don’t even talk like that? And she’s a total different person now” I said. Trinity puts the key cards down, “Megan hangs out with Zack, his older brother and my man so they probably all talk shit about Montgomery’s” she says. “But her brother Logan is in their band though” I said. “Yeah that’s just a better insight I guess” she responds. It’s pretty morbid or her to even mention Kaylee being next like that I thought to myself, I look over after finishing my last shot I look over and Trin passes me some sour candy, “it’s thc infused, it’ll get you fucked up! I got it from Noah’s friend”. I was kinda sceptical just because I had a bad trip in my passed with laced drugs before. I took like 4 in 1 hour, I think by then everything started to kick in including the drinks we had and the bong tokes upstairs in by the patio. I started passing out and woke up at 3am and looked beside my and Trinity was gone, I looked over to the washroom door and the lights were off and the door was fully open.. I check the tables were she had her 2 key cards on the table and they were still there. I was tripping the fuck out I seen that her boots were gone from beside mine, now I’m scared. I checked my phone no texts but 3 calls from Hunter, I didn’t care for what he had to say at the moment. I was more concerned about Trinity and her well being, she isn’t in this room and I don’t know where she could have gone. She would have shot a text or wrote something on this little note pad and pen here by the cards. I give her a call like a gazillion times until it just kept going to voice mail when I realized from the time I started till now it was only been 25 mins. So she is getting my calls and now it’s been cut to voicemail which is really scaring me. I called then ran down to the front desk and asked if they seen her at all, they recognized me immediately and knows how Trin looked and said they haven’t seen her left the building. That means she’s still her right?? I told them to please check their cameras for anything! And they did and called the cops as they were going through the tapes. No where but one clip of her getting on and off the elevator! I kept staring at the floor we were on! The 6th floor! She went from the 6th to top. Alone. Me and the clerks all watched nobody was with her. She just got off, I was crying because I could tell she was intoxicated and she’s up on the roof. They staff went up to search, nobody. No Trinity to be found up on the roof of this hotel, the cops finally showed up to speak to me about this whole night and my parents picked me up after the trauma.. I couldn’t sleep all night, just waiting for a text or a call from Trinity..
To be continueD!!!
Check out @lushonacid for more.
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lushonacid · 3 years
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Twisted Files
Chapter 29 // Raspberry Soda
After storming off that night, I was upset at how Megan spoke to me in that manner and let alone she off her rocker. I’ll just have to accept the fact she won’t be around anymore.. but I didn’t remember what she said, how Stella, Jolie.. basically the group but Kaylee? Kaylee did have that incident when I we thought she was dead when we found belongings of hers in the freezer. But Kaylee’s still alive. Megan should know that, why would she say such things. A motor cycle rolls by its Dylan and Scarlett driving by me towards the Lagoons park, then Remington and this chick I’ve seen with Brandi that day she shown up to the cottage, I still can’t believe I even feel for this guy. I walked passed my house as I take more swigs of my Captain Morgan and take a toke of my lit joint and feel a tap on my shoulder.. I turn around and fuck me it was Trinity, As much as I used to avoid her bc I was so busy with finding out who killed Stella & then just all the crappy relationships that got in the way I couldn’t really keep updated with Trin’s life since me and her brother broke up.. even since Chase’s death she too was caught up in her own love interests being with Noah. I give her a hug bc I just needed one, she didn’t move.. I look at her and she’s all teary like something terrible has happened and I completely missed that. “Omg Trinity what’s wrong?, why are you out here all alone!?” Slurring my words. “I’m not sure.. Noah just dumped me” Trinity says as she cry’s on my shoulder. “Now why would he do something like that he was all head over heels about you and followed you everywhere, this boy loved you!” I said, that didn’t seem to cheer her up. “I feel like he loved me for all the wrong reasons..” she says. “Why would you say that?” I asked. She grabs my bottle and takes a swig, then continues down burton rd and says “well.. I don’t know, I thought I’d try something different change my hair, my clothes and my accessories and just to have fun with it.. but I noticed the more he wanted me to look and don’t get me wrong I like this style but I’m not Stella. I don’t even know if he realizes it but it just made me uncomfortable so I told him about it.. and he thought that since my best friend looked exactly like this then he probably couldn’t pick between the both of us as a joke.I don’t think he knows I was talking about Stella or even knows her so I couldn’t be made at that discussion at the time but I told him I want to go natural and he didn’t like that. But I didn’t think he was serious and then when he was looking at this girl from our schools & liked a bunch of her photos and sometimes chicks that either look like Stella and I, I just found the whole thing creepy but maybe I’m just overthinking because I just feel like I’m getting replaced like this second” Trinity says. What Trinity was saying was super strange and pretty weird, like seeing how happy they were together I wouldn’t have expected Noah to have some fetish of this type of alternative look on girls. Or that it even mattered to him. We finally take a seat on the curb side of the road watching the cars go by as we sip our raspberry sodas, “where’s Megan?” Trinity asks. “Don’t ask” I reply. “I guess you discovered she’s a bit much now” Trinity says. “Yup, I don’t know how she’s gotten so bad all I know is that she’s been sleeping around, and somewhat seeing Zack..” I said. Trinity chuckles “is that what she told you?” She asks, “yeah actually why?” I asked. “Well she didn’t tell you the complete truth that’s for sure.. I’m not mad at her but it’s not my problem she got kicked outta the Daniels household and now is leaving at Zack’s cottage. Staying there probably sucking all the boys dicks for money, and I’m not joking. And the money she gets I’m not sure what she’s buying what drugs she’s on but she’s not the same anymore. And Zack is sleeping with her and he sneaks off and fucks around with Scarlett still even though Scarlett is dating Dylan still and they were like best friends.. but anyways Megan knows and is cool with it all” Trinity says. A lot can happen..
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lushonacid · 3 years
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Twisted Files
Chapter 28 // The Pack.
It’s been a whole month since my last encounter with Hunter and the whole Brandi situation. Haven’t spoken to Megan either since then, not that we aren’t close anymore but she started seeing Zack but she doesn’t want it to be serious or something like that. But she’s been spending more time hanging around Zackery and I guess busy with other guys.. I wasn’t upset with Megan about her doing her own thing to be honest. I just needed her more especially then on that day, I actually thought I could trust again after dealing with Chase and the shit I’ll never know.. to now finding out Hunter’s going to be a father to Brandi’s kid, I don’t understand why he’d hide something like that and treating me like I was his whole world. I knew it was too good to be true and that I’m staying away from boys in this town for a LONG time. Overtime I started drinking more than smoking and getting myself high, I guess I was just depressed on how easy it is for people to hurt me. Later on, in the night on my little walk to the lagoon, I see Hunter in his truck with some other blondie just stroking her hair.. me judging and being confused. “Aren’t you having a kid with Brandi” I said to myself in my head. I walk up to the truck telling Hunter to roll down his window, he looked and me then seemed annoyed at what he’s gotten himself into. “So this is how you fuck around?” I yell and realized who was in the passenger side, and sure enough it was Megan. The one I was just saying dating Hunters little brother Zack, I just found the whole situation fucked, she had to be high. On something because she didn’t even recognize me, what I found strange. “Megan!?” I said. She looks at me then says “call me Chelsea now” she says drunk herself. “That’s not your name, let’s go! Your fucked” I said. “No! You stupid bitch! Nobody likes you, your dead sister Stella, Jolie, the lists goes on!” Meg says. “You don’t mean that your just fucked with with whatever this fuck gave you” in regards to Hunter just standing there loving my humiliation of my best friend just being a complete bitch to me right now. “What your not gonna give me a right hook? Like you did to Kaylee?” Megan says. “No” I say.. “it’s a little to late to feel bad now she’s dead! So is your pedophile ex of yours and soon you know who’s next” Megan shouts at me. “Fuck you” I said I make my way back to the trail leading to my house, fuck it I’ll just drink and smoke at home. “Giving me a Courtney love off wish” I yell back out as I flip the bird at them; she continues to smoke her cigarette. Which I find very disappointing since she quit at age 10 from a troubling past and she’s been fine so far without them, I’m not sure why she’s choosing to be like this.
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lushonacid · 4 years
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Twisted Files
Chapter 27 // Bad Intentions
The morning was blurry for me, maybe because I had a massive hangover from night before. I don’t know what exactly happened.. I got up out of bed, seeing Hunter is still passed out in his bed. I make my way to the other rooms, the doors were all closed.. I just wanted to have a smoke and some coffee with Megan.. I open one door and take a peek in, I see Megan sleeping but also Zack’s arm is around her.. I thought wtf to myself I didn’t care if they slept together but really didn’t see this coming. Like Meg knows what he did with Stella, I walk over to Megan beside the bed “pss get the fuck up!..” I said. “Huh..” Megan replies dazed and confused. “Come!” I whispered. Megan getting up with nothing but her panties.. puts on Zack’s sweater and follows me out to the kitchen as we make our coffee.. “what a fucking night my head hurts” Megan says. “Mhm.. how was Zack?” I asked. “I’m sorry, I got super wasted and I don’t like him like that.. I guess I was just caught in the moment everyone had someone type of thing last night..” Megan said. Oh yeah Trinity and Noah are at the smaller cabin across from us.. “hey you find it weird Trinity is celebrating after the things that went down the passed few nights?” I ask. “It’s probably how she’s coping with everything right now, I don’t think she’s partying because she’s genuinely happy. I mean after the stuff we shared with her I don’t know how she truly feels about Chase dying..” Megan said. We step out with our coffees in hand and smoked a joint, looking across at the other cabin and the nature around. “I still cannot believe you slept with Zack!” I said, “hey I told you I don’t like him like that so let’s just leave it at that, it was a little slut moment” she laughs. I laughed too, Megan being one of the hottest cheerleaders in my opinion I can see how Zack got with her. “Hey babe” Hunter says through the window. “Oh hey” I said, as I walk back in & kiss him. “I really need to talk to you” he says, the look in his eyes worried me.. like what could it possibly be other then breaking up with me. “Did I do something?” I asked. “The night we broke up I went and seen my ex.. I don’t know why I chose to talk to her but I did, she is crazy and I had no intentions in getting back with her. Things got a little carried away and we basically fucked..” he says. “It’s okay” I said, we dated for a while about 4 months now and I think that since we were separated at the time I don’t really care it’s just how fast he moved on from me is what hurts.. oh well he is back with me now.. I thought. “Well she just called me, about a couple times so I had to answer and see what her deal was since we haven’t spoke ever since and she told me she may be pregnant” he says. Well this is awkward.. “it’s either she is she isn’t Hunter!?” I said. “As of right now I’m taking it as she is” he says. “What are you trying to say Hunter?” I ask. “You are young and beautiful...” I stopped him before he could even finish “wait? .. your leaving me because you have a kid?, if you want to be with her I understand that but you having a kid doesn’t effect me how are you throwing us away when that’s what you wanted and told me last night??” I said. “No I don’t want to break up Shay. I just want you to know there are other options than me I don’t want to put you into this mess..” he says. “But I’m not, that’s if you are planning on staying with this women?” I said. “Uhhh what is Brandi doing in the back with Trinity and Noah?” Zack says to Hunter. Hunter starts to rush out there “what are you doing here Brandi?” He says. Brandi, she looked like your typical country girl, she walks other and hugs and basically makes out with him in front of me. Everyone getting the second hand embarrassment for Hunter.. they aren’t really broken up, I felt sick. I’m not the type out girl that ruins relationships nor am I trying to be a mistress or a side hoe. Fuck this I thought.. “Megan we are leaving” I said, “I can drive you” Zack said, I didn’t even care I took the offer since I didn’t really drive there. I just wanted to get out of there.
To be continueD!
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lushonacid · 4 years
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Twisted Files
Chapter 25 // Hooligans
I told Megan what just happened in photography.. “that’s insane! I wanted to die since 7th grade!” Megan said. I laughed but really I said “no really! I feel like this wasn’t a prank this looked intentional. Like why are our names on this list?”. Megan still didn’t take it serious she is a really chill person when it comes to serious topics but it seemed like she wasn’t really bothered by this at all.. “I think it’s just some goof messing with yah and trying to get under your skin, look let’s just get drunk tonight and watch these losers make their speeches on Chase” Megan said, as she straightens her hair with my hair straightener in the mirror and then turns to see my response.. “yeah” I said, “I still can’t believe you told Dylan you were going..” I added. “I didn’t. Logan said I’d go if he’s going because he won’t be drinking tonight just smoking that’s why he’s picking us up” she said. “Oh I thought.. he probably wants to fuck you” I said, “no..no.. he wants to fuck you” Megan said, as we both laugh, “what?” I said. “You are like the next Stella for them. I mean you are always Shay but like in their had this odd obsession with Stella.. now you being more involved with with Chase and the guys it’s like you are the new obsession” she says. “Thanks I’m next to die” I said sarcastically. “Shut up no, ah fuck Logan is here on time let’s go! Oh wait” Megan says and stops me, and demands me to wear this slutty goth outfit which made me feel kind of hot to be honest I like it.. I walked out and Logan was on his phone then looked up at me and was trying so hard not to look aha I found it cute. “Sit in front” Megan says to me, fuck I thought.. I hope we don’t crash. We arrive at the Lagoons forest safely as Logan parks. We walk to the gathering, Logan walks to his band mates. “Let’s drink on the hill over there” Megan said, I followed thinking it sounded like a great idea. After sitting down then settling down with some drinks of bottles Megan brought and hit a few pops in my bong. Oh shit here we go I thought. Kaylee and Alyssa arrive but not arguing.. they’re fine? “Wonna bet Kaylee is aware of it” Megan said. We were so drunk already at this point we just laughed not caring really what Kaylee is getting into. It’s kind of embarrassing for Alyssa.. hugging up Remington here while everyone at school knows who his side piece is.. it’s a really messy situation all the boys tolerate but don’t seem to stop it.. just follow their ways. Zack’s here? I can see Hunters truck pull up.. why are they here I thought, they don’t even like Chase. “Um this is awkward” I said as Megan chuckles, we were drunk, but not quite tipsy. Yet. Hunter walks right by me, “hey could we talk”, my drunk self got up and took his hand and walked somewhere just far enough I could still see Megan and our stuff. “Why are you here” I ask. “I’m just here to drop off Zack, he wanted to be with his friends and I came to see you” he said. Uhh Zack’s been avoiding me ever since he’s been dating Scarlett and I really don’t think he’s avoiding me because of her but because he knows what I now know. “Okay what do you want you broke up with me” I said. “I know I thought about what I did and I was wrong I’m sorry. I got jealous and was afraid you still had feelings for your ex, it’s not the first time something like that had happened to me” Hunter said. I hugged him. “I’m sorry” I said. We just hugged for a while, it felt nice. Like the first time we partied at the carnival together and he’d just hold me the whole time. It felt like we were meant to be, when he holds me and I just felt safe in his arms. “Please don’t leave me” he says. I kiss him and tell him “never, you don’t have to worry I’m not going anywhere” I said. I look over and Dylan sitting next to Megan, I walk back over to my things “hey Shay, sorry just stealing this seat sharing this bottle with Megan, could I hit some?” He asked. “Sure” I said. I put my hand on my head feeling the drink now. “Baby are you okay?” Hunter grabs me.
To be continueD!
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lushonacid · 4 years
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Twisted Files
Chapter 24 // Focus
I could hardly focus in class today with all that going on, barely slept. It’s just crazy that all went down in one night.. I was going to class and seen Kaylee like usual all over Remington at the music hall, I should have known she makes her way over here to him. It’s just weird I thought.. does he think nobody would catch on? Like I just seen him with Alyssa this morning before school. “Hey Shay” Dylan said. “Oh hey” keeping it casual. “So I was wondering if you wanted to come to my little get together tonight, at the Lagoons just to share memories of Chase, his band will be there including Megan..” he said. I don’t know.. of course I’ll go if Megan is going but I don’t want to pay tribute to some rapist and abuser. I feel like without Tana’s evidence people have know idea who they are stanning with. “Sure” I said. “Alright I’ll see you there” he smiles. Dylan hardly talks to me what the fuck I thought, I felt like this wasn’t a good idea part of me really doesn’t want to go. But because I feel like whoever killed Tana and Chase will show up to this group gathering memorial.. Remington walks into his classroom and Kaylee walks towards me “hey could we talk?” I asked, “um no” Kaylee responds. “Kaylee it’s important, please”I said. “You gave me a black eye for a week I thought we were cool wtf?” She said. “You said some shit I can’t help that you can’t see where you went wrong though..” I said. “Girl you are way too fucking sensitive..”she said, I chuckle. “Alright so I don’t need this coming from you but I just wanted to privately tell you that Alyssa was all over your man just like you was just now, this morning so you can deal with that. Bye” I said. She looked stunned, shocked yes the Kaylee Kemper can get cheated on.. she was too much to handle today. Megan walks by with Her brother Logan “your going right” Megan asks in a nervous tone, Logan looking confused but wondering as well. “Yeah” I said, trying to not spill the tea on what I witnessed this morning in front of Logan, just because he’s friends with the guys.. “I think you should go, I can tell your under enough stress with all that has happened this year” Logan says as he touched my shoulder. “I gotta get to music shit” Logan says that dips off. “My brother has a crush on you I think” Megan laughs. I laughed too, because I don’t think so I genuinely think he truly cared there, even if he have a little crush lol. “I’ll see you there Logan’s gonna drive my car tonight” she says as she smiles. Trinity walking down the hall with her new boyfriend Noah, “Shay this is Noah!” Trinity says as she kisses him, Noah looked like he was awkward being introduced but still managed to hold her like she was his girl. It was cute to me. “ Noah you’re so tall now” I said looking at him he was all muscles now he used to be small like not scronny but small. “Yeah” he laughs, “I had to boost up for football and hockey you know” he says. “That’s true” I said, as I laugh. “Guess I’ll see you both at the memorial?” I said. They both said “yes” as I went my way to photography. I log into my computer at my booth, and can see something on my desktop.. it was word document a list, it said “1 Tana, 2 Chase, 3 Alyssa, 4 Remington, 5 Trinity, 6 Dylan, 7 Kaylee, 8 Logan, 8 Megan, 9 Zackery, 10 Shay”. With a knife placed under Tana and Chase’s name. This freaked me right out I minimized the page and looked around to see if anyone seen what I seen on my screen, I close the page completely, and deleted it then trashed it.. it was probably a dumb idea but I had no phone to screenshot that.. why was my name on this list I keep thinking to myself.. this completely screwed me up the whole day. I was scared. Someone was under my student account and left this here for me to see. This was my was last class of the day, I looked over as Zack is clearly flirting with his girlfriend Scarlett, I didn’t want to intrude at the time I guess.. I thought I’ll just tell him later. But something just wasn’t right.. didn’t he have the same thing on his desktop? No strange reaction from him at all.
To be continueD!
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lushonacid · 4 years
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Twisted Files
Chapter 23 // When I get back, you are so dead.
Chase is laying in the hospital room alone, Remington says “hey I’ll go get you some water just relax and lay there alright” as he leaves the room. Chase is slightly awake, and hardly talk or move.. the door opens and closes. Then locks. A man about 6 ft hovered over his bed in a clown mask, just standing there with a knife in hand. The clown guy tilts his head on the side starring at Chase’s wound from the shot. They start to bring the knife towards the wound. Chase tries to say something as he realizes what was going on, Remington was back “Chase?” He knocks frantically.. “the doors locked bud I’ll go get the nurses” Remington said. The guy with the clown mask just puts his fingers over the mask lips as if he didn’t want Chase to say anything. Then they take note from the back of their pocket, it said “I know what you did.” They stab Chase right in the wound. Chase screaming in pain, he gets strangled with the hospital cords gets tossed out the window. Kaylee from below screams “AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!”. This fucking makes no sense I thought, why’d someone go out of their way to kill Chase knowing what he did.. and kill Tana for covering up the murder. People in town and school were told mixed rumours like he jumped.. when me including his little circle knew it had way more than that. Chase painted himself a good reputation but there were guys like Trevor Morris, That had a connection/ close bond with Chase than later found out about his strange behaviour and later on quit the band decided to leave. He could have exposed Chase, but the way he went about it, it was like he had no proof.. it seemed like everyone idolized Chase in some way looked up to him didn’t see him as any threat. It really makes me wonder what happens behind closed doors between Tana and Chase. Watching the news with my mom I flip the channel to something else, my mom hugs me “it’s because of Chase isn’t it?” She asked. “No” I said, as I walk to the kitchen to make some breakfast. My feelings for Chase slowly vanished from time once I found out the type of person he really is and Tana and I just had this all planned out and someone managed to kill her during her shift. Maybe I was feeling bad for Tana’s whole life situation, I don’t know what she didn’t to be killed first? They had to. Her boss needed her to get back right when we left.. so she had to be killed first. But then I got Hunters call about Trinity trying to reach me, that happens an hour after.. the strip club from the Lagoon forest aren’t that far apart. This person must have knew Chase was throwing his after party there.. I grab my keys and shit and bust out the door to my car, “um Shay” Trinity said, in a soft tone, not as energetic as her normal self for obvious reasons her brother Chase just died. “Hey Trin, I’m so sorry about Chase” I said. She nods, “you ah.. you still think he did those things to Stella?” She asked. “Yes, there was a video. I told you that it’s just fucked right now because Tana is also dead, she had the evidence” I said. “I know.. I just don’t know what to believe right now Shay. He was completely different around me and..” I had to cut her off there because I don’t know if Trinity can see past her brother, “he was completely different AROUND you Trin, look want a ride to school? I gotta go” I said. She took my offer and hopped in. I start my car and see from the other side of the road Dylan on his bike driving the opposite way and from the road I’m assuming he’s stopping BigMugs for a cup of joe. But the reason why I glanced over was because I seen Remington leaning on his hurst/coffin car and Alyssa all over him.. “isn’t Kaylee dating Rem?” I asked “yeah” Trinity replies.. even though Kaylee and I aren’t the best of terms doesn’t mean I won’t tell her something that will stop her from getting hurt, I thought about when I see her at school I’ll tell her somewhere Remington isn’t around her hopefully. I know the Montgomery’s sense I’m on to them or they are on to me type of energy everytime we get around each other. “Did Alyssa and Remington ever break up?” I asked.
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lushonacid · 4 years
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Twisted Files
Chapter 22 // Flipped
I decided to let Trinity tag along for the ride even tho she had no clue what we had planned, she just wanted to come along. Get her mind off thing.. “Red Truck..” Megan said. Hunter? I put my foot on the gas and got out. “Where you headed?” He asked. “How about you where you going? To the hospital to see if I was there?..” I said, Hunter starring at Trinity in the backseat. Megan stares from her passenger seat noticing he wasn’t starring at her just Trinity. “Yeah and you did so it’s fucking over” Hunter said. “What the actual fuck, I don’t give a fuck about Chase!” I said, as Hunter walks back to his truck “I can’t help you anymore Shay, it looks like you have all the help you need” he says as he slams the door. I really didn’t care about Chase at the time. I was losing my boyfriend at the moment.. I didn’t think about if Trinity heard. “You don’t give a fuck about Chase?” Trinity asked after she slowly pops out of the car. “It’s complicated Trin” I said. “No tell me, do you not trust me? Or Chase? Because you’ve completely dropped me in general ever since you and Broke up. I just want to know what’s going on” Trinity says. When Trin told me how she felt, I realized what I was doing. I explain to her what happened and my situation with my phone, As of now Trinity looked really upset. I can tell she had no idea about Chase and Stella, when she was all about Dylan. We both get back in the car by now after we light a joint, “So are you still trying get Dylan to ask you out” Megan asked. “Nope. I mean yeah I’ll always have my heart for him but I’ve found somebody new.. and to be quite honest he’s so sweet!” Trinity says all happy now that Megan changed the subject, it’s odd that this guy managed to steal Trinity’s heart. “Awe who’s this boy?” Megan said. “Noah!” Trinity said.. “Noah.. oh Noah from photography! Yeah he was so fucking quite and shy last year and now he grew into some Thor looking body god. He’s really cute!” Megan said. I hardly knew Noah, all I can remember Noah had the biggest crush on my sister.. during his ���shy/quite” phase.. We get to the Texas Rouge and see the bouncers we seen before at the back when we were with Tana. They let us in and guide us to the back room she was working with a client. Well they said she should have been done bye now. We get to the room nothing but photographs of Stella’s murder all over the body of Tana’s bloody body on the floor. How did NOBODY see this?! The one person that had what we needed is now dead and I truly think that if we came back sooner this wouldn’t have ever happened. “Someone knows” Megan says, as me and the girls look terrified at what the fuck was happening.
To be continueD!
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lushonacid · 4 years
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Twisted Files
Chapter 21 // 5:04
As soon as I got off the phone with Hunter, I drove over to see Trinity at the hospital. “What happened? What’s going on?” I ask. “Chase got shot in his chest, they said he may not make it” Trinity says as she’ sobs in tears. “How? Wasn’t he on tour? how’d this happen?” I said. “Yeah he was. He just got back the other night, had a bond fire. With the boys and a couple of strippers or hookers this time than the regular gals from school.. all I know from Logan he took off with this chick and then minutes later they heard a bang go off. Everyone runs with concern searching for Chase and this girl, then Chase was found on the ground laying next to a rock with a clown mask on. They found the wound from where he’s been shot and Remington takes off the mask to discover his face bashed completely. They hardly recognized him” Trinity said. “Wtf is she doing here?” Remington asks Trin in regards to me.. “Don’t even bother with him Shay” Megan says. “I don’t get it, you know you all your littles band mates are fucked in the head right? with all the drugs you smother your body with its digusting you lost touch in reality you can’t treat everyone by the end of the night you all aren’t friends protecting each other your actually doing the opposite dragging everyone 6ft under!” I said, I was pretty loud everyone heard. “What’s are you talking about?” Alyssa asks. “Alyssa?” I said.. what a surprise she shows up to see this guy in the hospital but couldn’t make it to the funeral.. it’s just strange after years of know my sister and her being such best friends, I just cannot believe how much her demeaner has changed towards the thought of Stella. “Yeah your talking about Jolie and Stella’s death?” Alyssa asked. “No. I wasn’t talking about them but yes they are kind of inspiration to why I said “ I said. “EXCUSE me..” Kaylee says + side checks me making me drop my phone. I asked her “wtf is your mfucking problem! You not learn the first time bitch?”. She turned confused, “fuck you Shay I’m really not concerned about you. Why are you even here anyway?” Kaylee asks as she grins me up and down. Honestly it was nun of her damn business so I just walked away.. “uhh.. where’s my phone?” I ask looking for Megan realizing she was over by the parking lot by the car. “Megan I lost my fucking phone” I shouted at her as I grabbed her arm then I seen the look on her face, “what’s up” I nudged her. “It’s just while you were talking to this guy with a mask just picked up your phone and grabbed it while you and Kaylee were argueing. I tried to stop him get his attention but he was going too fast. He was like speed walking and I stopped because I realized what was in his hands. It was a large kitchen knife or something like that. I don’t know what he or she would have done” Megan said. “What type of mask was it” I ask. “A clown..” she replied. Fuck I thought just like my dream. Or what I think was a dream or illusonation sigh.. I don’t know. All I could do then was contact my cellphone service provider and deal with my missing phone. Unfortunately nothing could have been done about that that early morning 5:04 AM. Shit whoever has my phone has already manage to have taken out my SIM card.. ugh I guess the distraction of the girls was really my fault. I shouldn’t have came. Just should have waited for Tana.. omg Tana.. my phone is gone she must have been trying to reach me ever since 2.. “Megan we need to go to Tana!” I said. “For the her video?” She asked and she was right. Someone is helping this prick get away.. but why? I just think opening this up will bring out more to the truth of Stella and Jolie’s death. But not only am I on guard of the people protecting guys like Chase. There is someone that wanted him dead.. Trinity runs to my car. “Uhh aren’t you staying here at the hospital? With Chase” I asked her, as she stood over my window. “Could I get a ride?
To be continueD!
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lushonacid · 4 years
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Twisted Files
Chapter 20 // Pretend
I stare at Tana for a while there zoning in and out, just getting flabbergasted at what we just seen in that video that got sent to her. “Why didn’t you turn this in?”. I don’t know she was was thinking neither did she. She said “I didn’t know” from the looks she was displaying I can tell she had no clue what was wrong about that video. From the time she already expected something going on but finding out she was right about it the whole time. “Yeah as soon as he found out about how I was making money out of school he lost it but after that I confronted him about that video. I guess that’s why he switched up on me... I didn’t even realize watching this back now. I just left. I remember him screaming and yelling demanding me to delete that shit! I didn’t look back I just thought he was crazy for being confronted he was cheating yet I was at first feeling ashamed and making money but I learned from that I guess.. here let’s go take this video to the police and we will all see what happens from there. Alright?”. Tana says. “Yeah let’s go”. I said. This lady comes into Tana’s dresser “are you ready to come back out and join the girls TanaDoll? You got two more hours”. “Yes” Tana responds. “Hey I’ll meet up out back in 2 hours?”. I told her it was okay and that we really have to turn this in, she agreed. So Megan and I sat in my car for a bit, this time Megan brought her bong since we ran out of papers, “perfect” I said. “I dated my sisters rapist” I added. “Woah stop Shay. All we know is something was going on in that video but let’s not over think it. Calm down girl.” Megan said. I really couldn’t at this point. I kind of wanted to confront him but who knows how would have acted towards me, I mean look what happened with Tana.. I don’t want to run away and avoid the bigger issue here he’s getting away with this act because nobody did anything about it or the fact he put up a front to cover up his true intentions or whatever he has going on I’m not sure, I’m not therapist or councillor but I know now that he’s an abuser, what I take absolutely seriously just because of things in my past. But like I said that is definitely another story that you’ll soon discover if you are still reading or listening to my voice in you’re head. Chase is truly a compolsive liar and also mentally abusive to Tana when all she did was love him from what she told me. My phone suddenly goes off & I look at the screen, Hunter? “Hello?, baby? What’s up.. I can hardly hear you” I said over the phone. “Yeah, sorry it’s just I was dropping by and Trinity said she tried to calling you several times and you didn’t respond so she told me to tell you her brother Chase got shot, she said that was you’re ex boyfriend?” Hunter said in a questionable tone more so confused then jealous.. “fuck Chase” I blurred. Megan look over.. she could here the conversation, we were just in the car smoking. “You care about this no name rockstar? He fucked my brother’s girlfriend” Hunter shouts. What I thought, “Zack told me he never knew” I reply. “No he knew. He just wanted to look past it, he had it even since he was fucking Kaylee on the side. In his mind if she ever found out about it would have been even” he said. I paused, “so you knew” I asked. “So he was pretending the whole time just so he can fuck the both of them got it.. got to go bye” I said “wait Shay!” Hunter said.
To be continueD!
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