#two gifsets are calling my name but i'm kind of stuck
forcebookish · 8 months
wrote that new topmew fic very quickly and now i'm not really happy with it (there's an inaccuracy that i don't actually want to get rid of dfslkdjf) but now i don't know what to work on >:(
#two gifsets are calling my name but i'm kind of stuck#bc i deleted some PSDs that would have come in handy so i'm grumpy with myself lol#tiee ep10 is stalled because that episode is annoying lol#i think the forcebook fic wants to be written more than the topmews#but i don't have a beginning yet or a pov#i like a third person limited but idk where to start#probably going to work on original work rather than fanfic but we'll see#as much as i was like I NEED TO WRITE TOPMEW FANFIC NOW!!!!!! i kind of don't want to now lol#they're kind of hard to write?#like don't get me wrong i'm still annoyed with what the writers did there at the end but i also slightly understand the predicament#especially with book's input it may have been hard to juggle what to include and what to exclude#in fact it kind of seems like they only added book's ideas but didn't bother take/alter anything else? bc there's some stuff where i'm like#mew would straight up not do that lol#so the way that translates into fic is trying to figure out what to include/exclude since the way they wrote him was kind of inconsistent#which i was big mad about at the end#but now i'm a little more resigned like. the turnover for these dramas is insane#and workshopping is really short so i can see why some holdovers from earlier drafts might not have made as much sense based on how the#characters changed through different iterations from the directors and actors#but that doesn't make some of the contrivances suddenly not annoying lmao#anyway reply with an emoji if you read this far jdljsfld#rum.txt
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ice-sculptures · 4 months
I had comments about other eps (like the accidental kiss? I fastforwarded through everything relationship drama like that is NOT for me!), and probably some other stuff. But. EDDIE. EDDIE FINALLY BROKE AND /ME/? I AM ALSO NOT FEELING SO GOOD
watching the next ep and oh my god. BOY. DON'T YOU DARE SIT HER ON THE RAILING OF THAT HIGH RISE TO MAKE OUT WITH HER!!! THAT'S SO RISKY annnnnd YUP there it is! (the other luck calls weren't as nerve-wracking for me. But on this show, the tough part is knowing that sometimes people DO die)
Now I'm worried tho bc when I see the episode description only covers the small event at the very beginning of the episode? Yeah something's gonna go down. I worry for what it will be
Subtitles, I KNOW you know Ravi's name. So why did you put ROBBY? The newish guy's name was Jonah but I'm pretty sure that he's somewhere else now that Chminey's back. (also. please do not spoil if anything happens to Ravi bc I love him. Babie. I want a Ravi-centric ep but without him dying for real).
Bobby comforting Eddie ;.; I try not to make a found family a nuclear family but like.... Bobby just has Dad Vibes. They cannot be contained.
"The things that make you sad... am I one of them?" "NEVER."
Skipping forward to FOMO- how DARE they use You Are My Sunshine lyrics for this scene!!! Of them prepping the mom who fell down the shaft for transport while her girls are in the firetruck waiting and ajsdflasjdf (I love so much of the music for this show, even when it hits me in the gut) and watching the oldest girl figure it out before the others makes me so *so* sad. That poor girl.
"Why aren't the sirens on?" "Mom doesn't need them anymore" ;.; ;.; ;.;
Karen and Hen pursuing the credit card thief! Karen and Hen getting down in the CLUB! GOOD FOR THEM!!!!
Claudette! Drives! Me! NUTS! I love Bobby for being a bit of a Papa Bear about it, and Athena respecting May's wishes by telling him to stand down, too <3 I keep hoping that I'll eventually come around to it, tho I'm a little worried that might come at the expense of her dying (I'm on s5e16 May Day). bc you never know
PAINFUL BACKSTORY UNLOCKED! I knew there would be something! Things are clicking and making sense!!!
"Wait! That's my dad! I wanna ride with him." "You didn't have to lie." "I didn't. I have two dads. You're one of them."
Again, I have seen the gifsets, but it doesn't compare to watching it!!!!
I'm glad that Chimney got a chance to save Albert the way he couldn't save Kevin. I hope that helps him heal somehow ;.; And I'm glad that Albert has stuck things through so far, and now he's learned that he's ready for a different path.
i watch way too many of these kinds of shows
Also, I should not condone Taylor's jealous behavior. But like. I get it. (Also, I couldn't tell- does Lucy NOT remember the kiss? bc it feels like she doesn't remember).
Okay it is time for me to sleep! I hope you enjoy my extra long real time commentary on eps 13-16 (with a sprinkle of the eps I watched earlier today, 10-12).
let me tell you that i CANNOT watch that call with the girls and their mother. it destroyed me the first time around and i have to skip it on my rewatches unless i want to casually start sobbing out of nowhere. i adore this show's ability to make me feel so much for the victims on calls. we've known them for two, maybe three minutes and i'm still a fountain of waterworks when i press play.
HENREN IN THE CLUB!!!! i love them i love when they get to be all silly and goofy and in love. give me more happy henren in s7 please!
lucy doesn't know who taylor is to buck. she wasn't aware that buck had a gf when she kissed him, so she was confused about why taylor came up to her and started warning her about buck out of nowhere, especially when until then she'd only known taylor as the reporter who was interested in her lucky catch in 5x14 😅
also the way that so many characters get to have a second chance in may day completely RUINS me. and may calling bobby her dad? that scene is permanently tattooed in my brain 🥺🥺
i'm excited to hear what u have to say about season 6 :)
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