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This game is the horse game currently on Tumblr.  As far as internet browser games goes it is not bad (I am thinking the dinosaur game for no internet and other such games.)   It is fairly simple to play, you have a horse that walks back and forth, occasionally pausing.  The horse has a predetermined name (that cannot be changed) and a health bar at the top of the box.  The horse will periodically poop and if you do not clean it up the horse will lose health and die within 15 seconds.  The point of the game is to keep the horse alive by clicking on the poop to get rid of it.  If there is more than one poop on the screen, the health will decrease twice as fast.  You can also click on the horse and it will give a heart that appears to do absolutely nothing.  
Overall, there is enough to the game to capture your attention for a little while.  From what I have seen, they rules were very unclear to start with.  This ambiguity created a determination of many to have the highest amount of “days” surviving.  This was a very good aspect to create an even more fun time.  There has since then been a post that was circulated that outlines the rules and what works and what does not.  I did not play the game until after this post was circulated and found it very easy because of it.  Now, I feel there is a lot less intrigue toward the game.  It is very easy to keep the horse alive (as you can see that horse was my first attempt.)  In the beginning most could not keep it alive for more than 0-3 days.  There is still some fun in the random name, most of them are very amusing.  There is also the same intrigue as any clicker game (like cookie clicker.)  It is addictive and easy to want to get a higher score than before.  
It is lacking any change at all though.  Through the days I got through, I did not find it increasingly hard to do (other than I was losing interest and testing to see if you could pause the game--side note I did not successfully pause it) and the background is just constantly blank and white.  The horse is never changing, other than moving back and forth.  You can click the horse and make hearts float that are amusing for a while, but that becomes less interesting after a while as well.  Overall, not bad at all for a game from a browser, but definitely not going to be consuming my time anytime soon.
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Two Thumbs Up for One Ups/ Call of Duty BO3
Playing a Call of Duty game for the first time in a couple years is pretty frustrating. The people who play Call of Duty games put a lot of time into these games and you really have to if you want to be any good at them. So after my first game of Team Deathmatch, which is based on kills alone, I felt like a noob and my score reflected that. 4 kills, 14 deaths was my first stat line and honestly it felt much worse than that. Overall the game had a lot of new features that I was not familiar with and needed quite a few games to get things down, or somewhat down.
Obviously the maps in the game are new and different. In my opinion, when compared to the older Call of Duty’s I used to play, the new maps feel much flatter. I’m not really a fan of this because I enjoyed being able to kill others by looking up, down and every direction really. Again, I’m a noob to this game so maybe I just don’t know the maps well enough but this was my impression after playing for 2 or 3 hours. Another feature I didn’t like was the overall gameplay. To me this franchise is supposed to be based off of modern fighting. This game however allows you to defy gravity and run along walls like you’re some parkour god and that’s something they don’t teach you at basic training. Ever since COD’s Advanced Warfare came out, the game has turned to more Halo-like gameplay and I’m just not with that.
Some new features on the game are specialist characters which allow you to pick from a series of characters that each have varying skills that once mastered, can be extremely effective. This is kind of a cool idea that I think could add variety to online play if users embrace it.
Another feature I enjoyed was the new zombies gameplay that has long been wildly popular amongst users. The game says that it offers an “All New Narrative” to the zombies game. I enjoy playing the story mode so this was enjoyable having a more developed narrative to the Zombie gameplay than in past versions of COD. The story modes allow the narrative to build up the story of what’s going on and make the player feel more entrenched in the game.
Overall I like the movements of the gameplay and the new features that have been added but I don’t like the futuristic anti-gravity crap the franchise is moving towards. Or maybe I’m just pissed off about taking time out of my day to get murked by shit-talking teenagers and I feel the need to blame the game, I don’t know. I’ll give the game a 7/10.
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akpwomp-blog · 12 years
Two thumbs up for... TEMPLE RUN!?
I recently decided that I would play around with Temple Run on my android phone, and I have to say that this game stresses me out!  I don't play very many games on my phone (except for Scramble with Friends and Draw Something) and for a good reason, I am not very good at most video games.  There isn't much skill needed for the game, but at the same time, if you can't swipe the screen to make the man run a different direction, the weird, creepy shadow things that are chasing him come into view.  At this point, that's when I freak out.  I honestly don't really enjoy playing this game, and believe me, I tried.  The rewards don't seem to be very great, and I don't even know if there is more than one level because I usually die.  Maybe that is just my player's error, or maybe the game just goes on, and on, and on.  As much as I hate this game, I can't help but re-download it once I've deleted it in an angry rage.  This most likely means that the game company is doing something correctly if I want to keep playing it even when I am extremely bad at it.   This game, although I want to call it simple, is difficult for someone with my game play ability.  I would recommend it to someone who enjoys playing a game simply for a high score and enjoys mindless repetition.  I personally, do not enjoy such games, even though I continue to play them.
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champ334-blog · 12 years
Mr. Ninja
From the creators of the hit game Mr. AahH, the company Ponos has created another hit game called Mr. Ninja in 2011.  This game is a simple one button platform design with three different modes to keep their players addicted for hours.  The whole purpose of the game is to gather as much points as possible by killing all the aliens the fall between the path of two discs.  These discs are constantly spinning and its the players job to control Mr. Ninja, properly timing his jumps between the discs, to pass through the row of aliens.  If Mr. Ninja jumps at the right angle he will pass through the entire path of alien gaining maximum points.  If enough points are gained, you can unlock two more modes of gameplay.  
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The entire game you are basically jumping from platform to platform trying to hit as much aliens as possible without falling off by over or under jumping.  You also have the option of jumping backwards or double jumping but this is not very effective and you are only allotted one of either option per forward jump.  In addition, when doing the backward jump your view is obstructed so it’s hard to tell where you’re going so it is possible that you could fall off and die, giving you somewhat of a challenge.  As for the double jump, your second jump is not very effective which could either save you from falling or cause you to fall off the disc.  
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This game is really easy for players to pick up however, it does get a little repetitive, which brings me to the topic of the other levels.  If you become tired of the redundant untimed mode then you could play the Super Chain Mode or the Impossible Mode.  In the Super Chain Mode it features a time limit where you try to hit as much chains of aliens as possible at a much faster rate.  On the other hand, the Impossible mode is as hard as it sounds.  This mode provides an even harder challenge with discs revolving at an impeccable rate with a lot more challenges, the player really has to focus in this mode. Overall, I would recommend this game in times between classes or waiting at visits to the dentist.  I don't see this being a game one can tweak on for hours because at times I do find myself feeling dizzy or too frustrating.  This game would also be perfect for kids because of the simplicity and the easy challenges that it presents.
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Two Thumbs Up for One Ups
FIFA 2016
This game is the newest in the string of the FIFA franchise that has caught on in popularity in the last 6 or so years. In my opinion the game has improved since the previous edition. Initially the game play, specifically passing seemed tougher than the ‘15 version. Through balls or lead passes are tougher to come by in this game. This makes the game play more realistic in my opinion as lead passes are tough to execute in real life. In addition there is a new power pass feature that allows you to get the ball out to the players wide and run your offense that way. Another add on to the game is the body feints that allow you to make moves on offense with upper body juking to fake out the defenses. With each Fifa they do a pretty good job of adding features that make the gameplay more like it is in real life. Another great change made was making the the teams more equal on team speed. In past versions if you had the faster team you had an almost unfair advantage and that doesn’t exist as strongly in this version.
As far as game play modes there are a couple notable add ons. The most notable is definitely the addition of women's teams to the game. This is likely in response to the growing popularity of the sport in America and comes on the heels of the US Women winning the World Cup. Playing with the women is noticeably different than playing with the Men which is kind of cool if you think about. Because of the difference in speed and strength, Women’s and Men’s soccer has a different flow to the game in real life and this is true in most sports really. I really like that Fifa is always trying to make these games as real as possible. If they were lazy they would had just put ponytails on the players and said that these were the women's teams but they instead made the women's game also as accurate as they could.
Another addition to game play modes is the addition of several more skill games. These are good for beginners just learning the controls but they are also good for the experienced player to hone their skills outside of traditional gameplay. The new games also allow you to improve on aspects that could only be improved through regular matches in the previous versions. The continued addition of skill games allows for the players to continue to improve on a wide range of skills and become a more well-rounded gamer.
Overall I like the direction in which the improvements have been made. Fifa does a good job of trying to make the game play as close to real life as possible and for me that’s exactly what I want out of these games.
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akpwomp-blog · 12 years
Double thumbs up
The Sims has been a time-wasting game in my life since the original came out.  I have purchased The Sims 2, including multiple expansion packs, The Sims Life Stories, and most recently, The Sims 3 and The Sims 3 Ambitions.  Having grown up with this game, seeing the new features is always exciting, even when they start out to be confusing.  This game is honestly an impeccable time waster and great for anyone who enjoys living an a virtual world.  What I like about this game is that even though there is an online feature, and there are online versions of the games, the player does not actually have to interact with anyone else.  The craze with online gaming has made me thankful that games like The Sims still exist for people who enjoy the game and don't play for the social aspect.  The new features in this game are much better than the previous versions, the Sims have more personality related interactions, they grow old, can have either jobs or careers, and can even become vampires.  For the evil players, you can also create socially awful Sims who commit crimes, are rude, and pick fights with anyone and everyone.  And you always have the option to kill off your Sims, if you wish to do so.  The newest feature that I like is being able to look at the entire neighborhood without having to quit the household you are playing in, and also you can make your Sim go on walks or run around.  Different classes are also offered to teach them certain skills.  Playing this game for hours is never a difficult thing to do.  I easily get sucked into one household and try to fulfill as many of their life needs/wants before I get bored and make a totally new Sim.  All in all, I give this game 4 out of 5 stars because I really wish my Sim would get abducted by aliens a lot more than they actually do.
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champ334-blog · 12 years
Review of: Where's My Water?
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This game can easily be mistaken for a simple child game however, dont be fooled by the looks of it, this game requires critical thinking and logic as each level gets more and more intense.  The biggest challenge of all is not only finding a path to Swampy and not wasting the water but also collecting all the ducks making sure that the water flows through them.  The game is also timed so the faster you complete the mission the higher your score will be.
Overall, I find this game to attract players of all ages and is oddly similar to the game Cut the Rope although I would say that the intensity of the games are different, Cut the Rope requiring a bit more skill timing wise.  I would say that this game was created very well, with a lot of thought put into it.  Each level increasingly becomes more of a challenge but not so much to wear you continue to rip your hair out but enough so that you are continuously entertained.  I personally enjoy this game and I often find myself tweaking on it in between class just to get my brain thinking:).
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