#txt. noelle danvers.
heartintact · 11 months
✧ closed starter for @angeldcgs | based on x.
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“Can you believe that they’re trying to give us shit for our matching costumes? Poor things, bet they feel all left out.” Noelle’s remarks were accompanied by a mocking pout as her gaze moved to their friend’s group, specifically the girls who’d mentioned that it would’ve been cool to think of a group costume for the party once they noticed their little get-ups. In the brunette’s opinion, everyone should feel lucky they’d decided to show up. “They should’ve understood by now, don’t you think? That it’s always gonna be just you and me.”
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heartintact · 11 months
✧ closed starter for @motelcafe | based on x.
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Perhaps she should’ve acted offended or even betrayed. Certainly that would be expected from someone who found out their best friend had been sleeping with her personal fuck-buddy behind her back. But Noelle just felt smug, as if it was a show of fanaticism. “Why don’t you admit it?” She questioned with a tight-lipped smile on her face. “You only had sex with her so you could imagine being me.”
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heartintact · 11 months
✧ closed starter for @myxticdoubts | based on x.
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“Hold still! Stop moving around so much!” Even if she was worried, and she was; there was no kindness in Noelle’s voice. She was no nurse, usually laughed when someone had a particularly painful fall and couldn’t be bothered with the concept of helping others. So now, as she tended their wounds, she was mainly upset that they’d ended up in that situation to begin with. “What were you thinking? Life is not a fucking fight club.”
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