#ty for the ask btw! i'm slowly making my way thru the other ones in my inbox but i'm always happy to talk persona au hehe
drainbangle · 1 year
Hey, I was just reading up on your OT2 X Persona au and I am LOVING it so far! Mind giving some more details even if it’s just some small facts?
Thank you so much!! And yeah, I got a bunch— warning for full-game spoilers of course:
Temenos uses a cane due to an accident he had when he was a child. He can walk/run/etc. without it on some days, but even then he carries it on hand just in case— albeit, in parts since he uses a foldable one. In the cognitive world, he uses his staff as a walking aid.
Since most of Castti's belongings (including her spare clothes) were lost, she has to buy new ones. I think a lot of her early fits tend to be really plain, but become more consistent and distinct as the year goes on.
Some characters' availability vary depending on things such as weather and physical condition. Castti is unavailable on rainy days due to (what she does not initially recognize as) trauma, and Temenos is unavailable during the daytime on heat waves due to chronic pain flaring up.
Many more HC's under the cut due to length.
Crick's dominant hand is permanently injured after the events of when SH would take place in the timeline. Besides visceral function manipulation for damage sustained to his abdominal area, he also has to undergo treatment for peripheral neuropathy in his right/dominant hand.
Osvald's arc in the main story involves ensuring Elena's safety and regaining custody of her (listen we got only a year of story we're speedrunning legal stuff here sometimes), so his SL involves re-establishing their relationship as a family and healing.
Ori is the most active on social media due to her occupation as a journalist. She often gets early access to things such as shows and celebrity events as a result, along with the latest news for what's going on in the city.
Hikari's texts are the most formal with proper punctuation and everything. Osvald's are the classic illegible dad texts.
Everyone's housing situations
Temenos and Osvald room together at Temenos' place due to circumstances. While they tend to operate on very differing levels of talkativeness versus not, they've definitely had long nights of debate on their shared interests— primarily, history. They also have periods of just long silence doing whatever in the same room before going "hey I have an idea about that one thing—" or similar. 
Ochette and Agnea both live at New Delsta University's dorms. While Ochette isn't a student there specifically, she stays in the dorms as part of her internship. IDT they're roommates atm, but they definitely live on the same floor. Due to both shared proximity and a passion for exercise, they also go work out together.
Note about NDU's campus: I named it after NYU, and while I don't go there things like its dorms are based loosely off of it. The dorms Ochette and Agnea stay at are probably *does a cursory NYU dorms search* based on Carlyle Court??
Castti's apartment was close to a small clinic she was apparently chief physician of; however, it was lost to a bizarre disaster (read: Trousseau turning against the rest of the group with his Persona). When she goes to inquire about who she was, all that she's able to recover is a matching wedding band of her own— which she wears on a necklace chain underneath her scrubs. It was Malaya's.
CW: Abuse. Hikari chooses to leave his home after Mugen takes over their father's position, as Mugen mistreated him even before this happened, often verbally and sometimes physically abusing him. While this is pretty much an open secret, Hikari still had some protection due to their father being around. But with him comatose (and later, straight up dead) Hikari does not feel safe staying there. He does have a good amount of funds to start though, so he buys his own place. IDT it's super fancy but it's still a huge step up from even Temenos' place, which is probably pretty decent considering he's an established lawyer and all.
Throné has to find a new place to stay after choosing to leave the snakes. She finds herself rooming with Hikari, as his place is so spacious he definitely has room for a roomie.
Partitio found a place of his own relatively quickly after coming to town, and it's pretty decent.
Ori joins the team near the end of the year after she's revealed as a Moonshade Order member, but backs out of helping them bring back Vide. Because she doesn't want to be found by its still-living members, she crashes with Ochette and Agnea.
Crick shares an apartment with Ort, who is also an assistant prosecuting attorney. …I'm going to be honest I didn't realize that this would be the case when making Crick a lawyer, and now I've made the one guy with the surname Edgeworth a prosecutor. 
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