#ty rolypolydandy
immortal-jelly · 1 year
I got tagged in a thing by @rolypolydandy to share 4 albums I'm listening to at the moment!
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Florence and the Machine - Dance Fever
The Mountain Goats - Bleed Out
My Chemical Romance - Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys
Chillhop Essentials Spring 2023
I've been listening to the first two pretty much constantly since they both came out last year. I have been listening to all of MCRs albums but I've put Danger Days in because I've probably been listening to that most? And I didn't want this to just be all four of their albums lmao. And the last one isn't actually an album but I've been putting it on in the background when I read so I'm listening to it probably more than any other specific album atm
I guess I should tag more people so uhhhh @lightzcamerazaction @forestlich @sleepyseaslug
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