#tyrak square
bleeeeeck · 4 months
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Tyrak Square condos - Road 96: Mile 0
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chayacat · 1 year
Road96: Shandara’s Land (9)
Fandom: Road96
Rated M for Language and Violence.  
Ah, the Repentie... One of the symbols of Petria. This river, crossing the whole country in its own way, finds its starting point at Mont National. During Flores' election, the latter had completely cleaned it, to make the place more beautiful than it was before. No one really knows who gave it that name, or why. But one thing is certain, the sight of these places still takes your breath away. Anna can't help but look with admiration at the beauty of these places. It's as if time has stopped. And yet he continues his race. She could spend hours contemplating the view before her. But unfortunately, she has a mission to accomplish. 
“Wow...what a view. Petria is truly a beautiful country, when you know where to look.” said Anna in awe.  
“Yeah...if you say so.” said Sonya. “So, what are we looking for exactly?”
“An entrance. A passage, something that can help us to find the next Shandarian place.”
“Okay. Then let’s get to work. Girls.” replied Sonya, looking at Anna and Fanny.  
*Mom? Do you receive me? * Asks Alex through the talkie.  
“Yes baby, I got you 5 on 5.” responds Fanny.  
*Moooom! I'm not a baby anymore! ...forget it. For now, you’re all alone. No enemies around. But be careful, those guys can be pretty sneaky. *  
“Don’t worry about it, Alex. We’ll be careful.”
*I should have come with you. Please stay safe, okay? * Said Stan worried.  
“Don’t worry Stan. I know how to defend myself.”
*That is what worries me the most. *
“Hey! I heard that!”
*Fair and square Sis* said Mitch.
“Pfft...yeah...fair and square.”
The three women advanced along the lake that had formed at the foot of the mountain. They looked everywhere for a clue, a symbol that could help them on the way forward. But for the moment, nothing very conclusive. It was almost disappointing.  
“I may have been wrong... I must have made a miscalculation...” said Anna sadly.  
“Hey. Don’t start. We haven't searched everything yet. There is a cave under the waterfall. Maybe we will find something?” said Sonya.
“A cave? Under the waterfall?”  
“Yes. Teenage runaways hid here before attempting to cross the border when Tyrak was in power. Well, teenagers... There were families even...” said Fanny.  
“Tyrak was really a monster.” replied Anna.  
“Oh, you don’t say. He could have been capable of the worst... although he was capable of the worst just to keep control over his people. And we just had to... shut up and obey.” said Sonya, sadly.  
“Yeah, you right...” said Fanny. “Come on, let’s get moving.”  
The three women went to the cave under the waterfall. It was covered with graffiti which represented the remnants of the rebellion against Tyrak. Others appealed to the voice of the people. And still others claimed their freedom of thought.  
“All these people... Did they manage to cross the border?” asks Anna
“I don’t know. Maybe some...but maybe some didn’t. Maybe some of them died at trying to. All I hope, is that they’re fine, wherever they are.” Said Fanny.  
“I remember that one day, I met a young girl who wanted to try to cross the border... She wanted to do it so she could help her family live better. I hope... that she succeeded.” said Sonya.  
“I hope so.” said Anna. She then sees something strange between the graffities “wait...”  
She walked to the wall and touch the strange symbol delicately with her hand. She had never seen this kind of symbol before. She took out her notebook and began to study it. As she began to look closer, a strange bluish light escaped from the wall, heading towards the next room. The three girls looked at each other before following the ray that touched the wall at the back of the other room.  
“I really feel like I'm in an adventure movie... or science fiction.” said Sonya.  
“And yet it is very real. It looks like there are other symbols on the other facades of the room. I think that if the light ray touches these symbols... The passage will open to us.” said Anna.  
“And how do we do it?”  
“...do you have a mirror with you?” replied Anna.  
“Well no. But I have my necklace.” said Sonya.  
“That should do the work! Can I borrow it?”  
Sonya took off her necklace and handed it to Anna. The latter placed it against the wall and directed the light ray against one of the walls. Then with her other hand she took out a pocket mirror. She handed it to Fanny, who once in hand, used the mirror to direct the beam to the other wall opposite. A rumble was heard, and suddenly the ground under their feet trembled, creating an opening, stairs appeared, descending deeper underground.  
“Wow...It’s so cool.” said Sonya.  
“Do you think we'll be safe underneath?” asks Fanny.  
“There’s only one way to know.” said Anna beofre going down the stairs.  
Fanny and Sonya exchanged glances before following Anna. The torches embedded in the wall lit up little by little, as the descent progressed. Then, once downstairs, they faced a huge door, as for the garden gate. It was larger, more imposing, gilded engravings running through its surface, and made of a stone that was foreign to the rock that surrounded it.
“How are we going to open it?” said Fanny.  
“The real question is HOW did YOU manage to open the garden gate?” said Sonya looking at Anna.  
“I don’t know...I just...touch the door and then...” she said putting her hand on the door.  
And like the first time, the door lit up before slowly opening. The three women stepped back, watching the door open in front of them in surprise. Sonya looked at Anna in surprise.
“Are you a witch or something?? Because this is going to scare me a lot if you do things like that every time!” she said.  
“I don’t know! I don’t...” Anna starts before looking at her necklace. The blue stone on it glows a little, before fading away. “What in the name of...”  
“Are you okay Peachfuzz? Is there something wrong?” asks Fanny, worried.
“I... I am. Let's go.”  
“All...All right.”  
All three entered the room. The door closed behind them. In front of them, huge libraries, filled with parchments so old, that they would be almost frightening to touch them, for fear of damaging them. They were all in awe, not even one of them dared to say a word. Then after a while, Sonya broke the silence.  
“Daggnabit...This place... It is the historian's paradise. Can you imagine all the stories that must be here?” She spoke.  
“Not just the stories, Sonya. Research, tales, legends, traditions, technologies... Everything was recorded here... it is much bigger than the Library of Alexandria... It's... It is wonderful to see such a place as intact as it was in its time. Look at this. It seems that, as with the gardens, time has stopped here.” said Anna.  
“How...how did they managed to do all that?” asks Fanny.  
“I don’t know...Shandarians were quite...something. And no one knows anything about them. Apart from Merlina Yung... And me. And so do you. This is what we must protect from Yung and her group from the Purple Lynx. It is these centuries of hidden stories that could allow Petria to discover a facet of its past previously hidden from everyone.”  
“This is easier said than done, unfortunately. They will eventually find this place, as they must have found the gardens. Let's try to find clues about the next place, before we have unwanted visits.” Said Sonya.  
Anna nodded before stepping forward to look around. She absolutely had to find a clue about their next destination. But easier said than done. How do you find something in such a big place? You might as well look for a needle in a haystack. Fanny and Sonya did their best on their side but they were no luckier than Anna. And after a while...
“Anna! Fanny! I think I found something!” said Sonya.  
The two women joined Sonya and looked at the wall in front of them. Anna smiled heartily. She took out her notebook and began to write down the inscriptions on the wall meticulously, not forgetting any symbols. Then she closed her notebook.  
“Good job Sonya. I hope that with this we will have information about our next destination.” said Anna happily.  
Suddenly the talkie turned on. And Alex spoke. But given his voice, it wasn't a good sign.  
*Mom! Do...*BZZZZ* copy Me ??* He said.
“I’m here baby! What's going on?” said Fanny.  
*BZZZ* *Yung.... *BZZZ* -diers, are com*BZZZ* to you! You must *BZZZZ* of here! *  
“Alex? Alex??” Alex, do you hear me?? Alex !!” replied Fanny. “Damnit! We must get out of here! Right now!”  
“But how?? Apart from the door through which we entered, there is no other exit! We're stuck! And if they see us, we're screwed!” said Sonya.  
“There must be another exit! We just must find it! Let's go!” Said Anna.  
Suddenly, knocks were heard at the door. They are already there. And they will do anything to get inside. If they want to make it out alive, they will have to find a solution. and fast. Either they find another way out. Either they must fight. But faced with the troop waiting for them behind these doors, do they even have a chance? Probably. But it is very thin.  
Flee or fight? That is the question.  
But a more important question comes to mind. No matter what they choose...
Will they survive? Or will they die?  
If they do not act quickly, the answer will be clear. And they won’t like it.  
(Summer is coming and it's starting to make itself felt. And in 2 days I take another year. Enough to finish me with the XD work. But hey you must hang on! And staying hydrated is also important! I hope you’ll like it like the other ones! Feel free to tell me what you think about it! Have a great weekend to you all!  See ya!)  
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gameguides · 1 year
Road 96 Mile 0 Tyrak Square Treasure Hunt
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Road 96 Mile 0 is an exciting game that has caught the attention of players worldwide. Our topic is a treasure you need to find in the game: Tyrak Square Treasure. Finding the treasure requires the player to solve a series of puzzles and overcome various challenges, adding to the overall sense of adventure and excitement of the game. In this guide you will learn how to Solve Tyrak Square Treasure Hunt on Road 96 Mile 0.
Road 96 Mile 0 Tyrak Square Treasure Hunt
#Road96Mile0 Read the full article
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chayacat · 1 year
Road96: Shandara’s Land (2)
Fandom: Road96
Rated M for Language and Violence.  
A terrible silence descended on the square. On the entire Mont National even. people looked in horror at Tyrak standing in front of Flores, a big smile on his face, arrogant as ever. At his side, Merlina Yung, also smiling, standing straight. Flores remained impassive; she mustn't show the slightest weakness. But deep down she was worried, very worried about what Tyrak was going to do.  
“Tyrak... How... How did you manage to get out? Security had been tightened!” said Flores calmly.  
“Well. You will have to review your security service. It deserves some upgrades.” responds Tyrak, ironically.  
“You’re not welcome here.”
“Oh Lupe. I believed that today was a day when everyone could be reunited, criminal or not. In the meantime, thank you for keeping my place warm. If you don't mind, I'll take it back.”  
“Certainly not! Security!"  
“If I were you, Miss Flores, I would think twice before acting.” Said Merlina with a smile before snapping her fingers.
Suddenly, some kind of soldiers surrounded the area, weapons in hand. By reflex, Stan and Mitch put Sonya between them, to protect her. Adam covered her back. John hugged Fanny, who hugged Alex. Jarod put a hand on the grip of his weapon, ready to draw. Anna stared at Merlina, a drop of sweat beading on her forehead. Two soldiers arrived behind Flores and without warning, made her fall to her knees pointing their weapons at her.
“I hope you enjoyed your little moment of glory. Because now you will know behind the scenes. Mr Tyrak...the stage is yours.” said Merlina.
“Thank you.” said Tyrak before looking at the public. “Dear Petrians, you disappoint me. I thought we would be a country united against Flores' democratic propaganda, but obviously you are weaker than I would have imagined. But that will change. I will take my place again and thanks to me, Petria will become a great Nation again! But first, our country will have to get rid of its enemies. Of its traitors.”  
He looked at Merlina who, with a big smile, pulled out a remote control and pressed a button. three small flying robots arrived, two carried a kind of projection screen and placed themselves between Tyrak and Merlina. The third stood in front and turned on like a spotlight.
“Ladies and gentlemen, here are the traitors of the Nation!” said Merlina theatrically.  
The screen then displayed, thanks to two other robots, the faces of the "criminals". the two little robots showed Sonya and Adam, as well as Fanny and John. Stan took his brother's crowbar and hit the robot while Mitch hugged his sister tighter, scanning the surroundings to make sure no one was approaching.
“Daggnabit...My sister is NOT a criminal!” say Stan toward the platform.
“Oh, she is. By filming the revolt on election day, she was guilty of high treason against her president. And you will join her, since you protect her. The same goes for you, Campbell. By not arresting this criminal, by putting yourself in a relationship WITH this criminal and his kid, you are therefore an accomplice of the Black Brigade. As the new President, I, Tyrak, decide that Sonya Sanchez and her two idiots, as well as Agent Campbell and his family, are sentenced... to death. And to all those who will not submit to my authority, it is the pit that awaits you!"  
With a nod from Merlina, the soldiers prepared to shoot. That's when she saw Anna in the crowd. A big smile appeared on her lips.  
“Well, well, Wheatherlaw... It's a small world. Catch the fugitives. Dead or Alive. And take the opportunity to catch Wheatherlaw, alive. That's an order. As for civilians, you heard Tyrak.”  said Merlina in a talkie-walkie connected to the small Headsets that the soldiers possessed.
“Yes Madam!” Scream all the soldiers before rushing towards the crowd, causing general panic among them.  
People started running to leave. But some were captured and handcuffed by Merlina's soldiers, others were injured by the bullets that were firing. Stan's group was running at full speed so they could hide Sonya as quickly as possible. Stan used his shotgun to shoot those who got too close, Mitch hit them with his crowbar.  
“Come on, come on! We have to get out of here quickly!”  said Stan, shouting at the soldiers, before avoiding a bullet. “Daggnabit!”  
“Stan! We're not going to be able to beat them all!” shouts Mitch.  
“Come on Sonya, we have to take you as far as possible.” said Adam taking her by the arm.  
On the side of John's group, he and Fanny knocked out the soldiers and helped as many people as possible to escape. they had to reach Mr. Grizzly, John's truck. Alex run as best he could.  
“Stay close to us Alex! John, I don’t see Mr Grizzly!” said Fanny.  
“... Over here! Look!” shout John, pointing at the truck. “Come on! We have to go!”  
“Wait! We can’t let Sonya Sanchez and all here...” said Alex, looking at his parents.  
John and Fanny looked at each other for a moment, and with a nod of their heads, they nodded.  
“First we reach the truck, then we go looking for them and then we get out of here.” said John.  
On Anna's side, things were more complex. She was all alone, no one could protect her. So, she hid under the counters of the stands, without making any noise and tried to think of a solution. But while she was lost in thought, a hand suddenly comes to rest on her mouth, muffling her screams so as not to alert people. She trembled and tried to free herself with all her might, but the person holding her had a stronger grip. The latter made her turn slowly and although she was relieved to see that it was not Yung’s soldier who had found her, the person in front of her didn’t seem at first the most sympathetic. The man pulled on his cigarette while holding his gun firmly.  
“Shhhhh. Don’t make any sound. Or else...those guys will catch you.” said the man before taking his hand out of Anna's mouth slowly. “They are after you it seems. Do you know them?”  
“In a way, yes. It's a bit complicated to explain. Please, they must not find me.” responds Anna.  
“Don't worry. I didn't intend to let them catch you. We have to leave this place. Stay close to me. Got it?”
“Got it. Thanks...I'm Anna.”
“...You can call me Jarod.” replied Jarod before getting up and shouting at a soldier who was close to them. “Come on. Follow me.”
“Quite extreme...let’s go.”
The soldiers put the prisoners in their vehicles, some large transport trucks. Among the prisoners, Flores and his prime minister, as well as the police forces present at the scene and some journalists.  
“You’re gonna pay for it.” said Flores to Merlina.  
“That’s what everyone said when they saw me. Enjoy your vacation in prison.” responds Merlina before closing the gate of the truck. “All we have left are your little fugitives.”
“They should already be in these trucks to go to the iron pit. Your men are slow.” Said Tyrak.
“Patience is the key, Tyrak. Patience is the key.”  
The situation was escalating for Stan's group. Yung's soldiers surrounded Sonya's limousine, their only way to escape. If only the two brothers had come with their motorcycle...They were hidden a little further away and were trying to think of a plan.  
“What do we do now? They’re everywhere!” said Sonya.  
“I don’t know. But we can forget the limo. We have to find another way out." Said Stan.
“Maybe we can try to hide in a truck...” said Adam.  
“Bad idea. They’ll surely search in every truck, car and others to find us.” responds Mitch.
Suddenly they felt that something was behind them, when they turned around, soldiers were pointing their weapons at them. As the click was heard, the sound of a truck was heard. Without warning, a truck drove into the soldiers, forcing them to run away. The side door opened, and Fanny beckoned to them.  
“Get in! Now!” she said.
“Thanks. You saved us.” said Mitch, helping Sonya to get in the truck.  
“You’re welcome.”
“Hey!!!!” said suddenly a woman voice.  
“...Anna?!” said Stan happy to see her. But his happiness disappeared when he sees Jarod behind her. He pointed his shotgun at them "Anna! Move! Stay away from this guy!”
“I said MOVE.”
“Stan...” said Sonya.  
“I knew you was there...i will not let you kill Sonya. You don’t come with us.” replied Stan, ready to shoot at Jarod.
“What?? Stan no! He won’t do anything! He’s with me! He...he saved me. Please...” Said Anna.
“No way I let him in.”
“Stan...We don’t have time for this, we’re all in danger.” said Mitch.  
“...Fine! He can come. But stay away from Sonya. Or else...” replied Stan without lowering his weapon.  
“Fine by me.” responds simply Jarod.  
But as everyone boarded the truck, soldiers arrived.  Adam, who was not yet on board, turned to Sonya, seeming to think, stepped back and began to close the doors.
“Adam!!!” said Sonya trying to reach him but was held by Mitch.
“Go. Take Sonya to safety. I will retain them.” Said Adam turning his back to them.  
“ADAM NO!”  
“Go! Don’t worry for me! They won't kill me. They will put me in jail. The most important is that you are fine. Love you, Sonya.” replied Adam before closing the door.  
Adam motioned for John to leave, and despite Sonya's screams, he complied and walked away. Adam faced the soldiers and surrendered. He understood that fighting would kill him, but he didn't care, at least Sonya was alive. He was arrested and taken away in front of Sonya who could see everything from the truck, which continued to move away. She was screaming, but her brother was holding her back. the truck left the scene, escaping Merlina Yung and Tyrak. Now the goal for them was to take shelter.
But in a country that is now once again under dictatorship, where could they hide?
(In less than a month, the prequel comes out. I can't wait so much to discover this day! in the meantime I play Hogwarts Legacy and One Piece Odyssey just to pass the time!  I hope you’ll like it like the other ones! Feel free to tell me what you think about it! Have a great weekend to you all!  See ya!)  
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