#tysmmm for asking this I literally had to cut out three instances of just me tlking about how excited I was to be talking about this
limnsaber · 8 months
life partners (not romantic, not platonic, but a secret third thing)
Lukka you’ll have to forgive me for keeping this one in I’ve been waiting & searching for the words. Ty so much for sending it in
Listen. I like dinluke. I think mainstream dinluke is so fun. The jokes are fun and the fics are fun and I love fandom!! I love this sandbox that we all get to play in together! And yet sometimes I look at what people are saying and I go ‘wat are you talking abt…’. This isn’t bashing anyone to be clear!! This is abt how seemingly my interpretation of the ship is shared by no one. That is okay of course :) I do hope that I can convince you…
Cause when I think about it. I can’t picture them in a relationship. Or the traditional one with grand romantic gestures and attractions. In SW love always makes the fate of the universe, and that’s always true and will always be true. But these are two men that have managed to find balance within themselves. Not to say that their characters are finished, but to say that a Romance often comes with a revolution— changes in a character, large and small, but often also changes in situations, changes in goals, changes in their futures. Din and Luke already have that. They know their chosen paths, and exactly where they belong. It’s one of my greatest frustrations that Romance(s) for this pairing often lead to both characters changing their lives and their creeds and their beliefs for The Romance. Two people who shoulder their respective dying cultures? The Din Djarin that’s been hunted his whole life for his culture, the Luke Skywalker that spent three movies becoming what he is and ending completely ready to die for it? I can’t imagine that!! The removal of the helmet, the abandonment of aspects of the Jedi creed? I can’t imagine that!! And I can’t imagine them being attracted to each other like that either!!
It’s taken me this long to get here, but I had to get through how I felt about the ship to be able to talk about what I’ve felt about them. Luke Skywalker has no romantic pairing or displayed attraction to anyone in the ot, and that’s never treated like an issue! It’s wonderful! Din is asexual the vibes are there. To put it into words, he treats everyone with the same amount of devotion that he’d treat anything— that’s just him. That’s how he acts. He has a small moment with Omera, but that’s less about attraction to Omera and what Omera represents — a village and a community that can raise their kids in the sunlight, the peace that Din truly wants. D&L both have something they want greater than a partnership or Romance— a duty, a peaceful existence for their people. Anything that’s resonant with their characters will exist in between that.
So I can’t imagine a romance! The phrase I’ve been using recently has been ‘ghiblimance’. Because they do reflect each other as people. They would change from their interactions with one another. But not because of an attraction, but because of who they are, what they can teach to each other, what they value, and how their lives intertwine one way or another.
LITERALLY. “Not romantic not platonic but a secret third thing” is EXACTLY how I feel about it!! Similarly one of my favorite phrases describing it is ‘not romantic but not not romantic’!!! They don’t need attraction or The Romance to reflect each other as people.
I believe their paths will (“should”) keep intertwining. That’s where you get the life partners part of it from. For the things they can teach other and for themselves.
I’m sorry, I’m just not interested in them kissing. I’m interested in how they complement each other as people, and how they, their creeds, and their lives come together for themselves and for Grogu.
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