erudorago · 5 years
“ Down that way was Mary’s room,” Drake pointed gingerly to and fro, recalling memories as if she inspected every coin with a doubt.  “ And that way, I don’t think I ever really ventured to go. Sometimes Herny’s wife stayed there... “ Step-mother, but she ignored the word. 
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The dream was quiet save for the two of them. The Royal Palace of Hatfield was where Drake, no, Elizabeth had spent her childhood. A rare opportunity to give Ivan a tour. The ceilings even were accommodating to his size here. Intensive english woodwork lined the walls over painted walls. Some portraits hung of family members and past kings. Definitely overcompensating for a place to dump children. Drake chuckled as her heels echoed. ” This is much different than the dream we met in.”
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venatorio · 5 years
@tzarov ☾ ( sc )
Even drinking animal blood was a hard thing to do, but it was either this, human blood or no blood at all.
The rabbit he had caught was tossed aside when he was finished with it, two bite marks on its neck. Maybe he should have trapped something bigger; he knew that a tiny animal like a rabbit wouldn’t have been filling, but he didn’t like doing this in the first place. Still, he needed to survive. He figured it probably wasn’t all that smart to let Alucard or Sypha find his corpse somewhere because he refused to drink some sort of blood.
Standing up, Richter dusted the dirt from his pants, only stopped when he heard the slightest of rustling of the leaves. He didn’t move, though, not wanting to look at the other. Out of shame? Embarrassment? He wasn’t sure.
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     “I guess this looks pretty pathetic from your      perspective, huh?”
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beastboy-archived · 5 years
this guy was... big. not the biggest he’e seen, but pretty well up there. big and rather intimidating. no, no. scratch that-- big and very intimidating. it was as if he were the final boss to a video game, or the surprise character reveal in an action manga. 
whoever this guy was, legosi absolutely did not want to get on his bad side. 
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too bad all he could do was stare from a safe distance. as if that made things any better. 
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casterextra · 5 years
▊狐 “That shape, that scent, that aura. Ah, you’re a Servant but one that tampered with the existence of Demonic Beasts, hm? It’s the natural folly of mankind to tamper with things they barely understand, and isn’t your very nature a prime example of that?” She had much to say of Russia’s Lostbelt King. She knew of him of course, but if Tamamo had been given an opportunity to have it her was she would have avoided this encounter altogether. 
Her fur didn’t mesh will with electricity after all.
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“A man that abandoned his humanity speaking with a woman that dedicated her existence to obtaining it. Aren’t the encounters being Servants present us with uncanny?”
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uhnotokyo · 5 years
@tzarov liked for a starter
Gojira was neither dense nor stupid, he was well aware there where others like him. This wasn’t his home, he had no idea where he was. No longer was he in his own kingdom, this was someone else’s kingdom. There is always another king, as a pup Gojira was familiar with that line of thinking. He was aware that there was always someone bigger- hell, even back home he had to deal with bigger clowns who wanted to take what was his.
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Gojira had seen already a few kings, other alphas, and they sure as hell saw him. For now, there was no confrontation- that was until one had began to approach him on the bedside of the lake Goji had been basking at. Rising to his full height as Ivan approached, shaking off some of the birds that had began to preen Goji in the process. It was clear that Goji had began to tense up a bit, his tail lazily sweeping behind him followed by a loud chuff greeted Ivan.
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orphanos · 5 years
・゚✧ @tzarov
          it’s hard to say how he had ended up in such a conversation with someone like this. ( though in his case, it’s almost always hard to say how he ended up in conversation in the first place. ) the man—? creature—? in front of him... is nothing like he’s seen before, to say the least, && he thought that, by now, he’d seen some pretty weird stuff. he almost looks more like a persona than a living being, and the thought would be more entertaining if his appearance wasn’t so intimidating.
          still, finding out that he’s been alive for so long... even unsure as he is, minato can’t help but be driven by his curiosity, for the time being.
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          ❝ so you must have some pretty great stories, then, huh? ❞
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lancerofclay · 5 years
@tzarov In response to x 
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“Yes, of course! I imagine that many Heroic Spirits are like that. To my knowledge, very few make a mark on history without engaging in some sort of violence. Quite a few must have grown to enjoy it, if they did not start that way.”  
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isolaradiale · 5 years
work is so stressful can i have a f gamers... and a semi-hiatus for ivan fgo here.
– ⋆ betelgeuse.
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yeahgen · 6 years
Kicking aside a stray pebble, Yagen makes his way out of the underground passageway and back into the empty wastes of Yesteryear. He’d come alone this time in secret, renting a vehicle to traverse the ruins; it gave him grounding to relive the past where he and the two Fudous had faced off last.
‘Not much to see, though...’ he mutters to himself. Just dirt and dust and one long footprint he recognized from Fudou’s shoe. He’s still sorting through his thoughts when he walks into a sudden shock of shadows.
Yagen looks up--then up again, taking in the form of a massive, boulder like monster jutting out of the tired earth. But it’s blue, and its spikes exhale a crisp frost that has him stepping back to salvage what little heat he can from the winter sun.
‘It’s a little early for hallucinations.’ He blinks, eyes narrowing at the sight of the creature’s faceless maw. Black blends into black, morphing into faint flashes of tunnels dripping water and a bloodstained arm still fresh with the scent of blood. A nightmare. A daydream. He blinks again, but the specter remains, tall and cold and silent.
After a while, he realizes he still hasn’t moved to unsheathe his weapon.
‘So, then.’
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‘I guess we weren’t enemies.’
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fionasiroes · 5 years
@tzarov replied to your post: Completely random but there are only Rider-rpers...
if i was still on indie i, as the biggest rider, could’ve eaten the lesser ones so consider yourself lucky
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ziodie · 5 years
♒ : How does your muse feel about the event?
fantasia wars yeee // no longer accepting 
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kanji was initially pretty excited about the new setting! it was like everyone became video game characters and that bought him back to fun times with the investigation team. but… the more time he spends in the event, destroying things and getting scolded, he’s more and more desperate to return to something more familiar. he likes the idea of being a beastkin but… it’s not practical at all, so he gets very frustrated when he has to meet people in towns and enclosed spaces. otherwise, he’s pretty content laying in an open field somewhere. so i’d say, he’s pretty mixed about it lol.
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erudorago · 5 years
“W-what! No way! That’s--!”   This was the fifth time she lost tonight!  In a row!   And frankly the last straw in a terrible string of bad luck.
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 “ ...... “ Hands slapped on the table, her outburst earned her stares from others seated.  She slowly sat back down and watched the last of her chips, her money ,slide to Ivan’s pile. Drake put her head down.
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venatorio · 5 years
💪 - what’s their ability they brag about the most?
💪 - what’s their ability they brag about the most?
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despite richter’s complicated history with his own self and his family and all that jazz, richter definitely is confident in his abilities! sure, he peaked at age 19 but the the very least he still has all that power he had at that age. and he does love his family and mostly everything they stand for, so he often speaks highly of them when it comes up.
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tiianfa · 5 years
🌱 : What’s a thread you really want to do with your muse?
🌱 : what’s a thread you really want to do with your muse?
          the boring answer is that i really can’t think of any cravings HAHA… but i wouldn’t mind doing a thread where you get to see a little bit of susabi’s more humane side. he’s so often shown as completely cold, exacting, and punitive, at best, apathetic; at worst, resentful. which he is, like, 90% of the time. but there’s moments in canon where we see that he a lot more open-minded ( or at least tolerating ) than the impression we get of him, i think. so something like the final scene of SP miketsu’s memory scroll where he expresses his own brand of care for her and tells her to rest, or even something like his manga appearance with ren where he actually displays the 1-in-1000-years-moment of emotional vulnerability.
         the problem is that it’s hard to justify doing that if it’s not someone he’s familiar with and has built a relationship to that point, to an extent. since susabi is also very guarded lmao.
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casterextra · 5 years
tzarov replied to your post “▊狐 “Imagine…” “A world where everyone is a furry! Casko could make...”
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don’t worry unlike your lostbelt my furries will be cute
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anglerfishnabe · 5 years
♏ : On a scale of 1 to 10, how “out of their element” is your muse?
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He’s quite fine, really adaptable person and all that so at ....4 maybe as while useful he still needs to adjust to but all in all it goes easy enough.
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