#u get psycho blonde andrew for now enjoy
desmondlevy · 3 years
—  @merrillsol​ 
The staff at the San Diego Zoo knew Desmond just as well as they knew their actual co-workers by now, with how often he was around for Merill’s sake. One of her managers let him in today, dismissing him with a friendly smile and the knowledge that Merill was working out by the elephant exhibit. He knew his way around easily enough by now, even though a zoo was just about the last place he’d imagine himself being so familiar with. Hell, Merill was just about the last person he’d imagine himself being so attached to. She was energetic, active, and clingy; pretty much the opposite of the type of person he’d assume would be his favorite person. But she was.
Even if he didn’t know his way around, the warmly familiar sound of Merill’s voice reached him as he got a little closer. That and the stench from the elephant exhibit, but that was oddly less noticeable to him. There were a few people standing near her, asking questions about the animals for Merill to answer, so he just quietly filed into place beside her and pointedly checked his watch. As soon as the family moved along, he cleared his throat. “Four thirty-two. You said you’d be ready at four-thirty. I would’ve abandoned you here if I weren’t so damn nice,” he informed, melodramatically as ever. “Come on. Your friends stink.” He nodded back at the enclosure they stood before and brought a hand up to her back to start leading her away.
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aarontviettalks · 6 years
Get to know me (Musical Theatre Edition )
1. what’s your favourite musical ?
a) it’s so hard to pick just one but as of right now it’s probably CMIYC and Bring It On.
2. favourite character in your favourite musical ?
b) Frank Avondale jr and Cambell.
3. what’s your favourite play ?
c) I don’t really have one.
4. favourite character in your favourite play ?
d) again don’t have one.
5. what’s your dream role ?
e) I would love to play Veronica sawyer or maureen, eliza , sandy
6. what's a role you'd like to play that you'd never be able to?
f) Elle Woods or Hamilton.
7. do you prefer being behind the scenes or in the spotlight?
g) being in the spotlight for sure.
8. do you like hamilton ?
h) omg i love hamilton
9. have you seen hamilton ?
i) no but hopefully will be able to see soon.
10. how do you feel about hyped up shows like hamilton, les mis, and rent?
i) i personally enjoy hyped up ones more but all are really good.
11. did you like this years tony awards ?
j) so good omg.
12. what award should there be that isn't ?
k) i think something about work ethic because actors work sooo damn hard.
13.  what shows have you been in/helped with ?
l) wow ones i’ve been in : hoodie, rainbow connection, something about water i forget and then like church plays
helped with : he’s talking, never swim alone
14. have you ever been paid to act onstage or on camera?
m) never.
15. do you prefer broadway or west end shows?
n) broadway shows.
16. favourite stage actress ?
o) taylor louderman and phillpa soo
17. favourite stage actor ?
p) aaron tveit and kyle selig
18. favourite show currently or recently running ?
q) mean girls
19. what’s your dream #ham4ham (even if you don’t like hamilton)?
r) having barrack obama and chris jackson sing one last time LIVE.
20. who should host the tony’s next year ?
s) aaron tveit :)
21. do you watch broadwaycom backstage vlogs?
t) YES my two favourite have been leslie’s on hamilton and Erika’s on mean girls.
22. what’s your opinion on movies turned into musicals?
u) i think people do a really good job with them.
23. do you prefer musical movies or live musicals?
v) live musicals
24. do you have an opinion on american psycho?
w) i’ve never heard it or seen it.
25. what movie would you want to be turned into a musical?
x) i would love to see to all the boys i’ve loved before would be so cute.
26. what role would you like to see your favorite actor play?
y) i wanna see aaron play like aaron samuels or jason dean omg.
27. do you prefer musicals, plays, or operas?
z) musicals.
28.  dramatic plays or comedies?
a) i love both.
29. andrew lloyd weber or stephen sondheim ?
b) andrew lloyd weber.
30. neil patrick harris or james corden ?
c) james corden
31. did james corden do a good job hosting the tony's (in your opinion)?
d) i think he was ok definely not my favourite tho.
32. create a show mash-up and explain the plot (ex: legally todd = sweeney todd + legally blonde)
e) mean heathers
33. what song always makes you cry?
34. how do you feel about musicals using other artists' music
g) i think it’s cool
35. what celebrity would you like to see on broadway next?
36.  favorite show you've been in?
i) hoodie for sure.
37.  would you like to act professionally ?
38. television or stage acting ?
k) stage acting
39.  what disney movie should be a musical that isn't?
l) i would love to see beauty and the beast on stage even though they have the musical movie.
40. if you could see one show on broadway or west end, what would it be?
m) moulin rouge omg.
41.  what musical should be revived next?
42. are musicals sequels okay ?
o) i guess
43.  what musical sequel would you like there to be that isn't?
p) i honestly don’t know
44. have you ever had a crush on a character from a show?
45. how do you feel about musicals being done live on tv now ?
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