#u really don't need that kind of footage to make good gifs
The Girl Out of Time
Pairing: Bucky x Reader and Sam x Reader
Background: Willow Roffe was born and raised in Brooklyn. She lived her life as happily as she could with her two childhood best friends Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers. When they both left her to join the military she tried to continue with life but that didn't get to happen for her for the simple fact that she meant something to James Buchanan Barnes.
Rating: Story will be overall MATURE but not every chapter. There will be strong language, talk of both mental and physical abuse, some good ole angst, and smut. There will be a warning at the beginning of the chapter when it includes smut.
Chapter 26
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After Nat left the church Steve, Sam, and I went on to our hotel suite. I was quick to fall onto the couch. I felt so drained. Sam lifted my feet so he could sit down then placed my feet on his lap. Steve started pacing the length of the room. We had only been there for a few short minutes when a knock sounded on the door. Steve was quick to open it. In walked Sharon Carter looking completely frazzled.
"Steve. There's something you gotta see." She said quickly.
She grabbed the TV remote from the table then turned on the TV. It was already on the news channel. I bolted upright as I saw the building in Vienna with a giant hole blown in it. Many were injured in the blast. I pulled my phone out instantly texting Nat. Please let her be okay.
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I bounced my knee nervously as I continued to watch the TV.
"Authorities have identified the suspect as James Buchanan Barnes. The winter soldier." The news castor stated.
I shot to my feet turning to face Steve. He looked surprised but suddenly determined.
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I sighed in relief at Nat's text.
"Nat's okay. Why would he do this?" I asked Steve.
"I don't think he did." Steve said simply.
Sharon gave of what details she knew then the three of us set out for Vienna. When we arrived the place was still in total chaos. Steve sent Sam and I ahead into the hotel bar to wait for him.
"He's calling Nat." Sam said as we both sat at the bar.
We ordered drinks then waited on Steve to reappear. It wasn't long before he was standing next to Sam leaning on the bar.
"She tell you to stay out of it? Might have a point." Sam asked then took a sip of his drink.
"He'd do it for me." Steve said simply.
"1945, maybe. I just want to make sure we consider all our options. The people that shoot at you usually wind up shooting at us." Sam told him.
"I have no worries." I said simply then downed the rest of my drink.
Sharon suddenly appeared next to Steve. She kept her face forward as she spoke.
"Tips have been pouring in since the footage went public. Everybody thinks the Winter Soldier goes to their gym. Most of it's noise. Except for this." She slid a folder to Steve.
"My boss expects a briefing, pretty much now so that's all the head start you're gonna get." She added quickly.
"Thank you" Steve told her as he opened the folder.
"You're gonna have to hurry. We have orders to shoot on sight." Sharon said then walked away.
Sam finished his drink quickly then the two of us followed Steve back outside.
"Where to Cap?" I asked as we walked quickly down the crowded sidewalk.
Steve gave me the folder. I opened it to scan the page quickly. Romania. He's in Romania?
"What's the plan?" Sam asked as we climbed in the car.
"Looks like an apartment building. A bit run down. Sam you'll take the roof. Willow, I need you on top an adjacent building. You two are my eyes for any company." Steve ordered as he drove quickly.
"So you're gonna face him alone?" I asked softly.
Both men sitting in the two front seats knew I had all my memories of James back. They knew I understood the feelings I once had for him. Those feelings felt like a memory too but I still actually cared about him now. Steve looked at me through the rear view mirror.
"Yes Will. I think it's best I confront him alone. We don't know what kind of state he's in." Steve said softly but sternly.
"But we know for sure he remembers me and won't harm me. Don't you think it'd be safer if I was with you?" I asked.
"No" both men said in unison.
Steve's no was soft and understanding but Sam's was sharp and final. I slumped back in my seat. I didn't feel like I should be on the side lines. I remembered what James meant to me so everything we do now means so much more. It was just as important to me as it was to Steve but there would be no arguing with the Captain. I knew that much. So I sat silently in the back seat until we arrived at our destination. Steve and Sam both took a minute to suit up while I surveyed the area.
"There's a smaller building there. I'll take that roof." I told them pointing to said building.
Both men nodded in agreement. Steve left to head towards the building James was in leaving Sam and I alone.
"You still choose me right?" Sam asked softly.
I smiled up at him. I grabbed his shirt pulling him down so I could kiss him.
"Yes Sam, I may remember my feelings for James but they're just a memory." I told him.
He nodded then kissed my forehead. Once he took to the sky I hurried to the roof of my building. I perched myself on the edge so I had a perfect view of the entrance. Sam did that same on top the much taller building. It wasn't long before the vehicles started rolling in. This wasn't looking good already.
"Heads up Cap. German Special Forces approaching from the south." Sam said over the coms.
"Understood" Steve said simply.
I watched as the vehicles surrounded the building. More and more armed men got out. There's way too many.
"They've set the perimeter." Sam informed over the coms.
I watched the group form then kick in the front door.
"They're entering the building." I told them.
"They're on the roof. I'm compromised." Sam said quickly.
I looked up to see him fighting someone off then flying off the building. I stepped back from the edge so I wouldn't be noticed. I just had to wait for Steve's orders now. He was inside somewhere with James.
"Five seconds" Sam said as he flew around the building.
I held my breath. My anxiety skyrocketed as I waited.
"Three seconds" Sam said.
Please let them make it out of this.
"Breach! Breach! Breach!" Sam shouted.
I gritted my teeth as I listened to the chaos erupt in the building. I couldn't see anything but I could hear an array of different sounds. There was definitely one hell of a fight going on. As I waited for any sign or word something flew out of a window then landed on the roof a few feet in front of me. It was a backpack.
"What the hell?" I questioned aloud.
I walked over to it slowly. I kicked it to make sure it wasn't going to explode. When nothing happened I picked it up then stepped back against one of the stone walls. Another crash had me looking up to see a body jumping over to this roof. They landed in a roll then got to their feet quickly. It was James. He looked around most likely for the back pack.
"Looking for this?" I asked stepping around the wall so he could see me fully.
"Willow" he said in surprise.
"Hi Jamie" I smiled at him.
"Come on doll, I really need that bag." He said reaching out to me.
"I remember Jamie." I said simply keeping the bag in my tight grip.
His eyes seemed to light up as he smiled at me.
"That's fantastic doll but as much as I'm dying to kiss you breathless I really do need that bag." He said taking a step forward.
Before I could say anything else a man in all black tackled James to the ground. It was a instant fight. The moment James was able to break free he ran for the other edge of the building.
"Jamie!" I shouted.
He turned in time to catch the bag I'd thrown at him. He winked at me then jumped over the edge. The man in the all black, cat like outfit moved to follow him. I lunged forward knocking him to the ground but he was quick to get away from me. His only focus was James.
"Sam Southwest rooftop." Steve said through the com.
"Who the hell's the other guy?" Sam asked.
"About to find out." Steve said.
As soon as he landed on the roof I went over the edge to follow James. I could hear Steve close behind me. The chase was on as we all tried to catch up to James. I kept my eyes on the new comer in front of me. I knew he was hot on Bucky's trail. They jumped into an opening that lead into a tunnel. We ended up jumping right into traffic. Steve was right next to me as we ran around the cars. Sirens wailed behind us but we paid them no mind.
"Stand down! Stand down!" They yelled from behind us.
Steve jumped folding his body to lay on the shield as it hit the car's windshield. The car stopped then Steve rolled off the hood. He opened the door then pulled the driver out. I was climbing in the passenger seat as he knocked out the windshield completely. I held onto the dash as Steve sped around the other cars. I felt the jolt to the car making me look back.
"Cat guy is hitching a ride." I told Steve.
He instantly sped up then started to swerve trying to get the guy off the back of the car.
"Sam, I can't shake this guy." Steve said in frustration.
"Right behind you" Sam answered.
I looked behind us to see an army of police cars gaining on us. As they pulled up on each side of our car Steve started to swerve into them. We are so fucked for this.
"Steve there!" I shouted pointing at James.
Steve swerved the car driving right through the barrels to follow our friend. I watched in absolute awe as James grabbed hold of an oncoming bike knocking the driver off. He effortlessly turned in around then jumped on it taking off. It was one of the most badass things I'd ever witnessed.
"Shit" I breathed as the cat guy jumped on the back of the bike.
He tried his best to get James off of it but James was much better than that. With help of his metal arm he kept himself from crashing then kicked his attacker off. Just as we got to the exit of the tunnel an explosion went off.
"Get out now!" Steve shouted.
I didn't have time to think as I jumped out of the car instantly picking up in a run just as Steve had done. The car started to flip behind us as James was finally knocked off the bike a few feet in front of us. Steve tossed his shield knocking the attacker away from James. Once we reached him we both stood protectively in front of him. Seconds later we were surrounded by sirens and flashing lights then the war machine dropped in front of us. His arms were held out with his weapons at the ready.
"Stand down, now!" He shouted at us.
Steve sighed but put his shield on his back. Sam was led over to us at gun point.
"Congratulations Cap, you're a criminal." Rhodey told him.
As an officer grabbed each of us to put us in shackles the man in the black cat suit took off his mask. It was that Wakanda prince or king now that his father was killed in the bombing.
"Your Highness" Rhodey said with a small nod.
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