pyrctechnic · 4 years
𝐈 𝐃 𝐄 𝐍 𝐓 𝐈 𝐅 𝐈 𝐂 𝐀 𝐓 𝐈 𝐎 𝐍  /  𝐂 𝐀 𝐑 𝐃
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when  yongsun  hands  over  his  identification  card   ,   it’s  clear  something’s  struck  a  nerve   .   ❝   hey   ,   you’re  the  GUMIHO’s  son   ,   aren’t  ya   ?   you  know   ,   that  notorious  south  korean  villain  who  ate  her  victims’   —   ❞   the  poor  student  volunteer  didn’t  get  a  chance  to  finish  their  sentence   ,   mostly  due  to  yongsun’s  fists  connecting  with  the  student’s  teeth   .
yongsun was born in seoul, south  korea. his childhood was glamourous. his father was a fashion designer & made a name for himself on multiple international runways. his mother was a model who was known for her fierce, in-control  demeanour. she was a force to be reckoned with & she always got what  she wanted. she was a ballet dancer before that, though as all dancers are forced to be met with — the body’s not meant for such rigorous fervour all the time. the two were determined to pamper their child & make sure that life wouldn’t be cruel to them.
their child was fierce & determined like his mother, hard-working & passionate like his father. his eyes were set on the heroes he saw on the television & the way they looked so cool while they fought. growing up, he was a huge hero merch fiend. this served as an endearing trait as he became a child actor personality. whenever they published behind-the-scenes footage of young yongsun, he was always decked out in hero merch. he was a good child actor, compliant to his parents & possessing a natural talent for memorization. not to mention that his parents already had influence in the entertainment world.
as he got older, a few things became abundantly clear. yongsun was becoming a bully, heavily demanding & not the greatest when it came to rejection. yongsun was also becoming a proficient fighter, practicing with his quirk until twilight & learning all he could about the way fireworks worked. yongsun was the king of the playground & woe to those who tried to contest that.
oh, the way things changed when he graduated elementary school. he stopped taking up actor roles, claiming he wanted to focus on his schooling. shame, the public thought, he had such a handsome face that belonged on the screen. still, if one were to dig, they could find all the television shows & movies that yongsun was in as a child. nonetheless, yongsun was kidnapped at twelve by a small villain organization that belonged to the GUMIHO.
the GUMIHO was a notorious, ruthless villain that attacked people on the streets. seemingly at random. the victims would go missing for weeks, only to turn up murdered & without their livers or hearts. like the legend of the nine-tailed fox, the villain was dubbed GUMIHO by the public. soon, villains flocked to the GUMIHO in attempt to form a powerful organization that wreaked chaos & cruelty across seoul. 
yongsun’s parents begged heroes to help find their son. they made public statements, issued rewards for information regarding their only child. they pleaded with the world to not let him be taken by the GUMIHO. five days later, yongsun made an appearance. he broke himself out of the hideout all on his own. he escaped the clutches of the GUMIHO. but the yongsun that came back wasn’t the yongsun that was kidnapped.
somehow, yongsun became even mouthier & rude than before. he closed himself off from his parents, holed himself in his room, only talking to a select few. he became very good at the broody preteen sterotype. then, one day, their home was invaded.
his parents, frantic & desperate not to be taken in by the police, were quick to deploy counteractive measures. still, officers in gear stormed their mansion. when yongsun’s father begged yongsun to go with them, to continue living the life they always had — yongsun took a walke talkie out of his hoodie pocket & radioed the leader of the raid that the villains GUMIHO & ENDER were trying to escape through a secret exit in the private study. yongsun didn’t leave his father’s gaze as he did so & his father noticed something that he’s never seen in his son’s eyes before: pain. it hurt yongsun to put his parents behind bars but it’s what heroes do, right? heroes have to make sure that villains end up punished for their crimes by the law.
you see, the GUMIHO & ENDER had an outstanding investigation to identify & apprehend them. they were close to cracking the case too. in desperation, yongsun’s father suggested that they kidnap yongsun. not out of malice & never intending to hurt him, but to throw the police off their scent. they trusted yongsun to put up a fight, to be a hassle for their henchmen to handle. maybe they put too much trust in their hero-to-be, as yongsun completely escaped & noticed strange discrepancies during his escape. his broodiness was actually investigation into his own parents.
the wealth that the villain couple accumulated legally was sealed away until yongsun became of age. until then, he was set to live with his maternal grandparents... who lived in america. he also disappeared from south korea’s media. he declined interviews & statements of his own. he all but disappeared from his home country’s eyes. GUMIHO & ENDER were sent to the highest security villain prison that south korea has to offer. although visitors are allowed, they both knew that they couldn’t expect any.
in america, he was the classic angsty teenage transfer student. however, he excelled in hockey when he was offered the chance to try out for the high school team. in fact, people assumed he was going to put everything into hockey. he never spoke about being a hero. he still refused to talk about his parents. he seemed to forget about being a hero.
turns out that yongsun was being a vigilante all throughout high school. he’d sneak out in the middle of the night to find crimes to stop. during this period of time, he was angry & cruel. full of grief & loss. any villain that he’d leave on the doorstep of the police station was beaten to an inch of their life. at least, they were alive. he had choices to make upon coming to college, however. let everyone know he was still fully intending on being a hero or continue this facade & accept a hockey scholarship ? he continued to pretend for two more years before finally having to drop out of his old university to pursue heroism.
he reached a stalemate. he couldn’t fight any better than he could, unless he had support items & endorsements. he couldn’t continue only doing this at night, as his regular schooling required his attention if he weren’t to fail. so then, he entered u.a academy two years late. still, he was exceptional in the course & quick to use his experience as a vigilante to his advantage. 
POWER: ★★★★★
SPEED: ★★★✰✰
ILLUMINARY: yongsun lights a bunch of short, bright white bursts of fireworks from all over his body, temporarily disabling his opponent. this movie is accompanied with a straightforward advance before he jumps & spins, using the momentum of the small fireworks to keep him moving forward like a missile. this move allows him to get closer to his opponent to allow for short-range attacks.
EMPEROR’S PARTY:  this move is considered an ultimate move, something he uses when he’s confident that victory is assured. the reason being is because it takes a lot of concentration to manifest. he fires off fireworks from his feet, thrusting him into the air. from here, he sets off a sequence of fireworks that are large, loud & that will set anything within two meters of it on fire. it’s called emperor’s party as it’s reminiscent of a fireworks show finale. his body is hard to see through the fireworks.
SIKE OUT: there are some fireworks that are bright & sparkling, though do little in terms of damage. these gaudy displays are some of yongsun’s favourite moves. he’ll shoot these types of fireworks from his hands in a straightforward as the firework is already creating a trail of sparks as they emit from his hand. he then sends a second barrage of fireworks, though they are a delayed ignition firework. they are silent & invisible until the last possible moment & by then, yongsun would have maneuvered his opponent to be in the crossmark.
t b a (aka i’m leaving right away but i want to post this i will come back to edit this)
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svgarpic · 4 years
𝐈 𝐃 𝐄 𝐍 𝐓 𝐈 𝐅 𝐈 𝐂 𝐀 𝐓 𝐈 𝐎 𝐍  /  𝐂 𝐀 𝐑 𝐃
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when  sour  patch  hands  over  his  identification  card   ,   his  smile  is  as  bright  as  ever   .   he  doesn’t  hesitate  to  hold  onto  idle  chatter   ,   however  the  student  pauses   .   ❝  oh   ,   your  emergency  contact is  THE  ssǝsʎln estate   ?  ❞   he  avoids  answering   &   dismisses  the  question  entirely   .
chanhee was born in los angeles, california. as bright as the sun that’s constantly shining, he was such an exuberant child. his father was the head butler of a wealthy family while his mother was the head nanny. his mother was so compassionate & wise, always watching over the kids with a sense of bubbly grace. his father was so unlike both chanhee and his mother. he was serious & deadpan. he had no patience for riffraff but was also rather good-humoured; just because he was grumpy didn’t mean that he was mad at the world per se.
because his parents were live-in help, chanhee grew up on this estate that seemed to stretch as far as the eye can see. he grew up in lavish kitchens and big laundry rooms. he grew up tidying up after kids his own age, mirroring his parents’ actions of doing the same thing. he was quick to pick up on the chores & routine that needed to be done. oh, it was such an endearing sight to see little chanhee attempt to carry a laundry basket that was twice his size. 
his best friend growing up was a girl just a year younger than him. the daughter of the wealthy man & woman. she was rambunctious, always messing up the perfect scene that his father always tried so hard to orchestrate. chanhee was enchanted her & always wanted to be by her side. so when she hid from her father, he would hide with her. not that it would do any good because then they both would end up giggling loud enough to give their spot away.
chanhee went to public school, unlike the kids of the estate, who all had to move to private boarding academies upstate. he was so proud of his family’s line of work, he wouldn’t stop raving about it. he was so sure that he was going to grow up to be the head butler of this wealthy family. it was his destiny, just like it was his father’s before him. he would spend his life making sure that the estate was the best it could be. that’s what chanhee wanted. 
tragedy struck when chanhee was 10. his father never visibly smiled. he would indicate he was happy through his tone of voice. his father only smiled when he was with his wife, or with chanhee, or watching a stage play. once a month, chanhee’s parents would make a date to a play that chanhee’s father has been wanting to see. that month, chanhee’s parents didn’t come home. it was an attempted robbery, they told the family. but when heroes came onto the scene, the robber panicked & killed their hostages.
chanhee had no other family. his grandparents have all passed & both his parents were only children. extended family were just about to be contacted when the wealthy wife, came into the staff’s living quarters, flung herself onto little chanhee & sobbed. she cried about how his parents were like family to her, about how they meant so much to her, how everything is going to be different now that they’re gone. she was mourning, chanhee realized, just as much as he was. so he sobbed with her. then, the wife had an epiphany.
the wife asked chanhee to come with her. they went to the wealthy husband, who was locked away in his study. he’s been in there since the funeral but chanhee wasn’t one to pry into matters he shouldn’t. the wife & the husband talked by themselves first. when chanhee was asked to come into the study, they both had such bright smiles. they were going to adopt chanhee as their own. so that he wouldn’t go into foster care & that he wouldn’t have to be far from what he knows. after all, the estate has been chanhee’s life. the family would always have a piece of chanhee’s parents with them if he stayed.
and so, he stayed. he was adopted into the family. his best friend started calling him sour patch soon after. the only thing chanhee craved for was sour patch kids, especially during the whole transition. not long after, even the help was calling him ‘master sour patch’. his newfound parents also lovingly called him so, but the expectations were that he was chanhee during lessons & gatherings. 
the transition was strange. chanhee didn’t like being kept from chores. chanhee didn’t like cooking his own meals. instead of laundry & gardening, chanhee’s time was kept busy with tutors & extracurriculars. soon, he was also being sent away to private boarding schools upstate. it seemed the only thing that was constant was that his best friend was by his side most all the time. 
sour patch realized he loved her when he was 15. sour patch was going to confess to her, even though they were adopted siblings, when they both came home for the summer. however, she also had a realization to tell him when she came home. she was a lesbian. she dreamt about girls, sang about girls, wrote girls sappy love letters that had a liquor-stained kiss mark on them. sour patch’s heart broke. but no one knows that it is. because, he never told her that he loved her, instead he decided to support her as her best friend. if he could never be her lover, then by the gods, he’ll be the best best friend he could ever be. this, however, sent them on a rocky path. 
his best friend was a troublemaker. a party monster. that summer, she came home & begged sour patch to come with her to a party. sour patch was scared about it, to be honest. he’s not meant for such raucous behaviour. he’s a little meek & a little too sugary for that. but, because he loved her, he said he’d go. because he loved her, he’d get drunk & watch her make out with some other socialite.
at 15, he became a ladykiller, a maneater, a party monster himself. because if he could never kiss his best friend, then maybe he’d kiss the girl with sparkling pink lip gloss. maybe he’d kiss the boy who lingers a little longer any time the group would have a shot together. he became addicted to the parties, just as much as his best friend was, so much that they were both staples in the socialite scene. 
his parents loved him just as much as they did their biological children. they allowed him to live this lavish lifestyle without any goal in life. because, as long as he was taken care of, they couldn’t be happier. so, sour patch never had a plan anymore. he drank his way through high school, making it just enough to be considered exceptional & with a lot of potential. he didn’t go to college, at least, not yet. he had a talent in music, so maybe he would pursue a career in that. for now, he was allowed to explore the world. which meant — party like there was no tomorrow but make it global. 
it was a night where he was too drunk to see straight. it was a night he where he was about to throw up behind a dumpster on his way back to the hotel from the bar. someone was trying to rob another bar patron. he remembered she had glitter in her hair & the robber had a gun on him. before she could give him anything, sour patch got in the way. but with no training with his quirk, drunk as a skunk, his intervention really meant that instead of her being the victim, sour patch was going to be. he was on the ground, in his rock candy position, being shot at while the other patron ran out of the alley.
it was a real hero that saved sour patch that day. a real hero that helped him. in a drunken epiphany, he remembered his destiny. to help people. he was always meant to. before, it was just the family of the estate. now, it’s people who can be saved from villains. it’s people who can escape his parents’ fate. he can help those people, if he became a hero. however, old habits die hard. he can’t just give up the lifestyle he’s living. so for now, he’s attending u.a academy while also sneaking away to party until he can’t remember a thing. until he can let go of all these old feelings, he has to learn to balance both.
S T A T I S T I C S 
POWER: ★★✰✰✰
SPEED: ★★★★✰
DROP POP CANDY: this is moreso a maneuver that he can use to de-escalate a situation or minimize damage. sour patch uses his gum form & stretches farther away, to either force his opponent to use long-range attacks or to follow him. he’ll then shoot himself into the air using the boosters on his sneakers & his gum state. he then he’ll come crashing down, turning into a jawbreaker to gain momentum. at the very last moment, he turns into his jelly state, bouncing so he doesn’t get hurt, as well as using the opportunity to disable his opponent, either by encasing his opponent while in his jelly state or sticking to them if they’re too big to be encased.
YUMMY GUMMY BEAR: sour patch becomes his jelly state. that’s it. that’s his move. because sour path is so affable, he’s often asked to participate in adverts & commercials by the hero company he interns in. so, he’ll often do a dance & sing a song while in his jelly state to support the company. because he can mold his jelly state to look like a gummy bear, this ‘move’ has been dubbed ‘yummy gummy bear’ by his peers. 
ROCKIN’ THE JAWBREAKER: he has many addendums & revised versions of this move. basically, he attempts a flurry of punches & kicks, most often in capoeira martial arts style, changing from his rock candy & jawbreaker state back to back. both states have different levels of flexibility & sturdiness, so some attacks work better in the other state. because one fight can never be the same as the other, he often improvises this tactic to best suit the situation.
dirty little secret — sour patch likes to keep his partying on a need-to-know basis. either you’re honey, who can save him from his hangover, or you’re a partier like him. but when someone finds out that he’s been sneaking off-campus, sour patch begs them not to tell the dean. sour patch says that he’s in their debt & he’ll do anything so long as the secret doesn’t get out. OPEN ( 0/2 )
bass down low — sour patch is a lothario in shy boy’s clothing. he loves the idea of love & intimacy but has just enough commitment issues for him to be a mess when it comes to romantic relationships. so, instead, he turns to drunken one-night stands. magic moments underneath neon lights or hidden in the closets of flat parties. when someone likes their bass as low as sour patch does, sour patch is sure to eat that up. OPEN ( 0/3 )
catchin’ feels — sour patch thought he could move on. he thought he could stop being a slave to a childhood crush & actually be happy with someone who loves him for him. with them, it was almost attainable. it was almost there. but it was either the drinking, or the hiding, or the noncommittal issues about his future. now that he’s doing better for himself, maybe things will change. or maybe he’s hurt them too much. OPEN ( 0/1 )
banana brain — sour patch isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. he knows that. you can’t please everyone. but like hell, he’s going to try. of course, this seems to just set them off more. it seems like sour patch is crazy for trying so hard to be friends with this person but he believes everyone deserves a chance. if sour patch can’t give them that chance, then he’s done wrong by them. at least, that’s his thinking. OPEN ( 1/3 )
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uabaekho-blog · 5 years
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hello there! if you don’t know me yet, i’m itzel (gmt-5). very excited to be here! i bring baekho, who is quite the silly guy. you can read his profile here, but i will also leave his background in this post. i’m always up for plotting and you can find me on discord (fianchetto#6052) or send me a pm. you can also hit the like button and i will go to you.
baekho was born and raised in yeongcheon to a quite conservative family, mostly led by his mother, yeeun, a strict conjurer. his father, hoseong, is an herbalist and displays a more temperate behavior, which it seems he inherited. he is the second born, as his sister, nara, is 3 years older. she is his favorite member of the im household, or used to be.
yeeun intended for her children to follow the path she carved for them. her worries existed since the moment she gave birth to the kids, in a polluted witch society that came into contact with humans. at home, she instilled the superiority of magical blood over normal mortals. although, these teachings were eventually overlooked as they grew up.
as a toddler, baekho was very docile and quiet, resulting in his uncomplicated childcare. showing independence early on, he recurred to his parents’ attention only when he needed it. he never made a lot of noise and preferred solitude to games with his peers. this temperament would only end up being an aspect of his adult personality.
because she was her firstborn, yeeun’s prime focus always seemed to be nara, introducing her to witchcraft at a young age. baekho was never bothered by this, since he found himself revolving around her sooner or later. it was common to see him following her about all day. for her part, nara enjoyed showing him whatever spell or potion she would be working on.
however, nara’s promising future got ruined by what seemed to be a deranged choice. while the church no longer punished witches for interacting with humans, it was frowned upon by certain members of the coven, yeeun included. nara not only had a mortal friend; she had a lover. her mother gave her two options: abandon the human she had fallen for, or forget about her family and quit witchcraft.
to the surprise of many, nara selected the latter, running away with a stranger. baekho spent his sixteenth birthday surrounded by portraits in which his sister’s face had been replaced by smears. the outcome of this only caused a major drift between him and his mother, who displayed a last-resort interest in recovering what she lost in nara by counseling him.
he grew up disdainful of the strict family rules, holding a permanent grudge against yeeun. baekho regards coven members who passionately follow this ideology as dense — but that doesn’t mean he cares for humans in particular. he thinks of witch law as something that he is obligated to do, rather than what he genuinely wants to do.
while his rebellion doesn’t go as far as nara’s once went, baekho tends to ridicule the grandiosity and fanfare that exists in the cult. he limits himself to be an observer of the world around him, letting out the occasional wry and snarky comment. his mother forces him to actively participate in the coven’s rituals, but he does nothing to go against her.
he owes his magical skills to both yeeun and nara, whether by force or nurturing. baekho didn’t show any passion for an unseen art, thus his trivium was the consequence of tradition. demonology is ingrained in his upbringing and he navigates the rituals of demon summoning quite well, apart from possessing herbology knowledge.
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uadoyoung-blog · 5 years
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hello, hello (hiss hiss) i am miranda i’m in the eastern time zone and you can message me on discord (@ miranda#1884), private message me here, or feel free to give this post a like and i’ll shimmy on over to you! i bring doyoung to the party here! he is a mess to say the least and will probably want to party with your character at some point! here is his profile here that gives a brief snapshot of who he is! and i’ll list some bullet points below so y’all know what you’re getting yourselves into with this guy 
doyoung is a fourth year divination/dream walking/astral projecting student
who should probably still be a third year but his parents refused to have him repeat a year at the academy
speaking of his parents, his mom is a member of the academy board and his father is a board member of the church both are super strict and traditional and it is safe to say other than sharing a last name and dna, doyoung is nothing like his parents at all.
you can often find doyoung astral projecting during lectures, and if you’ve ever encountered something strange in your dreams like talking animals or shifting environments it was probably doyoung manipulating your dreams at some point.
he loves, fashion and is often always sporting some sort of odd outfit that he put together with is own clothing and pieces from his families wardrobes, one of his most coveted items is a vogue magazine he stole from a mortal and became obsessed with fashion ever since, and has very verbally judged what other students are wearing. 
he is often seen with a sketchbook in his hand and enjoys painting or drawing because it helps him with deciphering his visions. he enjoys reading from his crystal ball and does tarot card readings as well.
he has a viper named ra, that he purposely trained in arabic so his familiar would not answer to anyone except him. 
he believes in magic for pleasure, and is often seen exchanging fortune readings for the herbology students to concot him some sort of potion so he can get high and have fun, he is also usually seen almost always falling asleep in class or in the greenhouse and other various spaces around the academy instead of studying or really doing any work.
despite his carefree and rebellious take to school he is a favorite of the high priest but not by choice, as a teenager,  doyoung struggled to get his dream walking under control he accidentally walked into the dreams of the high priest, and was terrified of what he saw there to say the very least. 
the high priest under the guise of “aiding” doyoung with his magic approached his parents to allow him to tutor their son, and when he outright refused in his presence his parents gave him no say in the matter and forced him to study with the priest. 
ho sangechul informed him that with his powers of dream walking he would use them to help recruit members to the judas society, when doyoung refused again he placed a curse on him, one that kept him from revealing the true motives of the priest and every night he placed sleeping curses on doyoung refusing to lift them until he performed the priests biddings and recruited remembers.
despite his curses and his strict family upbringing doyoung still very much slacks in his studies and even though he is very gifted in his abilities he secretly hopes that failing will finally relieve him of the immense pressure put upon him by his parents and the high priest. 
he secretly hopes he can find someone or something to lift his curses, but until then he continues to coast through his life hopping through the dreams of the members of the coven, and probably dancing to ballet or getting high or drunk to ease the burdens of his mind. 
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uayooa-blog · 5 years
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heya luvies!! i am bab and am bringing you the kitty cat canon, chaos on two legs, miss kang yooa. below you can find a summary of her life and some other tidbits. i cannot wait to plot with all of you !!!
yooa is a third year cursing major!
she's a .... fanatic. religious nut through and through kfsdlkf expects everyone around her to show their utmost devotion to the dark lord and judges everyone who doesn't
but,,,,how much of that is really on her own volition [eyes emoji]
her father was a highly respected and powerful warlock who was running against the current high priest for said position, but mr. ho manipulated papa kang's protection ritual which nearly made a summoned demon turn her father into shreds
the shameful defeat threw her whole family into a deep pit. her parents' plan was to conceive a son who would restore the family name since yooa is "just" a witch but the baby boy died during childbirth ;( which broke her mother and made her reject trying for another child again
so! turns out the burden and pressure of bringing prestige back to her family rests on yooa's shoulders, yay
so since devotion is pretty much the highest rated principle in a coven, yooa just absolutely dives head first into the role of a dedicated follower of the dark path
she can be very charming if she wants, perfect at remaining poised in front of higher-ups, she's venturesome and won't shy back from the occasional prank on humans
but also so pretentious lol cannot get off her high horse sometimes, obstinate & stubborn as hell, won't ever say no to an argument
i am dying to dwelve into her conflict of "do i really love what i do or am i just a puppet", girl will defend her actions till the end of time but she has to break eventually right hehe
you can find her profile here!
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uaemery-blog · 5 years
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hello! i’m karissa, 25, est, & she/her pronouns. i can’t wait to plot with everyone and develop my baby emery! honestly, he’s a whole ass mess and i’m down for all the plots. so just some brief things under the cut !!
━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ emery was born in seoul, sk. moved to the usa soon after he was born then when he was about 8 or 9 his family relocated to yeongcheon. 
━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ he is a second year necromancy, séances & mediumship student
━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ emery was super close to his grandma till she passed away, her death effecting him more ways than one. he could see her along the shadow soon after he could see other spirits as well. it was quite a lot for a 10 year old. he didn’t know how to channel it so emery was super scared of the dark. (it’s ironic now since he’s often in the dark now)
━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ he feels pressured since he is a descendant to a high priest. which makes him more paranoid thinking he is constantly being watched. he follows the rules to a t in front of everyone but he really finds everything outdated. 
━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ for someone that keeps a secret like that, he does like to gossip and spread rumors ( mostly to keep the eyes off him ) out of boredom
━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ truly likes studying mortals and has note book of his findings.
━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ wants to open a physic shop in among the humans after the academy
━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ his familiar is a raven (wow original ) he takes super good care of her.
━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ his aesthetic -  freshly brewed tea, silver rings, ouija boards, crystals, deep meaningful conversations, the smell of pine, reading by candle light, tarot cards, believing in magic, horror movies, telling ghost stories
━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ his profile here
━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ his pinterest board is here
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ofshinu · 4 years
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Name: Hikaru Takahashi
Nicknames: Hiki
Gender: Male
Course: Villain rehabilitation program
Year: Third
Birthday: 6th June
Age: 23
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Quirk Name: Occult Claw
Quirk Category: Mutant
Description: Hikaru has the ability to use his claw to raise the dead, or kill upon touch. It also gives him a shadow form that protects him from harm.
Weaknesses: For every person he raises from the dead or kills with his touch, he loses a month of his life. He has lost 3 years so far. 
Physical Description
Height: 5′10
Build: Slim/Athletic
Hair Color: Black, sometimes mousey blonde
Hair Type: Straight
Eye Color: Red
Skin Color: Warm ivory
Distinguishing Features: Hikaru’s left hand is skeletal, charcoal black, and clawed. It’s almost like he has talons. He often hides it with a black, leather, silver studded glove. He also has unsettling, red eyes. He sometimes wears sunglasses to hide them. Hikaru has 4 long scars, below and above his left eye -- he clawed his own face in a fit of rage once.
Hero/Villain Profile
Hero Name: Shinu
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Quirk: Occult Claw
Catchphrase: "Let them hate so long as they fear.”
Weapons: His claw, a scythe
Gadgets/Tech: An electrified scythe, a digital map built into his sunglasses, letting him know where to go in the city when he needs to make a getaway. 
Positive Traits: Ambitious, confident, persuasive, relaxed
Negative Traits: Dishonest, arrogant, cruel, conceited 
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Likes: Bones, video games, darkness, morbidity, reading, snakes
Dislikes: Heroes, the incorruptible, rules, dogs
Habits: Tapping his claws against table tops, walls, etc. Also forgetting his glove and scaring everyone with his claw.
Fears: A world filled with light and peace. No more corruption or evil.
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thegcldenboy · 4 years
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Basic Info; Name: Cyrus Summers Age: 23 Hometown: Miami, Florida Gender: Cismale Year: Third Year Hero Name: Helios Sexuality: Bisexual Physical Info; Height: 6′2 Hair color: black  Build: Toned, athletic build Eye Color: Brown (orange when using powers) Markings: Small markings scattered across his body that act as generators to absorb the sun’s energy. Burn mark on his lower back. Personality:  Positive traits: comedic,  outgoing,  perceptive, carefree   Negative traits: blunt, impulsive, reserved,
Quirk;  Quirk: Sol Absorption Quirk Explanation: Cyrus’ body acts as a reserve for solar energy, allowing him to manipulate the energy to create small constructs, light blast, and encase himself in solar energy (which usually depletes his energy after 10 minutes).  Quirk Weakness: Cyrus’ abilities are less strong when not in direct sunlight or at night. At night  or inside any building he has to utilize whatever energy he has on reserve.  Excess use of this quirk can lead to him suffering major burns and ultimately lead to him passing out. He requires sunlight at least 30 minutes a day. Quirk Body Modifications: Cyrus has small markings on his body that act as solar generators (his palms, the back of his neck, both his ankles, his forearms, and his back). His eyes turn yellow when using his abilities.
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oforxcle · 4 years
Alexis Clare Student File
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You know the drill, I’m Ari and there is more information about Alexis below the cut :)
Name: Alexis Clare
Gender: Female
Course: General Studies
Year: 2nd Year
Birthday: September 15th
Age: 21
Sexual Orientation: Although she hates labels, you could call her a bisexual if you really needed to put one on it.
Quirk Name: Oracle
Quirk Category: Emitter
Description: Alexis can see into the future (or more specifically she can see a number of potential outcomes that are unlocked due to a person’s actions). She can activate this but typically she doesn’t feel the need to do this unless she gets a strong feeling that something bad is going to happen. 
Weaknesses: The accuracy of anything that Alexis sees is questionable, in most cases it can take as little as one decision to cause things to shift course.  Using her quirk too much can also cause severe migraines and/or blurred vision.
Physical Description
Height: 5″4
Build: Slim, Petite
Hair Color: Black
Hair Type: Straight
Eye Color: Brown
Skin Color: Honey Glow Beige
Distinguishing Features: Blacked out eyes when using her quirk, scars on her palms from her nails pressing into her skin when she presses her hands into fists too tight when she feels anxious (which is pretty much all the time)
Hero/Villain Profile
Hero/villain Name: N/A
Costume: N/A
Quirk: Oracle
Weapons: N/A
Gadgets/Tech: N/A
Positive Traits: Warm, Charismatic, Spontaneous, Outgoing
Negative Traits: Morally ambiguous, Stubborn, Lacks a brain to mouth filter at times
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good
Likes: Starry Nights, Getting her way, Serial Killer Documentaries, Dessert for dinner, The colour red, Spontaneity
Dislikes: Being ignored, Her quirk Migraines, Bland food, Coffee, Crocs
Habits: Squeezing her hands into fists when she feels anxious/picking at the skin by her nails
Fears: Letting her family down
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purringprowler · 4 years
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Name: Yoon So-ra
Nicknames: Sora, Yoonie
Gender: Female
Course: Support
Year: Second
Birthday: 13th June
Age: 22
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Quirk Name: Cat
Quirk Category: Mutant
Description: Sora is basically a cat in mostly human form. Keen hearing, sharp nails, fast reflexes, agility, the ability to land on all fours, purring and meowing when she’s happy. Some say she has nine lives, and to be honest, with the shenanigans she gets herself into, it’s possible. 
Weaknesses: Water, various plants and flowers cats can’t ingest, dogs, getting stuck in trees, catnip.
physical description
Height: 5′3
Build: Slim/Athletic
Hair Color: Blonde/white
Hair Type: Straight
Eye Color: Green
Skin Color: Olive
Distinguishing Features: Sora has white cat ears, and a long, white, cat tail, and cat fangs. Her eyes resemble those of an actual cat, too. She also purrs when she’s happy.
hero/villain profile
Hero Name: Prowler
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Quirk: Cat
Catchphrase: “MEEEE-OW!”
Weapons: A parasol with a poison infused dagger built into the handle
Gadgets/Tech: Electric catarangs
Positive Traits: Intelligent, bubbly, friendly, confident
Negative Traits: Sly, lazy, territorial, manipulative
Moral Alignment: Neutral good
Likes: Tuna, catnip, naps, running, climbing, sunbathing, cuddles, attention
Dislikes: Dogs, water, snakes, early mornings, being sexualised, waiting for food
Habits: Accidentally purring when she’s happy, oversleeping, sitting on top of things to be higher up than everyone else
Fears: Being drowned, losing her twin brother
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uahq2 · 5 years
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the academy of unseen arts is officially open!
we are very happy to have all of you here, especially considering most of the characters got taken. please, go through this checklist to make sure you are ready for opening.
follow the main blog and everyone else.
follow these tags: #uaintro. #uastarter. #uafollow. #uanotice. #uaevent.
leave an intro post to say hi and maybe introduce your character.
you might want to reread the rules after acceptance.
happy plotting!
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