#ubi really keeps saying ''the timeline? oh you mean 'timelineS'? ;)''
lulu2992 · 1 year
They released a trailer for Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix yesterday!
More information about the series, notably the cast and characters, can be found here.
So it’s easy to guess who Dolph Laserhawk, Alex Taylor, Bullfrog, The Warden, Rayman, Jade, and Pey’j are in the trailer. As for the others, I’d say this is Red:
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In this other trailer released three months ago, they had already shown this character, as well as five others who, I assume, are the rest of the Niji Six:
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We also get a glimpse of (mutant) Rabbids and a mysterious character who seems to be an antagonist:
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Then, this is Pagan Min (in this world, apparently having a… “bizarre adventure”):
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And this is Marcus Holloway (he’s wearing a Watch Dogs pin and the first teaser trailer made it clear he’s part of DedSec):
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Marcus also briefly appears at the very end of the video and he seems... not okay:
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Anyway, I think this “remix” looks cool. It’s clearly not supposed to be canon to anything (maybe not even Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon) but it looks fun! It’s like “Ubisoft’s Suicide Squad: Multiverse of Madness” :’)
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castle-dominion · 1 year
I can't type as fast on my phone but I am going to finish this episode & this liveblog.
Edit: I am clipping stuff so I will try to get a little bit of a liveblog in
Nice music
Trail of bills lol
nice accent lol
Lol castle mind reading the books
alexis' hair <3
Martha got money babes!
How did esposito hear what they had said eariler? a million. ten times that. try 100.
Voice of experience lmao
VAPORIZED his heart they were betting on it XD clip? no.
Castle: not as great as you would think. Only as fast as all te other cars in rush hour
Oh no "servant"
Cars with heated seats <3 yeah girl keep it on the downlow. I like how mom didn't say nicole was on drugs until nicole gave her ok. My man helped the soup kitchen. Good on him
Why would he NOT share what was so important if he said he Needed TO share it?
not clipping "the butler did it" ppl holding out hands & the shake of the head. Good little things in the show.
He still sneaks money out <3
Looks like Just Some Guy Why did he need it & where did he get it?
Love esposito's outfit. Dislike Ryan's shirt tho.
TS: idk it was dark! KR: so's your future todd They look like they are trying to talk privately but they are not even whispering in front of their suspect
sweating like he'd been walking, WALKING not running the car is moving rn?
Jersey Brethren lol.
Winery Big-ass boat! fantasizing about the size of your rods Time out, WHO did I kill? "but did I want his car?"
Timeline straight thirty two credit cards!? Oh lmao one for every nfl team. JE: and that's just the tip of the iceberg. He also bought a racehorse, minority stake in a lingerie football team, and a Bentley which is currently at the bottom of the Hudson River because he drove it off of a boat he was renting. KB: Wow, sounds like that money really turned Hixton into a different person for a little while. RC: Yeah, money doesn't change who you are. It just magnifies your personality. JE: Well, it wasn't all bad. He also bought a house for the clerk that sold him the winning ticket, a mausoleum for his dead neighbor, JE, no longer saying "it wasn't all bad": and three acres on the moon. RC: Get outta town. He's right down the crater from me. KB: Why doesn't it surprise me that you have property on the moon? RC: You know what? Laugh it up. When the earth is a desiccated husk, you will be begging to come live with me in the Nectaris Basin.
KR: Hey. So, I searched the car. KB: Oh, yeah. Sorry, York is not our guy. (noone thought to call ryan?) KR: That's okay. Jersey impound lot's nice this time of year
Same shirt ryan is wearing as the dead pool episode
Esposito has that entire room covered in financials. I mean the guy was rich.
KB: Last time I busted him, he was trying to grill cheese a guy in a dry-cleaning press.
"misspoke" not "lie" Ah he got the gun just last night OH YES GREG & TY PAGE I LOVE THESE TWO "going hunting"
MR: *enters wearing a leopard print dress and fur coat, with both hands full of shopping bags* RC: Whoa! Looks like you made a serious dent in your surprise inheritance. Is it safe to say there is not an animal print left in any store in New York City? MR: Very funny. *looks down at herself* Probably true.
Ooh we get to see the convo abt lanie right?
This is why I want a ubi. People would still work, they like to work, but a ubi would mean people who can't work as much or who need breaks or need to take time off to take care of kids would be able to. You wouldn't need to try to get a job you hate that pays more bc you can work the job you like that pays less.
Yes, Esposito, a winery. The fiancee is not damaging him. As if Lanie hasn't changed you! This legit sounds like a fight between lovers or two people who are pinning for each other but dating other ppl, like Beckett & castle.
Je: Wpwplwpldjfhsj Lanie??? Kr: yes, we all know! Je: castle & Beckett know too? (clipped)
Aw, inner child. That's so true. Freedom to write, spend time with Alexis, live life at your own pace. That's what we all want. We want to be able work a job we enjoy without worrying about money, we want to be able to spend time with our kids, we want to be able to live life without worrying about how we can keep living in this cramped apartment or paying for college so at least one of us can get a high paying job working 80 hour weeks because that's definitely better than living in poverty why afford a nice big home if you are never there to live in it?
That property on the moon? I just bought that last month.
I can't hear the hip-hop music that the captions claimed.
Wow this sucks. I usually touch type so I can watch the show while typing (mostly, & only during non dialogue parts) but here I need to watch my phone as I type.
Yucky ryan coming gun first around the camera
Lol I love them
Just doing some hip-hop rap about their robberies in some grungy recording room, these are the glory days. (I'll clip the actual music video too later)
Three armed cops & a writer makes four. You're under arrest, get on the floor. (clipping)
Castle you're a wordsmith don't make them stop rapping! Wait I was wrong. "I'll buy the album" XD (meh won't clip)
Cat named oz?
This boy is a kid
You know that's valid. Hire the guys who robbed you to beat up your daughter's dealer & then they go make a rap album? I would watch that movie. Real meet the Millers vibes. Or that zombie apocalypse Vegas heist. they're just admitting to assaulting this individual
Poor Ryan, exiled to watching them upstairs while the other three go down. Ryan really is the new guy, they said they would stop after remaking the pilot. (has his gun out already) Plus, he's been there two years more than castle, they had their ten year anniversary at the end of s7. Timeline facts: for 14 months before joining homicide, ryan was undercover. Ike was "dead" for three years in season two & when Ike died that's when esposito transferred to homicide. Rysposito worked their first case together ten years before the s7 finale.
RC & me: looks like oz wasnt kidding when he said he'd burn them alive
Don't ask her this in front of her mom!
Oh Hun no, you are not the reason your father is dead.
Marvin osminkowski is a cool name, a gay loser name tho... Oz is a cool gay name tho.
Oz catches one whiff of bacon & he disappears into thin air. So valid bestie. & Thank you for the imagery. (kinda want to clip but nah)
Still tho, Esposito's hair is short & stubble is long.
Martha my beloved. Oh Beckett & Martha I love their relationship. Beckett quoting castle. Beckett low-key saying what she would do if she won the lottery.
Rick looks nice.
Let castle drive it's his car! (she's into muscle cars apaprently, we learn that later)
Or not. I love the framing over the city I hate the driving.
It's like me & my brothers, we always pass the keys to the passenger out of habit BC we are so used to driving with mom.
Ooh she looks good! She knew she was walking like that, probably for his benefit, then when she sees him checking her out he's mad? Nah.
Is it really that easy for a cop to get in? I thought he had a network protecting him. How did they choose the correct club anyway?
Ibitha? Is not Ibiza? love the lighting btw
Little birdy have a name? Yes. You gonna tell me? No. (meh won't clip)
That your boyfriend? For now. Shiny!! Reminds me of firefly...
See? kick em in the balls. Not the drink castle! This she didn't say it!
No she looks great!
You can't charge him for a crime you made him commit. Felony blowing crap up. (also holy crows & maggots, 20 years is a Long time!)
Medical condition XD (the way he got beat up)
True true, don't commit the crime if you were seen by the butler.
I like how they have convict photos of ppl up on the board but then they have this nice halfbody shot of the butler
Ooh look at Ryan's sweater he's so pretty! (took a pic)
Ah wearing an apron. Nice. Yeah eat the rich. He employed him, not owned him True, it is not really stealing lol. Wow that's,,, a lot of money. His tax on being an idiot XD.
His bad luck? Like the drugs or?
Aw that's so cute!
KB: No! RC: Yes!
Castle & Beckett humoring one another.
Aw captain plays his kids' bdays! His two older girls & his little boy! Je: I play my firsts. Sex & combat. Is being horny that important to you & is your first combat that important to you? That is wild to me. Kr: I play his firsts too. FIRST OF ALL WHAT THE FUCK SECOND THATS GAY BRO. Je: looks at him kr: what? That way we both win & it's not awkward. Esposito looks like he's just saying "why did you just out our relationship to everyone?" B'y that is so gay, playing his firsts. & you know them? (already clipped)
It is weird to me to choose to gamble on your first time in combat. So weird. & honestly sad. See maybe it's just bc I'm so anti military.
What is so important about the moon castle? You immediately go talking about the mausoleum for the neighbour but you first mention the moon?
I'm assuming that was just edited together for our benefit & was not actually real time?
For real? Yeah he was an old man dying of like six different things. (if that's the actual quote I will clip it)
Jason & whizzer falsettos.
This guy looks high rn.
Oh. Fun. That's going to be a lot of work. Maybe you could start a scholarship. Or maybe making money off the school would get you out of living with your son.
I didn't know Beckett played guitar IS THAT THE RAP SONG SHES TRYING TO COVER??? GET ON THE FLOOR (meh don't need to clip but I could)
By all means please come in.
He is doing so much for her he really loves her. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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The Adventures of Squall
Squall's observations. Hmm. I don't know what Rinoa wants me to do. I guess I'll ask Eli for his notes and just give them to her. *knock knock* "Cheerio good boy, may  I help you with anything?" "Do you have notes on that thing Christian was talking about?" "Ahh you've came to the right residence, just let me....hold on just a moment..." He began digging through piles of loose paper, flipping through notebooks, all whilst mumbling to himself. "Alas! Here is one of my more rudimentary charts, but it shall accomplish what you're intial questions preface." It was hard to concentrate, he was talking very fast and using a lot of words that I didn't know. Akio says because of my ASD I sometimes get what he calls "verbal dyslexia" and it's hard for me to comprehend what other people are saying, especially if they talk different from me. I'll have to concentrate very hard if I don't want Rinoa mad at me again. "But see this is where it gets confusing, we have many great forces here, coincidence? Doubtfully so, but these overlapping characteristics I believe have come here for a reason. Many of our members, including myself, have had interactions with Christos, Christian you call him, and I can't imagine why he would let so many familar faces corner him in the same scenario, unless of course he had a plan for each individual. See, I believe..." He pulled out a chair for me that I sat in. I took out my notebook so I could remember what to tell Rinoa. "If you look here on this chart.." he pulled out a large beige canvas with several pictures pinned to it, threads of twine connecting different ones. "First you see here that Christos comes to my noble world and plants himself as Cyrus, the destroyer of worlds. He taints Noah and I am his right hand man. He tells me a great many things, we can go into later. Do realize this isn't in chronilogical order, I have no way of telling yet the timeline of all our respective worlds. "Next he plants himself as an alien, "Jenova" he calls it on Gaia and and infects the whole planet. The only one to save it was Aerith who possesses extrodainary spiritual powers. She was the last chance tho and aside from her sacrifice Geostigma went on beyond her time..." "His next target, alas, Thomas. A young, troubled boy whom Christian fictionalized a companion for. An alter ego of sorts and made thomas believe it was himself. I believe he might have been weak and needed a human body to recover on. At some point Christian went to Aiden and found him by the Sanguis River, which is the border between our world and ubi requiescit dolor or "where sorrow rests. I haven't been able to spot where he showed up in Harry's world, but I do know he was there at some point. He likely was only a death eater of no great importance. Same with Roxas, Christian probably took the form of a nobody, which of course begs the question...." It was really hard for me to take notes as fast as he talked. I was really tryign to spell words better to get in the habit of it. Reading was easy for me, but writing made me nervous. I'll just get the names and maybe i'll remember. "can one become a nobody without having a form first? Perhaps that's it. He was a formed human on one planet and when he was almost destroyed at some theroetical part, he latched onto Thomas but only came back as a nobody which of course is an allusion. Details, details, but where were we? Oh yes, next on his infamous walk through time was of course Aangs world where he brought the powers of darkness to a seemingly balanced world, probably dating back to around...." I needed to yawn, but it seemed rude. I wonder how he knew all of this. He seemed confused himself. Maybe I should talk to some other people. Rinoa will be mad if I only talk to him. I should have gotten more information earlier.
“And of course Akio’s unfortunate fate with him, presenting himself as illusions to drive the man mad I’m sure. I do believe he could do that, his evil seems endless.” He paused and looked around at all his charts and papers. this will be a good time to excuse myself. "I have to use the restroom, excuse me" He didn't seem to notice me leave, he kept talking and looking at his papers. While I was walking I saw Harry with a plastic cup pressed up to a door. As I walked closer to him he dropped the cup and ran. I went to the kitchen. "Hey Zack" He was drinking really fast out of a big water bottle. Some of it was spilling on his black shirt. "Heya buddy, I broke 20 in 80, my new personal best. Gotta love the summer time." "What?" "Oh 20 miles in an hour and 20, a 4 minute average." "...." "So do you know anything about why we had to go to Camp A and Camp B?" "Ulquiorra seemed pretty on edge, everyone getting riled up like that. Maybe it's time for the old man to retire!" "What about the dark world place?" "I don't know much about that, but I tell you I sure don't know want to get to know it better if you know what I mean. Anyways bud, lactic acid builds on stiff muscles, gotta do my cool down." He then clapped me a little hard on the back, it was sort of uncomfortable, then left the room. I continued walking around looking for someone else to talk to. Rikku is on the couch watching a cartoon called the Powerpuff Girls. She is flossing on the couch? Why isn't she in the bathroom. I'll wait until she's done. I'll wait around the corner so she doesn't know I saw her doing it. After about 70 second she dropped the floss on the ground. There was a garbage can right on the table, but I guess she didn't see it.
"Hey" "Uhhh hey..." Her eyes never left the screen. "Do you know anything about the dark spirit place Christian was talking about?" "Hmmm, there was this one story Buddy used to tell us to scare us, it seems like the same thing and i don't know with all this world collide bs i wouldn't surprised if it's the same. "Do you know the story?" "I don't know ask Buddy, i'm busy." "..." Okay I wonder where Buddy is. I heard a basketball hit the basket outside. Sometimes we play basketball together. "Yo, yo, yo man 3 on 3, pussy slayers vs bitch playas." "AW SHIT" "wooof woof woof" "Which ones which?" asked Aang. "My brutha you knows yous a slaya!" on that they bumped their fists together. "I guess that means i'm with you guys" Tifa said and smiled. That means I'm on Adam's and Riku's team. I played basketball up to 21 points. My team lost. I'm good at making baskets, but not as much at passing and working with my team. "Aight, aight, how bout a smoke break and then maybe we'll give ya'll a rematch." As they all began to disperse, I walked up to Buddy. "Rikku said you could tell me a story about the dark place." "Rikku tol you that?" "Yes. The one you use to tell her." He looked both ways and then straight at me. "I don know nuthin about no story." "Okay, sorry." I guess I better ask someone else. I was getting tired. I should have done this earlier, but I see  Rinoa tomorrow. I think it would be a good idea to ask Thomas. I'll see if he's in his room. *knock knock* He opened the door slow, but wide and stared at me. "Can you tell me anything about the dark place." He looked surprised and happy. Akio tells me sometimes people's facial expressions don't always show what they mean, but it's a good indicator if I'm confused. I think he wants me to come in. He was sitting in his computer chair and he had clothes folded on his bed so I don't want to sit there and get them dirty. "I find it rather odd you're the one asking me this question. Eli wasn't surprising one bit, but it's not like he'd listen if I did tell him anything." "So you don't know anything?" "Don't know anything? Yeah right. I know everything that I need to. And ultimately however this goes, there's nothing left for me to lose." "...." "I must admit it does get rather boring having to hold back such genius in my mind. Feigning ignorance on all matters that go on here just to be able to thrive. This truly is the best case scenario for me and I know i'm not alone." He was frowning now. I didn't say anything so I know he probably isn't mad at me. I've learned that most people just keep talking if you say nothing. It helps a lot because I usually have nothing to say. "Are you looking for the nitty gritty, the gory details, or simple how're you're involved?" "Rinoa wanted to me to ask people about it. She thinks we're being lied to." "HAH. Just now she thinks she's been lied to?? Foolish girl." "Rinoa is smart." "Perhaps she is, all the same it's all clouded by her ego." "....." "So rinoa wants to know about the dark world they've after all this time brought up. You have to know though, Simon wouldn't have brought it up if there wasn't some gain to him, some strategic reason for his timing. He's a puppet master, he probably knew you would be here talking to me. It's all going just to his plan.....or perhaps he thought I would kick you out and that would keep him advantageous. But he knew that i'd knew that he was planning that." I was getting pretty confused. "Who's Simon?"
He frowned at me. "He's Christian." "Okay." "That's right "Christian" has had many names, many forms. He's wormed his way into many of lives and took everything they had with them. A leech. Of course a leech needs to eat too." I had been in his room almost 15 minutes. It was probably time to talk to someone else. "The dark world, purgatory, the eternal space, the fog, every world has a different name for it. Some are ignorant, but most know that not everyone gets the "good death". It's origin is beyond me, but I know what it is now. And I know he wants to go there. He's looking for something. Or maybe he's helping someone else." "I have to go now." "Then go, i'm not keeping you if that's what you thought" Thomas sneered at me. "..." *door shuts* As I left Thomas's room, Zidane came in really quickly from the front door. He looked really skinny these days. He pulled off his knapsack and begin looking for something deep within it. I don't know why he still uses his old knapsack, a good messenger bag would look a lot nicer and be a lot less stressful on his shoulders. "OKAY DADDY'S HOME, who wants to party???" As people began pouring into the dining room, they gathered around as he poured a large bag of cocaine out onto the clean glass table top. I remembered when I went fishing the other day how when I dropped bread crumbs in little fish would swarm to all try and get the food at once. It reminded me of that. I used to do cocaine sometimes with Irvine and his friends, but Akio says that it might make my OCD and ASD worse. I didn't want to mess with it, I had already had a stressful day. That's good enough for now. I'll just go to bed and maybe in the morning someone will talk about it and I won't have to ask. I did my bedtime rituals in the normal order, brush teeth, clean face, comb hair, change out of all clothes into two pairs of fresh underwear, socks, and pajamas. It was nice tonight I could turn off the air conditioner. I rested my head on the pillow. The cocaine was making everyone rowdy and I could hear it. Great I could hear Aiden yelling from his room that was right next to mine, on the side my bed was pushed against. I've asked Garnet multiple times if he could switch rooms, but she says no one wants his room cause it smells like blood and has a bunch of holes in the walls. And I was definitely not going to switch my room, everyone was right in it, it didn't need to change. I don't want to spy on people, but last time I said I wouldn't do what Rinoa wanted she threatened to not talk to me for a month. Instead, she talked, or more so bitched, the entire month at me, never letting me have some peace and quiet. I don't want that again.
I took out my nightly form to see how I’’m doing and filled it out.
Anxiety: 8/10
Mood: 6/10
Insomnia: 2/10
OCD: 7/10
Triggers: Talking to people, missing lunch because no one would leave the kitchen, having to ask questions, shoe lace breaking and not having a replacement.
Medication issues: None
Overall: 6/10
He kept yelling, but I could hear another voice too. He often talked to himself so at least when someone else was there, it was only half yelling. I really didn’t want to do it, but I felt Rinoa demanding me why I didn’t. I didn’t like lying to her.
   I remembered Harry earlier. I poured my water cup out and pressed my ear against the bottom of it. "Denny if that's the case, what do you have to lose?" "EVERYTHING. DON'T YOU GET IT!!! I've been waiting too long for you to FUCK things up." "Well I do admire your dilligence Denny, you truly never give up." "I will never give up, I will never stop until things are right." "Being when you have Jenn back?" "NO SHIT. All you are is a pawn. There is no other reason you're here." "The life of a king or the life of a pawn, really only is affected by perspective. I take my place with pride and am grateful for whatever else life I get to cherish." "I've waited long enough, i'll wait forever, but I sure as fuck don't want to." "Aside from your said goals, I am curious, did J really return from there?" "Fuck if I know. It has nothing to do with me." "There feels as if there is things you aren't telling me Denny." "WELL HOW THE FUCK DID IT GO LAST TIME I DID." "Please.....I want to help." "As long as Christian holds up his end of the deal, I won't need to use you. And he has the same goal." "I get the feeling you two are not alone in your quest. Are there others?" "Yeah but they're not important really. Just gotta an eye on them." "Even more useless than I?" "No one could be more useless than you." "Ahh how appropriate I and Lana are spending our time in this waiting room together, both readily discardable part of the larger schemes of the world. I've never felt quite so zen  before." "haha maybe they should bring Liza around and see how well you two get along." "I believe they would get along splendidly. they like the same music, both androgenous yet stunningly feminine, thrill seeking." "Ur forgetting one thing, cock makes bitches crazy, look at Jenn and Yuna. They'd be the best friends in the world if Yuna hadn't sucked my dick." "And by Jenn, you mean that girl masaqurading as your girlfriend?" "Watch it fucker." "I'm only stating your sentiment seems strangely misplaced seeing Yuna is in real danger whereas "Jenn" is only what you make her to  be" "I don't think anything has to happen to her, but if it does she knew what she was getting into." "Yes, but that was a long time ago. A long time before now I would have sacrificed myself for your well being, do you think things are the same now?" ".......what do you mean..? but you....just said...WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN??????!!!!!!!" "I was only teasing Denny, of course I'm here at your service, seeing of course you are the sole reason I am here. I don't think it's wise to betray our gods." "Heh yeah right, I'm your fucking god." "Indeed I am in religious awe." "heh yeah sure. So fucker whatchu got in the briefcase." "Zidane went and filled my reservoirs, I'm back in business" "Hook it up bitch." "I wouldn't have it any other way." After that they started talking quieter in a way that didn't bother me, Finally I can go to sleep.
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