#uff gotta dig through my tags
bryd-one-brere · 7 years
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just Regis being Regis
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GRAPHIC DESIGN IS MY PASSION   ▬   ok but jokes aside. i reached 300+ followers last week ( what r u doing here ) and i thought i’d spend some time crying about people who’ve been nice to me. bless you people. this will be the second and ( I PROMISE ) last readmore you’ll ever see on my blog. hate those things.
idk lemme throw in a few lines of my fave ( english ofc i don’t wanna be an asshole ) song and whoever guesses it gets a horrible doodle of their muse or smth.      //clears throat// keep it real for the people working overtime. they can't stay livin’ off the government's dime. stand tall for the people of america. stand tall for the man next door .
AY welcome to the readmore. a rare thing on my blog, yeah i know. but here’s the structure. i’ll say at LEAST one sentence to every url i will be posting here so this is gonna be a long ride. pack lunch we’re going on a trip. BTW !!! ALL OF THESE ARE IN N O ORDER WHATSOEVER
 @northernblade // cAMI i swear to god you’re in every single one of these i can’t even start to tell you how much i love you IN EVERY SINGLE OF THESE MY GOD. WOM A N. i honestly can’t decide if i want to hate or love you considering our thread but let it be known !! that i’d get your name tattooed on my forehead if you asked me to. honestly we’ve known eachother for almost a year now ( would u believe it ) and eventhough we haven’t been writing ic wise for almost half of that time you’ve helped me through so much hardship and you’re so ?? lovable tbh. also where did those family drama updates go. we gotta keep our soap opera running. eventhough i’ll probably never see your 12/10 face in person we’ve been through some weird shit ic-wise. i mean birdboy and dogson and now the two bros who can’t seem to be happy. can’t we for once choose happy muses ? i love u. i hate u. i hate that i love u. ya feel.
@mokutcki // bruh. berfie. would you believe if i told you you’re the first person i ever had same muse interactions with ? would you believe me if i told you that you’re the first person with the same muse i wasn’t anxious around ? you’re //sticks leggy up// a gift from the heavens. i love you with all my dead, cold, rotting heart. but just to be clear ; i hate onryo. with a PASSION. okami hates him too. don’t even start with me about the shit we discussed JUST TODAY. he hates onryo. i hate onryo. it’s a love-hate relationship. but aside from that you’re !!!!!!! so friendly i want to cry. i’m crying right now. you have no idea how much i adore you. you’re so cool and chill ( or you pretend to be idk bites me ) and i love you so much i just really want to wrap u up in a blanket and steal you. but in a friendly way not a kidnapping way. please stay awesome.
 @burysong // K I E L OH MY G O D. i have never gone from ‘oh man i’ve been lowkey stalking your blog’ to ‘LOOK AT OUR KI D S’ in LESS than 48 hours ok. that’s like a new record. it kinda bums me out that we live past eachother. when you’re up, i’m asleep and vice versa. but ! the few times we do get to talk i love hearing about your day. talking with you is one of my favourite activities i swear to god. i love talking to you ooc and i love talking to you about hana and the grumpy perfectionist. your writing is the creme de la creme don’t even try to deny it i could bathe in your writing and that would be all i need to survive. i hope your day treats you well and you had some sweet dreams, because i just assume you’re alseep right now.
@tacticalviscr // i haven’t heared from you in a few days and that mAKES ME SAD BECAUSE !! you’re so precious marina. i die a little everytime i hear you aren’t doing too well. you honestly only deserve good things coming your way. dealing with snappy customers isn’t one of those things. i WOULD HAVE BAILED YOU OUT if you punched one of them over christmas tho. like i’m not kidding i would have bailed you out. but aside from that i !! love the sad grandpas. well ok one could be a grandpa. han is still young in comparison. i MEAN ok i’m joking. or am i. ANYWAYS ! i hope you’re doing way better soon ! please be happy. i have pictures of otters for you if you wanna.
@ladyshiimada &&. @silvcrbullets // ALEXANDER YOUR FACE IS K I L L I N G ME but it’s also curing my flu so never stop sending me selfies. don’t tell anyone i said this but you’re such a handsome person i’m jealous. AND !! i’m SO SAD we barely write ic-wise. i mean we talk frequently but i really enjoy writing with you ! as long as we keep writing ooc i’m happy though because you ! brighten my day so much and i’d love to send you all the dancing spider videos but you can’t watch videos in class. i just really hope life’s treating you well and class is not too straining ! i LOVE U V MUCH BBY.
@bladeofthesparrow // where did he come from where did he go. where did he come from cottoneye flint. uhm have i ever told you that ?? i’m adopting you. you’re mine now say hello to your new dad. ( i’M KIDDING DEAR ) but !! you’re such a precious bean i can’t even sTART SOMEWHERE because there is sO MUCH. I MEAN there was this one time where you disappeared and i got worried but ASIDE FROM THAT it’s just been !! so much fun and such a good time talking to you. and i love !! the things we talked about for han and gengu. especially the roadt trip like lbr that’s the one thing they both need in their lives. but aside from ic stuff you’re such ! a cheery person and that always rubs off on me and i get so happy when i talk to you. thanks a bunch. 
BIG ROUND OF APPLAUSE TO THE OTHER HANDSOAPS ON MY DASH sorry berfie u ain’t gettin tagged twice.
@koueii // we never //really// talked but your replies to my ooc posts make me laugh and brighten my day. thanks a bunch ! your han is g r e a t tbh. i love seeing you on my dash ! @wolfarrows // your blog isn’t even that old but i’m already !!! so invested into your portrayal, lev. i AM SO greatful that we’re gonna have some same muse interactions ! sorry i take so long uff. @meiyoisan // i assume we haven’t seen much of eachother on our dashboards but i’ve kinda scavanged through your blog and i’M !! HIGHLY in love mkay. 
  @honorpledged // y O ! we talked a bit about my okami verse and it’s been !! such a good time honestly. your rein is pu r e gold ! @warpledged // I’VE TOLD YOU before and i’m telling you again ! I’ll smother you in love until i dig myself 6ft under. you’re so precious and such !! a good writier. keep being a cool cat @pcrdner // my scandinavian buddy ! idk if i’m allowed to call you buddy. probably not. sorry. but either you brighten my day with your writing OR your memes. 12/10 overall package. @etrevide // we talked like once and only very briefly but i’M SO STOKED to hear more of you ! i hope you’re feeling better soon thought ! @boundvigilante // oh man oh man oh man. your jesse is so well rounded and you’re such ! a good ! writer holy moly. somebody hold me. i feel like i’ve been bothering you so excuse that. i’ll try to cut down on it. @maidfaire // I’m sorry i never !! talk to you ! i have been missing gerome for some time but i ..... uh idk. please just know that i still love you very much dearie ! you’re wonderful @pistolslang // I STILL have your ask in my inbox and i’m super sorry i take so long but i’m v shy and you’re super great so haha .... excuse that. but ! let it be known that i breathe for you on my dash.
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