#ugh 200 yr dead white man why do you say things i can relate to
icarusbetide · 6 months
i love making fun of alexander hamilton for the unhinged, stupid decisions he made. but i can't help but feel for him when i think of his background and how it always haunted him. not even getting into the shitshow that is his family history, just the fact that his immigrant status continued to serve as easy ammunition and he never really was "one of us" no matter what he did?
like that letter he wrote to gouverner morris in 1802 where he said:
"Every day proves to me more and more that this American world was not made for me."
it hit me hard, even if he was being dramatic. i'm probably projecting but i think it's a sentiment a lot of immigrants, even today, can relate to. really need to find that interesting paper on west indian stereotypes at that time and how they were alluded to against him.
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