#ugh I hope this isn't an edit🙏
Get to Know Me Tag Game
Thanks for tagging me, @ambiguouspuzuma! Rules: answer the questions and tag nine people you want to know better
Favourite Color: It's either black or teal, but like a specific teal. It's gotta be that deeper, blue like HEX #026569
Currently Reading: Shadow & Bone. I'm like 20 pages away from finishing but life got in the way so I guess I'm on a cliffhanger for now....
Last Song: Y'ALL THIS QUESTION ISN'T FAIR BECAUSE I ALWAYS HAVE MUSIC PLAYING INCLUDING RN. So last song I listened to in full was The World Will Know from Newsies and now Kingdom by Carrie Underwood is playing. (Don't ask about my playlist. Weird shit happens when I shuffle the my main list)
Last Series: Cobra Kai (haven't finished this season yet, but I almost abandoned it because the beginning was slow. I'm excited now that the plot picked up and all the players are in the game!)
Last Movie: Uhhhhhhh....I don't really watch movies much anymore because I don't have time....It might've been The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement because I had it on in the background
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: NEVER SPICY, like ever. Otherwise, idk whatever I'm in the mood for.
Currently working on: *crying* The third and final book in my Heirs of Tenebris trilogy. (Let the record show that I'm crying because I had no time to daydream this one so I'm literally flying by the seat of my pants on this one😭😭 I've never pantsed something this much before. Like yeah I'm not a planner, but this level of pantsing is new to me and I'm not enjoying it thus far....micro rant aside, I think it's coming together?? Can't wait to edit it though and flesh it out a little better)
I'll tag (with no pressure of course!) @author-a-holmes, @writingonesdreams, @blind-the-winds, @thatwritergirlsblog, @faelanvance, @cryptidwritings, or anyone else who would like to participate!
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