#ugh. tums take the wheel
salemoleander · 2 years
No illnesses or nausea for 5 months but sure the one morning I'm up and calmly working away on something with an imminent deadline my acid reflux decides to destroy me. I'm g-d's specialest boy
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isabellagreenee · 2 years
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“You're the love of my life—My soulmate.”
Pairing: Y/n X Malakai Mitchell
Show/Movie: Heartbreak High
Warnings: nothing.
Plot: Y/n is mad at Malakai, but he makes it up to her.
“Y/n I'm sorry, I know I messed up, please just let me make it up to you!” Malakai begged, grabbing my hand and putting it to his face, “I am truly, truly sorry.” he kissed my hand trying to cheer me up. “It's unforgivable, I know, but I will make it better I promise, just give me another chance baby.” he then got up and let go of my hand, “Give me 2 hours, maximum, and I will become the best boyfriend in the world!” he said then walked out the room.
*Ding* my phone chimed as my screen turned on. “Ugh, what now.” I forcefully picked up my phone to see what Malakai would chat me. “I'm outside, don't bring anything but your beautiful smile!” I smiled at his cringe choice of words. I got up from the couch and grabbed my purse, I locked the door and walked to his car, not smiling so he knows I am still mad even though he is being really cute right now. “I said to bring nothing but your beautiful smile!” he whined while grabbing my hand. “I can't forget my stuff Malakai.” I harshly pulled my hand back, regretting it instantly seeing his face grow dim with confusion and slight disappointment. “Oh, right.” he swallowed and began to drive.
“Where are you taking me?” I asked letting my curiosity take over my anger. “It's a surprise!” he smiled again and tapped the steering wheel with glee. He then set his hand on my hand and intertwined our hands together and smiled at me quickly before looking at the road again. I studied his soft face, his calming smile that is contagious, and his eyes that we're scrunched up with his beaming smile that I love so much. I wish I hadn't let my anger linger for so long, he is too precious to kill with such built-up anger and confusion.
When we arrived all I saw was the beach. “I didn't get ready for the beach!” I panicked and kind of annoyed. “Dont worry, we aren't going swimming, well, I mean it wasnt apart of my plan if it does happen!” he chuckled, he got out of the driver's side and opened my side. He helped me out of the car and blindfolded me. “What are you doing?” I accidentally giggled forgetting I was mad at him, “I keep telling you, it's a SURPRISE!” He groaned of fake annoyance and led me to wherever he was taking me.
“When I say now, take off the blindfold!” He stopped me and walked away. “Oh ok.” “And..now!” He clapped his hands. I raised the blindfold only to see a picnic set up, it was perfect, it was on the grass but the beach was nearly a few feet away. “Malakai-” I breathlessly let out. “What?” He said confused, “do you not like it?” “No! No, this is, perfect!” I laughed and hugged him, falling to the ground, forgetting how I was mad at him not even 30 seconds ago. “I'm so, so, so, sorry Y/n, I know I effed up, big time, but I promise it'll never happen again, I hope you accept my apology,” he looked at me solemnly, I just kissed him knowing that he would like that more than any answer I could give him.
“I love you Malakai, I may have been overreacting a little bit, but no matter what, I love you!” He looked at me with a twinkle in his eyes and he kissed me even deeper than last time. “Forget this whole picnic, I just want to lay with you for the rest of my life!” He pulled me into a hug laying down on the mount of pillows he had layed out.
“Malakai?” I asked after a while “Hm?” “Why me?” I asked, “Hm?” he asked confused. “Why did you choose me, I mean you cheated on me with the hottest girl at school! So why do you still love me?” I asked looking into his eyes. “Well because you're the only girl who loved me for me! You helped me on the first day of school, you cared enough about me to stay with me even though I cheated on you, and you are the closest person to me that I feel safe enough to say I love you,” He said rubbing my back “Because ‘You're the love of my life—My soulmate.”
A/N: Hey! I'm Isabella, and this is my first tumbr after 6 years of losing my old account. I have fallen in live with this show called “Heartbreak High”. This story is the plot of an incident in the show but I mixed it up so it is also a bit original. I hope you enjoyed this short post!
~Love, Isabella
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remyjax · 6 years
A birth story
Remy Jax ; 
August 6th I had a bi-weekly check up with my OB. 38 weeks. As I sat on the table we chatted. I expressed how my ankles were swelling like balloons and I was taking Tums now daily for the heart-burn. She stated these were both normal signs of nearing the end of pregnancy. She had asked me if I have been experiencing any contractions yet. Besides Braxton Hicks, I had told her I didn’t know what they felt like yet. Nothing uncomfortable or that took my breath away yet. Lastly she asked if I wanted to be checked to see if I was dilated yet. ‘Uh, of course!’ I thought. She checked me and said I was only 1 cm along. I don’t know what I was expecting but I felt disappointed for some reason. I asked her questions about my water breaking, what were the chances. My mom had to have her water broke for her so I wasn't sure what to expect if it had suddenly broke in the middle of the grocery store, you know, like in the movies. She said that if it happens to head to the hospital within 24 hours and they would call her for me. I asked all the questions I needed to and I felt ready to get this baby out. Now it was just a waiting game. My OB gave me a tight hug and said she would see me again next week.
Ugh, fine. I headed to my moms house and went for a walk around the park with my littlest sis. The past week I started walking daily around the park and I also got a yoga ball for home. Sitting on the couch in the middle of summer, 38 weeks pregnant was so uncomfortable. I sat on the ball instead of the couch, rolling my hips and lightly bouncing to make him “drop” so to say. After I came home from my walk, I bounced around and watched some tv, took a picture of my belly in the bathroom, then headed to bed. ;)
I remember waking up around 3:30 am trying to get comfortable in bed, tossing and turning. I got out of bed and checked the couch to see if Ryan was home from work yet. Sure enough he was passed out with the TV still on. I turned everything off and left him to sleep. Sleeping in the bed with me large and in charge, he’d probably be better off in the living room. I went back to bed and googled a contraction calculator app just in case this heartburn feeling wasnt just heartburn. I started timing the tightening of my belly. Start then End. Start, End. I eventually fell asleep.
4:45 am I wake up and roll over. I felt like I had leaked something when moving, so I went to the bathroom to make sure I wasn't still bleeding from earlier at the cervical check. It was clear. Hmmm I thought. I went to the bed to see if a puddle of water was there and there was nothing. I was confused and trying to think. Then water dripped out again as I was standing there.
‘What the… Ok.’ I went and sat on the toilet. ‘Is this my water breaking? I don’t know. Am I having contractions? No, I don’t think so. I don’t know actually. Did I?’ I walked into the living room to wake Ryan up. “Ryan. Ryan. Ryan! I think my water is breaking..” “Are you sure?!” “NO! I am not sure, but I am leaking something when I walk” I am now sitting on the toilet googling this. Besides my water breaking, it says it could also be fluid. And leaking fluid is not good. I called my mom in a nonchalant panic. Ryan was already on the phone with HIS mom. He’s talking over me as I am trying to talk to mine, while staying calm while on the toilet still. We decided heading to the hospital now would ease our panic and I wasn’t sure I was in labor. I seriously thought that I was leaking fluid.
I changed into some sweats (mid August in CA, 38 weeks pregnant, you don't sleep in much clothes) I threw my hair in a pony tail and looked at Ryan. We went to my car and drove in a silent panic to the hospital. When we arrived we had a chipper nurse who checked me in to see if it was my fluid leaking or in fact my water broke. Waiting for the results she asked if we had a name picked out for our baby. I looked at Ryan and he looked at me.... NO! We have no name!!! We argued for 8 months straight on baby names. As she came back with a wheelchair she cheerfully said my water broke and it was time!
“It’s time!” Are two words any pregnant couple would normally be so relieved to hear, but I was so in shock as I really thought I had more time. We get wheeled up to Labor and Delivery and I text my mom those words “it’s time!” Trying to be positive but secretly about to freak out.
At this point I am starting to feel contractions. It just felt like a wave of emotions and tightening over my belly that would last a few minutes then slowly be released back to normal. I was able to make it through them but knew I wanted an epidural for if I couldn’t handle it. The anesthesiologist came in and prepped me for the epidural. I remember this feeling like the worst part of it all. I had to sit up and hutch over making my back shaped like a curve. He stressed to me to be completely still and not to move so that he wouldn't miss his target. This automatically freaked me out. I was having contractions, and on top of that one of the medications you are hooked up to on the IV makes you have the shakes. My teeth were shivering it was so uncontrollable. Yet I had to stay very still. He told me if I didn’t calm down that he would have to come back later. (I might have been crying a little bit at this point as well as the shaking lol) 
Fast forward I am now resting comfortable in my hospital bed, free from the pain all hooked up to the pain meds. My nurse tells me to get some rest. What seemed like an hour later, I was having intense contractions. My nurse would tell me if I needed more to the epidural to push a button and it would drip to my IV. I pushed it and pushed it and still was feeling a lot going on. She called my anesthesiologist to double check everything, but he was in a surgery and was not able to come up. I kept feeling an intense desire to push and my nurse would tell me not to. Try not to push you aren't dilated yet, keep him in there and allow him to make his was down to you then you would push. She leaves me to work though the contractions, and I tell her again “I need to push!” She said she would check again but its not time. She pokes around down there and pop’s her head up, “Yep, its time to push” 
My OB comes strolling in the room. What a relief to see her. She’s wearing a little dress above her knees, heels, and throws her doctor jacket on. She jokes with me how she saw me that day! She’s putting her hair net over her head, they are lowering my bed, and taking the bottom half of the bed off. The lights turn off and only the overhead doctors light is on beaming at my hoo-ha. I am sweating, it is so hot. They had their air conditioning brake at this very moment, and the nurses were running me cold ice towels for my head, Ryan switching them out for a cold one each time a nurse came in. (I think it eventually came back on, or the back up generator came on, however this moment felt like a lifetime, its funny how in all the chaos this is what I remember) 
It was time to get him out. I had two nurses in the room, one holding my leg, the other assisting my OB, and Ryan in there. It was quiet and calm in there. Giving birth is just so explainable. One minute your body feels at rest, and clam. The next it feels like a big wave in in the ocean, when all the water goes back, it raises to form a tall wave, and then it crashes into the sand and gets less intense as it slowly comes back down the shore. That’s how my contractions felt. like a wave. It would be so unbearable and just when you caught on and thought to yourself WTF, I can’t do this, it would release and ease up and go away. The doctor would say take a deep breath while the nurse would so politely yet sternly count to 10 slowly. Like 1, (Mississippi) 2, (Mississippi) ..and my body in such a bad-ass way, knew to push and hold that push for the 10 seconds. Then a small break, take a breather, and then again until this baby comes out. I have learned that your body goes into labor knowing exactly what to do. Even if you don’t think it does. When other women say your body knows what to do, listen to your body, they are all right. A wave would come, I’d take a deep breath, and pusshhhh and slowly little by little the little bean makes it’s way down your canal. I do remember coming to a point where I screamed I couldn’t do it anymore. It was starting to hurt too badly. I think this was when the biggest width of his head was coming out. My doctor asked Ryan if he wanted to see the head and he said no he didn't want to see. haha. She asked Ryan to count for me. I think hearing his voice instead of the nurse, made a huge impact. Gave it a shift in energy, I felt more empowered hearing him like it was him and I doing this together. A few more pushes and out he came!
August 7, 2015 at 3:45 pm, weighing 7 lbs, 8 oz, 21 inches long- whaling loud and clear they plop him right on my chest. It happened so fast, I didn’t know what to do. I kept calling out for Ryan like is he seeing this, and he was like I am right here, I’m right here. They rubbed him down and threw a beanie on him and wrapped him up. I don’t remember watching Ryan cut the umbilical cord, but he says he did. After I was all sewed up, and admiring my sweet baby boy, they asked me what his name was. I told our doctor we were deciding between Remy and Maverick and she took a long look at him. She said if it was any help she delivered two Mavericks within the last month. Not one named Remy. 
Remy was so clam, and gentle in the womb. He was sweet. And different. So we went with that. Jack was Ryan’s grandfathers name. We wanted to give it a fresh twist and spelled it Jax. And that was that. We didn’t think to much about it. I think we were high on the baby dust and after arguing 9 months over a name it was so fast and simple once we laid eyes on him. 
He had huge chubby round cheeks, and small Asian eyes. Lot’s of dark black hair and nostrils identical to Ryan. Tan skin and latched on perfectly. 
Remy has always made life being his mom so easy for me. Everyone tells me how lucky I am to have him be so easy going, but I thank him for making me the lucky one. 
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