#ughhh also koushi wearing the lulu lemon I REALLY AM A SIMP FOR YOGA INSTRUCTOR!KOUSHI
ak8shi · 4 years
Sugawara + Bokuto: HQ boys as workout instructors series
Kuroo + Iwaizumi ver.
warnings: light swearing!!
Sugawara Koushi
After coming back from school for summer break, you decide to renew your gym membership!!
A ton of your friends have recommended taking yoga, so you sign up for a class, just to try it out
The class takes place on Sunday mornings at 10 am, leaving enough time for you to grab a light breakfast before class
You decide to pick up an acai bowl from your local smoothie/nutrition shoppe you stop in so often that the workers know your order LMAO
You decide to sit down and scroll through your phone while you wait for your order,,, but then the door chime rings alerting you that someone else has entered the small shop
You look up, making eye contact with the most beautiful man,,, that you’ve probably ever seen
He looks at you for a second with his light eyes, giving you a polite smile, then goes up to the counter to order a smoothie
Sis,, why are you in love already hahaha
You, wearing old yoga pants and an old raggedy T-shirt, no makeup on, hair messy: why is this my life 😔
One of the workers finally calls your order number, and you go to grab it from the counter before you make a fool out of yourself in front of this angelic man
You scarf down your breakfast in your car, making it to the gym twenty minutes before your class begins
Tidying your appearance a bit, you pull your hair up and tie your large shirt before walking into the yoga studio
You, seeing the beautiful man from the smoothie shop at the front of the class: ☺️wow☺️my luck☺️
He hasn’t seen you yet since you decided to set up at a mat in the back, but the man addresses the class,
“Good morning everyone, my name is Suga and I’m going to be your instructor today! Please make sure you are stretching in the meantime before we officially begin!”
He gives everyone the biggest, most glowing smile UGH
Oh so he’s ANGELIC angelic,,,,, yet sexy somehow
As you begin stretching, he starts walking around to see if anyone needs help and he’s coming towards you dear god
Suga’s face lights up, obviously recognizing you from the smoothie shop
Him, the best boy, smiling down at you: hey! Do you need any help stretching? Also, I didn’t catch your name this morning at the smoothie place :))
You: It’s y/n, & you can do more than help me stretch <3
Asaksjajaksjk anyways,, he gently guides you through some simple stretches, pushing on your back lightly and guiding you (with your permission ofc)
You don’t notice, but from an outside pov he’s kind of a blushing mess
Finally, he goes back up to the front he suddenly remembers he has a class to teach
Suga’s class consists of extremely calming music, Jack Johnson, and nature noises !! relaxing king
The class is so refreshing and not what you expected at all, also Suga’s AMAZING?? And so flexible
It’s super enjoyable because he has all these little tricks to do difficult movements and poses, and he adds in little comments about things dadknsdf
Suga: move your arms as low as possible, even lower than your standards for men ladies
After the class finishes, you feel amazing and energized, dare I say life changing ,
A few weeks pass, and you’ve gone to every yoga class that he’s put on; he’s just that good
He comes over to talk to you at your mat before every class, making casual conversation
Him: hey, are you coming to my class next week? If you don’t I have an event planned 🤬
You: Is that a threat
Him: ..
He’s TEW MUCH LMAO very witty but so loveable :(( honestly how could you not have a crush on this pretty boy
You literally have no idea that he looks forward to teaching the class now, just because he’s able to see you
Oblivious, you kind of accept the fact that you really like him, but almost every woman in the studio OGLES over him so you try not to get your hopes up
One day before class, you stop into the smoothie shop, and he’s already standing there in the shop, hands shoved into his Lulu Lemon shorts,,,, looking so unbelievably handsome
Him: finally, I can buy you a drink
You: over my dead body sweetie ☺️
After fighting in the shop like the idiots you are,, you give in and allow him to pay for your smoothie
Suga: Look, I already know what to order for you, that’s how well I know my favorite yoga student ;)
You: …I’m allergic to peanut butter
Him: Heart’s 💔 been broke so many times-
LMAO anyways, he let’s you order and before you can get into your car to head over to the gym, he gently grabs your arm to stop you
“I know we don’t know each other super well… but I really like you and think you’re beautiful. Would you want to go out with me sometime, like not at the gym?”
Ugh his genuineness is so attractive to you, of course you say yes, causing a huge smile to cover his face
You: I’ll race you to the gym, if I win you buy my smoothie again next week
Suga: deal
Suga also that day: gets a speeding ticket and is late to class
Bokuto Koutarou
So your university gym offers a large variety of classes, including an extremely popular class called Hip Hop Fitness,,, you see where I’m going with this
You sign up with your friends for a Wednesday night class, thinking it would just be nice to destress since midterms are over
You and your gals carpool to the gym together, and you walk into the dance studio,, there’s already music playing super loudly,
Immediately your eyes as well as everyone else’s are drawn to the man standing in front of the studio mirror, adorned in sweatpants and a black tee-shirt
“hEy welcome to Hip-Hop!! I’m Bokuto, thank you for showing up tonight!”
He is so damn loud I’m howling
It’s hilarious because he literally looks like a frat dude, like super buff and intimidating, but his personality and teaching position says otherwise
He stops the other music from playing and puts on his playlist, asking everyone to stand up from the wooden floors
“Okay everyone, I have a few rules; number one, follow me. Number two, give it your all, and number three, you better be throwing it back with me. Let’s get it.”
He turns on his playlist and its Nicki LMAOO you are on the ground
The playlist consists of a lot of female rappers and singers, also remixes of pop songs, in other words it’s IMMACULATE for dancing
He is SO charismatic and HOT, you can’t take your eyes off him; He’s amazing at dancing ok but you’re sweating by the time the second song comes on
He’s the type of instructor that yells things out, “OKAY I see YOU,” “AYYEE” LMAOSJDMS ,,, he literally gets himself and others so hyped up
However,,,  it seems like he hovers around you a lot throughout the class, trying to dance with you
Your friends: sis…
You, oblivious: ???
Bokuto: 🔍👀 a crumb,,, ma’am ?
Him, yelling over the music: what’s your name????
You tell him, not thinking anything of it, but then he drags you up to the front and starts throwing it back thick king
You try to keep up with him,,, but we all know he’s untouchable when it comes to cake, LMAO
By the end of the class, you are EXHAUSTED, it truly was a workout
Bokuto is still energized and looks like he could do another class though
He says bye to everyone, and you leave the class not really expecting to see your little crush again
Around a week later you’re walking to the library on campus, and you’re scrolling through your music library to find the perfect song to listen to on your walk
You literally still can not stop thinking about Bokuto, he’s just an unforgettable person truthfully
Someone kind of bumps into you, and you look up ready to apologize, but when you look up you are met with Bokuto’s amber eyes
He’s with another super tall, black haired dude with piercing blue eyes, who he doesn’t even introduce lmao poor akaashi
He’s so happy to see you again I would die for him
Him: I wanted to talk to you after the class but I couldn’t find you ! I guess its kind of like fate bringing us together again, AKAASHI,,, this is the girl I was telling you about
You, a mess: sir you own my entire heart already
Him: I need to take you out IMMEDIATELY rip your study plans and Keiji getting ditched
He grabs your hand, dragging you to the coffee shop located just off campus
He is so eccentric and fun-loving, his personality is everything you thought it would be ++more !!
He definitely guilts you into going to his classes ,, but I mean are you really losing here
You get to see a sweaty Bokuto, dance with your crush, and then he usually takes you out to get ice cream after because fuck a diet ! He doesn’t believe in that bullshit
He’s so proud of meeting you through his class, he brags about it to everyone,,
Bokuto: yeah😌 she fell for how much ass I have
Kuroo: k... literally I didn’t ask
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