#uhhh i named all her old 'friends'. all 20 of em. plus the project they were created under. yay names
cfrog · 1 year
the worst part of writing for a Big Project is all the fun lore i must keep to myself. just wrote out some very cool Ollie backstory info. idk if i can share it yet tho. sad.
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agent-ches · 6 years
Rules: Answer these 85 questions about yourself and tag 20 people
tagged by @charlesgasly 💕 thank yewww
Drink: iced kopi c (black coffee with skimmed milk)
Phone Call: my mum lmao 
Text Message: touch rugby team 
Song you listened to: Think For A Minute by The Housemartins (Handsome Devil soundtrack heh) 
Time you cried: today during the dortmund match HAHAHA i have no shame
Dated someone twice: never even dated someone once lmao 
Kissed someone and regretted it: haven’t kissed anyone whoops
Been cheated on: nopee
Lost someone special: oh boi yes
Gotten drunk and thrown up: i have a high alcohol tolerance so nope
In the last year, have you:
Made new friends: MANY oh my goodness
Fallen out of love: haven’t fallen in love in a long time so nah
Laughed until you cried: defo
Found out someone was talking about you: from batchmates to teachers, yep
Met someone who changed you: yeppo 
Found out who your friends are: mhmm
Kissed someone on your Facebook friends list: i don’t even know who’s on my friends list
How many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: all
Do you have any pets: sadly no :(
Do you want to change your name: kinda? i want one thats more androgynous tbh
What did you do for your last birthday: sushi with the fam and half the damn canteen singing happy birthday cause i walked in with a big ass pink balloon (this is what happens when its a school tradition to sing and clap along whenever its someone’s birthday regardless of who it is, needless to say, i hid behind a bench full of people)
What time did you wake up today: uhhh 7am
What were you doing at midnight last night: i think i fell asleep right before midnight what a rare occurence
What is something you can’t wait for: Singapore Writers Festival!! going to a play that my friend is acting in!! cat cafe with @starscvm !!
What are you listening to right now: Sucking it Out by The Shaker Hymn (Handsome Devil soundtrack again heh)
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: wow no
Something that gets on your nerves: people who beat around the bush
Most visited website: this hellsite lmao 
Hair color: black/dark brown
Long or short hair: short! after like 10 years i chopped it off, best decision ever
What do you like about yourself: enthusiasm 
Want any piercings: yessssssss
Blood type: O but i ain’t sure if i’m a plus or minus
Nicknames: uhh ches, tee, i have one friend who calls me by my surname 
Relationship status: single pringle
Zodiac sign: capricorn 
Pronouns: She/her
Favorite TV show: uhhh don’t think i have one particular one but I love Mr Robot
Tattoos: planning to get one once i graduate but right now none
Right or left handed: sadly right 
Ever had surgery: nope
Piercings: ears
Sports: formula 1, football, i play touch rugby 
Dream Vacation: take me back to norway please (or let me visit germany thanks)
Trainers: nike for class, adidas/puma for out of class
Eating: nothing but i want toast
Drinking: nothing lmao
Waiting: for project work season to end already ffs
Want: someone to give me constant hugs 
Get married for: love obviously, i’m a hopeless romantic
Career: Hopefully linguistics or journalism based, writing on the side
Hugs or kisses: hugs, i like warm hugs and i would vhoose them over kisses any day
Lips or eyes: eyessss
Shorter or taller: tallerrrrr
Older or younger: older
Nice arms or stomach: armss
Hookup or relationship: relationship yep
Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant definitely
Have you ever:
Kissed a stranger: nopeee
Drank hard liquor: yeppo
Lost glasses: but i always find them
Turned someone down: yeap
Sex on first date: call me old fashioned but no sex before marriage 
Broken someone’s heart: maybe idk i rejected someone before
Had your heart broken: yeap
Been arrested: nah
Cried when someone died: yea...
Fallen for a friend: mhmm
Do you believe in:
Yourself: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Miracles: yep!!
Love at first sight: yuppo
Kiss on the first date: depends
Angels: see em everyday so
Best friend’s name: jonathan
Eye color: brown :”)
Favorite Movie: struck by lightning
Favorite actor: hard to answer heh 
Favorite Food: sushi and tofu
Extrovert or Introvert: ambivert :)
Favorite flower: blue/violet/purple hydrangeas!
Favorite Hello Kitty characters: wot
tagging @maxielriccappen @theitalianspaghett @starscvm @ribess @realcibeles @maxierre and whoever else wants to do this lmao it’s late and i need to do work i’ve procrastinated enough, enjoy fam!
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