#uhhhhhhhhhh this is what happens when y'all let me talk about dnd
dearsheroozle · 3 years
1, 7, 9, and 69 for the d&d character ask! Dealer's choice on which character
hey anon,
thanks again for asking this
i think... i will do Both characters that i’ve actively played a bunch. bc... i want to.
under a read more bc this will probably get Rather Long (update: it did.)
1. why did they choose their class(es)? their subclass(es)?
- for Llyr, my half-elf paladin, she was kind of, ah, chosen? i guess? the way she thinks it happened was that she did something heroic and her goddess came to her in a dream, and the next day she woke up with a holy symbol tattoooed on her body. she was a kid, then, but eventually did take an oath. she’s oath of the ancients, because the tenets of sheltering and kindling light means a lot to her. fuck off, darkness, basically. she’s multiclassed into warlock, mainly because she caught the attention of an archfey. her ex was wreaking some havoc with some water stuff, and the archfey had a vested interest in not letting that happen, so Llyr was again....,,., chosen. in a sense. kind of.
- for Art (full name #ART920304690201), he was created to be an artificer. a warforged, created to fix other warforged soldiers. he became a battlesmith because he wanted to make a friend. and also be better with weapons, because he loves weapons. his steel defender is a baby elephant named Patches. he multiclassed into a twilight cleric, because he and his party were all cursed by Shar. in his research, he discovered she had a twin sister named Selune, so he prayed to her for help, and dipped into cleric. it was something i had kinda meant to happen, since his arc was how he came to terms with his own soul. can’t be a cleric without a soul, right?
7. which party member do they understand the least?
- oh, man. for Llyr, i’m tempted to say Erimenthea, Minty for short, our halfling wild magic sorcerer. but they actually have a lot in common because of they both have connections to the FeyWild, and Llyr kind of thinks she understands Minty quite well, lmao. it’s honestly probably Ja’el, our half-elf shadow monk/death cleric. they’re really good friends, but they do tend to clash sometimes because of how different their lives and experiences in the world have been. they’re both half-elves, but the way they tend to look at things is... extremely different. like, they’re bros, though.
- for Art, he probably truly understands Wu Guei, tortle wild magic barbarian, the least. not because they don’t get along, but Wu is less forthcoming about things, and Art is not very good at social interactions. in fact, Wu intimidates him immensely. so yeah, probably Wu Guei.
9. do they care about their appearance? how much effort do they put into presentation?
- i wouldn’t say Llyr cares about her appearance. she just... happens to be extremely hot. sorry, i don’t make the rules. bitch has 20 strength and 18 charisma, so yeah, unapologetic jacked queen. the 18 charisma is just how hot she is. she actually can be kind of awkward when she speaks, but she’s so hot it doesn’t matter.
- Arty boy is a rusty-lookin’ fella. he doesn’t care about his appearance very much, and it shows because he didn’t really do much upkeep. several decades of wandering a desert will mess a guy up, physically.
69. how would they describe their party members?
- ooooh, boy. i mean, i already talked about Minty and Ja’el. Llyr would call Minty chaotic, but fun. super smart, super crazy magic user. she loves animals, and is always the friendliest, even to her detriment. Ja’el would be, well, her homie. he’s paranoid, but means well. despite his best efforts, he cares so much. kickass fighter; really fast, really sneaky. Eldon, halfling lore bard, she would call hilarious. she finds him really funny, but she would also call him talented and creative, even though he’s young and it shows. Maz, shifter beastmaster ranger/grave cleric, she’s probably closest with currently. mom friend, definitely, but also like a little sister. really wise and dependable, but frustrating, because of how similar she is to Llyr in a lot of ways. like holding up a mirror you don’t think you wanna look at lmao
- and lol i already talked about Wu Guei. like i said, Art finds them intimidating, but admires their strength and convictions. Art feels safer with them around. Luc, high elf bladesinger wizard, Art can relate to because they have a lot of the same interests. he would say Luc’s really resilient, with all he’s lived through and seen. smart, too. Py, drow/wood elf swashbuckler rogue, also really funny. the sneakiest, best darts player ever. also would not want to face him in hide and seek. Py’s got a big heart, and the longest arms. Aurora, drow light cleric, has probably the strongest personality. she’s extremely friendly, and is always there to listen, even when she has no idea what you’re talking about.
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