#uhmm but yeah take it im super nervous to post this ahahahahhaehhebebsnsjdn
bandy-andy · 2 years
Let's talk about my Rock/Gemstone baby headcanons!!
Rock babies are made completely asexually via a long and complicated magic ritual- one that can performed by one or multiple people.
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The goal of the ritual is to give the chosen stone/gem a soul. This is the key difference between your average normal rock and a rock baby.
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Once given a soul- The baby needs a lot of energy from this point on to form. Taking care of the rock in this state- as in, spending time with them, carrying them around with you and sleeping with them nearby- are all acts of care that the baby absorbs and turns into energy needed to form. 
Without a parent to consistently check on and care for the baby before it has formed, they will go dormant! Basically, meaning that the soul enters a sort of rest mode to prolong their survival and that the baby itself becomes indiscernible from a normal stone.
If a dormant baby is left unattended to long enough, the soul will eventually fade 
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How the baby looks after they're formed is heavily dependent on the original parent/s, the rock itself and the environment the rock is found in.
 When it comes to Skeppy Jr specifically- Niki had found him while he was dormant. Whoever had originally made him- for whatever reason, where long gone! 
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Bad had gotten Skeppy Jr as a gift- and started caring for him as if he was alive. Him not knowing that it was a real baby- didn't change the fact that the love was there. Which was just what Skeppy Jr needed to start forming again-! Yippie!!!
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