#uhuru design
h-i-raeth · 1 year
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Some preliminary sketch/compositions for a project featuring the Skyjacks Luminaries.
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theculturedmarxist · 1 year
The Biden administration's Department of Justice has just charged four members of the African People's Socialist Party (APSP) for conspiring to act as agents of Russia by using speech and political action in ways the DOJ says "weaponized" the First Amendment rights of Americans.
The Washington Post reports:
Federal authorities charged four Americans on Tuesday with roles in a malign campaign pushing pro-Kremlin propaganda in Florida and Missouri — expanding a previous case that charged a Russian operative with running illegal influence agents within the United States.
The FBI signaled its interest in the alleged activities in a series of raids last summer, at which point authorities charged a Moscow man, Aleksandr Viktorovich Ionov, with working for years on behalf of Russian government officials to fund and direct fringe political groups in the United States. Among other things, Ionov allegedly advised the political campaigns of two unidentified candidates for public office in Florida.
Ionov’s influence efforts were allegedly directed and supervised by officers of the FSB, a Russian government intelligence service.
Now, authorities have added charges against four Americans who allegedly did Ionov’s bidding through groups including the African People’s Socialist Party and the Uhuru Movement in Florida, Black Hammer in Georgia, and an unidentified political group in California — part of an effort to influence American politics.
AFP reports that the conspiracy charges carry a sentence of up to ten years, with three of the four APSP members additionally charged with acting as unregistered agents of Russia which carries another five years.
“Russia’s foreign intelligence service allegedly weaponized our First Amendment rights – freedoms Russia denies its own citizens – to divide Americans and interfere in elections in the United States,” said Assistant Attorney General Matthew G. Olsen in the DOJ's press release regarding the indictments, adding, “The department will not hesitate to expose and prosecute those who sow discord and corrupt U.S. elections in service of hostile foreign interests, regardless of whether the culprits are U.S. citizens or foreign individuals abroad.”
Looks like the United States has decided to dispense with those freedoms as well.
The superseding indictment containing these charges consists of a lot of verbal gymnastics to obfuscate the fact that the DOJ is prosecuting US citizens for speech and political activities in the United States which happen not to align with the wishes of the US government. The grand jury alleges that the aforementioned Ionov "directed" these Americans to "publish pro-Russian propaganda" and "information designed to cause dissention in the United States," which is about as vague and amorphous an allegation as you could possibly come up with. 
For the record Omali Yeshitela, the founder and chairman of the African People's Socialist Party and one of the four Americans named in the indictment, has adamantly denied ever having worked for Russia. Earlier this month before charges were brought against him, the Tampa Bay Times quoted him as saying, "I ain’t ever worked for a Russian. Never ever ever ever. They know I have never worked for Russia. Their problem is, I’ve never worked for them.”
But it's important to note that this should not matter. Under the First Amendment the government is forbidden to abridge anyone's freedom to speak however they want and associate with whomever they please, which necessarily includes being as vocally pro-Russia as they like and promoting whatever political agendas they see fit, whether that happens to advance the interests of the Russian government or not. The indictment alleges that the four Americans engaged in "agitprop" by "writing articles that contained Russian propaganda and disinformation," but even if we pretend that's both (A) a quantifiable claim and (B) a proven fact, propaganda and disinformation are both speech that the government is constitutionally forbidden from repressing.
It's not reasonable for the government to just dismiss the First Amendment on the grounds that it is being "weaponized". You can't have your government dictating what speech is valid and what counts as "agitprop" and "disinformation", because they'll always define those terms in ways which benefit the government, thus giving more power to the powerful and taking power away from the people. You can't have your government dictating what political groups are legitimate and which ones are tools of a foreign government, because you can always count on the powerful set such designations in ways which benefit themselves. 
There's also the brazen hypocrisy of it all. The US government is constantly engaging in foreign influence operations with outfits like the National Endowment for Democracy, which was set up to help foment coups and color revolutions and advance US information interests overtly in ways the CIA used to do covertly.
As commentator Brian Berletic noted on Twitter, "The US through the National Endowment for Democracy has created armies of organizations carrying out malign influence operations around the world including here in Thailand. When the Thai government attempts to stop this activity, the US embassy shouts 'free speech.' Thailand's government and others around the world could easily cite this move by the US Justice Department to target and uproot US-funded organizations doing exactly this and worse."
So for the US government to now claim it's legitimate to start throwing US citizens in prison for a decade because they published "propaganda" for another country is absurd, and more than a little scary. The most powerful government in the world needs more political dissent at home, not less, and here they are trying to turn it into a crime.
When they claim the members of the APSP published "propaganda" and promoted "dissention", what they really mean is that they engaged in speech and political activism that the US government does not like. The spinmeisters will try to spin it, the legal mumbo-jumbo will try to obfuscate it, but that's what's happening. Don't let them conceal this from you. They're not worried about Russian propaganda, they're worried you'll stop listening to US propaganda.
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ptseti · 2 months
On 1 April, the world commemorated Kenyan activist Wangari Maathai’s 84th birthday.
Maathai founded the Green Belt Movement, an organisation that championed tree planting, environmental conservation and women’s rights.
In 1989, the government of Daniel Moi, who exerted control over the judiciary and turned Kenya into a one-party state, proposed erecting a British-designed and -owned 60-storey glass skyscraper in Uhuru Park, a popular recreational spot in Kenya’s capital of Nairobi. Maathai’s protests were enough to force the government to relent. But that did not come before the government referred to her as a ‘crazy woman’ who, in Moi’s words, should be a proper African woman who respects men and stays quiet.
Maathai developed an environmental consciousness through her ethnic community, the Kikuyu, who revered nature and, therefore, believed in conserving the environment. To the Kikuyu, trees are holy and shouldn’t be cut down. Conserving trees reduces landslides and increases access to underground water.
Maathai also became the first woman to receive a doctoral degree in Kenya, where she served in the parliament and, later, as a minister. Maathai went on to win the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004.
In this clip from an unknown date, Maathai said that before European colonisers arrived in Africa to extract resources, African communities governed themselves, functioned like a well-oiled machine, and economic and social affairs were in the hands of the people. Before colonialism, people, such as the Kush in the Nile River Valley and the Songhai in West Africa, built civilisations on the continent that prioritised nature. Maathai articulated in this clip that colonial oppressors only had one way to subjugate and gain control: Through a ‘divide and conquer’ strategy that would ease colonial extraction. She also replaced the word ‘tribe’ with ‘micro-nation’ to describe our people’s ethnic groups.
Maathai became an ancestor on 25 September 2011. We honour and remember her great works as we celebrate her in a week when she would have turned 84. Rest in power, legend.
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kickmag · 14 days
Throwback: Grace Jones-Demolition Man
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Grace Jones recorded "Demolition Man" for her 1981 album Nightclubbing. She had requested a song from Sting and he sent her the demo. He wrote the song for his band The Police to record but they had not used it.  Producers Chris Blackwell and Alex Sadkin wanted Jones to embrace a multi-genre style based on New Wave because of the backlash against the disco sound on her previous albums. Black Uhuru's Sinsemilla album was used as inspiration for Jones's next direction. "Demolition Man" had reggae rhythm, eerie synthesizers, and Jones' emphatic chatting and singing. The video was an outtake of the song's performance on her A One Man Show Tour with an army of Grace Jones clones. The fresh sound of Nightclubbing and Jones's high fashion androgynous image made an indelible impression on pop. The painted photograph on the album cover taken by her then-boyfriend Jean-Paul Goude consists of Jones in an Armani suit with a flat-top haircut and has been recognized as one of the best by several designers and the music press. Jones appeared at Paris Fashion Week in March. 
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African Spoonbill Tours Offers Ultimate Adventure Holiday Tours in Tanzania
African Spoonbill Tours, a leading tour operator specializing in immersive travel experiences, is thrilled to announce the launch of its ultimate adventure holiday tours in Tanzania. Designed for thrill-seekers and nature enthusiasts alike, these meticulously crafted tours offer unparalleled opportunities to explore the breathtaking landscapes and diverse wildlife of Tanzania.
Tanzania is renowned for its awe-inspiring natural beauty, from the snow-capped peaks of Mount Kilimanjaro to the expansive plains of the Serengeti and the pristine beaches of Zanzibar. With African Spoonbill Tours' adventure holiday tours in Tanzania, travelers can embark on the adventure of a lifetime, immersing themselves in the wonders of this captivating destination.
No adventure holiday in Tanzania is complete without a safari experience, and African Spoonbill Tours delivers unforgettable encounters with the country's iconic wildlife. Join expert guides on thrilling game drives through national parks such as the Serengeti, Tarangire, and Ngorongoro Crater, where you'll have the chance to spot the Big Five and witness the drama of the Great Wildebeest Migration.
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In addition to safari adventures, African Spoonbill Tours' adventure holiday tours in Tanzania offer a plethora of thrilling outdoor activities for adrenaline junkies. Hike to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa's tallest peak, and bask in the glory of sunrise from Uhuru Peak. Embark on a multi-day trek through the lush rainforests and alpine meadows of the Kilimanjaro region, immersing yourself in the stunning natural scenery along the way.
Beyond its natural wonders, Tanzania is also rich in cultural heritage and diversity. African Spoonbill Tours' adventure holiday tours provide opportunities to engage with local communities and learn about their traditions, customs, and way of life. Visit Maasai villages and interact with Maasai warriors, artisans, and elders, gaining insight into their ancient pastoralist lifestyle and deep connection to the land.
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At African Spoonbill Tours, we understand that every traveler is unique, which is why we offer customizable itineraries to suit individual preferences and interests. Whether you're seeking a thrilling wildlife safari, a challenging mountain trek, or a relaxing beach getaway, our experienced team will work with you to create the perfect adventure holiday tour in Tanzania.
With African Spoonbill Tours' adventure holiday tours in Tanzania, the possibilities are endless. Whether you're seeking adrenaline-pumping adventures, cultural immersion, or simply a chance to reconnect with nature, our expertly curated tours promise an experience like no other. Book your adventure holiday with African Spoonbill Tours today and embark on a journey of discovery and excitement in the heart of Africa.
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africanscenicsafaris · 2 months
Capturing the Majestic Beauty of Uhuru Peak: A Spectacular Natural Wonder
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The trek to Uhuru Peak offers some of the most breathtaking views of the African continent. As you ascend, you will pass through diverse landscapes, including lush rainforests, alpine meadows, and rocky lunar-like landscapes.Once you reach the summit, you’ll be rewarded with splendid views of the snow-capped peaks, miles of natural beauty coming from every direction, and the sunlight peeking through the clouds. This is a great opportunity for you to:
See the surroundings from a different perspective
Experience the beauty of nature in a truly unique way
And, find an inner strength you didn’t know you had after accomplishing a major feat.
All of our Kilimanjaro Climbing Packages are designed to bring climbers to Uhuru Peak just as the sun rises beyond the horizon. The Uhuru Peak View from here is often overwhelming, with more than a few of our past guests describing being moved to the verge of tears by the experience.
Climbing Kilimanjaro to reach Uhuru Peak offers an unforgettable journey through diverse landscapes and culminates in breathtaking views. It's an opportunity to see nature from a new perspective, find inner strength, and witness the beauty of the world in a truly unique way. The emotional impact of reaching Uhuru Peak at sunrise is profound, leaving many guests moved to tears by the experience.
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erpinformation · 3 months
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spacenutspod · 4 months
This image shows the heart of the barred spiral galaxy NGC 1097, as seen by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope. Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, D. Sand, K. Sheth As NASA explores the unknown in air and space, a new mission to survey ultraviolet light across the entire sky will provide the agency with more insight into how galaxies and stars evolve. The space telescope, called UVEX (UltraViolet EXplorer), is targeted to launch in 2030 as NASA’s next Astrophysics Medium-Class Explorer mission. In addition to conducting a highly sensitive all-sky survey, UVEX will be able to quickly point toward sources of ultraviolet light in the universe. This will enable it to capture the explosions that follow bursts of gravitational waves caused by merging neutron stars. The telescope also will carry an ultraviolet spectrograph to study stellar explosions and massive stars. “NASA’s UVEX will help us better understand the nature of both nearby and distant galaxies, as well as follow up on dynamic events in our changing universe,” said Nicola Fox, associate administrator, Science Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington. “This mission will bring key capabilities in near-and far-ultraviolet light to our fleet of space telescopes, delivering a wealth of survey data that will open new avenues in exploring the secrets of the cosmos.” The telescope’s ultraviolet survey will complement data from other missions conducting wide surveys in this decade, including the Euclid mission led by ESA (European Space Agency) with NASA contributions, and NASA’s Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, set to launch by May 2027. Together, these missions will help create a modern, multi-wavelength map of our universe. “With the innovative new UVEX mission joining our portfolio, we will gain an important legacy archive of data that will be of lasting value to the science community,” said Mark Clampin, director of the Astrophysics Division at NASA Headquarters. “This new telescope will contribute to our understanding of the universe across multiple wavelengths and address one of the major priorities in Astrophysics today: studying fleeting changes in the cosmos.” NASA selected the UVEX Medium-Class Explorer concept to continue into development after detailed review of two Medium-Class Explorer and two Mission of Opportunity concept proposals by a panel of scientists and engineers, and after evaluation based on NASA’s current astrophysics portfolio coupled with available resources. The UVEX mission was selected for a two-year mission and will cost approximately $300 million, not including launch costs. The mission’s principal investigator is Fiona Harrison at Caltech in Pasadena, California. Other institutions involved in the mission include University of California at Berkeley, Northrop Grumman, and Space Dynamics Laboratory. The Explorers Program is the oldest continuous NASA program. The program is designed to provide frequent, low-cost access to space using principal investigator-led space science investigations relevant to the agency’s astrophysics and heliophysics programs. Since the launch of Explorer 1 in 1958, which discovered the Earth’s radiation belts, the Explorers Program has launched more than 90 missions, including the Uhuru and Cosmic Background Explorer missions that led to Nobel prizes for their investigators. The program is managed by NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center for the Science Mission Directorate, which conducts a wide variety of research and scientific exploration programs for Earth studies, space weather, the solar system, and the universe. For more information about the Explorers Program, visit: https://explorers.gsfc.nasa.gov -end- Alise FisherHeadquarters, [email protected] Share Details Last Updated Feb 13, 2024 LocationNASA Headquarters Related TermsNASA Headquarters
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clickexpedition11 · 4 months
Embark on an Unforgettable Journey: Kilimanjaro Climbing Packages
Are you ready to conquer one of the world's most iconic peaks? Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest mountain, stands majestically in Tanzania, beckoning adventurers from around the globe to test their mettle and reach its summit. With our meticulously crafted Kilimanjaro climbing packages, we offer you the opportunity to embark on an unforgettable journey filled with breathtaking landscapes, exhilarating challenges, and lifelong memories.
Our packages are designed to cater to a diverse range of climbers, whether you're a seasoned mountaineer seeking the ultimate challenge or a novice adventurer dreaming of reaching new heights. We understand that climbing Kilimanjaro is not just about reaching the summit; it's about the entire experience – from the awe-inspiring views of the African savannah to the camaraderie forged among fellow climbers during the ascent.
When you choose our Kilimanjaro climbing packages, you can rest assured that you're in good hands every step of the way. Our expert guides are highly trained and experienced in leading expeditions up Kilimanjaro, ensuring your safety and comfort throughout the journey. From providing essential equipment to offering guidance on altitude sickness prevention, our team is dedicated to ensuring that you have the best possible experience on the mountain.
One of the highlights of our packages is the opportunity to choose from a variety of routes to the summit, each offering its own unique challenges and stunning scenery. Whether you opt for the popular Machame Route, known for its scenic beauty, or the rugged and remote Northern Circuit, you'll be treated to an unforgettable adventure that will push your limits and reward you with unparalleled views from Uhuru Peak.
But climbing Kilimanjaro is not just about conquering a mountain; it's also about immersing yourself in the rich culture and natural beauty of Tanzania. Our packages often include visits to local villages, wildlife safaris in the surrounding national parks, and opportunities to learn about the region's fascinating history and traditions.
So why wait? Join us on an unforgettable journey to the roof of Africa with our Kilimanjaro climbing packages. Whether you're seeking adventure, personal challenge, or simply a once-in-a-lifetime experience, we have the perfect package for you. Get ready to make memories that will last a lifetime as you conquer Kilimanjaro and discover the true spirit of adventure.
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atacxgymcapoeira · 11 months
WOMEN'S SELF DEFENSE: CAPTURED TWIGS 1 #atacxgymkenpo #womenselfdefense ...
Kenpo and Kipura have a lot in common...including the fact that Montu arts are the wellspring of all Southeast Asian arts. Furthermore, there is no technique in Kenpo or many other arts like Muay Thai, Taekwondo, Silat etc that isn't already in traditional Kipura FIRST and therefore part of my system of Njia Uhuru Kipura. Kenpo, also known as American Kenpo or Kenpo Karate, is a highly effective self-defense system that was developed by Senior Grandmaster Ed Parker Sr. in the mid-20th century. Ed Parker Sr. was a renowned martial artist and one of the most influential figures in the development and popularization of martial arts in the United States. Kenpo is a comprehensive martial art that incorporates elements of various traditional martial arts styles, including Chinese martial arts, Japanese karate, and Filipino martial arts, among others. It focuses on practical self-defense techniques that are designed to be effective in real-world situations. The system emphasizes rapid, fluid movements, strikes, kicks, joint locks, throws, and grappling techniques. One of the distinguishing features of Kenpo is its analytical approach to self-defense. Ed Parker Sr. developed a system of principles, concepts, and theories that help students understand the underlying principles of motion and apply them effectively. These principles include concepts such as timing, distance, angles, and leverage, which are crucial for effective self-defense. Kenpo has a curriculum that includes forms (katas), sparring drills, self-defense techniques, and weapons training. It emphasizes both physical conditioning and mental discipline, promoting self-confidence, focus, and personal development. Over the years, Kenpo has gained popularity worldwide and has been adopted by practitioners from various backgrounds, including law enforcement personnel, military personnel, and civilians seeking effective self-defense skills. The system continues to evolve and adapt to modern self-defense needs, with different variations and interpretations being taught by various instructors and schools.
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Scaling New Heights: The Ultimate Kilimanjaro Hiking Tour with Mango Kilimanjaro Adventures
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Are you ready for the ultimate adventure of a lifetime? Look no further than the Scaling New Heights Kilimanjaro hiking tour with Mango Kilimanjaro Adventures. This once-in-a-lifetime experience will take you to the summit of the world-famous Mount Kilimanjaro.
Mango Kilimanjaro Adventures is a leading tour company that specializes in organizing and leading climbing expeditions on Kilimanjaro. Their experienced guides and staff will ensure that you have a safe, enjoyable, and unforgettable experience on your journey to the top of the mountain. The Scaling New Heights tour is designed for those who are in good physical condition and have some previous hiking experience. The tour includes a 7-day climb, with daily hikes of 4-6 hours, as well as acclimatization days to help you adjust to the high altitude. You will stay in comfortable and well-equipped mountain camps, with experienced guides who will help you every step of the way.
The route for the Scaling New Heights tour is the Lemosho Route, which is known for its stunning scenery and diverse landscapes. You will pass through lush rainforests, high-altitude moorlands, and rocky ridges, as you make your way to the summit of Kilimanjaro. The tour also includes a visit to the crater of the dormant volcano, Uhuru Peak.
In addition to the stunning natural beauty, the Scaling New Heights tour also offers cultural experiences, as you meet the local people who live in the villages surrounding the mountain. You will have the opportunity to learn about their traditions, customs, and way of life, and even participate in a traditional dance or song.Mango Kilimanjaro Adventures is committed to responsible and sustainable tourism, and they work closely with local communities to ensure that their activities have a positive impact on the environment and the people who live there.
If you're ready to take on the challenge of climbing Kilimanjaro, and want to do it with an experienced and reputable company, then the Scaling New Heights tour with Mango Kilimanjaro Adventures is the perfect choice. Book your trip today and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime!
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8 days lemosho route
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8 days lemosho route
Mount Kilimanjaro
Kilimanjaro is the highest free-standing mountain in the world. People from all over the world come to Tanzania to climb Mount Kilimanjaro hoping to stand proud at the 19,341 foot Uhuru Point. Ice crowned Kilimanjaro is a spectacular sight. But that prospect won't last long. Glaciers are melting at an alarming rate due to global warming and will be completely gone in 50 years. In 2013, an estimated 50,000 tourists climbed Kilimanjaro. The number has grown steadily every year. What makes Kilimanjaro such a magnetic draw for adventurous people is that climbing Kilimanjaro does not require any technical skills or mountaineering equipment such as ice axes, crampons, harnesses and ropes. Kilimanjaro is a walk up Mt. As long as you can put one foot in front of the other and are in decent fitness, you can climb Kilimanjaro. Kilimanjaro is regulated by the Tanzania National Park Authority. The authority maintains the main routes on Kilimanjaro to ensure safety, cleanliness and flow. Also, park rangers monitor activity on the mountain to ensure that every climber is accompanied by a licensed guide on a Kilimanjaro trek. You must not climb Kilimanjaro alone. 8 days lemosho
Lemosho Route is widely considered to be the best route on Mount Kilimanjaro. Not long ago there were only two main routes to climb Kilimanjaro, the Marangu route (Coca Cola) and the Machame route (Whiskey). But as Tanzania's tourism industry thrived, the Kilimanjaro Park Authority created more trails to Africa's highest peak to distribute climbers to more areas of the park. This reduced bottlenecks at certain points and also made for a more enjoyable experience by limiting crowds. Additionally, these latter trails have been more thoughtfully designed to improve acclimatization for the climber by allowing for longer distances, longer times on the mountain, and shorter elevation gains. Lemosho, a relatively new route, falls into this category. 8 days lemosho
The route is one of the few where groups can be accompanied by an armed ranger on the first day as the forests surrounding the Lemosho Glades are inhabited by buffalo, elephant and other wildlife. 8 Day Lemosho has one of the highest success rates. The extra days give your body more time to acclimatize, reducing the effects of altitude sickness and giving you more time to rest before attempting the summit.
Lemosho Route Description
Access to the trail begins with a long drive from Moshi or Arusha to Londorossi Gate. This can take three to four hours. The Londorossi Gate is at the western foot of the mountain. Lemosho begins in the lush, fertile rainforest. It is the first ecological zone you encounter on Mount Kilimanjaro (we will hike through four). The route climbs and crosses the Shira Plateau, which used to be the third peak of Kilimanjaro before it collapsed. We then make our way north to Moir Hut which makes for a great acclimatization day due to the short hikes available in the nearby Lent Hills. Next we climb up and over the Lava Tower before dropping down into the Barranco Valley, one of the most scenic spots on the entire route. We scale the intimidating Barranco Wall and then circle along the southern loop trail to Karanga and the high camp of Barafu Hut. The summit attempt is made from Barafu in the early hours of the morning, often during the full moon. This is the coldest and windiest part of your adventure. But once the sun comes up, so can most of your extra layers. After the summit, the descent follows the Mweka Trail.
How Long Does it Take to Climb the Lemosho Route?
The Lemosho route can be completed in just six days (five nights) on the mountain. However, it is ideally tackled over eight days (seven nights) to allow for a better altitude acclimatization schedule. With eight days (seven nights) on the mountain, your chances of reaching the summit are very high, around 90%. The summit attempt is made from Barafu in the early morning hours, often during the full moon. This is the coldest and windiest part of your adventure. But once the sun comes up, so can most of your extra layers. After the summit, the descent follows the Mweka Trail.
Best Time to Climb Kilimanjaro
Tanzania doesn't have four seasons like most people are used to. Instead, Tanzania experiences wet and dry seasons. During the rainy season it can rain steadily every day making your time on the mountain quite difficult. Therefore, the best time to climb Kilimanjaro is during the dry season. These months include: January, February, July, August, September, October. The months of the rainy season are: March, April, May, June, November and December. Kilimanjaro creates its own weather and it can be very unpredictable. It is possible at any time of the year to encounter a blizzard, torrential rain or violent winds. Those who climb Kilimanjaro should be properly equipped. That means being prepared for all possible conditions on your trip. After all, you don't conquer a mountain. She lets you pass when she's feeling good. People who are not sufficiently prepared pay the price very quickly.
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irvinenewshq · 2 years
AU Peace and Safety Council meet forward of Ethiopia talks in SA subsequent week
The African Union (AU) Peace and Safety Council (PSC) on Friday held a gathering specializing in the AU-led peace course of for Ethiopia, scheduled to happen in South Africa on Monday. It was chaired by the everlasting consultant of the Kingdom of Morocco to the AU and PSC chairperson, ambassador Mohamed Arrouchi. The AU’s excessive consultant for the Horn of Africa, Olusegun Obasanjo briefed delegates on the state of affairs in Ethiopia’s Tigray area. AU commissioner for political affairs, peace and safety, Ambassador Bankole Adeoye additionally shared his insights. Whereas the AU had been silent on the talks that had been revealed by Ethiopian authorities on Wednesday, it overtly “welcomed the initiation of the AU-led peace talks on Ethiopia, scheduled to happen from 24 October, in South Africa, with the expectation of a fruitful final result”. The Tigray Folks’s Liberation Entrance (TPLF) had been silent concerning the talks and so had one of many designated facilitators, former Kenya president Uhuru Kenyatta.  The primary talks had been slated for 8 October, however Kenyatta stated there was a conflict in his schedule. He additionally requested to be furnished with extra info beforehand concerning the talks to finish hostilities in Ethiopia. The TPLF additionally had reservations about these talks, significantly the safety of its delegates. It additionally needed particulars about who could be attending and in what capability. For Monday’s talks, the PSC stated it welcomed the composition of the high-level panel of eminent Africans by the chairperson of the AU Fee, to be led and facilitated by Obasanjo, Uhuru Kenyatta, and Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, South Africa’s former deputy president and member of the Panel of the Smart. South Africa will host, whereas the AU will provide you with the mandatory assets. “Council expressed appreciation to the federal government of South Africa for agreeing to host the AU-led peace talks and requested the AU Fee to mobilise the mandatory assets to assist the peace course of,” reads a communique issued after the assembly. The Tigray battle is in its second yr. Thus far, various estimates say near 1,000,000 civilians have been killed and greater than 6 million face hunger due to the battle. The News24 Africa Desk is supported by the Hanns Seidel Basis. The tales produced by way of the Africa Desk and the opinions and statements that could be contained herein don’t mirror these of the Hanns Seidel Basis.  Originally published at Irvine News HQ
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classicfinishestz · 2 years
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🪙‼️RICHELIUE VERSAILLES 25000 PER SQ M🎺🥁 YAPENDEZESHA OFISI HII. 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾 Mkeka wa Mbao ni Floor ngumu na imara sana Haina Ubaridi wala Utelezi kwa waliyiowahi tumia Wana thibitisha hilo. Na inakaa miaka mingi haipasuki wala KUVUNJIKA na unapiga deki kama kawaida. Haiozi wala kuliwa na mchwa. Wala kuliwa na FANGAS. Ni ngumu na imara sana. Unamkinga Mtoto dhidi ya Magonjwa kama pumu, Nimornia maumivu ya tumbo na unampa uhuru wa kucheza na kulalia tumbo muda mrefu pasipokuwa na maumivu yoyote yale ukilinganisha na Floor zingine. Bei zipo tofauti kuanzia 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 per sq. Design zipo za kutosha,Piga simu yako tukuhudumie ukapendezeshe FLOOR yako. ☎️☎️0747753566 ☎️☎️0735282811(MbeziBeach,Jogoo) ☎️☎️0655819982(Madale Branch) @classic_finishesbranch KARIAKOO TUNAPATIKANA MHD DUKA NAMBA 77 TUPO OPPOSITE NA MHD ☎️☎️0719363640 @mhd_quality_carpettz DODOMA 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾 FIKA MTAA WA UHINDINI-NYERERE ROAD OPPOSITE NA TRA ☎️☎️0766484442 ☎️☎️0622596949 @archglorytz #mkekawambaotz (at Available Now) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChwDrfoj3yN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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collinslusi · 2 years
Uhuru played Raila big time. With all the intelligence, no way the government didn't know the infiltrations within IEBC. Uhuru came up with the BBI to make Raila unpopular indirectly. Denied Tim Wanyonyi ticket and gave it to the unpopular candidate so that Ruto controls the capital. He also had a hand in the postponement of Mombasa and Kakamega, two biggest cities in Coast and Western to completely end his influence in these regions. If Raila takes this matter to court, he will lose. All cases that were taken to court by the govt/Raila all failed. It was to taint Raila as a govt project. He is done. It was by design not a coincidence
Uhuru played Raila big time. With all the intelligence, no way the government didn’t know the infiltrations within IEBC. Uhuru came up with the BBI to make Raila unpopular indirectly. Denied Tim Wanyonyi ticket and gave it to the unpopular candidate so that Ruto controls the capital. He also had a hand in the postponement of Mombasa and Kakamega, two biggest cities in Coast and Western to completely end his influence in these regions. If Raila takes this matter to court, he will lose. All cases that were taken to court by the govt/Raila all failed. It was to taint Raila as a govt project. He is done. It was by design not a coincidence
Uhuru played Raila big time. With all the intelligence, no way the government didn’t know the infiltrations within IEBC. Uhuru came up with the BBI to make Raila unpopular indirectly. Denied Tim Wanyonyi ticket and gave it to the unpopular candidate so that Ruto controls the capital. He also had a hand in the postponement of Mombasa and Kakamega, two biggest cities in Coast and Western to…
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endyedesonnews · 2 years
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William Ruto Wins Kenya Presidential Election. He Defeated His Main Rival Raila Odinga With Over 50% Votes ......... Deputy President William Ruto has won Kenya's presidential election, the electoral commission chairman has said, amid dramatic scenes. He narrowly beat his rival, Raila Odinga, taking 50.4% of the vote. The announcement was delayed amid scuffles and allegations of vote-rigging by Mr Odinga's campaign. Four of the seven members of the electoral commission refused to endorse the announcement, saying the results were "opaque". "We cannot take ownership of the result that is going to be announced because of the opaque nature of this last phase of the general election," said Juliana Cherera, the vice-chairperson of Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC). "We are going to give a comprehensive statement... and again we urge Kenyans to keep calm. There is an open door that people can go to court and the rule of law will prevail," she said. Mr Odinga's party agent earlier alleged that there were "irregularities" and "mismanagement" in the election. This was the first time Mr Ruto, 55, had run for president. He has served as deputy president for 10 years, but fell out with President Uhuru Kenyatta, who backed Mr Odinga to succeed him. GUYS, WHAT DO YOU THINK? ,..,.... #KenyaElections #KenyaDecides2022 #kenya #williamrutothe5th #RailaAmoloOdinga ............. LINKS YOU MIGHT LIKE ( OPTIONAL TO CLICK) 1. Visit My Blog For More News : www.edesononlinenews.com 2. I Register Business Names, Limited Liability Company, NGO, Social Clubs, etc At Corporate Affairs Commission. I Do Nationwide Newspaper Publication. 08136125128. 3. I Design Websites, Blogs & Graphics. I Publish Apps On Google PlayStore. 4. Know More About My Products And Services On My Company Website: www.edesoninfotech.com.ng 7. Connect With Me On LinkedIn : linkedin.com/in/endy-edeson-54a55819b 8. Follow Me On Twitter : twitter.com/endyedesonnews 9. Follow My Official Facebook News Page : Edeson Online News 10. For Enquries Or Business Deal Message Me On WhatsApp 08136125128. .... (at Lagos, Nigeria) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChSSWGbMyOD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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