#ulitmate otp advent calendar
majiksart · 7 years
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The ultimate OTP Advent Calendar
This is an advent calendar for the OTP’s of me and my friends. Odd numbers are Marvel OTP’s and even numbers are for other OTP’s. So everyday you’ll get a drawing and a story, that you can find below :) x
Day 01 - Stony Day 02 - Drarry Day 03 - Winterwidow Day 04 - Superbat Day 05 - Les Hawkeyes Day 06 - Destiel Day 07 - Clintasha Day 08 - Johnlock Day 09 - Frostiron Day 10 - The Impossibles Day 11 - Science Bro’s Day 12 - Merthur Day 13 - Ironhusbands Day 14 - Turrow Day 15 - Ironwidow Day 16 - Sheriarty Day 17 - Winteriron Day 18 - Wolfstar Day 19 - Phlint Day 20 - Sterek Day 21 - Winterfalcon Day 22 - Spirk Day 23 - Stuckony Day 24 - Johnlock Part II Day 25 - Starkquill
And that’s it! Thank you all so much. This was a lot of fun! 
Day 25 - Starkquill
Peter looks around and watches all those people. It’s the big Christmas party in the Stark Tower and even though the party is fun, it’s a bit too much for Peter. He never was at a gala before and to be honest, he wouldn’t be too sad, if he would never go to one again.
„Captain Quill? Can I help you?“ Jarvis asks, the moment Peter steps out of the room and into the lonely hall. It’s quiet here and also a bit colder and Peter feels immediately better.
„No thank you, J. Just needed a minute for myself.“ Peter answers and he smiles at the ceiling, even though Tony always tells him, that Jarvis isn’t up there, but all around him.
„Very well.“ Jarvis answers and then Peter is alone with his thoughts. He is on earth for 8 months now and he isn’t sure if he wants to leave again. At first he and the guardians stayed only, because the milano was nearly completely destroyed. But then…
Well then Peter found another reason to stay: Tony. Anthony Edward Stark. Alone the name, makes Peter shiver. The genius is such a wonderful person, that Peter was a goner from the start. And with each day, he falls a little bit more in love with Tony.
Everybody knows how Peter feels about Tony. Just Tony is way too obvious for that. Peter thought today he could make a move on Tony. Maybe even dance with him, but Tony wasn’t at his own Christmas party. Peter sighs.
„Hey J? Is Tony okay?“ Peter asks and he hates himself for it, but he asks that everyday. Jarvis always seems happy to answer him questions about Tony.
„Sir is well.  Although I’m sure, Sir could use some company.“ Jarvis answers and Peter looks a bit surprised. He would love to see Tony. Maybe he should just do that. Go to him and talk. And maybe even…you know hold his hand or stuff.
„Lead me the way.“ Peter says and Jarvis tell him, that Tony is down in his own living room. Peter thought he would find Tony in the workshop tinkering on a new project, so he is a bit worried.
Peter adjusts his tie again, when he is on Tony’s door and he sees the door is open, when he wants to knock. Peter can also hear some music and his heart feels heavy. It sounds so sad, that Peter worries even more about Tony.
„Have yourself a merry little Christmas Let your heart be light From now on Our troubles will be out of sight.“
Peter stops.
That.. is that… is Tony singing?
Peter is sure his heart is jumping out of his chest, but he knocks on the door anyway. The singing stops and the music altogether, too. Peter feels very bad, that he just interrupted Tony, but he can’t help it.
„Yeah?“ Tony says and he still sounds incredible sad. Peter goes inside and then he sees Tony. Tony who sits at his piano and smiles, when he sees Peter.
Peter swallows.
That really was Tony singing and Tony also played the piano. Fuck Peter’s thought of needing a dancer. He wanted a musician like Tony. Holy shit. Peter blushes at his own thoughts.
„Hey doll.“ Peter says and he coughs slightly. Oh god. Tony is blushing under his gaze. Peter is still standing in the door, but he doesn’t dare to get closer.
„Hey Pete. What are you doing here?“ Tony asks and he looks down at his own hands. Peter smiles gently at him, even though Tony can’t see it. Maybe that’s better, because Tony could for sure see the love in Peter’s eyes.
„Looking for you actually.“ Peter answers and shrugs. Tony nods shortly.
„Oh uh.. sorry? I’m not… I mean I don’t like Christmas and yeah..“ Tony says then and Peter feels bad. He knows that Tony doesn’t like Christmas. He told Peter about losing his parents right before Christmas, when he was younger. And then…losing the Avengers close to Christmas, too.
„Don’t worry. It was too fancy up there anyway.“ Peter says and Tony chuckles a bit. It doesn’t sound like his real laugh, but Peter would take it.
„I really like your voice.“ Peter adds, when Tony is quiet. At that Tony looks up again. His cheeks are red and his eyes a bit widen. Peter could get lost in his big brown eyes.
„T-thank you. Uhm… normally I don’t sing…I don’t even play piano very often.“ Tony babbles and he turns back to said piano. Peter comes closer and stands right next to him. The piano looks very expensive, but also very old and just beautiful.
„You should do it more often. It was beautiful.“ Peter says then and he carefully strokes over the piano. Tony smiles and then nods.
„When I was a kid, my mom loved it, when I would play for her on Christmas but since… well I never played again.“ Tony says and there is the sad look on his face again. Peter wishes Tony would never looks like that again.
„Why today?“ Peter whispers and Tony shrugs.
„Felt like it. I mean… it was just a pretty bad year and yeah…“ Tony says and Peter nods. After the Avengers left, Tony had a lot to deal with. Even though the Guardians tried to help him, he was always busy with fixing things for people he doesn’t like anymore. And Rhodey was still hurt from the fight.
„Would you play for me?“ Peter asks then and Tony seems to think about that for a moment. Then he slowly nods and shifts a bit on his stool, so Peter can sit next to him. Peter does so. He only sits so close to Tony, cause the stool is so small, of course.
„What do you wanna hear?“ Tony asks then and his fingers are already on the keys from the piano. Peter thinks about it for a moment.
„All I want for Christmas is you.“ Peter says and he emphasizes the last word. Tony nods, but then he freezes and looks back to Peter. His face is burning. Peter grins.
„You uhm.. mean that?“ Tony asks then and Peter never saw him so shy before. Peter nods and he smiles at Tony.
„Of course I do. I… really like you, Tony.“ Peter says then and Tony just looks at him. Peter isn’t sure for what Tony looks, but he seems to find it, because then Tony is smiling.
„That’s just perfect!“ Tony says happily and he starts playing on the piano. He doesn’t sing this time, but Peter likes it anyway.
„Perfect?“ Peter asks back, because he thought Tony would react different.
„Yep. Cause then I’m sure you like my present.“ Tony whispers and he leans closer to Peter. They still sit on the little stool and its awkward, but Peter’s heart beats so fast.
„Yeah? What is it?“ Peter whispers and Tony fucking smirks at him.
It doesn’t matter that Peter falls from the stool a second later. Because Tony kissed him. And his laugh is worth the pain. Peter shrugs and lays back down on the ground. Tony shakes his head, still laughing and then he begins to play again.
„All I want for Christmas, is you.“
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majiksart · 7 years
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The ultimate OTP Advent Calendar
This is an advent calendar for the OTP’s of me and my friends. Odd numbers are Marvel OTP’s and even numbers are for other OTP’s. So everyday you’ll get a drawing and a story, that you can find below :) x
Day 01 - Stony. Day 02 - Drarry Day 03 - Winterwidow Day 04 - Superbat Day 05 - Les Hawkeyes Day 06 - Destiel Day 07 - Clintasha Day 08 - Johnlock Day 09 - Frostiron Day 10 - The Impossibles Day 11 - Science Bro’s Day 12 - Merthur
Day 03 - Winterwidow
Natasha sighs and looks around. It’s cold outside. While thats nothing unusual in December, Natasha still hates it. It reminds her of her days as a kid, when she would’ve like to be outside in the snow, but couldn’t. She shakes her head slightly.
„Hawkeye? Status.“ She whispers into her comm. She really hopes the mission is over. The last three days were exhausting and she just wants to come home and…
„Nat? We are all clear. Everybody got out.“ Clint answers immediately and he sounds happy for the first time this week. Natasha smiles a bit, because nobody can see her and she doesn’t even correct him on the name. No real names in a mission, but whatever. It’s Christmas.
„Good. I’ll meet you outside in 5.“ Natasha answers and she puts her weapons back in her suit. There are blood splatter and dirt everywhere on her clothes and she curses quietly.
„Yeah. Coulson will cover the rest.“ Clint says and Natasha doesn’t reply to that. She groans a bit, cause her ankle hurts like hell, when she walks, but what did Steve say? Walk it off. She is just outside the old building, when her phone vibrates.
Natasha looks down and takes the phone out. Only one person can write her while she is on a mission.
„Hey Doll. Are you still on the mission? I didn’t hear from you the last 12 hours. Miss you.“
Natasha rolls her eyes at the nickname and snorts at the last two words. He misses her? It’s still hard for both of them to talk about feelings. But Bucky is so much better at it than her. She sends „Me too.“ anyway.
„So ready to go home?“ Clint asks, when he finally leaves the building, too. He looks horrible. His left eye is a dark blue and swollen. A deep cut on his underlip makes the look perfect, but Clint is smiling.
„Yeah… I can’t wait.“ Natasha whispers and she smiles at her phone. She really missed Bucky the last days and she really can’t wait to see him again.
Clint laughs loudly and wraps an arm around her, Natasha allows it and Clint grins even more. Natasha knows he has someone waiting for him too and Clint’s excitement makes her excited, too. Even though her body doesn’t show any nervous signs at all.
Natasha looks into the mirror again. She feels much better now. All the blood and dirt is gone and she is wearing her favorite black dress. She takes a deep breath and checks her watch again. It’s actually still Christmas, but only for one more hour.
Sometimes she wishes for another job, but… she loves it way too much. Natasha leaves her bedroom and goes over to the big living room. As expected nobody is here. They are all with their families. And Natasha…well.
„Hey.“ Bucky whispers from the doorframe. He is wearing a dark nice shirt and some dark pants. But the apron is it, what makes Natasha smile widely. God she knows why she…
„Hey.“ Natasha says equally quiet and Bucky smiles softly back at her. It’s their first Christmas together and even though they only have one hour left, they are both happy. Natasha is glad that Bucky isn’t angry that the mission took them so long. But she never was afraid he would be, since Bucky is an Avenger as well now.
„I uhm… I meant what I wrote.“ Bucky says and Natasha imagines a light blush on Bucky’s cheeks. But maybe she just looks to closely. Assassin Habit.
„I know.“ Natasha says and she takes a step closer. She wants Bucky to understand, that she missed him, too. Bucky ducks his head a bit and then nods towards the kitchen.
„I got a surprise for you.“ He says then and without another word he turns around. Natasha waits a tiny second and then follows him. The kitchen is a mess. There are ingredients everywhere and even the floor is covered in flour. In the middle of the mess is Bucky, still wearing the apron but now also some oven mitts. In his covered hands is a baking sheet with some cookies.
Natasha can’t help it and starts laughing. She only realizes now that even Buckys hair is covered in flour. It’s a real laugh and she can’t even stop. Bucky seems confused for a moment, because normally Natasha doesn’t lose her control like that. But Bucky was as always the exception.
„Those are just chocolate chip cookies… I wanted to make your favorite ones. Prjaniki but… I messed them up.. a few times.“ Bucky seems really embarrassed now and he points at the counter. There are a few… well Natasha isn’t sure what it is. Burned cookies maybe.
„Oh god.“ Natasha says and she has to wipe away some tears. She can’t remember the last time she laughed that hard.
„Is that… are you okay?“ Bucky asks and he frowns at Natasha behavior. Natasha takes a deep breath and nods. She goes over to Bucky and smiles up at him.
„Better than okay, actually.“ She says and Bucky smiles back at her. He looks good like that. Even with flour in his hair and that stupid apron. Natasha puts her hand on Buckys cheek.
„So you like them?“ Bucky whispers. He seems a bit frozen, now that Natasha touches him. His skin is warm under Natasha’s palm and she leans closer.
„No. I love them.“ Natasha says and then she kisses Bucky’s warm cheek. Bucky sputters something, but Natasha concentrates on their touch. How did she deserve a man like Bucky?
„Oh thats… good.“ Bucky coughs slightly and this time his smile is breathtaking.
„And I love you. Marry Christmas, James.“ Natasha ends and then takes a step back.
This time she knows for sure, that Bucky’s face is burning.
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majiksart · 7 years
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The ultimate OTP Advent Calendar
This is an advent calendar for the OTP’s of me and my friends. Odd numbers are Marvel OTP’s and even numbers are for other OTP’s. So everyday you’ll get a drawing and a story, that you can find below :) x
Day 01 - Stony Day 02 - Drarry Day 03 - Winterwidow Day 04 - Superbat Day 05 - Les Hawkeyes Day 06 - Destiel Day 07 - Clintasha Day 08 - Johnlock Day 09 - Frostiron Day 10 - The Impossibles Day 11 - Science Bro’s Day 12 - Merthur Day 13 - Ironhusbands Day 14 - Turrow Day 15 - Ironwidow
Day 15 - Ironwidow
Natasha sits down on the big couch and sighs happily. It was a very quiet day and she is happy about that. She and Clint were at the gym most of the time and Natasha had shown him a few yoga moves, that he still tries to figure out.
„Jarvis?“ Natasha asks and she looks around for her knitting stuff. She is knitting a scarf for Tony, because the idiot isn’t wearing one and that in December.
„Yes, Ms. Romanoff?“ Jarvis answers immediately and Natasha has to smile. She likes to talk to the Al and she is very thankful that Tony invented him.
„When will Tony arrive?“ She asks and finally see’s what she needs for the scarf. She takes the knitting needles and starts working. She only uses red and gold wool of course, because she knows Tony.
„Sir will arrive in 5 minutes, with the way he drives.“ Jarvis answers and Natasha even chuckles at that. Seems like someone is eager to be at home. Natasha wouldn’t admit it, but she had missed him, too.
Natasha spends the next five minutes in silence and then she hears the door to their apartment. Tony seems to walk against something and curses loudly. Natasha grins, but doesn’t say anything.
„Nat! My Angel. Finally.“ Tony says and he looks dead tired. Natasha feels sorry for him. She hates, when Tony has to leave for meetings and isn’t home for days. Even though the nights are the problem.
„Hey Kitten.“ Natasha answers finally and she sends him a smile. Tony actually beams back and Natasha can see how the stress falls from his shoulders. He still looks exhausted and the sleeping bags under his eyes, tell Natasha everything she needs to know.
„Was everything alright here? While I was gone?“ Tony asks and goes over to their open kitchen. He takes out a water bottle and looks back to Natasha, who starts knitting again.
„Yes of course.“ She replies and smiles again. Tony had called everyday over four times, to ask that, but that is just him. Tony is always worrying and Natasha is always there to calm him down again.
„That’s good. God I’m so dead.“ Tony says then and he yawns into his hand. Natasha chuckles and then shakes her head.
„Why don’t you go to bed, darling?“ She says softly and for a moment she really thinks Tony will actually listen to her. But then he frowns and drinks from the water bottle. When he finishes that, he looks at her again.
„Can’t sleep anyway.“ Tony mutters and comes closer. He looks like he wants to ask her something, but in the end, he doesn’t. Natasha pats on the couch next to her.
„But you could join me?“ Natasha asks and she looks on purpose all innocent while saying it. Well, as innocent as she can manage. Tony buys it anyway.
„Oh I wanted to work on…“ He starts, but then he yawns again and he nods. He doesn’t seem happy about it, but he actually sits down next to her and then looks around.
„Just try to relax.“ Natasha says and she hums quietly, while she knits the scarf. Tony looks at her hands and after a while, he snuggles a bit closer. Just a tiny bit every few minutes, but Natasha notices it anyway. Spy and that.
And well knowing her stupid boyfriend.
„You can cuddle if you want.“ She says and has to laugh, at Tony’s facial expression. He looks almost bewildered.
„I don’t cuddle.“ Tony protests halfheartedly and Natasha just shoots him one look.
„Okay, but you don’t cuddle!“ Tony says then and Natasha shrugs. He is actually right, she never understood, why you would want to cuddle, but sometimes… sometimes he needs it just as much as Tony.
„Fair point. But I like it, when you do it.“ Natasha says quietly and Tony gasps softly at the confession. Natasha cant even prepare for his next move and before she knows it, Tony’s head in already on her left thigh.
„’s alright?“ Tony asks and he mumbles already. His eyes close and then open again. He struggles already so much to not fall asleep. It’s almost funny, if it weren’t so sad.
„Yep. And now sleep, I will fight your nightmares.“ Natasha says and Tony huffs at that. But actually Natasha knows that he sleeps almost peacefully right next to her.
Why she knows that? Well maybe she watches a lot over him, worrying about him.
„Promise?“ Tony asks and yawns again. He is still wearing his business suit and shoes, but Natasha would at least takes his shoes off, when he finally falls asleep.
„Promise.“ Natasha says and she looks down at him. Tony’s eyes are closed again and this time he doesn’t open them again.
„Why a scarf?“ Tony asks then and Natasha rolls her eyes.
„Because it is cold outside and I know how sensitive your neck is.“ Natasha answers and she loves how Tony’s cheek blush almost immediately. Since Tony is embarrassed now, he doesn’t ask anymore question and Natasha hopes he will sleep now.
It’s quiet for over ten minutes, only Natasha singing quietly in the room. Then Natasha has to smile, when she hears the first snore. She kisses Tony’s forehead.
„Sweet dreams, my love.“
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majiksart · 7 years
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The ultimate OTP Advent Calendar
This is an advent calendar for the OTP’s of me and my friends. Odd numbers are Marvel OTP’s and even numbers are for other OTP’s.  So everyday you’ll get a drawing and a story, that you can find below :) x 
Day 01 - Stony. Day 02 - Drarry Day 03 - Winterwidow Day 04 - Superbat Day 05 - Les Hawkeyes Day 06 - Destiel Day 07 - Clintasha Day 08 - Johnlock Day 09 - Frostiron Day 10 - The Impossibles Day 11 - Sciene’s Bros Day 12 - Merthur
Day 01 - Stony
Tony looks up from his paperwork to see Steve standing in the doorway. They are at the Avengers compound, because Steve insisted on celebrating Christmas with the other Avengers.
„You know I wanted to ask you this before, but somehow I got distracted.“ Tony begins and waggles his eyebrows, when he says that. He wants Steve to blush at that, but sadly only his own cheeks are burning bright red. Steve just grins at him.
„Not that I don’t like it, because believe me, I do. But why the beard?“ Tony asks then and looks back at his papers. He loves Steve, no matter what Steve looks. But somehow this beard, makes him feel things. Steve comes closer at Tony’s question and his grin becomes a soft smile. It looks a bit sad.
„Because I’m cold.“ Steve says slowly and Tony can see then tension in Steve’s shoulders. Cold. Tony knows what Steve wants to say with that. The winter reminds him of his time in the ice. Tony suppresses a shudder and smiles sadly back at Steve.
„I could uhm… warm you up.“ Tony says and plays with his pencil. Steve doesn’t answer that, but he leans down and presses a wet kiss on Tony’s cheek. Tony cuddles a bit against him, which is difficult while he is sitting and Steve still standing.
„It’s okay.“ Steve whispers and Tony nods. Steve is like him. He doesn’t want help, he wants to do everything on his own. But Tony had learned that sometimes a bit love and help won’t hurt.
„But we could do something fun! You know to get you a bit distracted. I have an idea.“ Tony jumps up at that and thankfully he doesn’t smack his head against Steve’s chin. Steve looks surprised for a moment, but he is smiling.
„Then tell me, my genius. What do you want to do?“ Steve asks, now smiling so wide, that it should hurt. Tony smiles softly at Steve’s term of endearment and shrugs.
„Not gonna tell you. But maybe put on even warmer clothes.“ Tony answers and Steve’s smile vanishes. Tony sighs quietly at that. He just wants Steve to enjoy the winter. He knows it’s hard work, but they can do it. Steve is the only person that helped Tony with his fear of water. So now it was his time to help.
„You really want to go out there?“ Steve says it so disgusted, that Tony has to giggle. God his boyfriend is such a baby sometimes.
„Yes I want that. And you will like it, too. Promise. So now hush. We meet in ten minutes here again.“ Tony kisses Steve’s cheek and then turns around. He knows exactly what he needs for their little adventure.
Exactly 10 minutes later Steve is waiting in the front room. He wears his warmest hoddie, along with a snow jacket, thick boots and gloves. He is pretty sure they belong to Tony.
„Are you ready?“
Steve jerks a bit at Tony’s voice and turns around. Tony is grinning and Steve goes over to kiss him. Tony lets him, but giggles against his lips.
„Stop trying to distract me! We are still going out.“ Tony says against Steve’s mouth. Steve grumbles a bit at that, but when Tony takes his hand, he shrugs it off. He could spend a few minutes outside in the snow. He could do this. As long as Tony is with him.
„So what are we doing?“ Steve asks, when they are finally outside. The whole compound is already white. There is snow everywhere. Steve sighs at that. It looks beautiful yes, but he feels so cold.
„We go sledding.“ Tony announces happily and Steve can’t help but smile too. He loves it, when Tony is so eager about something. Tony leads them to a small hill and nods at himself.
„So were is our sleigh?“ Steve asks, because he doesn’t want to roll around the snow without one.
„Close your eyes.“ Tony whispers and Steve does. He grins, when Tony kisses him again, before he leaves Steve alone. Steve can hear his footsteps, but it doesn’t take Tony long to get their sleigh.
„I have a bad feeling about this.“ Steve mutters, but Tony just laughs at that and tells him to open his eyes. Steve is a bit irritated. Tony is holding his Shield. Or more like a version of his shield. It looks a bit bigger than his Shield.
Tony see’s his expression and giggles again.
„I may have used Scott’s particles to make it a bit bigger.“ Tony explains and then puts the Shield down. Steve has to smile. Of course his boyfriend wouldn’t go for a boring sleigh.
„So you up for the idea?“ Tony asks, when Steve just stares. Tony even begins to tremble a bit, but Steve doesn’t answer. He goes over to his shield and sits down on it. It’s not very comfortable but he is sure that could work. He holds his hand out and when Tony grabs it, Steve pulls him down.
Tony shrieks at that and Steve chuckles quietly. He helps Tony to sit down between his legs and puts his arms around Tony’s hip. It’s a bit cramped on the shield, but that just gives Steve the excuse to cuddle Tony even more. For the first time, the snow doesn’t upset him. No, he even likes how the snow looks in Tony’s hair.
„Hold on tight.“ Steve whispers directly in Tony’s ear and he can feel him shudder. Steve pushes them a bit and they sleigh down the hill. It’s cold and still snowing, but Tony laughs so happily and loud, that Steve can’t help it. He laughs, too. He feels free like this. With Tony in his arms, racing down the hill.
The ride isn’t long, but Steve still has to catch his breath a bit. Tony cheers when they stop and turns a bit around to look at Steve. Tony’s cheek are flushed and his eyes twinkle so bright. Steve is sure, he never saw something more beautiful.
„I love you.“ Steve whispers and Tony ducks his head a bit. He is still not used to that, but it’s Steve’s goal to make him get used to it.
„So it wasn’t a horrible idea?“ Tony asks shyly and looks up through his eyelashes.
Steve smiles at him. He can see how much fun Tony has and he is sure that Tony wasn’t outside in the snow a lot when he was a kid. And if he is being honest, he has fun too. Steve shakes his head.
„It’s a wonderful idea. Thank you, darling.“ Steve whispers and Tony cuddles more against him.
„Good. So how about another round?“
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majiksart · 7 years
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The ultimate OTP Advent Calendar
This is an advent calendar for the OTP’s of me and my friends. Odd numbers are Marvel OTP’s and even numbers are for other OTP’s. So everyday you’ll get a drawing and a story, that you can find below :) x
Day 01 - Stony Day 02 - Drarry Day 03 - Winterwidow Day 04 - Superbat Day 05 - Les Hawkeyes Day 06 - Destiel Day 07 - Clintasha Day 08 - Johnlock Day 09 - Frostiron Day 10 - The Impossibles Day 11 - Science Bro’s Day 12 - Merthur
Day 06 - Destiel
„Why do I need to wear that?“ Dean looks down and fumbles with his tie. It’s Christmas damn it! He wants to wear… well nothing really, but Sam would’t let him do that anyway. But a sweater and some sweatpants would’ve been nice. He doesn’t want to pretend to be an agent today.
„Because it’s a Christmas party, Dean.“ Sam says it, as if that would explain everything. Dean rolls his eyes.
„Okay. We start again. Why are we having a Christmas party?“ Dean whines and he sits back down on his bed. He doesn’t want to pretend to be happy. Because he isn’t happy.
„Because it is fun. Dean come on. Let’s just enjoy this bit of peace we have right now, alright? Everybody is already here and I just want… to have a real Christmas.“ Sam says and he smiles hopefully at Dean, who rolls his eyes a bit harder at that. Of course he could never say no to Sam’s puppy dog eyes.
Sam is right. They didn’t have a proper Christmas since Dean was four and…Sam doesn’t remember those christmases anyway. Dean remembers them a bit. Remembers his Mum baking cookies with him, remembers snuggling in front of the fire… remembers presents…
Dean shakes his head.
„Yeah yeah, got it. Just… do we have beer?“ Dean asks and knows that he won’t drink tonight anyway. He would just pretend to be happy a few hours and then go to bed.
„Course we have!“ Sam beams and leaves the room with that. Dean smiles a bit and then follows him. The sooner the party starts, the sooner it ends, right?
Dean goes down the steps and looks around. They are at Bobby’s and Dean loves it here. He has good memories from this house, but today there are too many people here. Dean tries to see Sam, which should normally not a problem with his height, but he doesn’t see him.
„Great.“ Dean mutters. Probably half of the guests hate him anyway. He just wishes…
„Hello Dean.“
Dean startles really bad, when Castiel stands directly next to him. Normally he doesn’t even bat an eyelash at that anymore, but this time Castiel really surprises him. Dean puts a hand over his heart and takes a deep breath.
„Dude! I told you to stop that.“ Dean says, when he doesn’t feel like dying of a heart attack anymore.
„But you called me.“ Castiel says and he frowns adorably at Dean.
„I didn’t…“ Dean stops at that and looks away. Castiel is right. Dean wished for him to be here, to enjoy Christmas with Dean. To just… you know being there.
„So what do you need my help with?“ Castiel asks and he waves at Bobby, when he sees him in the crowd. Dean swallows and then shrugs. He can’t say what he really thought earlier.
„I just wanted you to enjoy Christmas…“ Dean says and he hopes Castiel believes him. Castiel frowns a bit more at that, but then he smiles brightly at Dean. It makes Dean feel things, that he doesn’t even admit to himself.
„I do! I mean I don’t understand the reason for it, even if you told me a million times… but this seems just nice.“ Castiel answers and his blue eyes are wide, when he looks around again. Dean doesn’t care about anything in the room. He can just look at his angel.
The Angel.
„You look good.“ Dean says and when he realizes he says it loud, he nearly bites on his tongue. Castiel smiles softly at that and Dean can’t help it. He focuses on Castiel’s pink lips. Damn.
„Thank you Dean. You look wonderful yourself.“ Castiel answers and Dean shrugs. He knows that most girl like it, when he wears a suit. But today Castiel wears one, too. Without his trench coat. Don’t get him wrong, Dean loves the trench coat but this suit without it is just… damn. Dean coughs slightly and hopes his face isn’t too red.
„So what is that?“ Castiel asks and then points at something above their head. Dean looks up and his blood freezes. It’s a mistletoe. Right above their heads. Dean takes a step back and bumps with his back against the doorframe. Oh no.
„It’s uhm.. just a flower.“ Dean tries and he winces inwardly, when Castiel doesn’t seem to believe him. The angel looks around and then shakes his head.
„I don’t think it’s just a flower. I mean there are some under every door. So why would you hang a flower upside down under the ceiling? That’s weird. Even for humans.“ Castiel mutters and he pokes the mistletoe. It swings a bit at that and Castiel nods at himself.
„I should probably ask Sam, he seems to know those things.“ Castiel says then and Dean gasps.
He panics even more, when he sees that Castiel looks for Sam to ask him that. Because of course damn Sammy would explain it to him. Dean tries to stop him and somehow clutches to Castiel’s wrist. Castiel stops at that and turns around.
He is very close.
„Dean?“ Castiel whispers and it’s the deep voice that breaks Dean in the end.
„It’s a mistletoe. It’s a weird tradition. You.. you have to kiss the person, that is standing with you under it.“ Dean says and he hopes nobody looks at them. Castiel is still so close and Dean could…he would just need to take a step forward.
„Kiss?“ Castiel breathes back and Dean nods. He is sure, that he can’t get a word out anymore, even if he tried. Castiel is the one who takes Dean’s hand properly in his own hand. Dean is sure his hand is sweaty and gross, but Castiel doesn’t seem to mind.
„Dean?“ Castiel asks again, when he takes a tiny step closer. Dean can’t concentrate anymore. He only sees his angel and it’s like, he is in heaven. As if there is bright light around Castiel. As if there is only Castiel in the world.
„Yeah?“ Dean says and his voice is almost as deeps as Castiel’s. Dean licks his lips and he sees how Castiel glances as his lips.
Castiel doesn’t answer, instead he finally makes the last step and kisses Dean. Dean is flying. The good kind of flying, not the bad kind in a plane. Dean closes his eyes and puts his free hand on Castiel’s hip. Castiel’s own free hand is already in his hair and Dean sighs happily into the kiss.
Castiel chuckles at that and uses the chance to kiss Dean even deeper. Dean never felt like this. His legs wobble a bit and he kisses Castiel again and again. He groans quietly, when Castiel bites into his already swollen underlip. Fuck.
„Dean.“ Castiel says again and then he ends the kiss. Dean needs a moment to come back to the reality. He opens his eyes and looks directly in Castiel’s. They are a really dark blue.
„M-my Angel.“ Dean says and he doesn’t even know why the fuck he would say those words now, but he can’t help it. Castiel’s smile is worth the embarrassment.
Castiel turns around and Dean sees Sam standing there only now.
„Oh Sam. I don’t need the other mistletoes anymore. Already got him under the first one.“ Castiel grins and Sam’s smile is just as evil. Dean sputters and then crosses his arms, while he pouts.
Forget it. He just kissed the Devil in person.
Dean smiles, when Castiel takes his hand again. Well maybe Dean would love to stay on the bad side, just this once.
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majiksart · 7 years
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The ultimate OTP Advent Calendar
This is an advent calendar for the OTP’s of me and my friends. Odd numbers are Marvel OTP’s and even numbers are for other OTP’s. So everyday you’ll get a drawing and a story, that you can find below :) x
Day 01 - Stony Day 02 - Drarry Day 03 - Winterwidow Day 04 - Superbat Day 05 - Les Hawkeyes Day 06 - Destiel Day 07 - Clintasha Day 08 - Johnlock Day 09 - Frostiron Day 10 - The Impossibles Day 11 - Science Bro’s Day 12 - Merthur Day 13 - Ironhusbands Day 14 - Turrow Day 15 - Ironwidow Day 16 - Sheriarty Day 17 - Winteriron Day 18 - Wolfstar Day 19 - Phlint Day 20 - Sterek Day 21 - Winterfalcon
Day 21 - Winterfalcon
Bucky sits on his couch and looks outside. It’s snowing for hours now and Bucky can’t look away. It looks so soft and pretty, but he know it’s so cold.
„Do you wanna go out?“ Sam asks and Bucky jerks at his voice. He hadn’t even realized that Sam was back from his training. Bucky turns around and smiles shyly at his boyfriend.
„Uhm… no I don’t think that’s a good idea.“ Bucky answers slowly and then looks back outside. He is still feeling the cold inside his bones. He can’t remember much from when he fell, but he remembers being cold. He was cold for years.
„I’m sure you would like it.“ Sam says, but he doesn’t force Bucky to go out. Bucky is thankful for that, but maybe he really should go outside with Sam? He saw the Avengers in the snow earlier and it looked like fun.
„Maybe…“ Bucky whispers and he hears how Sam takes his jacket off. It’s warm in their living room, but Bucky shudders anyway. He glances back at Sam and sees that his boyfriend is watching him.
„Buck?“ Sam asks softly and Bucky nods shyly. He is still nervous sometimes, but Sam makes him feeling calm. Sam makes him feel like he is finally home.
„You…you would come outside with me, right?“ Bucky asks then and he stands up. He should try it. He should at least try to have fun.
„Course, Buck. Wanna beat you in a snowball fight.“ Sam snickers and Bucky has to laugh, too. That’s what makes Sam so special. He understands back and he can also relax Buck just through a few jokes.
„Sorry to disappoint, but you would lose.“ Bucky answers and points at his metal arm. Sam just rolls his eyes and gets his jacket back on. He also takes some gloves and throws Bucky’s new winter jacket over to him.
„You wish.“ Sam says and Bucky puts his jacket on. It’s really warm and he sighs happily, when he closes the buttons. With his gloves you can’t even see his metal arm at all and Bucky feels almost normal. Too good to be true.
But he feels with Sam like that all the time.
„You look handsome.“ Sam says, when Bucky is ready and of course Bucky blushes at those words. He isn’t used to get compliments anymore, but Sam always makes sure, he gets as many as he can give. Bucky love every single one, even if he is also embarrassed about them.
„Thank you.“ Bucky says then and he ducks his head. Sam laughs, but Bucky gets a kiss on the cheek, when they leave together. Sam nearly runs outside and he is smiling so bright. Sam is the handsome one here.
Bucky stops at the main entrance and he is freezing again. There is a little breeze outside too and Bucky watches the snow again. He doesn’t leave the building.
„Doll?“ Sam asks, when he sees that Bucky hasn’t followed him. Bucky smiles shyly again. He doesn’t remember it, but Steve told him, there was a time when Bucky used the pet name for his partners a lot. He is happy, that Sam uses it now on him.
He likes to hear it more, than to say it.
„Coming.“ Bucky whispers more to himself and then he is outside. In the snow. Bucky looks a bit up and the snowflakes touch his face. He can’t really feel them, but he closes his eyes anyway.
„You okay? We can go back inside.“ Sam whispers and then he is so close to Bucky. Sam presses himself with his back against Bucky’s chest and they stay like this for a moment.
Bucky giggles.
„What?“ Sam asks and he sounds surprised, but Bucky opens his eyes again and then he laughs loudly. This is so silly, but he can’t stop. Sam looks a bit confused, but the smile is still on his face. Bucky turns around in a circle and he laughs.
„I’m outside! In the snow!“ Bucky laughs and his eyes crinkle so beautifully, that Sam kisses Bucky on the cheek. Bucky holds his hands out and looks how the snowflakes land on his gloves. Sam does that too and it’s quiet. Bucky feels good.
„I knew you would like it.“ Sam says and Bucky nods. He is actually cold. Like really cold. But in this moment, he doesn’t think about it. He thinks about Sam’s eyes in the bright light and of the snowflakes that are in Sam’s dark hair. He focuses on that.
„I like you.“ Bucky whispers and he still smiles so brightly. Sam is a bit surprised at that, but smiles back just as wide.
„Idiot. I know that, you don’t have to say it, if you are not ready.“ Sam says and he winks at Bucky. But his smile is somehow softer now. Bucky holds a hand out and Sam takes it immediately.
„But I am ready. Sam! I love you. God I love you. And I love… well I like the snow.“ Bucky says and he laughs again. Sam doesn’t think Bucky looked so carefree before. Maybe that’s the old Bucky right there.
„I love you too.“ Sam answers and Bucky pulls Sam into his arms and grins.
It’s fucking cold, but with his personal Sunshine next to him, Bucky knows he won’t freeze anymore.
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majiksart · 7 years
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The ultimate OTP Advent Calendar
This is an advent calendar for the OTP’s of me and my friends. Odd numbers are Marvel OTP’s and even numbers are for other OTP’s. So everyday you’ll get a drawing and a story, that you can find below :) x
Day 01 - Stony Day 02 - Drarry Day 03 - Winterwidow Day 04 - Superbat Day 05 - Les Hawkeyes Day 06 - Destiel Day 07 - Clintasha Day 08 - Johnlock Day 09 - Frostiron Day 10 - The Impossibles Day 11 - Science Bro’s Day 12 - Merthur Day 13 - Ironhusbands
Day 13 - Ironhusbands
Rhodey looks at the big tree and sighs. Of course Tony Stark wants a big tree.
„What do you think Honey Bear? Beautiful right? Just like my husband.“ Tony babbles and he walks around the tree. Tony is right the tree at least is beautiful, but Rhodey also knows who has to log it.
„You already said that at 100 other trees.“ Rhodey says, but he has to smile. It’s their first christmas as husband and husband together and for Rhodey it’s special as well, but Tony wants everything to be perfect.
A perfect Christmas for Rhodey doesn’t need a big tree or presents. It just needs Tony at his side.
„Yeah no. I’m sure.“ Tony says, when he stands back at Rhodey’s side. He trembles a bit and Rhodey puts Tony’s free hand in his own jacket pocket. The idiot of course didn’t dress for a weather like this. Snow in December? What a surprise.
„Okay, anything for you.“ Rhodey says and he gets the axe. As a kid he always did this with his father and he is glad, he can do it with Tony now.
„Aww. You don’t have to flatter me anymore, Honey Bear. I already married you.“ Tony says, but Rhodey sees the blush on Tony’s cheek. He loves it, that Tony is still embarrassed whenever Rhodey treats him like he deserves.
„Just to make sure, you will stay.“ Rhodey says and he gets a sweet kiss on his own cheek from Tony for that. He doesn’t think Tony would ever leave him, but he also still can’t believe he got him in the first place.
„Of course I do.“ Tony whispers and Rhodey turns around to him. They kiss for a sweet moment and Rhodey has to smile. He would’ve never thought his life would be like this. He doesn’t think he was ever happier than now. With Tony.
„So now. Get the tree.“ Tony says and Rhodey has to laugh at that. But Tony is right, they are already late, cause a certain Genius, Billionaire, Husband, Philanthropist had to search over two hours for the perfect tree.
„Do you plan on helping me?“ Rhodey asks back, but he goes over to the tree. He should bought something with him to transport this monster tree, but he really thought they would take a smaller one with them. Still the tree is small enough to carry it with two people.
„Nope.“ Tony says and he crosses his arms. He just smiles a very evil smile and Rhodey rolls his eyes. Well that seems actually fair, cause Tony was the one, who cooked their whole meal alone.
„Of course.“ Rhodey mutters anyway and starts to log the tree. It works just fine and he can hear Tony giggle a lot.
„Just enjoying this view.“ Tony says and Rhodey has to laugh at that, too. That’s just Tony, he could never take a compliment, but he always flirts with Rhodey.
„Glad you like it.“ Rhodey answers and when he looks back up at Tony he sees, that Tony takes a video of him on his Starkphone. Tony giggles again at Rhodey’s face and waves. Rhodey waves slowly back.
„See? That is Papa Bear and he is getting our tree. Isn’t that a wonderful tree? I bet it looks stunning in our living room and… one day when you are with us, we can get an even better one.“ Tony says and he turns the camera at himself, when he talks. Rhodey raises an eyebrow.
„What are you doing?“ Rhodey asks, when Tony ends the video.
„Making a video for… our kids.“ Tony says and then shrugs as if it were nothing. The tree falls with a thump on the ground, but Rhodey goes over to Tony again and smiles.
„It’s okay, babe. One day our kids will see all the videos you do.“ Rhodey answers and when Tony still seems a bit doubtfully, he kisses him again. They are together for over 5 years now and Rhodey always wanted to have kids. Tony had so many doubts in the beginning, but now he is just as excited as Rhodey.
They married in march this year and that means they also finally signed up on adoption. If they are lucky, they will already become parents next year.
„Everything will be okay.“ Rhodey says, when he ends the kiss. He is still close to Tony and puts his forehead against Tony’s. They smile at each other and Tony nods slowly.
„Got it. In the meantime I will record out fantastic life.“ Tony says and Rhodey laughs.
„Knock yourself out.“ Rhodey answers and then takes the tree trunk into his hands. It’s a bit of a walk back to their car and it also goes uphill. Rhodey sighs and looks at his husband, who starts recording again.
„Come on Tony.“ Rhodey says and Tony nods. He is still recording and when he gets close enough, Rhodey takes his phone and puts it away.
„Hey!“ Tony says and he pouts. Rhodey points at the top of the tree.
„You can have it back in the car. Now less filming, more carrying this damn tree.“ Rhodey says and he smiles, when Tony pouts even more. Got sometimes he already has a child at home.
„But…“ Tony starts and then stop at Rhodey’s look on his face. Tony sighs and at least he pretends to carry the tree. Rhodey can feel that he just has it under his arms, but Rhodey is still carrying most of it. Tony is still pouting.
And Rhodey? Rhodey just looks back at his boyfriend and smiles. What can he say? He is enjoying the view.
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majiksart · 7 years
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The ultimate OTP Advent Calendar
This is an advent calendar for the OTP’s of me and my friends. Odd numbers are Marvel OTP’s and even numbers are for other OTP’s. So everyday you’ll get a drawing and a story, that you can find below :) x
Day 01 - Stony Day 02 - Drarry Day 03 - Winterwidow Day 04 - Superbat Day 05 - Les Hawkeyes Day 06 - Destiel Day 07 - Clintasha Day 08 - Johnlock Day 09 - Frostiron Day 10 - The Impossibles Day 11 - Science Bro’s Day 12 - Merthur Day 13 - Ironhusbands Day 14 - Turrow Day 15 - Ironwidow Day 16 - Sheriarty Day 17 - Winteriron Day 18 - Wolfstar
Day 18 - Wolfstar
Remus shudders when he steps outside and looks around. It snowed the whole night and the school ground is now covered in wonderful snow.
Remus hates snow. God he hates it so much. It is cold and wet and brr. He shudders again and looks around for his stupid best friend. Sirius the idiot thought it would be a good idea to spend their free Sunday outside and „having fun“.
A warm tea and a good book in front of the fire. That was fun.
„Stupid best friend.“ Remus mutters and then marches through the snow. He is pretty sure where he would find Sirius. This morning Remus woke up to a tiny little letter on his back to meet Sirius outside.
The walk only lasts 10 minutes, but Remus is practically freezing to death here. Why the fuck did he even stay in hogwarts over the holidays. A right. Because of Sirius’ puppy dog eyes.
Haha. Puppy dog eyes. Get it?
Remus rolls his eyes at his own lame joke and looks around. Ah there. He finally spots the dark long hair of his best friends and sighs. What the hell does Sirius even want to do here?
„Remus!“ Sirius says happily, when Remus finally gets there. And that is already enough. Just the sweet smile of his friend is enough to make Remus feel warm all over again. He hates himself a bit for it, but he doesn’t fight his feelings anymore.
„Sirius.“ Remus says somewhat not exactly happy. Sirius raises his eyebrows.
„Why the face?“ Sirius asks and Remus notices that the snowflakes look very pretty in his dark hair. He shakes his head a bit, because he doesn’t need this thoughts right now.
„It’s cold.“ Remus says and he wrinkles up his nose. Sirius just laughs again and then gets right into Remus’ space. Sirius stands directly in front of him now and just looks at him. Remus hates that. He carefully scratches over his scars. He doesn’t like when Sirius focuses on them.
„Don’t.“ Sirius says softly and he takes Remus’ hand away. Instead he interlock their fingers (as much as he can with those snow gloves) and smiles again. Remus blushes so hard, he can feel it to his toes. And the blush only makes the scars more visible. He hates that so much.
„You know I don’t like them.“ Remus says and he looks down. Why are they talking about that again. Sirius is still smiling and he shakes his head a bit.
„And I still don’t understand why. You are so damn handsome, it’s unfair.“ Sirius says then and it’s still so soft, that Remus is sure he is imaging things. Because he can’t have heard that right.
„That’s… uh…“ Remus says and he wiggles his fingers a bit, Sirius squeezes back and then laughs.
„Don’t be so embarrassed. Just me telling the truth here.“ Sirius says then and his free hand rests now on Remus glowing cheek. Oh god, what is even happening?
Maybe this wasn’t his best friend. Maybe that was just Polyjuice Poison and James or Peter are just having fun with him. But Sirius eyes still look so prettily kind, that Remus focuses on that.
„What are we doing here?“ Remus asks when he finds his voice again. Now Sirius looks a bit nervous and he steps from on foot to his other. Remus had never seen Sirius nervous before, but it’s kinda cute.
„Well I was trying to confess my feeling here, but of course your pretty face is distracting me.“ Sirius says then quietly and Remus is sure his heart just stopped.
„W-what?“ Remus whispers and Sirius strokes his cheek.
„It’s true. Don’t look at me like that.“ Sirius whispers and Remus smiles shyly. Sirius isn’t one to talk about his feelings, so Remus now this is the closest he gets to an „I love you“ but it’s enough. For now.
Since Remus doesn’t know how to answer to that, he just kisses Sirius with everything he’s got. Sirius kisses happily back and Remus knew Sirius was a good kisser.. but this. Wow.
„Thank god finally!“ Someone yells in the background and they both break the kiss. Remus is pretty sure that was James, but he doesn’t care about him right now. He only looks at Sirius, who is still smiling.
„Me too.“ Remus whispers and Sirius kisses him again. Someone wolf-whistles (haha Remus is on fire today) and this time Sirius gets hit by a snowball.
„Snowball fight!“ Peter yells now and Remus has to laugh. Why does he have so many idiotic friends.
„Oh you are so on!“ Sirius yells back, but he turns to Remus one last time. He looks happy now and relieved. Remus feels the same things and just as he thinks he would get another kiss, Sirius bends down, scoops some of the snow up and throws it directly in Remus’s face.
„W-what?“ Remus sputters and Sirius laughs.
After all boyfriends don’t get a bonus. 
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majiksart · 7 years
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The ultimate OTP Advent Calendar
This is an advent calendar for the OTP’s of me and my friends. Odd numbers are Marvel OTP’s and even numbers are for other OTP’s. So everyday you’ll get a drawing and a story, that you can find below :) x
Day 01 - Stony Day 02 - Drarry Day 03 - Winterwidow Day 04 - Superbat Day 05 - Les Hawkeyes Day 06 - Destiel Day 07 - Clintasha Day 08 - Johnlock Day 09 - Frostiron Day 10 - The Impossibles Day 11 - Science Bro’s Day 12 - Merthur Day 13 - Ironhusbands Day 14 - Turrow Day 15 - Ironwidow Day 16 - Sheriarty 
Day 16 - Sheriarty
This is it.
The first time Sherlock doesn’t understand a case. So help him god, he just couldn’t figure it out. Of course he didn’t tell John so far. He would be laughing at him. Ha. Consulting Detective. He could just laugh at himself now. Maybe he should search for another Job now.
„Hello Sherlock.“
Sherlock doesn’t even turn around at the voice. It’s Jim. (And when did Moriarty become Jim in the first place?) He hears how Jim comes closer.
„Hello.“ Sherlock says back, but he still looks at those hints. Right in front of him on the table are very nice cuff buttons, that are real silver, a paper with a tiny poem on it and also a single red rose.
„You still didn’t figure it out?“ Jim asks and he sounds so curious, that Sherlock turns around. Jim smiles a bit, but it’s not his usual smirk. It’s somehow softer and Sherlock frowns. He is not sure what that means. Oh god is he losing his abilities? His whole mind?
„Not quite.“ Sherlock answers calmly and Jim takes another step closer. He looks down at the hints himself. Sherlock huffs, because those hints are from Jim himself. He send them one by one the last weeks and told Sherlock on his phone, that it would be a new case.
An interesting case. And since Sherlock knows, how brilliant Jim can be, he decided to solve it. But so far?
He got nothing.
„Too bad. But maybe my next hint will help you figure it out?“ Jim asks and he whistles a bit. Sherlock just watches him and then turns back to his hints. Why is he one step behind Jim?
„I’m sure I will.“ Sherlock says anyway and Jim laughs at bit at that. Sherlock can’t blame him. He never did take so long before to figure one single case out.
„But tell me Sherlock. Next week the dinner in our favorite place is still on, right?“ Jim asks, while he types something into his phone. This is just another thing they are doing quite regularly. Jim knows the best restaurants in the whole city and Sherlock actually enjoys their little meetings.
Jim always knows whats happening in the city and one time he even helped Sherlock with one case, since he knew who the murderer was anyway.
„Of course. I come to enjoy those meetings.“ Sherlock says and he touches the rose carefully. It’s already withered, but it still looks very beautiful.
„Me too.“ Jim whispers then and Sherlock looks back at him. Somehow Jim sounds a bit different today. Almost soft and so sad. Sherlock doesn’t know what to make of it.
„So your next hint?“ Sherlock asks then, because he isn’t good with people and doesn’t know what to say instead. Jim seems a bit surprised but he nods and then turns around to leave the room. Sherlock shakes his head.
Jim is weird today. And if Sherlock says that, it’s really weird.
„Alright honey, but you have to close your eyes!“ Jim says happily, when he comes back and Sherlock sighs loudly. He still closes his eyes in the end, because they both play those little games.
He can feel when Jim comes closer and then stands directly behind him. Somehow his mind notices, he should be a bit worried, about Jim being so close, but he actually enjoys it.
„I really hope you like it.“ Jim whispers in Sherlock’s ear and he shudders. Oh he didn’t notice he was this sensitive there before. Sherlock shrugs and then feels how Jim ties something around his neck. It’s not heavy, but quite big. Sherlock frowns at that, because he isn’t sure what it is.
„Do you think I can solve the mystery with this?“ Sherlock asks back and Jim chuckles, before he touches Sherlock’s shoulder for a moment.
„Well I mean… I guess I spelled it out for you.“ Jim says and there it is again. He sounds almost nervous. Sherlock isn’t sure why Jim would show his emotions this openly.
„Good.“ Sherlock answers and then Jim takes a step back.
„Open your eyes Sherlock.“ Jim says and when Sherlock opens his eyes, he can’t think at all anymore. Because Jim gifted him a gingerbread heart. With the words „Ich liebe dich.“
I love you.
Jim knows that Sherlock can speak over 12 languages and he really spelled it out for him. Sherlock gasps.
He understands.
Those hints… those meetings…Jim is in…with him?
„Really?“ Sherlock asks and he sounds overwhelmed to his own ears. Jim nods and then shrugs.
„So did you… solve it?“ Jim asks and points back at his other hints. At his presents for Sherlock.
„Yes. But I still think I can’t let this case go.“ Sherlock whispers back and Jim takes his hand. He seems a bit surprised but happy.
„Then don’t.“ Jim whispers and Sherlock smiles.
He is so glad, that he can keep his job. And maybe even Jim.
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majiksart · 7 years
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The ultimate OTP Advent Calendar
This is an advent calendar for the OTP’s of me and my friends. Odd numbers are Marvel OTP’s and even numbers are for other OTP’s. So everyday you’ll get a drawing and a story, that you can find below :) x
Day 01 - Stony Day 02 - Drarry Day 03 - Winterwidow Day 04 - Superbat  Day 05 - Les Hawkeyes Day 06 - Destiel Day 07 - Clintasha Day 08 - Johnlock Day 09 - Frostiron Day 10 - The Impossibles Day 11 - Science Bro’s Day 12 - Merthur
05 - Les Hawkeyes
„Oh come on, Clint! Please it will be fun!“ Kate is already bouncing on her toes and Clint tries so hard not to smile at that. Will there ever be a day, where he can actually say no to her?
 „I don’t know.“ He shrugs and tries to concentrate on his tv show. He really wants to know if the girl would get a rose from the bachelor. He hopes not, because she is a bitch. 
 „Clint.“ Kate whines and then she stands directly in front of the TV. Clint growls a bit at that and she smiles sweetly back at him. 
 „Why would you want to go outside? It’s cold!“ Clint complains and he points at the big window at the other side of the room. It’s snowing for days now and Clint is just happy that at least this time their heater works. He shudders at the memory from last year and takes another blanket.
 „We have nothing to do anyway and I bought myself a new Snowboard.“ Kate says and for a moment Clint has to look away. Snowboard? Damnit. He thought she would like to ice skate with him, so the last few weeks he had learned that, when she wasn’t at home. The lake behind the farm is perfect for that.
 „But… I mean we have something better to do.“ Clint finishes lamely and tries so smile almost innocently. It doesn’t work, because Kate rolls her eyes at him.
 „Yeah and what exactly is more important?“ Kate asks and Clint points at the TV, even though he knows he already lost the battle. It only takes another little hopeful smile from Kate and Clint turns the TV off.
 The Bachelor just gave the Bitch a rose anyway.Okay okay. 
“You really wanna go snowboarding though?“ Clint asks, what he hopes is casually. Kate starts grinning harder. Oh no. 
 „Yeah or are you afraid?“ She asks and Clint nearly flips her off. Then he remembers his manners and sticks his tongue out at her. He is Hawkeye. He is afraid of nothing. He doesn’t tell her that in the end. 
 „Course not. It’s uhm just… you know pretty boring.“ Clint says and he winces, when Kate starts laughing at him. That’s unfair. He was in the circus as kid. He can do a lot of things! And then working for SHIELD, he learned even more. But yeah he can’t fucking snowboard. Sue him.
„Boring, hm? And you are not only saying that, because you can’t snowboard?“ Kate asks and Clint tries extra hard not to blush under her gaze. He shrugs and Kate cheers.
 „Wait! Yeah you won. I can’t snowboard, but I can ski!“ Clint nearly smacks himself of that. What is he doing?! He can’t ski either. But maybe its easier. With having like two boards, right? Oh god. 
 „Oh. Yeah well then come on! Pretty sure we have some ski, too.“ Kate is a bit surprised at Clint’s announcement, but she is so happy, that Clint can’t take the lie back. How bad can it be?
Very bad. So bad. 
Clint is dying. He will die. There is no way around it now. 
 „You ready?“ Kate asks. She is right next to him in her beautiful snow suit. It’s of course purple and Clint can’t take his eyes off her. He also doesn’t want to look ahead, cause the hill is rather steep. Ha. Fun. 
 „I was born ready.“ Clint says and to be honest, he as trouble just standing on that stupid things. Kate smiles against at him and this time he can even smile back.
 „Okay first one down gets breakfast tomorrow in bed.“ Kate suggests and she holds her hand out. Clint grabs it and they shake hands for a moment, before Clint wobbles a bit closer, so he can kiss her hand.
 „You remember that I like my eggs hard boiled yeah?“ He says against her palm and Kate smacks him lightly. 
 „You will lose, Pretty Boy. You know that.“ Kate grins and then without another word, she is gone. Clint gawks a her back and then takes a deep breath. He can totally do this. 
 He pushes himself down the hill and his first thought is: Two boards are definitely worse than just one. It only takes him two steps, before he is already falling and of course he lands with his face first. He tries to stand up and luckily Kate didn’t look back to see this embarrassing stunt.
 Clint gets up again and this time, he doesn’t fall on his nose. Instead he gets even faster and Clint uses his whole willpower not to scream like a baby. Oh oh.
 Should it be this fast? Clint flails like an idiot, but at least he doesn’t fall again. He is even close to Kate now and he gets a completely new thought. How the fuck do you brake?
„Clint you okay?“ Kate is yelling and for a moment Clint can’t answer her. The only thing he sees is that small mound out of snow directly in front of him. Which takes him to another question. 
How do you steers those stupid skis?
Its already too late in the end and Clint rushes over the small hill. It feels like flying tho and Clint feels weightless for a few seconds. It’s such an adrenaline rush, that he even laughs loudly. He can hear Kate laughing too and for this moment it’s perfect. 
Then Clint lands hard on his ass.
 „Oww.“ Clint looks around. His skis are a few meter away from him and he is lying in the cold snow. His butt hurts like hell, so he just lies there and looks into the sky. 
 „Clint?“ Kate looks worried, when she kneels over him a second later. Clint wants to tell her, that he is of course alright. He took harder blows as an agent, but all he can think about is, that she looks like an angel. 
 „Hi.“ Clint whispers finally and Kate looks so relieved. Clint tries to smile at her, but in the next moment, she kisses him. Clint is now really sure that he is in fact, dying. He kisses her back just as happily and closes his eyes.
Death is not so bad. 
 „You aren’t dying.“ Kate giggles, when he ends the kiss and Clint realizes he spoke that out loud. He shrugs and then whines, when she pulls back even more.
„My ankle hurts.“ Clint says then and Kate carefully looks after it. Clint smiles through the pain. 
Worth it.
 „So can you believe that? We only came together, because it took me nearly dying, for her to realize that she loves me!“ Clint complains when the Avengers are sitting together underneath a big Christmas tree.   
Everybody rolls their eyes at Clint. 
But Kate?

Kate just kisses him again. 
(Maybe only because then he would finally shut up.) 
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