#ultimate betrayal why would you make me sacrifice something i enjoy for something thats no good? do you hate me?
nerdie-faerie · 1 year
The audacity of my mum to ask if I've tried a new meal yet as if I would ever try a new meal for anything less than the pain of death
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brattyboyblue · 6 years
Personal Thoughts of VLD S6
After having a wild emotional day due more to hormones than the actual season’s release (lawls), I finally calmed down long enough to watch season 6 of Voltron. Now, I haven’t actually watched a complete season of voltron since season 3, but I kept up with enough spoilers from seasons 4 and 5 (while having watched at least the last 3 episodes of season 5) to understand what’s going on.
(Vague???) Spoilers under the cut. Sorry if you’re on mobile!
tl;dr: Keith’s arc was probably the most well done out of all the character arcs. Fuck you Lotor, but also, I really pity you Lotor. Shiro needs to go to Disney. Allura wipe your tears honey bunch. YAAAAAS HUNK. LOREMASTER CORAN; Team Punk the real saviors of the universe; I’m sorry the showrunners are making the writer’s do you dirty Lance. You are my sunshine hubby always. klance still has a chance and y’all aint gonna destroy that for me. Allurance can still be salvageable as long as they make Allura smart in regards to Loverboy Lance. Krolia is QUEEN. the fuck are the generals?
Keith & Shiro
- DAMMIT KEITH WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU HOT. also, I'm very proud of you. He came into his leadership, now I just hope season 7 provides more team bonding with the other paladins and not just Shiro.
- Speaking of Shiro, rest. Rest child. You have done well and you have earned your peace.
Lotor & feelings:
- The award for sympathetic villain goes to Lotor. He followed in his mother's footsteps and I hope--I can't believe I'm saying this--he either finds peace in death or he finds peace in a redemption arc.
- I actually do believe his feelings for Allura were genuine. She clearly had feelings for him and still did in the end when she was willing to sacrifice the lives of the team to save him (NOTE: this is an exaggeration of what actually went down, but she did insist on saving him despite everyone telling her they needed to go.)
Keith & Krolia:
- It's a damn shame they cut the Keith/Krolia bonding down to montages but it had to be done. There's just not enough episodes in a season to dedicate toward that. They learned from their experience on Avatar at least.
Lotor’s Ang--Generals:
- The generals are really just watered down versions Azula's generals but more stupid. I really don't understand their purpose in the show. (And this may be due to the fact that I skipped season 4 and half of season 5).
- All the allurance scenes, with the exception of the first one in the first episode, really didn't come across as being romantically coded. Every single scene with them didn't have the violet coloring but its possible that'll change in season 7.
- It's also possible that Allura will, finally and kindly, tell Lance that she isn't interested and wants to heal from Lotor’s betrayal now that she understands what its like to have your heart broken. It probably won't put an end to Allurance but maybe it'll be able to salvage it.
- I did see some hidden klance things. The stars in the astral plane was one. Lance noticing Keith's physical changes first before anything or anyone else, the parallels between Keith's parents finding the Blue Lion and their encounter with the Blue Lion. Lance is the first person Keith sees through the Black Lion's eyes followed by the rest. The fact that once Keith returned to the team, Lance was already by his side in terms of positioning when before he stuck around Allura. I'm not going to look any deeper than that until I know where Season 7 plans on going with Allura's heartbreak and healing.
- Keith's familial backstory confirmed brother Shiro--all of that was beautiful and executed wonderfully.
- The animation and coloring this season was top-fucking-notch. Bravo. All the pivatol scenes captured my attention just with the details they added to the characters. Everyone’s BSOD expressions (mostly Shiro and Lotor’s) were so well done I was praising the team outloud lmao.
Pacing of the Plot:
- Story-wise--when it focused on the plot--it was nicely done. It didn't feel out of pace like previous seasons or rushed. Its not quite as good as seasons 1 and 2 in terms of pacing but it's definitely one of the more better paced seasons among the shorter sets.
- I appreciate the temporal fuckery as a means to tell a story through flashbacks and the use of foreshadowing in the DND episode.
- The story through characters, I think Keith’s story and Lotor’s story were definitely well portrayed this time around. So it’s really nice to finally see that red ribbon on Keith's fucking arc.
- Hunk stepping up was absolutely gorgeous and beautiful and obviously expected and thank you for finally acknowledging that Hunk is an engineer.
- They reminded us that Coran was also an engineer and that was beautiful.
Team Punk:
- Hunka and Pidge's friendship is probably the better-depicted relationship out of the entire season. I’m not sure when they grew so close, but I really enjoyed their interactions.
(disclaimer: I’m a Lance stan and I love him with all my heart so my disappointment is warranted)
- Hoo boy, here we go. Its obvious this season Lance absolutely no longer has a connection to any of the paladins. I didn't see it like I saw it in previous seasons and while I love the langst that I did see, I didn't like that it revolved around his unrequited crush on Allura. With that being said, they utterly shaded Lance this season. He was the most pointless character in the whole damn show. CORAN did more than him and that's really saying something. THE FUCKING CASTLE OF LIONS DID MORE THAN HIM!
-it's interesting to note that the Monsters and Mana episode predicted [Lance’s uselessness] because all he did was vanish and teleport as a distraction or get the others fucked with a trap. (Speaking of which, the DND episode was the best fucking filler in the entire series and I love it so much. Bless you Shiro)
- Anyway, back to Lance--I cringed every time he opened his mouth. I know it's not his fault his writers hate him, but holy shit, I can understand why some fans would hate him.
- His characterization this season was about as captivating as a fucking cockroach on a wall. It actually destroys previously established moments of badassery in other seasons.
- However, it was really, really, REALLY nice hearing Lance bark out orders when Keith wasn't there to do so. He can step up in time of need, but the writer's don't really give him any credit afterwards.
- They could have handled the Clone Shiro arc in a different way that would've given Lance time to shine, but instead, its given to Keith who had the power of a Deus Ex Machina-esque vision that told him of Shiro's fuckery. It made the last scene in Season 5 between Shiro and Lance really unnecessary.
- I do look forward to them going back to Earth in season 7 and a part of me hopes it does focus a bit more on Lance BECAUSE they're going back to Earth. Its a great opportunity for him to really think about whether or not he wants to return to Voltron once the castle ship is built, but I get the feeling Lance will not be important in that season or in any season. (Of course, thats just me being pessimistic.)
General/Shipping Commentary:
- In terms of shipping, other than the klance moment I mentioned and the allurance, its hard to predict. The whole series is based on Identity and Family, so i guess ultimately a romance isn't really (and shouldn't have been) necessary but its really hard to say what will be endgame at this point. But that's okay. I rather no one end up with anyone in the end.
- I wonder what the significance of the wolf that keith bonded with is
- Krolia’s romance with Texas had me emotional.
Overall, I actually enjoyed season 6 despite my earlier heartbreak. I realized, as I was working, that the fandom is dramatic as fuck and certain people have a tendency to become toxic in the face of adversity, regardless if they mean to or not. I learned I should always form my own opinions on a matter as opposed to believing in others.
I also learned that the showrunners are shady AF, and while I understand they need to protect their show from spoilers as much as possible, I would really wish they’d stop making “promises” of... well, everything really. I rather they be vague (”You’ll just have to see for your own eyes”) as opposed to adding commentary to something that’s probably never going to happen.
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