#ultimate spider-man BARELY had possessed / horror symbiote but they did give me carnage!peter sooooooo a win is a win
the-stove-is-divorced · 2 months
For the celebration, congrats by the way, what was your thought process coming up with "Hello Fellow Wartior?" Like, were there any things you were inspired by specifically?
Thank you!! And tysm for asking something! ⸜( *ˊᵕˋ* )⸝
And oh! That was specifically inspired by the absence of a lot of venom symbiote & peter dynamics, funnily enough? The venom arc was always my favorite thing in any movie or episode it' appears in, but it always felt like never lasted every long or even felt off? Like it was just an obligatory addition to check off the list instead of a moment of character exploration like it should be.
Though, Specular Spider-Man is the exception for giving it the proper weight and focus! Like, you can see the slow changes beginning to take form including in his thought process / narration. It isn't just suit good! Suit bad! Get off! You can see the underlying horror.
I ended up rambling to a friend about my frustrations, or the potential for venom arc's in general, because yeah, we know how it always goes but Spidey has alternate universe's, is there any where he keeps it? Where their bond is healthier? And I didn't see jack shit. And I, pissed the fuck off there wasn't, realized if I wanted it I'd have to do the damn thing myself, and there we are! From there, since I was twisting some classic rules, I could twist some others, like fuck it, like both MJ and Harry find out!
And then trying to mold the symbiote into something well intended but still potentially harmful, so I could keep the classic aggression and hostility exhibited by black suit Spidey, but give it a different context. Plus something to challenge Spider's sacrificial streak by being nagged into a healthier life style, haha! I wanted to make it fun and different, basically.
All in all, I was pissed the fuck off there wasn't more venom and spidey content, then realized I could be as self indulgent as I wanted to be and explore "what if he kept it?" and it snowballed from there! The absence of what I wanted was so upsetting I needed to do it myself. Tysm for asking! (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡♡♡
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