#um i mean im normal. i have normal feelings about the senju
opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
hashirama is a freak of nature but he is MY freak of nature so i love him. as much as im sure hed love to stop being the embodiment of the word "body horror", i am going to continue to force him to be scary and offputting for the sake of my own entertainment and obsession.

hashirama is a freak of nature but he is MY freak of nature so i love him. as much as im sure hed love to stop being the embodiment of the word "body horror", i am going to continue to force him to be scary and offputting for the sake of my own entertainment and obsession
You were even more correct the 2nd time
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
um hi good morning/ good evening umm how would the yanderes react to a modern s/o that can switch worlds just like you did on black butler ( Senju Family,itachi,Pain,Shisui ) (seperately ) Im sorry if i made you confuse you are free to ignore this i hope your'e ok and be safe
I tried my best.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, manipulation, paranoia, kidnapping, sabotage, controlling behavior
Switch worlds
Hashirama Senju
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🌳Hashirama overall would develop a not pretty obsession with his darling due to the fact that they can just switch back and forth to their world, not to mention that they’re from another world to start with. It just incredibly fascinates him and he wants to know more about them and their world which ends with him spending much time with them and constantly asking them questions about them and their world. He still decides to keep it a secret from foreign villages and even his own, though he would let Mito and Hashirama in on this secret and maybe also his clan after some time, though they would cause a commotion.
🌳Hashirama sees things often from the positive side which isn’t always bad. He thinks it’s just really cool that you can do something like this and since he himself is really curious about your world, he certainly questions you if you can take him with you from time to time so he can take a short look at your world. The bad aspects about this will still click in his head, but he is a bit naive with his trust he puts in his darling so he would trust them that they wouldn’t try anything if he is already a good friend of theirs or probably already lover. Still though, he finds himself trying to talk you into staying with him forever in his world, but he would still allow you to visit your own as long as you come back. Hashi is surprisingly careful, he knows that if he makes it sound like he is forcing you, you will disappear without leaving a trace behind. And finding you will be nearly impossible and stealing your ability will be though as well and would make you unhappy and make you hate him which he would hate to let happen.
Tobirama Senju
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🌊Lmao because he would be so warily around his darling at first. Tobirama is more serious than his brother is and the logical thinker. That means his darling will have to prove to him first that they’re from another world or else he’ll label them as crazy and that is all that is there to it. If they do prove it to him and he believes them, he becomes a bit more suspicious of them for a while, not knowing whether to trust them or not. But he is also impressed by all of this, especially their power to switch their worlds whenever they feel like it. He for sure keeps it a secret as well since he knows what others might do when finding out.
🌊So this ability of yours will be on constant watch due to Tobirama liking to develop new jutsus on his own and creating a jutsu which would allow someone to shift worlds would be difficult, but also highly interesting which is why he wants to do it. But different from his brother, Tobirama always thinks about the bad side from everything and this includes this ability of yours. He finds himself for the first time somewhat powerless because whilst he would normally go with blackmailing and using his position, that is no use in here and he can place as many guards on you as you want, it won’t help. Restricting chakra won’t help either since you don’t need that for your ability and it leaves him quite frustrated. He is not as charming as his brother, he is on the more short-tempered side and his harsh personality could cause you to stray away back to your own world. Erasing your powers would be a solution, but that is easier said than it’s done abd putting the Flying Thunder God seal on you would be either useless because he can’t transport through different universes or something might go wrong and he is afterwards just stuck in your world.
Tsunade Senju
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🐌She has a bit of a hard time believing her darling at first, though she would be just as easily able to convince once she is shown some proofs that she can’t possibly deny and that’s when she starts worrying what other people might think about this when finding out and the possibility that they would take you and force you to use your powers is very likely and would end up making the target you carry already on your back due to being her darling even bigger. It is why she wants to keep quiet about it, even from her own village and especially the council though she will let Shizune, Sakura, Naruto, Jiraiya and other people she trusts in on this secret.
🐌Tsunade can’t really bring herself to stop her darling from visiting their family and friends in their world, she knows that being separated from them all the time must not be very nice. She does trust her darling, though she is also more paranoid due to her past. But she also finds herself becoming curious about the things in their world and especially the medical area is bound to catch her interest the one or another way and maybe she’ll find something useful which she can use in her world. So she ends up supporting this a bit and since she is a true sweetheart, you might come back willingly and are maybe able to start a more normal-looking relationship with her. She shares a lot of similarities with her grandfather in the sense that she would totally hate to find a way to make your powers stop which can lead to you totally hating her and never wanting to see her again. And she also knows that never seeing family and friends again and being stuck in a completely different world can have a bad affect on your mental health which triggers her as a medic.
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🌧He would want to know the past of his darling from a pretty early stage on so he can take certain measurements to guarantee that they stay with him. And he will get it out of his darling, be that through Konan or him using his Rinnegan on his darling. And similar to Tobirama, he would approach his darling for that with a certain distrust, still in the process of trying to figure out if they’re an enemy or not and if they possess any sort of threat to him or his plans. He is pretty indifferent to them being from a different world, he lost the ability to feel amazed by this and all he cares about is them being safe and under his constant watch.
🌧With that being said, the moment he finds out about their ability is the moment where he won’t be so indifferent about it anymore because now there is a threat to all of this, though not one that could seriously harm anyone. But it is just the fact that you can escape him anytime and never come back again or just transport yourself somewhere completely different. Pain is the one or other way extremely controlling since he wants them to do what he thinks would be best for them which agitated him quite a bit. The bad thing is that his darling is in many cases bound to want to escape him due to him kidnapping them and threatening them as soon as they act up. He knows that just as much as Konan does and whilst Konan tries to talk with you about all of this and to not make you leave, Pain will have to consider less pleasant ways to hinder you from leaving. Stealing your ability is one of them and using his Rinnegan to make sure you won’t try anything are only a few possibilities.
Shisui Uchiha
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🍂That guy is such a major stalker to have as a Yandere and he’s sly with it as well which is why he is bound to find out. He was probably ordered anyways to watch over his darling after they were found outside the village, not telling anyone from where they are and so the Anbu were ordered to watch over them since no one knew whether to trust them or not, though they didn’t seem like they could use any sort of jutsu or were very skilled in fighting. But the Hokage still took caution which was why Shisui himself was a witness of such a world shift, though he didn’t know exactly what it was at that time.
🍂And after the first time seeing it he felt a bit perplexed, not completely understanding what this had just been since it had been a bit different from his body flicker jutsu and he had gotten this weird energy from it. But he also instantly reported it to the Hokage, feeling alarmed since he couldn’t track down where you had teleported to and it caused a small commotion until they one day were found again and brought to the Hokage, the only person being allowed to stay was Shisui and that’s when both questioned you about all of this and since the Third really is friendly and understanding, you can tell him since it’s better than testing his patience. And Shisui is a bit surprised when finding out about this power, never having known that there is a different world to which you can travel and the Hokage Just assigns him to watch over you whilst you are in this world. Hiruzen doesn’t forbid you to travel to this world, it is a cool ability and you want to make use of it as well. So Shisui becomes naturally closer to you and expresses curiosity in your world. I see him being more chill about all of this since he as well can have a relatively normal relationship with his darling, though it is also hard to make them appear as trustworthy in the eyes of his clan as long as he has to keep quiet about who they are.
Itachi Uchiha
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🍡Itachi is the one who helped his darling orientating themselves once they stumbled upon him and looked like they would need help. He might be a criminal, but he didn’t want any of this in the first place and just wanted to help the darling back then. He did help them, took them under his wings for a bit whilst also trying to find a village somewhere near or people he could entrust them with because at that time he didn’t plan on taking them with him. He lived a dangerous life and didn’t want you to be involved in it at first. That was before he developed feelings and decided against the greater good to kidnap them. He tries it at least.
🍡He will need some proof to make sure that his darling tells the truth, though the fact that they just managed to disappear one day and appear only a few days later has him already knowing that there is something up. He surely didn’t expect this, but give him some evidence and he believes you. Itachi keeps calm about this, though he also realizes the problem with this. It isn’t like he only sees it from the negative aspect, he looks from all sides and realizes that this has some advantages as well. As weird as it sounds, he’s a bit glad that you have something with which you can escape him whenever he tries to take you and he also knows that family and friends live in your world which is why you can’t stay in here forever, this isn’t where you belong in to start with. He knows that the possibility of you not wanting to be with him is also there, he is a criminal who attempted to kidnap you, though you know his backstory and might still want to spend time with him when you’re in his world. Take him to your world from time to time as well, he would enjoy it more than he would think he would.
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