#unacceptable behavior in my inbox wow
opaline-entropy · 6 months
I need you to know that what you said is unacceptable. Whatever happened was over a year ago, and you decided to send something in anonymously just to tear my friend down? Are you serious?
You need to genuinely reevaluate your priorities because this kind of behavior won't get you anywhere. To say someone is underserving of love, to think you can insult them in the most vile ways, and to call them a coward? All of this is unwarranted, hateful behavior that had no provocation. Whatever you felt you had to get out of your system could've gone into a journal or something, but no, you felt the need to air it out over a year later? Be so for real.
I don't know what you have going on, but. Just wow. Again, there was literally no reason for you to send in a message like that, and I'm appalled at the insults you decided were okay to send in.
The threats are especially concerning. If you ever think of sending some shit like that again, I want you to consider someone saying that shit to you or someone you care about. How would you feel if someone called your close friend a sniveling coward who deserves to wake up and realize they're alone. How would you feel if someone told your friend that they're a "sniveling snot-nosed coward." Or if they said your friend would inevitably drive everyone they love away. I'd be pretty fucking pissed, wouldn't you? Reevaluate your priorities and stay the fuck out of their inbox.
See, could've just been left at that instead of all the spam, but you might be someone else involved in the situation so I won't blame you for that.
I wasn't the member of our system who sent that ask but yeah, what they said was pretty fucked up. Shouldn't have happened. Next time I'll keep a better reign on our sysmates and it won't happen again.
Hope your friend is doing alright. Sorry that our system caused them harm. Bury the hatchet and all of that.
Have a nice day.
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yasmindifference · 2 years
do you accept questions about your stories? can i ask what jaytim's relationship will be like in the future of your "be my robin"?
oh you have no idea, anon, it's INCREDIBLY flattering to be asked questions about my fics! I'm always happy to answer....unless I have plans to write a fic about the topic of the question, in which case the question will just sit in my inbox, making me feel guilty until the writing occurs....(*shoves ask re: "do me a favor" received three weeks ago under the bed*)
but you asked about the relationship in be my robin! I do plan to write more eventually (I actually got a good start on the planned sequel this morning! and then I decided I hated it, so...back to the drawing board lmao), but I can share a bit in general!
so, if you're the kind of person that doesn't even like minor spoilers, look away!!
for Jason, he is just....super possessive. SO possessive. I think he's a possessive person in general (witness: repeated violence against Tim all because Tim took what belonged to him), but in this universe specifically he takes it to a whole other level. because Tim is his Robin, wearing his colors, adding his color to his name.....all of that gets down deep under Jason's skin. and he's kind of smug/extra jealous in Dick's general direction, because Dick gave Tim up. he doesn't get to come sniffing around now trying to take Tim back just because he doesn't want Jason to have him.
on Tim's side, I think under different circumstances Jason's extreme possessiveness would've been maybe irritating, maybe even unacceptable. (like, trying to control Tim's interactions with his family? not cool.) but under THESE circumstances? when Jason found him just when he was feeling completely alone and unwanted and lost? yeah, he enjoys the possessiveness a lot. it just really underlines how much Jason wants (even needs him), and Tim needs that kind of reassurance. I'm not saying he deliberately provokes Jason's jealousy whenever he's feeling particularly down, but I'm not not saying it, you know?
in the reverse direction, Tim is VERY protective of Jason. Tim's just lost so many people he's loved recently and wow is Jason NOT allowed to go on the list. just. no. not to say he doesn't trust Jason's ability to protect himself, and he's not interfering with Jason's fights, he's just.....very aware of them. and Jason does NOT get to go anywhere without backup. which might cause conflict when Jason's trying to hide some of his...less palatable activities for fear knowing exactly what he's up to will spook Tim into running back to the Bat.
and Jason loves Tim's protectiveness. like, he knows Tim knows exactly what he's capable of. so the fact that Tim feels the need to protect him, even knowing he doesn't need that protection, brings home how much Tim cares about him. and Tim's ready and willing to protect him from emotional hurts, too--and there's very little Jason enjoys more than watching Tim defend him from the rest of the family's criticism.
what I'm saying is their behavior towards each other works VERY well and the rest of the family is baffled
I hope that's some of what you were looking for, anon! thanks for asking!! ♡
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I like the salvatore brothers and you're totally allowed to not like them but can you tell me why? I want to understand why so many people are hate the salvatores..
oh boy, i might put this under a read more because this might get loooong lol.
first of i just want to thank you anon for like... not being an ass. i'm sure that might be a low standard to meet but i've had negative experiences with ppl coming to my inbox attacking me for having an opinion, bc you know. fandom.
second, i understand why ppl like the salvabros because they certainly have their Moments^tm. given that they were originally written in 2008/2009 it makes sense that these two white boys, especially in a series that likes to cite the utter garbage that is Twighlight, might be incredibly problematic - i see that with klaus and elijah and kol who are literally my favorite characters but have extremely violent and borderline abusive tendencies at times. i don’t claim that they’re angelic snowflakes, i love it when they get all murderous and sociopathic and how they can be so contradictory and tender. the thing is IMO damon and stefan have really bland personalities, and are occasionally able to crack a good joke or one liner. they get woobified constantly for unacceptable shit because the audience and writers favor them when more redeemable, multi-faceted and interesting characters like klaus are dragged through the mud constantly, and it's a double standard i extremely dislike.
not to mention d/amon is absolutely rancid, too. like honestly i'm only on s2 so i've heard from the fandom - and the de/enas who drank the de/ena kool aid - of the other horrible shit he's done from s3 and beyond that fandom likes to romanticise or deem as acceptable. first of all, he r/aped and assaulted caroline, a fact that is glossed over for the rest of the series. the writers didn't bother to address caroline's experience as a victim, instead choosing to soften d/amon's general shitty behavior by changing the reactions of other characters. anytime caroline and d/amon interact it grates on my nerves, the way the series likes to so casually disregard d/amon's behavior towards her. for that alone he's irredeemable, because r/ape is never a "morally grey" action, it's undeniably terrible.
and even without that, d/amon still constantly disrespects women and is seldom called out for it. he calls caroline shallow and vapid, undermining her character because she’s..... blond and likes stereotypically feminine things?? other male characters like to do this to her as well, taking her at face value based on society’s sexist standards, and i loathe the writers for this. not to mention: d/amon snapped jeremy’s neck when elena refused him, which is a massive red flag because if he truly cared for her he wouldn’t want her or her loved ones to be in pain - and he was unaware of jeremy’s ring, so he fully intended on making this death permanent. also he’s threatened to break her arm in the name of keeping her safe which ppl like to woobify, claiming “he’s so romantic and sassy [heart eyes emoji]” which is, frankly, deluded on their part. as much as i love klaro/ine i don’t claim him biting her to be romantic or any of that bullshit, i just ship out of spite and because they’re 1000x better than de/ena in every way and a much more entertaining “falling for the antagonist” pairing. and yikes, remember when he broke into her room (bc wow a 200 year old 25 year old man breaking into a 17 year old girl’s bedroom how ~rOmAnTiC~ lol, and then forced himself onto her despite her obviously being uncomfortable and telling him to stop kissing her.
and it probably only gets worse from there LOL. also a side note, i get that elena might find d*mon “appealing” or whatever but the fact that she would want to have a relationship being fully aware of what he did to her best friend caroline is. yikes. and of course caroline gets more criticism for fucking klaus - which yes i’ll admit tyler had a right to be upset about - because she’s not a main character and she and klaus are not “meant to be” like elena the main protagonist and dmon, tvd’s beloved who screws over everyone else.
as for stefan i’ll admit he’s much more likeable than da/mon but. admitting to stalking a teenage girl because “she looks like my ex” is... well. i know he saved elena from the car crash but then to stalk her for months instead of.... idk, having a humane conversation??
and lastly the salvabros are both slave owners, which is pretty much one of the many, many last straws. like stefan has made it known he’s vehemently against the racism of the 1950s, whatever, and maybe he and d/amon didn’t have a choice since they didn’t own the property at the time of slave owning, but they’re still complacent - as were all the white men at the time - and d/amon was still a confederate so i’m not here for this bullshit.
anyway that got really long winded, sorry about that.
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delta-roseblr · 5 years
Hi Delta! It's that tattoo anon. I was wondering if after you've finished the absolutely insane amount of prompts you have right now, you could maybe write one about Felix getting his tattoo and Dean thinking it looks really hot on him and his reaction to it? Maybe a smut request, maybe just a "omigod-my-boyfriend-is-so-hot-and-he-somehow-just-managed-to-get-even-hotter-WTF" fic idk haha :) I'm looking forward to all these amazing projects you have coming in 2019 & wishing you a Happy New Year!
Hi, Anon-
So, I finally finished this prompt and I came to post it and that is when I realized this has been in my inbox for a year! 
Like, fuck! I’m sorry this has taken me so long! I hope you still enjoy it!
Even though the weather was finallystarting to warm, Dean wasn’t particularly happy about the parking spot hefound around the corner from Felix’s dorm. Yes, California winter barelycounted as winter at all, and the walk really wasn’t far. Still, it added tothe time it would take to see Felix, which was unacceptable. With midterms,Dean and Felix hadn’t gotten to see each other nearly as much as Dean wouldhave liked. That was going to change starting that day. Midterms wereofficially over, and Felix was going to be spending the weekend at Berkeley.There was an LGBT association event that night that Dean had gotten roped intohelping with, but after that, it was just the two of them.
Dean couldn’t wait.
He was at least thankful for the girl fromFelix’s floor that was exiting the building as he and Benny jogged up to theentrance. She noticed them, smiled, and greeted, “Hi, Dean.”
She held the door for them, and Deanreally wished he remembered her name. He was pretty sure it started with an S,but beyond that, he was completely blank. He caught the door with one hand andnodded graciously as he passed her on the way into the building.
Benny followed him inside and up thestairs. They passed a few other people Dean recognized, or at least theyrecognized Dean if their greetings were any indication. They passed the fourthor fifth person on their way up to the sixth floor when Dean heard Bennychuckle. “It’s like you go here,” he commented with such obvious amusement.“Are you going to transfer?” he questioned teasingly.
“Shut up, dude,” Dean retorted as hecontinued to climb the stairs.
It was such a Benny comment Dean was morethan a little surprised he hadn’t made it before. And, in all fairness,everyone in Felix’s dorm seemed to be recognizing Dean that day. Also, Deanwasn’t completely proud of it, but he had considered transferring. Maybe notseriously, but still.
It wasn’t that he hadn’t been excited whenFelix had gotten accepted to Stanford and decided to attend college there. Itwas pretty close to Berkeley, so they could see each other more than four timesover the school year. Still, there was just such an appeal to them both beingat the same university. Ultimately, he hadn’t pursued it for a variety ofreasons like his scholarship, but he had considered it.
“Felix’s dad would love that,” Dean addedmore under his breath. Dean and Leonard had actually got to a good point, or atleast Dean thought they had but then Felix decided on Stanford and Leonard wasless than pleased. He didn’t even attempt to hide that that was because Felixand Dean would be so close. Dean was pretty sure if he transferred to Stanford,Leonard would lose his mind.
“Also, you would be abandoning me,” Bennyreminded with clear disapproval, “Which would be unacceptable.”
Dean stopped to grin back at the otherguy. “You’d visit,” Dean commented with absolute certainty. “I couldn’t get ridof you that easily,” he added before turning and once again starting back upthe stairs.
“You are probably right,” Benny admittedas he once again followed Dean up the stairs. They reached Felix’s floor andstarted down the east wing of the building heading toward where Felix’s roomwas nestled in a corner on the far side of the building.
Dean would freely admit he didn’t have themost acute hearing. He grew up with a musician, and he had definitely picked uphis dad’s affinity for listening to music at absurdly loud volumes at a veryyoung age. So, the fact that he even heard the crowd of people from halfwaydown the hall was rather impressive.
When they reached Felix’s room the doorwas open. That was pretty typical for Felix and his roommates, but the crowd ofpeople that seemed to fill the room wasn’t. A corner dorm and a triple, Felix’sdorm was a little bit bigger than what was probably standard, but even itlooked especially small with at least a dozen people crammed inside it. Themajority of people were sitting, some on one of the beds, others in chairs, butthe majority were scattered around on the floor. A few people were standing orleaning up against furniture. Everyone’s attention was focused on thetelevision. A 52-inch flat screen balanced precociously on top of severalgaming systems, all stacked on top of a mini-fridge.
Even in the crowd with his back to thedoor, Dean had no trouble finding Felix. He was sitting on the floor staring upat the TV just like everyone else. The tension visible in his shoulders and theoccasional twitch served as a telltale sign that he was playing something.
Dean stopped in the doorway for a secondto take it all in and figure out what exactly he should do next. “Look at allthe nerds,” Benny whispered into Dean’s ear, and Dean could hear the smirk inhis voice.
The term wasn’t exactly inaccurate, butDean wouldn’t ever have used it in earshot of Felix. It was selfish, but Deanenjoyed sex, especially with Felix, and he wasn’t going to do anything to getin the way of that. Calling Felix a nerd would have had him going sexless for awhile, of that Dean was positive.
“They’re called gamers,” Dean whispered inreply. He felt a bit like he was the narrator of a nature documentary talkingabout some wild and elusive creatures found only in the deepest most secludedwildlands. With Dean’s heavy southern accent, he doubted he would be narratingany documentaries anytime soon, but Felix could certainly act like a wildcreature in some settings.
Despite their talking, almost no one inthe room seemed aware of their presence. No one even dared to look away fromthe television. The only acknowledgement they got was from a guy who wassitting on one of the beds. He waved a hand in their general directions withoutlooking at them as he stated distractedly, “There is money on the desk. You canleave the pizza.”
Dean heard Benny let out a muffled laughas he exclaimed, “Wow!”
He couldn’t disagree with that sentiment.Felix lived in a building specifically for freshmen in majors related tocomputer science and engineering, so a certain level of nerd type behavior wasjust par for the course. Video game marathons that lasted for multiple days,gathering in the common area to watch E3, and the guys down the hall from Felixthat had built a beer dispensing robot had all become part of the charm forDean. And it really did make his visits interesting. This, however, might havebeen taking things to a whole new level. Dean was pretty sure he and Bennycould have started pulling things off the desks and walked out with whatever withoutanyone questioning it.
He might have chuckled a little too loud becausethe whole thing really was ridiculous, and apparently, that was enough to catchsomeone’s attention. Not Felix’s, who was still focused on the television withhis cute tense shoulders and his perfect hair. But one of the guys on the bedturned and looked in their direction. Dean recognized him as one of the guysfrom Felix’s floor, but his name was a mystery. Felix’s room was like thesocial hub of the damn building, so Dean had met so many people it was hard tokeep track of who was who.
He saw Dean standing in the doorway andclearly recognized him. “Oh, hey man,” he greeted with a little surpriseturning back to the apparent focal point of the room, “Felix, your boyfriend ishere.”
Dean was never going to get sick of beingcalled Felix’s boyfriend. It might have been his favorite thing.
“Hey babe, I just need to finish this realquick,” Felix called to him without taking his eyes off the television as hecontinued to play, “Come in.”
Dean spent so much time at Felix’s dormsometimes he felt like he practically lived there, but he still tried to keepsome level of boundaries. Felix had made a big deal about proving hisindependence and doing his own thing when picking colleges. He had gottenaccepted to Berkeley but refused to really consider it because he didn’t wantto just follow Dean to school. Dean wouldn’t have thought of it that waybecause Berkeley really did have a great computer program from what he couldtell, but Felix saw it differently. In the end, Dean was just happy Felixdidn’t choose to go to MIT and tried to respect Felix’s space. He usuallyknocked when he visited and waited for an invite.
He took a few steps into the room and tooka quick look around before asking, “What is this exactly?”
“Felix is fucking killing the latestDestiny Raid,” One of the girls declared with such condescension it was clearthat she thought it was the most obvious thing. That should have been annoying,but it was pretty much tradition for Dean to get a response like that tosomething he said. Felix had been so sweet to share the Skype installationstory during one of his visits, and Dean was pretty sure Felix’s roommate Samlaughed for five minutes straight. It really wasn’t that funny, and Dean wassure he wasn’t the first person to have a hard time figuring out how to installSkype.
Benny leaned over Dean’s shoulder and questioned,“What does that mean?”
Dean was so glad he had brought Bennyalong because he was probably the one person on the planet that knew less aboutcomputers and gaming than Dean. He grinned and replied, “No idea.”
Their little conversation was clearlyoverheard because everyone, but Felix turned and looked at them with cleardisgust. Felix kept his eyes on the television and continued to play as hechuckled. “Ignore him,” Felix called to the others with clear amusement, “He’snot tech-savvy.”
“And you’re dating him?” One of the girlsquestioned before popping a couple of pieces of popcorn in her mouth. Dean recognizedher as well. He was pretty sure she lived on the second floor of Felix’sbuilding, but she hung out in Felix’s room so much it felt like she practicallylived there. Dean really hadn’t known how to feel about that for like the firstmonth or so until Felix told him she was obviously into his roommate, Siris.Once he knew that, he could see all the signs, and he found he liked her a lotmore. Of course, that comment didn’t really endear the girl to him any.
Dean watched Felix’s shoulders move upwardbriefly in the obvious sign of a shrug. “He makes up for it with other skills,”Felix answered matter-of-factly.
Siris made a little amused noise beforejumping in, “Let me translate that from Dude-speak for you,” he declaredclearly very pleased with himself, “That means he is good in bed.”
“Pretty much,” Felix was quick to agree.Dean could hear the grin on his face in his voice.
“Thanks, babe,” Dean called out trying tosound sarcastic and dry even though he could feel his face burning. Deanwouldn’t have described himself as modest, and he could definitely brag abouthis sex life. Why shouldn’t he? It was pretty fucking incredible. Even thoughboth he and Felix had been pretty busy with school they managed to see eachother plenty and seeing each other typically meant some sex. And sex with Felixwas always beyond amazing. Still, there was something inherently differentabout bragging to friends about your sex life and having details broadcasted tostrangers.
“I only speak the truth,” Felix retorted.He was still focused on the screen in front of him so Dean couldn’t see hisface, but the wicked grin he was wearing was more than evident from his voice.
Dean’s cheeks burned even more, andBenny’s snickering didn’t really help with that any. Neither did the look oneof the girls sitting nearby gave him either. Complaining would just assureFelix would do that shit more so he just grumbled, “Love you.”
“Love you too,” Felix called back brightly.
Benny would have definitely had somethingto say about that because he just loved to tease Dean about how lovey he andFelix could get. Dean normally didn’t care and would take the opportunity toremind Benny as someone who struggled to maintain a relationship for more thana few months he should really keep his opinion to himself. Benny didn’t get achance to say anything because almost immediately after Felix spoke somethinghappened on the screen, and everyone in the room gasped in absolute horror.
“Dude!” Sam practically shouted withdisapproval at Felix, “Speak less, focus more!!”
Felix made an amused and dismissive soundas he continued to play obviously unaffected by whatever happened. “Chill, Igot this,” he assured confidently.
The room fell into an almost tense silenceas everyone watched Felix play. It was ridiculous, but Dean didn’t dareinterrupt it. It made time move more slowly and then something happened on thescreen, and the entire room lost their damned minds. At first, Dean didn’t knowif it was a good thing or a bad thing, but when people started congratulatingFelix, he figured Felix had won.
Dean felt Benny clasp a hand on hisshoulder before leaning in and questioning, “How does it feel to be dating theking of the nerds?”
Dean smirked at that because he wouldn’tsay it out loud, but Felix was this super sexy computer geek, and his passionfor those things really turned Dean on. Also, it was nice just to hear peopletalk about how he and Felix were dating.
“I fucking heard that,” Felix declared ashe hopped off his spot on the floor and tossed his controller aside. He walkedover more or less ignoring the people that were continuing to freak out abouthis apparent victory. When he reached Dean’s side, he pushed up on his toesjust long enough to place a quick kiss on Dean’s cheek, and it really waseverything Dean could do not to literally melt. “I’m fucking starving, so webetter be getting food,” he commented instead of a more traditional greeting.
“Yeah, we can,” Dean agreed. They had sometime until they needed to get to be back at Berkeley, and at that point, theysort of had a tradition of getting food at a little restaurant near campusevery time Dean picked Felix. Since Benny was with them it wouldn’t quite bethe intimate little meal it was most of the time, but it would still be fun.
Out of reflex Dean reached over andwrapped his hand around Felix’s, and that was when he noticed that somethingwas off. He felt the graze of something rough on Felix’s wrist. When he lookeddown, he saw that Felix had a white gauzy bandage wrapped around his wrist.
Dean hated seeing Felix hurt even if itwas something small. Having seen Felix almost get killed by a monster probablyhad something to do with that. It took some serious effort not to immediatelyfreak out at the sight of the injury, so the fact that his voice only came outa little high pitched was pretty impressive. “What happened? Soldering ironmishap?” he questioned nervously.
“Nay,” Felix shrugged after a quick glancedown at his own hand and then looking back up, “I got a tattoo.”
Dean blinked. He had not expected that,and the surprise of it was enough to leave him confused. “What?” he questioned.
“You didn’t tell the boyfriend you weregetting inked?” one of the guys in the crowd commented with a mix ofdisapproval and surprise, “My girlfriend would murder my ass.”
Felix rolled his eyes hard before lookingover his shoulder and calling to the guy. “Glad I’m not dating your girlfriend!”
Dean wasn’t Will. He wasn’t going to freakout because Felix got a tattoo, or at least he wanted to say that. It was hardto swallow down his initial desire to go into overprotective boyfriend mode. Hewas also a little surprised. Felix had made some off-handed comment about kindof wanting a tattoo the last time they had met up with Will and Nico but beyondthat he hadn’t expressed much of an interest. Also, he and Felix talked dailyso why he wouldn’t have at least mentioned he had an appointment, Dean didn’tunderstand.
“A call would have been appreciated,” Deancommented and immediately regretted it when he heard how whiny he sounded.
“It was sort of a last-minute decision,”Felix replied with a shrug, “And you had office hours.”
Dean hated Felix’s casualness, and hereally wanted to remind him that office hours typically consisted of Deansitting around grading extremely poorly written essays and counting the secondsuntil it was over. He could have taken a phone call or read a text message.Thing was, Felix would have given him endless shit for getting so bent out ofshape about it, so he let it go. “Can I see it?” Dean questioned. He reachedout to grab ahold of Felix’s bandaged wrist but stopped himself last minute. Hedidn’t know where the tattoo actually was, and he didn’t want to accidentallyhurt him.
“Sure,” Felix replied as he began rollingthe bandage off his wrist, “I only had it covered so I could play.”
With a few swift movements, the whitegauze was gone from Felix’s wrist, and the fresh tattoo underneath wasrevealed. It was a series of lines radiating out from around the slightlyprotruding bone on the side of his wrist in a pattern that was clearly modeledafter electronic circuitry. It wasn’t very large, but it was incrediblydetailed. Dean couldn’t imagine how long it had taken to be completed. Felix’swrist, the skin around the tattoo, looked a little red and slightly swollen butnot in a worrying sort of way.
“Hot,” Benny commented dryly remindingDean that he was there.
Dean turned and smacked Benny’s chestdisapprovingly even though he knew he didn’t look at Felix like that. Hissnickering was just more evidence that he was teasing. He then turned back toFelix and commented, “It’s cool.” It really was, and it was very Felix, but itwas just that it looked red. “Is it supposed to look kind of red?”
“It is pretty much a decorative open-woundat this point, so yeah, pretty much,” Felix answered casually, and he took hishand back.
That made total sense, and Dean absolutelyhated it. “Did it hurt?” he asked knowing it was a stupid question but notbeing able to stop himself. Maybe secretly on some level, he was hoping Felixwould say it didn’t just so Dean wouldn’t have to imagine his sweet boyfriendin pain.
“Fuck yes,” Felix dismissed like it wasnothing, “It was literally needles being jammed into my skin over and overagain.”
“Does it still hurt?”
“It’s a little tender,” Felix admitted ashe looked down at his wrist for a second. He poked the slightly swollen flesh acouple of times in an experimental way before adding, “It’s not that bad.”
Dean hadn’t noticed that Felix’s wrist wasswollen until he watched Felix poke at it, but now he could see that it wasmost definitely swollen. Felix might have described it as a decorative openwound and some irritation would make sense but swelling seemed like it could bebad. Felix could have an infection. Ignoring that could be seriously dangerous.Dean went for his phone without even really thinking about it as he offered, “Icould probably call Will, and he could meet us.”
“Oh my god, Dean, chill,” Felix insistedwith a good-natured laugh as he reached out and patted Dean’s cheek. “I alreadycalled Nico for tattoo care tips,” he assured. “I’ve got to keep it clean andput on this ointment-” Felix produced a bottle of ointment from his back pocketand held it out for Dean to see before returning it to his back pocket. “Itisn’t that fucking hard”
That was all totally reasonable, and ifanyone knew how to care for a new tattoo it was Nico, but Dean still didn’tlike it. He stopped actively grabbing his phone from his pocket, but he stillhad his hand wrapped around it. “I still think-”
“Nico is covered in tattoos and hasn’tdied,” Felix pointed out insistently, “I’m going to be fine.”
Dean still didn’t like it, but if hecontinued to argue it was going to get really fucking annoying. Also, he andFelix were going to be spending the entire weekend together so he could keep aneye on Felix. If it seemed to be getting worse Dean could just call Will. Hesighed as a sign of surrender, “Fine.”
With Felix it was always so easy to forgetother people were around, and that moment wasn’t any different. It wasn’t untilBenny perched his chin on Dean’s shoulder that Dean remembered they had a bitof an audience. “What’s it liked to be pussy whipped by the king of nerds?”Benny questioned teasingly.
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