brookebrews-blog · 6 years
what’s your brew?
What can be warm, or cold, or iced, or hot? 
Perfect for every occasion, and we’ve got the perfect fix for you.
Come see us & snatch up your favorite brew!
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February 8, 2019———
Welcome to my blog “thedaysofaugust”, this is a blog dedicated to my children and baby’s clothing store called, “Days of August”, with unique small shop designers you can’t find anywhere else! A few goals I have for this course I have listed below.
- Figuring out different business platforms through social media I haven’t used before.
- Inhancing the knowledge of social media marketing that already have.
- Feeling confident about my outreach to others and branding of my company through the help of this course and assignments
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nashootersclub-blog · 6 years
North Alabama Shooter’s Club started this blog as way to reach out to anyone interested in firearm safety and best practices. In the coming weeks we will post various articles about maintaining your firearms, safety at home or the range and while hunting, precision and accuracy, scopes, trigger control and many other topics. If you have any suggestions for topics please email us at [email protected] 
This blog is also part of a class I am taking called Social Media Marketing. Here are three goals that I have for this course.
1. To learn about the vast world of social media so that I am no longer scared to be an active participant in the different social media channels.
2. To get an understanding of how marketing works within the social media world so that I can develop effective strategies to promote whichever company I go to work for.
3. To learn to read the social media landscape in order to predict and know which venues are trending and which are fading.
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The Colombia-FARC peace process is still hanging in the balance. Should Colombia find lasting peace, the opportunities could be endless. Message us for inquires on potential economic developments in the country. This is for a UNA class project. 
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Social Media in Times of Tragedy
Social media has become a staple in today’s society, it allows us to stay up to date on what’s going on in the world even more so when tragedy strikes. When this happens companies start sending out tweet’s or posts showing support for those affected by the event. But sometimes those companies but their foot in their mouth. For example the company Epicurious, following the Boston Marathon bombing they tweeted that their hearts where with Boston and here’s a breakfast bowl recipe to start your day. Now that dosn’t seem so bad but one of the don’ts is to avoid promoting your brand. On the flip side Boston PD kept up to date information about where not to go due to street closing which allowed people to avoid those areas and remain safe. One of the do’s for social media during tragedy is to just stay off social media turn off automatic posts and wait before posting so as to not say something wrong. An example of tweeting before knowing what was happening occurred a few hours after the Aurora movie theater shooting occurred. American Rifleman, affiliated with the NRA, tweeted out “Good morning shooter! Weekend plans” while any other day of the week this might not seem to have been in poor taste, tweeting this a few hours after a mass shooting is for sure not the time tweet that. The most important Do following a tragedy is to know what the hashtag trending means. A clothing botique not knowing what # Aurora meant sent out a tweet thinking it was trending because of their Kim K inspired # Aurora dress. People all it takes is a little digging to find out that that’s not why something is trending.
While it’s easy to talk about brands that did the wrong thing on social media let’s talk about the good things that come from social media. Following Hurricane Sandy people were still able to access wifi networks and cell towers and update their social media letting friends and family know they were safe. Social media allows people to remain connected during times of tragedy but it also allows phone lines to remain open and to be kept up to date on events that could still be transpiring.
Most important take away is to stop automatic social media posts and to know why a hashtag is trending before using that hashtag. Knowledge is power people.
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pbf125-blog · 5 years
Social Media in Times of Tragedy
This week in Social Media Marketing, we are discussing the ways in which professionals and companies should reply on social media platforms. There are so many examples of good and bad responses on social media, especially in times of tragedy.
A great article was published that discusses smart ways for using social media in times of tragedies.
Their first point in using social media wisely during a tragedy is to turn off automated postings. They also say that companies should ask how they can help, and to be sure you’re sharing the right information. All of these are very wise ways of handling tragedies. Turning off scheduled posts is a way of showing respect for the people who are suffering, rather than just continuing on with your life like there’s nothing wrong. Asking if you can help shows that you are there for them and want to do anything you can to make it easier for them. Sharing the right information is very important – sharing false information adds more fuel to the fire and causes more friction and confusion, so try sharing helpful tips and tricks that could be helpful to those in need. The article can be found here: https://www.ehstoday.com/emergency-management/social-media-strategies-times-tragedy
This article (http://www.infinitdatum.com/blog/social-media-management-101-dos-and-donts-for-brands-on-tragic-events/) provides a few more “do” suggestions for times of tragedy on social media, and some great “don’t” suggestions. For one, they say DON’T use the event for promotion. They also say don’t pitch business while the event is ongoing or make statements. There are so many ways to offend people and so many emotions attached in times of tragedy, so it’s important to stay silent unless you have useful information to share to help people out during the tragedy. It’s hard to find the right words to say, which makes it easier to stay silent. It’s disrespectful to use tragic events as marketing techniques (ex: boosting your brand during the tragedy using hashtags/etc on your post about the tragedy, or promoting your product as a helpful tool for the people involved in the tragedy).
 I found an article called “Don’t Try This at Work: 15 Social Media Mistakes and Bad Customer Service Examples to Avoid at All Costs. This article shows a post on Target’s Facebook from a guy, Gary, to Target that states that he will no longer be shopping with Target due to all of the political correctness issues and new signage. He even says that he knows it “means little to Target” to which Target responds that Gary is wrong because it means NOTHING” to them that he feels the way he does. This is such an inappropriate response from a large company. They should’ve either not responded at all, or responded with some sense of professionalism and care. Although they have different opinions, the customer is always right and should be treated respectfully. And although other people may disagree with Gary’s viewpoint and be strong Target supporters, they will still see this response and know that it is tacky. Target should’ve thought through this one a little more before responding. Although this is not a “tragedy” this is a very bad response.
See the conversation here (towards the bottom): https://www.comm100.com/blog/social-media-customer-service-mistakes.html
 A few examples above this, you will also see a statement from the CEO of Delta about Flight #3411 which is more of a tragedy. Rather than coming out with a sincere apology and taking blame for the situation and trying to make it right with their customers, they state that they are waiting to talk to one of the flight passengers, basically shifting the blame from themselves to him, which is absolutely ridiculous.
 I really liked the statement made here (https://www.conricpr.com/blog/company-response-to-tragedy-how-to-be-empathetic-supportive-and-helpful/) that “sometimes, as a company, sometimes the best response is no response at all.” This is so true, because there are so many different sides and viewpoints and strongly attached emotions in tragic times, and it’s important to not step on anyone’s toes or be offensive to anyone because these are the people who support your company, and the best kind of advertising is word of mouth – it would be bad to have negative comments being thrown out about your company in conversations amongst people.
 A great response to tragedy was the silence stance that Amazon took after the Paris attacks, posting the flag and taking all of their products. This is a great way to take a stance and respectfully bring attention to something that needs to be addressed. In times of tragedy, it is important to stand together and support each other, which is exactly what Amazon is doing here. They have placed an image of the flag with the word “Solidarite” which means sympathy strike. This is a great, respectable move by Amazon.
See here: https://www.skyword.com/contentstandard/marketing/how-should-brands-respond-to-tragedies-like-the-paris-attacks/
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millennialwear-blog · 5 years
Hey guys, give us a follow on Instagram: millennial_wear_ to see up to date photos of our styles available now! We are more active with photos on Instagram because we have a larger fan base there. If you have an questions feel free to send us an email or direct message on Instagram! 
As always, thanks for checking us out!
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nashootersclub-blog · 5 years
Social Media in Times of Tragedy
Social media usage during times of tragedy can be of great value to many people or it can be a huge blemish on the reputation of the offender. Ifinitdatum.com has put out a good list of dos and don’ts for brands using social media during times of tragedy. Let’s look at their list and see what we can glean from it.
1.       DO: The silent approach
Remember all the times your mom told you to it’s better if you just keep your mouth closed? That is the premise behind the first DO on our list. If your brand is not directly related to the tragedy, then just don’t say anything. If you have to say something a simple statement of sympathy is all that is warranted.
2.       DO: Disable scheduled posts
A post that was written weeks prior may be very insensitive to what is happening at that moment. Get updated and check your content before it goes out.
3.       DO: Revise the content calendar
Make adjustments to what you have planned for the time being. Post less and give the tragedy the priority.
4.       DO: Provide links to beneficial resources
Be helpful during this time of crisis. Post links to charities, government agencies, fundraisers, and anything that can immediately help the victims.
5.       DO: Make it personal
Help the people forget that it is a brand speaking to them and let see the empathy from the person behind the brand. Use words of comfort and support and be humble.
6.       DON’T: Use such events for promotional posts
People always wonder about the motivation behind your posts. If you are promoting your brand during a tragedy, then your reputation will be that your brand is really the only thing you care about.
7.       DON’T: Mix politics and religion with the brand
Unless that is what your brand is about putting statement or even a hashtag out can cause a firestorm on your post. Be neutral in all that you say.
8.       DON’T: Pitch business while the event is still ongoing
Most things your brand has to say or do can be pushed back until the event has settled down. A statement of “we are postponing our…..because the recent tragedy in….” will bolster your reputation as a brand that cares.
9.       DON’T: Impose gimmicks
Again, this speaks to the reputation you want your audience to have about you. They will see through the gimmick and it could ruin your reputation.
10.   DON’T: Make statements
Personal opinions on the tragedy should be left at home. This is probably the quickest way to destroy a brands reputation. Just don’t do it.
Many of the things mentioned in this list seem like common sense to me but I was raised to put others first. If you will use a servant’s approach to your posts, you will be miles ahead of your competition and your followers will know you care.
Here is an example of someone who got it wrong: (from BuzzFeedNews.com)
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C'MON. Using someone's death as a way to get a "like" is just stupid.
 Here is one that got it right: (also on BuzzFeedNews.com)
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When hurricane Harvey struck the coast of Texas, my town, Port Aransas, was the first town to be pummeled by its tenacious winds. Before the rains had even begun our community (citizens, businesses and government) descended on to social media with nothing on our minds but the safety of our friends and loved ones. It was the best use of social media I have ever seen. We made lists of who was safe away from the storm. We listed who had stayed behind to “ride it out” and we checked them off when we knew they were safe. We kept everyone updated as to when it was safe to return to our island and what to expect when they got there. Social media was a constant buzz of helpful information the next two months. Some anger spilled out and that is to be expected from victims but for the most part social media was a lifeline for all that went through that tragedy.
Social media like life will be what you make it. Choose to do good in all that you do and post.
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Oranges & Pretzels 🥨 🍊 odd combo, but it totally works 😉 repost for a chance to win a free footie for your little one!
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The sweetest little babe in our sold out blue fern romper ❤️ no worries everyone, we will be restocked in a couple of weeks!!! Keep your eyes peeled because they will go FAST!
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With Easter around the corner, how cute are these rompers? Add a bonnet or some bunny ears and you have the sweetest outfits ❤️ 🐰 shop the looks today @daysofaugust on Facebook or instagram!
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nashootersclub-blog · 5 years
Gun Cleaning
1. Unload and Remove Bolt
Before you clean any gun, open the action to make sure it is unloaded. Be sure and read the owner’s manual for specific instructions.  Remove any magazines.  If cleaning a rifle take out the bolt. If you are cleaning a semi-automatic firearm lock open the action.  Thoroughly brush with solvent, allow to sit for minute or two, wipe with a clean cloth until all residue is gone, then lightly lube the bolt.  Make sure to clean the extractor and/or ejector as well.
2. Swab Bore
When cleaning the barrel start at the breech or chamber end only. And run a cleaning rod with a nylon bristled brush soaked in gun solvent down the barrel and out the muzzle.  Repeat a few times.  Let it sit for 10-15 minutes.  This allows the solvent to dissolve and soften bullet jacket material, lead, and powder fowling.
3. Scrub Bore
After the solvent soak, run the solvent soaked brush down the barrel a few more times. Remember to run the brush from the chamber side out the muzzle. A good bore snake is the easiest way to accomplish this.
After a few runs of the brush, switch over to dry cloth patches. Use a new patch each time. Repeat until the patch comes out clean. Run a solvent soaked patch through the barrel and check for residue. Run a dry patch and check for residue. If there is substantial residue repeat this step until you are satisfied with the cleanliness of the barrel.
4. Apply Light Lubrication
Finally run a patch through the barrel with a light coat of oil on it. Use a patch with light oil to wipe down every metal part of your firearm. Too much is a waste and too little could cause the gun to rust.
There you have completed a basic gun cleaning. Check your guns occasionally to make sure there is no rusting on the metal surfaces. If you continue to maintain your guns after each use, they will be ready when you need them.
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With the recent election of President Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil, US-Brazilian relations are rapidly improving. Message us for inquiries on potential economic opportunities developing in the country.
This is for a UNA class project.
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With the ongoing struggle in Venezuela, financial opportunities in the country may soon be opening. Message us to ask about pricing for an insider’s outlook on economic opportunities in Latin America.
This is for a UNA class project.
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Unwired Day
February 22, 2019 ———
“Unwiring” from technology as a whole for a day was eye opening and refreshing to say the least!
Over the 24 hour period, I only truly found myself wanting to plug into social media to see what was going on, or watch tv when my child was napping. Being a new mom, you realize quick how demanding a little human can be, consuming most of your time anyways, so abstaining from social media for a day wasn’t as big of a challenge as I thought it would be.
Unwiring from social media for a day allowed me to truly focus on the people around and appreciate the little things associated with that, especially when it comes to my son. It allowed me to have my 100% focus on my child, and I know he loved it too! I think it’s important for people to unplug every now and then and live in the moment, you don’t realize how much you’re missing until you really give it a try!
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