#under a cut bc it's a minor whiny complaint about a popular ship trope so yk read at your own risk
marley-manson · 10 months
i just don't understand how you watch mash and come away with the impression that bj needs to save hawkeye or that bj is at all interested in saving hawkeye or that bj is even capable of saving hawkeye
if anyone does the saving it's hawkeye, bj does none of the emotional heavy lifting and if hawkeye needed him for that he would have already killed himself mid season 7.
i'd be much more willing to believe a hawkeye goes to california to save bj scenario, frankly, because he absolutely could and would. bj doesn't have the emotional awareness or honesty to save himself let alone anyone else
(i assume saving here is being used in the sense of 'helps them through a depressive and/or self destructive period of life')
also yk i could maybe see it in the sense of 'bj is implied to emotionally support his wife pre-war so maybe he's that way with hawkeye post-war' but a) it's always written/discussed as an obvious facet of bj's characterization/their show dynamic rather than a total reversal of their show dynamic and something we don't see in canon, and b) it's mike farrell fancast as an idealized perfect service top oc, let's be real here
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