#underblood reference
foxalone · 9 months
Underblood reference jshs
They would be Bat's replacement
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They were born with a condition in which they have a ghost soul, this means that they has no ecto-body nor a gender
Is Yosa's cousin on Sayo's side
They are friendly and very shy, never speaks, almost like Helian, but most of them time they spends in their hoop, it's the only place where they feels sure of themselfs and can engage in conversation
Nymph: if it's h-hard for you, you can r-refer to me for my name
Nymph belongs to me
Undertale by Toby Fox
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nova2cosmos · 2 years
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part20: High priest
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part3(marriage propsal)
[Mylim and Break: 1-3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8]
[Mother's day asks n comic]
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Collaborative Inversotale Comics:
Underblood x Inversotale
Part16 (paradisefall arc)
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Dictator Himeros
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[Characters reference sheet]
#inversotale reference
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foxalone · 11 months
Underblood reference
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Chara cursed Blood!Mad Dummy for not keeping her end of the deal
She cursed and transform her in stuffed rabbit and made her a spy doll, but it wasn't useful to her and threw her out into the street and removed her eyes
Then Gaster found her and sewed her new eyes, she now lives with them, she misses being a mannequin again
Despite her bad mood, she is a therapy toy, her new eyes allow her to see the traumas that await a soul, so if you have problems she is very good at listening and counseling
Underblood belongs to me
Undertale by Toby Fox
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foxalone · 1 year
Underblood reference
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Raptor is a short skeleton. He comes from the desert area, where the Skeleton-Raptors measure an average of 6.6" , so for his breed he is an embarrassment
His favorite activity is to annoy Isabella for absolutely everything while watching her with his dilated pupils.
It is immune to all types of poison, but when in contact with them, it paralyzes itself so that its metabolism destroys the poison , And you might wonder why he doesn't die when he's paralyzed if his heart stops? Well, this is mainly because he is cold-blooded
best friends:
-Yosa and Nishiki
Yes, it sounds very little, but, really, they are his only friends because they are the only two, people who are just as dumb as him to tolerate it, nor does his own race want it, he loves the certain but he prefers not to be too followed because he always finds skeleton-Raptor, who love to make fun of him.
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Underblood belongs to me
Isabella!Sans by @nova2cosmos and me
Undertale by Toby Fox
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foxalone · 1 year
Underblood reference part ...hm... , nah!
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°His name is Lyu, an 11-year-old boy is the last “soul” missing , he lacks a piece of his soul, and that is what causes his bones not to be held together normally, so they have to sew them together with a thread made of magic, he is the brother of Nor and Jasar who was just born 3 days ago and they do what they can to take care of him, he is a hermaphrodite but prefers to be called “he/him”.
Taidai is the only one who knows how to sew him so that the threads don't come off and so can the threads, they break every time, It's not uncommon for a bone to fall out of your body every day.
Taidai by : @nova2cosmos and me
Underblood and Lyu!Papyrus belongs to me
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foxalone · 1 year
references from Underblood Part 19
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Thaddeus is a ex priest of the cult of “the flower of time” a religion of waiting place, with the arrival of the war this religion was forgotten over time or do they believe in others, there are only a few followers of this cult left
•He is a humble and kind man, but he is also a member of a secret group that fights for equal rights for monsters and humans
•One of the reasons why he joined even though his life could be at risk because of this, is because of his adopted son Owen, he is a hybrid Monster and unfortunately before the Law, being a hybrid of Human and Monster, he has no rights such as:
-right to education
-be free from discriminati0n
-right to be recognized as a person before the Law
Thaddeus couldn't bear to hear that... how could a living being be treated like that?!
That's why he joined the fight, to give Owen a better future
is a 13-year-old boy, he is very aggressive and rude, even more so than Jasar, you could say that he is the typical rude young man.
he always refers to Thaddeus by name, he never calls him “dad” or anything like that, but Thaddeus doesn't give up on disciplining and caring for him in his own words: “We all have something good inside us, we just need a little empathy to see it”
Underblood , Thaddeus and Owen belongs to me
Undertale by Toby Fox
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foxalone · 1 year
references from Underblood Part 13
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Muffet is a monster with her bakery run by her and her friends the spiders
She is happy, however she has a problem which is that she is deaf
She is deaf from birth due to a malformation in her soul at birth
She communicates through sign language but since not many monsters know this language, she communicates through windings or writes what she wants to say in a notebook
Blood!Muffet belongs to me
Undertale by Toby Fox
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foxalone · 2 years
references from Underblood Part 7
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Helian the guardian of plants, a lover of greenery, that's what the residents of the village of Waiting Place call him
a title a too big according to Helian himself, he does not think he is superior or inferior to any living being
he just has a great love of plants because they make him feel safe, especially peach trees ,make him feel safe because plants are the best by keeping secrets and giving their help.
the way you hear it, Helian has the ability to hear plants when he touch them
in a fight Helian uses a dagger to fight, but if you fight with him don't think about hurting him, because if his dagger comes into contact with his blood it will automatically transform into a whip, in addition to the fact that if your blood comes into contact with the ground, it will create vines with giant thorns that he can control at will.
Helian has
-dissociative amnesia
-anxiety attacks
Helian!Sans belongs to me
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foxalone · 1 year
references from Underblood Part 14
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He's Nishiki, He's an old friend of Yosa's who usually comes to visit him, he lives in Hotland
Personality-wise, he's like Yosa, only that he thinks a little more before acting XD
He is not a Sans, his race is skeleton
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foxalone · 2 years
references from Underblood Part 12
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Jasar is the strongest in the group, him strength is supernatural, which is why it uses a heavy belt, this limits its strength by 64% and prevents incidents from occurring ((such as tearing off door handles by accident )).
He has 2 highly developed senses such as smell and hearing, his sense of smell allows him to track people or even detect their intentions, but when a person is calm and has a blank mind when acting regardless of what he is plotting it is difficult to know what he is thinking about
The sense of hearing... he always wears his hood because he has a spell that reduces sound by 70%, this makes Jasar hear everything normally, let's say that Jasar's weakness is the sound, this does not weaken him, what it does is that loud sounds alter him and cause loses control over himself and could kill Someone because losing sanity
one of Jasar's worst fears is to kill someone by accident again...
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He doesn't have a weapon because his whole body is a weapon, when he transforms he has claws, a tail and an uncontrollable desire to wipe out his enemy and devour his soul
Jasar can only feed on Blood, Souls and Water, water doesn't give him anything but it doesn't hurt him either, so he likes to chew ice
Jasar!Sans , Jasar!Beast and Underblood belongs to me
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foxalone · 2 years
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references from Underblood Part 11
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She likes anime, reading manga, and even singing, in fact she sings really well, she's too shy she gets nervous easily
Although she is invisible, she is not invisible all the time, she loses her invicibility for a short period of time when she is confident in herself, as you can imagine, this event has never happened
Alphys!Blood belongs to me
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foxalone · 2 years
°Tsuyoi landed with a bloody body, he was attacked by a bad spirit and fell here carelessly°
Tsuyoi: sh-shut-°faint°
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They are Amethyst and Catty the ladies of the ruins
Amethyst!Gaster and Blood!Catty belongs to me
Tsuyoi by: @nova2cosmos and @crazygemspinz
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foxalone · 2 years
references from Underblood Part 10
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Undyne is very courageous, fearless, with an explosive personality , Her greatest passion is painting on canvas or drawing , But every time she paints gets dirty with paint and leaves the place in a mess.
Yosa, Undyne and Thenshi were a friends since childhood, which is why they were very close, but since the incident of the death of Thenshi , Undyne and Yosa became quite distant, currently they are still friends but don't see each other very often, each of them made their lives separately
Undyne!Blood belongs to me
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foxalone · 2 years
references from Underblood Part ❄︎♓︎❍︎♏︎ ♎︎□︎♏︎⬧︎■︎🕯︎⧫︎ ❍︎♏︎♋︎■︎ ♋︎■︎⍓︎⧫︎♒︎♓︎■︎♑︎ ⧫︎□︎ ❍︎♏︎ ♓︎⧫︎🕯︎⬧︎ ⬧︎◆︎♌︎🙰♏︎♍︎⧫︎♓︎❖︎♏︎
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???!Grillby belongs to me
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foxalone · 2 years
references from Underblood Part 4
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actually Nor have a weapon, a shield and a sword made by Jasar , one of Nor's goals was to be a royal guard, it was one of her biggest dreams , it's a pity that this one would never come true, as we all know Nor not has strength
she doesn't have the strength or stature required to fight with a sword, when she trained with Undyne Nor don't could hold the sword for more than 20 seconds in combat.
Nor's lack of strength is due to her soul, her soul suppresses all her strength and magic to avoid unleashing evil within her (she has 25% black magic in her pure soul) , that's why her bones are so delicate and small compared to others.
but, she has points in favor, she is very flexible and daily practices exercises that tend to scare her brother XD
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foxalone · 1 year
references from Underblood Part 15...
She's one of the first characters i created, so why haven't I mentioned her? easy... because in her own words
“she was lazy to introduce herself” >: ^
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... Ah... I'm tired... I don't want do it Zzz
Taida is an elf of laziness, her race absorbs the bad energies of a place and sleeps to destroy them , They can sleep up to 9 hours a day
She has an ability called “Dream Vapor” If she blows this vapor on your face, you will fall asleep automatically, calmly
while you sleep you will be protected by a spell, she only does this when she sees you tired
She sells “lazy elf tears” These tears serve to create a lot of spells and also “cleanse the soul” What does this mean? Well, they eliminate the corrosion of your soul, your malice, pain, madness, etc. The problem is that they are very expensive since they are scarce because lazy elves are not sentimental beings
She is a friend of Jasar , Yes, that's really rare ._.
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