#undertale X reader readerinsert romance humor fluff cop police officer PoliceOfficer!Reader Human!Mage!Underswap papyrus
A Crush Caught In Cuffs - Human!Mage!Underswap X Reader
Human!Mage!Underswap X Reader ~January 2nd~ You pushed open the door of the station and signed in on the clipboard on the front desk. The woman behind it looked up from her computer, took out her earphones and smiled. "Good morning, (Y/N)! You're early, how are you doing?" She said. You smiled and sat in one of the six plastic chairs grouped evenly around two small circle tables. "I woke up at five, watched a movie and couldn't be bothered sitting around. Thought I might be early for once." "I'll bet you'll sleep in tomorrow and be two hours late instead of two hours early." Said the sectary. You faked offense at her remark, putting a hand over your heart and gasping dramatically. "Barbara Thompson why thou doubt me so?" You said, striking a horrified expression.  Barbara laughed and you joined her. "Here," Said Barbara, throwing the remote for the small wall TV at you. Youi just barely caught it, or rather, it landed in your lap and you stopped it from sliding on to the floor. "Put something on the TV for us. I'm tired of watching GTA fails." You smirked and did a subtle air punch, then turned to the small TV screen attached to the roof in the corner above the front desk. You flicked over to some cartoon reruns. There was a specific channel run by a friend of yours from high school, it aired the original cartons, like Steamboat Willie, Betty Boop, Out Of The Inkwell, Danger Mouse, ect. It was retro/vintage heaven. You and Barbara laughed yourself silly for a while at poor Koko's shenanigans, until the Chief Of Police, Jeremy Smith, came in with a sheaf of papers and a black briefcase. You immediately flicked over to the news as he turned to the Promotion Progress board. The Promotion Progress board was a cork board with a picture of all the officers, how close they are to getting a promotion or demotion, and their horoscopes, which Chief Smith liked to add at the beginning of the month. "Morning sir!" You said. "It's extremely rare to see you here this early, (L/N)." He said, raising an eyebrow and pinning up this months horoscopes. "Especially since it's post New Years." "Ah well. Nobody I knew was hosting any parties, so I just stayed home and had pizza and a movie marathon with my brother." "I suspected as much. Also, you don't have a boyfriend do you?" Asked Smith. You immediately turned pink at this sudden question. "Wha-!? N-No! No I don't, why?" You asked, flustered while Barbara smirked. Smith then handed you a sheet of paper for your star sign, (Y/Z/S). For (Y/Z/S), This will be an important month for you! Someone special is waiting for you somewhere very unexpected. Keep your eyes peeled! Your mouth hung open as you read it. The chief took it from you hands and put it under your picture on the corkboard, then Barbara sped over to have a look. She giggled evilly and looked over at you, a teasingly evil look on her round face. "This can't be how my month goes." You said quietly to yourself. "But it is, (Y/N). The chief is never wrong." Said Barbara evilly. You got up from your chair, walked over to the wall, and started banging your head on it, repeatedly. The door opened again, and Detective Nathaniel Sinclair walked in, along with a few of his friends, who were all sergeants. Nathaniel stopped dead as he noticed you. "What did you do to her?" He asked, turning to Barbara, who smirked and gestured to the corkboard. "Read her horoscope." She said. You instantly stopped as he quickly read it. "NO!" You yelled, making to run at Nathaniel, but tripping over your feet and falling face first onto the floor as Nathaniel and the sergeants started laughing. "I'm glad you all find my embarrassment and pain so hilarious." You said sarcastically, your voice muffled from your face squished against the floor. Barbara, holding back her laughter, took pity on you and helped you to your feet. "After all, I might end up falling for you, huh?" You said, smirking. Nathaniel instantly stopped laughing. "Nope. No way. I'm outtie." He said, moonwalking away to his office. You and Barbara started laughing again, with the chief cracking a smile as well. ~A Few Hours Later~ Most of the officers were at the station now, as well as someone reporting a missing child from the orphanage. You were all either chatting, working but getting dragged into conversation anyway (Barbara), or watching the news. Then the phone started ringing. Barbara, being the sectary, answered it. You noticed her eye brow raise, as if it was just a prank call. Then her face paled. She put the phone down and it started ringing again. "Someone get the chief! We have a problem! Someone else chuck me the TV remote! NOW!" You saw Nathaniel speed down the hall towards the chief's office, and a remote flew through air for Barbara to catch. She did and she immediately turned the TV onto a different news channel, where a Breaking News report was blaring. "-APPEARS THE LEGENDS WE WERE ALL TOLD AS CHILDREN WERE TRUE, AS THOUSANDS OF MAGES ARE BEING LED OUT OF MT EBBOT BY A YOUNG CHILD! GOING OVER TO THOMAS WHO IS CURRENTLY AT THE SCENE. THE POLICE HAVE BEEN NOTIFIED AND SHOULD BE ARRIVING SOON. DO THE MAGES COME WITH GOOD INTENTIONS, OR BAD ONES?" You almost fell out of your chair in surprise. The legends, true? No, not possible. This had to be a hoax, you thought. But nope. The live camera feed was coming straight from Ebbot. And there were indeed people coming from out of the cave mouth. You looked at Barbara who was taking another call. Her eyes were wide and she nodded to you, as though to confirm that this was indeed happening. The chief now charged into the room, Nathaniel on his heels. "All to attention! Everyone grab your partner and head to the mountain, asap! (L/N), you're with Detective Grove! Mac'Adams, you're with me! Barbara, stay here and take the calls and tell any late comers what's happening! TO THE VEHICLES MEN!" Barked the chief, then there was a mad rush for the door. You saw Deputy Chief Mac'Adams follow the chief out first, and you felt a hand on your shoulder. You looked up to find Detective Groves. Groves was a stone faced silent type, and preferred you to sit in on interrogations with him rather than Nathaniel. You liked to think you'd gotten him to talk more than anyone else at the station. Groves led you through the sudden crowd, cutting an easy path through. You then followed him over to his sleek black car. Groves got in the drivers seat and you got in the passengers side, and you two were the first out of the carpark and onto the streets. Much as you admired the guy, Groves was a very reckless driver, even if he didn't break the rules. You held onto the door handle for dear life as Groves zoomed through traffic, somehow always slipping through the gaps. After a few quick death defying minutes you arrived at Mt Ebbot. You could see the kid talking to the camera crew, with two of the mages behind them. One wore gold armour and a purple cloak, and the other wore purple robes. "Franklin, what do we do?" You said, panicking slightly. You didn't know what to think, they acted peaceful enough, but some of the others looked freaky as hell. "I'll deal with the reporters. You deal with the crowd." "W-What!? B-But I can't control a crowd!" You said. "You can't control the reporters either. You're too nice, and their looking for answers." You sighed. You knew he was right. You were too nice for an officer. "Okay..." You said. "But what am I supposed to do!?" "Just take out your badge, tell them you're an officer and that you're not there to harm them." Said Groves. You nodded and got out of the car, shaking slightly. Franklin got out too and walked over to the reporters, making shooing movements to you behind his back. The national gesture that mean, 'Get your ass up that mountain before I make you.' That's correct, right? Just you? Okay. You slowly made your way towards the crowd of monsters, noticing individual kinds as you got closer. Your knees a knocking, you stepped up to the crowd, and pulled out your badge. "H-Hi, I-I'm a police o-officer-" You began, but a strong voice from the crowd cut you off. "If you're a police officer then are you tell us when we're gonna have our queen back?" Then a short women came out of the crowd. She had blonde hair and her face and arms were decorated with gold scales, she wore baggy pants, a black tank top and her right eye had a large scar on it. You took a step back and tried to speak again but all that came out were jumbled noises. "So? Can't you speak?" She said. "STOP IT ALPHYS, YOU'RE SCARING HER!" Said one of the mages quietly, a short one. He had platinum blonde hair, bright blue eyes and wore what looked like grey armour with blue detailing, blue pants and boots, and a light blue scarf. He had stars in his eye sockets and a cheery smile. "AHEM, GREETINGS HUMAN! I AM THE MAGNIFICENT SANS! WHAT'S YOUR NAME?" He asked. You stood still for a second, surprised to see a friendly face. "(Y-(Y/N). Officer (Y/N)." You said, smiling back a little. Then your walkie talkie crackled and Franklin's voice came through. "(Y/N), everyone has arrived. You may return to my side. I have need of your assistance."  You unhooked your walkie talkie from your belt, pushed a button on it and spoke into it. "Roger that Franklin. Be there in a sec." You looked back at Sans. "Bye, it was nice meeting you!" You turned away and was about to start running back. "WAIT! ARE WE GONNA SEE YOU AGAIN?" Asked Sans. You looked back and smiled. "I don't see why not!" You started running again, waving back as you went. It was much easier going downhill than uphill, but stopping was the problem. You saw Franklin a little ways away from where the camera crew was, so you aimed for just beside him and skidded to a stop. "What'cha need me for sir?" You asked. "The queen and king of the mages appear to hold a slight grudge against our kind. I can not convince them to do anything without them asking for a right to live amongst us in return. I have a feeling you would be better suited to handling this than I. And you need the experience." Said Franklin quickly. He didn't like talking for long, so negotiations were a problem for him. "Okay, I can try. But where is everyone? You said they were here." "I did. They're ten to fifteen seconds away so hurry." Said Franklin. You made a noise of acknowledgement and walked over to the mages and the child. You were again quite intimidated. The mage in the armour wore a small crown and had softer features, so you assumed she was the queen, while the other wore robes and had a blonde beard and kindly eyes, the king. "U-Um. Hi, I-I'm Officer (Y/N)." You said, trying to stop stuttering. The king chuckled quietly. "There's no need to be nervous, dear girl. But as we've already tried to explain to that charming Detective Groves, we will not be letting you send Chara away." Your eyebrows shot up and you looked over your shoulder to glare at Franklin before speaking. "Frankli- I mean Detective Groves failed to tell me that, but I'm sure I can convince him to pull a few strings so it won't have to come to that. " You said with a smile. The queen sighed in relief, and smiled back. "Thank you. I'm Queen Toriel." "And I'm Asgore." Said the king. You smiled brightly. "Pleased to meet ya! Now, you guys wanna live in town, right?" ~A Few Hours Later~ You lounged in a plastic chair in the station, warm air from the AC blowing on your face. You had convinced Franklin to pull a few strings to help get a few rights in place for the mages. It wasn't much, but at this point in time, it was most that could be done and it would get things for the mages started. If court went well they could take up residence in town, buy things, the usual stuff that should already be fucking available to them. But until things settled down, they'd still have to live underground for a few more days at most. Hopefully. You kicked back in the chair, putting your feet on the plastic table. Barbara was getting a snack at a cafe across the road, so it was just you right then. Until Nathaniel came in. He was unusually sulky and irritable looking. You raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "What's up, Nat? Something ticking you off?" You asked. He scowled and sat down in the chair opposite you as you took your feet off the table. "Well the chief's little prediction was right. 'Trouble with family members will befall you.' My dumb ass, spoiled rotten, rich ass step mom heard about the monsters and she wants us to leave town." Said Nathaniel. You chuckled sarcastically. "I bet that conversation was just brilliant." "Damn straight." A few seconds of awkward silence past, and your walkie talkie crackled into life. It was Franklin. "(Y/N), we need you and anyone you can grab to get to the courthouse asap. There's a bunch of rioters outside and Sergeant Bakersfield and I can't hold all of them off on our own." You unhooked the walkie talkie from your belt, and pushed the button to talk into it. "Roger that Franklin. Be right over." You got up and walked over to the door. "You comin' or not?" You asked, turning back to Nathaniel. He groaned and got to his feet reluctantly. "Fine. Better than sitting around doing nothing." Well I'm not gonna twist your leg over it, you thought. "We'll take my patrol car. Your puny little push bike's far too slow." He said walking to one of the Police Cars. "I'll have you know that's a halfway range mountain bike thank you very much!" You said quietly, getting into the passenger's seat while Nathaniel got in the driver's side. After a few minutes you arrived at the court house and there was indeed a large crowd out front. You saw Franklin and Sergeant Bakersfield trying to hold the crowd back, but their efforts were fruitless. You and Nathaniel got out of the car, and while Nathaniel rushed over to the crowd you hung back a little, unsure of what to do. Then, one of the rioters broke free of the crowd and started gunning it for the courthouse. Then you heard Bakersfield yell something. "Say Colorado!" You instinctively ran for the rioter, and yelled a battle cry as you leapt into a flying kick aimed at his chest. "I'M A GIRAFFE!" You knocked him to the ground, and with a metallic clatter a gun fell from his hand. You picked it up, shoved it into your holster, pulled out a pair of hand cuffs and cuffed him to a pole. "Sorry about that. But you're staying put till we can press charges." You said with a smile. The rioter spat at you, and Bakersfield speed walked over and slapped him. "Don't you dare do that again!" He said. Sergeant Daniel Bakersfield was a friend of yours since you started the job. He had brown hair, and peaceful green eyes that had ironically seen and solved a lot of murder cases. He was Nathaniel's partner, but they didn't like each other much, so they really just let each other do their own thing. "Hey Danny." You said. "Hey (N/N)." "Long day?" "Very." 
And that's the end of Chapter 1 folks! If you liked it and wanna read more add the story to your libraby and comment down below what was your favourite part so far! Until next time, laters guildmates!
                                 (All stories are avalible on Quotev)
                               My own Undertale AU, Undercomic!                thenewqueenofgames.deviantart.com/art/Undercomic-THE-NOVEL-    Chapter-1-RESET-717011232
                           Another X Reader, a Mafiatale based one!             thenewqueenofgames.deviantart.com/art/Mafiatale-X-Reader-Locksmart-Part-1-738625804    
                                             "Say Colorado!"                                            "I'M A GIRAFFE!!"
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