#unfollow or block people you don't like and forget about it! leave em alone!
1ddiscourseoftheday · 4 years
🍽 Sat 4 July 🎆
Niall said yesterday that no, he probably wouldn't go to the pubs when they reopened today. Good, said fans, that would be a horrible idea and good for you behaving in a socially responsible manner! Well that's what assumptions get you huh, apparently he just meant he had other plans: he instead attended an "end of lockdown" dinner party. Feel free to join the many of us who have Feelings about this choice! We'll be at home socializing with people we live with. And! Niall and Harry have both been submitted to be considered to maybe be nominated for the Emmys! Harry's episode of SNL and both Harry and Niall's episodes of The Late Late Show were submitted in the Outstanding Guest Actor in a Comedy Series category: yes, our Harry could potentially win a prestigious award for the Sara Lee Bread sketch which frankly is what it deserves but still, 2020 am I right? It just isn't realistic!
And I realize that calling this 1D news is a REACH but this is by far the wildest thing happening today soooo whatever, there's a link however flimsy and I'm running with it! An internet sleuth speculated that Jeffrey Epstein associate Ghislaine Maxwell (implicated in the serial abuse of dozens of women and underage girls), recently arrested after eluding capture for a year, may have been hiding out prior to her arrest with Yolanda Hadid! At the Pennsylvania farm! Gigi took to twitter to angrily refute the entire thing. Did Zayn encounter this terrible woman? We'll probably never know.
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