#unfortunately i am suffering rn lol i think it’s revenge for not going during the race
whatafirefeelslike · 8 months
ran my first half marathon today in 1:54:39, so about an 8:45 min/mile pace. I’m mostly happy that I got under 2 hours lol but I really hope that I’ll be faster at the one in April. I didn’t really get to properly warm up bc our friend met up with us beforehand, plus it was raining. the rain wasn’t so bad throughout but my feet got pretty wet and my shoes were slippery on painted pavement and leaves. I really struggled in the last couple of miles but I felt pretty good for most of it, my hamstring didn’t bother me at all! but my legs started getting Tired by the end, and my sprint for the last tenth of the race sure was something lmao. but I smiled as I crossed the line and am still very proud of myself. 13.1 is tough and today presented its obstacles for sure. plus my stomach bothered me a couple times during the race but I did Not want to use a port o potty lol
my takeaway for the next race is, longer and easier long runs—I should do more runs that are over 13 miles. And I need to do more speed work. I didn’t have a gym for a month and a half before the race which was definitely a detriment bc I like doing sprints on the treadmill. But a new & better gym is opening next week so I’ll start using that yay. I also need to work on getting the gels/fueling right too. I’m excited to have stuff to work on and I just hope it works and I can get closer to 1:45, the goal
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