#unfortunately my mom did have to take the necklace off bc it could get tangled in whatever they have her hooked up to but it's okay
furcoveredinblood · 1 year
Sorry I ain’t say something sooner but I’m praying for you and your ma, I know what it’s like to have something that scary and sudden happen to a family member. Praying that she makes a full recovery and that everyone can overcome the pain and stress of the whole situation. You are very kind and strong by my account and I truly believe your ma is as well, and y’all will come out of this stronger. Much love to you both <3
(Please forgive me, I’m feeling sappy as well.)
no worries at all, apologies for the late response!
i'm happy to say that my mother is doing great, but is still in the hospital and we don't know when she'll be back home. i will say that she got extremely lucky; the bullet managed to just miss her collarbone and major arteries in the area she was shot, meaning the damage was very minimal compared to if the bullet hit her subclavian artery or something. she is very lucky.
there was unfortunately some complications after surgery which has made recovery quite difficult for my mother, but she's been fighting through it like a warrior. my father did end up getting the bullet made into a necklace and she demanded my dad put it on for her immediately, she thinks it's the coolest thing. she has been so insanely strong throughout all of this and i can't wait for her to come home and get back to a normal life as best she can. i'm still in new york and i won't be back home until my mom is out of the hospital, so i'm not entirely sure when i'll be returning to massachusetts. but i'm making the best of it by visiting my mom when i can and praying for her every single salah. i am so so proud of her for being so strong during something so traumatic. i've passed the love and prayers from you guys to her and she appreciates it all so much <3
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