#unfortunately this snippet happens four THOUSAND years after minor arcana so i have. a lot of ground to cover OTL;;;
dreamcrow · 2 years
not using merlin's canon name
(assuming Amrŵs is who i think he is 😏)
handshake emoji indeed—though oh my god, where did you dig that name up? i can only think of one place i've used it 😂
indeed my order doesn't use the more familiar version of merlin's name, mostly because he used this boasting nickname when introducing himself. (amrŵs is my attempt at...a proto-proto-celtic version of emrys, both of which—like his other other name, ambrosius—mean "immortal.") for someone who writes so slowly i have a lot of idle daydream scenarios about the order meeting merlin, especially my little pet headcanon of skrael's grudge against him.
but, ah, for such a solidaritous (and unprompted) ask: a self-indulgent snippet! this little fragment came to me in an awful fever dream after reading the silmarillion earlier this year, so forgive the elevated diction; set right after skrael acquires said grudge, after badassedly summoning the knife bellroc made him, all without a staff :)
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[skrael voice] when you come at the king...you best not miss!!
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