#unhinged moonstone dragon aunt ⚡ ooc.
thundersworn · 2 years
NOTE: i’m moving maqyaža to my multi over at @sereniora so i can actually rp them more. <3 
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thundersworn · 2 years
hello. maq and i are gay.
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thundersworn · 2 years
i am simply thinking of they...
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thundersworn · 2 years
just a notice about my activity: my wife and i are starting IVF literally any day now, so that’s where i’ve been—scrambling to get ready. my activity will continue to be spotty, but i’m still just as excited to write with all of you. 💜
discord chatting and rps are easiest at the moment if anyone is interested!
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thundersworn · 2 years
sapphics, have you considered the following: teaching maqyaža how to be soft and gentle. showing a dragon that sometimes softness and gentleness is good and enjoyable, after a life of roughness as default. kissing and touching your dragon with so much softness that they instantly melt into a puddle of love and purrs.
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thundersworn · 2 years
would anyone be interested in a little affection in your inbox from a certain blue dragon? 😌 platonic or romantic. it’ll be a surprise.
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thundersworn · 3 years
hi, friends. i received some devastating news today, and i just need some time. distractions are appreciated and welcome, but replying may be difficult.
thank you. <3
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thundersworn · 3 years
maq has never had anyone ride on their back as a dragon, nor have they even thought of it, really. it would have to come up organically and be someone they legitimately trusted, because that’s a vulnerable place to put themself in.
that said… ladies and nonbinary folks, it is in fact gay to get a dragon ride from a hot butch. 😌
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thundersworn · 3 years
imagine maq’s surprise when they find out humans raise assumed-boys and assumed-girls differently.
“why the fuck would you do that? when baby humans are born, you look at their—
that is stupid and makes no sense. no wonder most humans are so behind. you’re looking at your young’s physical traits and then raising them based on that. idiot behavior.”
they will think about that for decades, and when they go back to their clan to swap notes: “the clothes they wear… many of them don’t let all of their kind wear certain cuts of cloth.”
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thundersworn · 3 years
my otp for maq is truly just maq x affection… from friends, from lovers, doesn’t matter. big strong dragon deserves soft touches and good hugs. ;/
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thundersworn · 3 years
all i want for my bday is more maq ships. 😌 💜💕💞💗💖
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thundersworn · 2 years
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consider: u give a blue dragon a shiny gemstone. they are immediately more amenable to you and your requests.
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thundersworn · 3 years
Send in ‘NOPE’ to my inbox, for something I don’t like to RP.
i despise writing first meetings. there may be one or two exceptions, but oh my god, i hate them so much. 😂 i would much rather to talk it out with a partner: “how do you think they met? what did they say?” than spend a whole thread just writing small talk and introductions. it physically pains me to write first meetings. i’ll do them if a partner really wants to (and i won’t complain!), but please know deep inside, i’m suffering like the dramatic bitch i am.
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thundersworn · 3 years
the first time maqyaža sees two humanoids kissing, they are so confused.
“this is romance?? what is the reason?? how is this enjoyable???”
then they kiss someone / are kissed by someone, and they’re like, “oh. noted.”
but they will never understand holding hands.
maq: if you are holding my hand, that is one less hand to fight with
their partner: we are inside our home…
maq: that is no excuse to be caught unaware!!
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thundersworn · 2 years
maq: big, tough, muscly, no-nonsense butch also maq: purrs when happy / content
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thundersworn · 3 years
maq’s interest tracker is live!
i’m linking this in my pinned, but if mutuals (at some point, if you have time!) could complete this, i would be very, very appreciative and thankful! it sort of helps me gauge interest / expectations, so we can have the most enjoyment writing together. <3 no pressure, of course! but if you find the time / inspiration to fill it out, know that i would be incredibly grateful.
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